by rhoyo
Yup ..... its the same old silent hill ....
That's good ... btw you finish the other three? What's the verdict? Any changes which shows up?
Well its not a ghost... this is a 2 headed babyface monster ... it slash you like a crow if you get near it..
A kawaii bakamono, huh? ;) You supposed to kill it or cuddle it?
He he ... Well if i got bitten by a pack of dogs then i have to start all over again.. >_<
Run Moderator Run! One dog is OK, two dogs is bad news, a Pack is a one way trip to hell. Even I'm not that crazy to take on a pack of dogs alone.
Yup.. it suppose to be that this game is the normal point where sh 2 happened ...
So how many people so far did you find? Normal ones I mean.
I think this dude is not frighten about horror games and so one... but i agree with him one thing for sure.... this game lacks PUZZLES .. the inventory sucks and the radio is gone ... urgh . ....
Lack of puzzle? That good.
No radio? better ... it just serves to annoy me last time. |
That's good ... btw you finish the other three? What's the verdict? Any changes which shows up?
As i mention before... i finished just 2 that is sh2 and sh3... :cak:
Most of the americans hate the sh3 .. but like the sh1 .. i don't know what happen to this so called americans ... i hate them... :ketuk:
A kawaii bakamono, huh? You supposed to kill it or cuddle it?
Lol ..... Seph don't get close to them.. there are so nasty .. he he he... well i suppose you kill it and do not cuddle it.. but if you want to cuddle it also can but you will ended die ..
good news... you can also "pijak" the monster to confirm whether it is dead or not...
Run Moderator Run! One dog is OK, two dogs is bad news, a Pack is a one way trip to hell. Even I'm not that crazy to take on a pack of dogs alone.
Argh .. those dogs are so hard especially the red ones... quite weird lah the dog.. it can suck blood like a vampire ....
So how many people so far did you find? Normal ones I mean.
You don't mind kan if i tell the spoilers..... oh well .. here is it.. you will meeat the janetor of the building, drug addict person , one hot female and another female , and one boy .... and i see some policeman outside the window ... if you controll Townsen. he can see the window from his room ...
Lack of puzzle? That good.
No radio? better ... it just serves to annoy me last time.
I was waiting for the puzzles ... cause i like sh puzzles quite "mencabar" than the RE puzzles ...
I miss the radio also ....  |
by rhoyo
As i mention before... i finished just 2 that is sh2 and sh3...
Most of the americans hate the sh3 .. but like the sh1 .. i don't know what happen to this so called americans ... i hate them...
Must have forgot about it.
No idea about Americans either ... they seems to hate everything that have a supernatural twist to it. :stp:
Lol ..... Seph don't get close to them.. there are so nasty .. he he he... well i suppose you kill it and do not cuddle it.. but if you want to cuddle it also can but you will ended die ..
good news... you can also "pijak" the monster to confirm whether it is dead or not...
I will remember that. Speaking of stepping on something, I believe in SH1 there were times where you can hit an enemy and then step on them to kill them off, like RE series. Same in SH also?
Argh .. those dogs are so hard especially the red ones... quite weird lah the dog.. it can suck blood like a vampire ....
Vampire mutts ... that's original. Well, fight only when they cannot touch you, like from higher position. Otherwise, run or you will be donating blood. 
You don't mind kan if i tell the spoilers..... oh well .. here is it.. you will meeat the janetor of the building, drug addict person , one hot female and another female , and one boy .... and i see some policeman outside the window ... if you controll Townsen. he can see the window from his room ...
Hmmm ... that's about half a dozen ... and you are about, what? 1/4 of the game?
I was waiting for the puzzles ... cause i like sh puzzles quite "mencabar" than the RE puzzles ...
I don't like any puzzles. I mean, you fight some tough boss and went you finally win, you go around the corner and a stupid puzzle which will take longer than most boss fights will be waiting for you. Horrible. :kant:
I miss the radio also ....
Well I don't. I cursed more because of the radio making sudden noise more than I have curse because of the monsters in SH1. I rely on my own sensors, like when I was playing RE series. |
Must have forgot about it.
No idea about Americans either ... they seems to hate everything that have a supernatural twist to it.
Yup ... i think their like RE better then SH ...
I will remember that. Speaking of stepping on something, I believe in SH1 there were times where you can hit an enemy and then step on them to kill them off, like RE series. Same in SH also?
Hmm RE series got that also kah ? ... I forgot already .... FYI i'm currently in this stage where i fight this weird monster that looks like a hypa ape + 2 headed monster in my apartment ... kinda weird lah the apartment, got all blood over the place...
Vampire mutts ... that's original. Well, fight only when they cannot touch you, like from higher position. Otherwise, run or you will be donating blood.
Those dogs makes a weird noise something like a ROAR .. you know like a tiger ....
Hmmm ... that's about half a dozen ... and you are about, what? 1/4 of the game?
Yup ... still yet to finish it ... some people finish it under 8 hours ...
I don't like any puzzles. I mean, you fight some tough boss and went you finally win, you go around the corner and a stupid puzzle which will take longer than most boss fights will be waiting for you. Horrible.
Yup.. been there done there .... though Puzzles makes your brain think ... IMO the RE puzzles was horrible ....
Well I don't. I cursed more because of the radio making sudden noise more than I have curse because of the monsters in SH1. I rely on my own sensors, like when I was playing RE series.
Oh OK ...... but still the radio keeps me alert for monsters .. especially when it is dark and foggy .... 
[ Last edited by rhoyo on 22-6-2004 at 12:37 PM ] |
by rhoyo
Yup ... i think their like RE better then SH ...
I don't blame them. A cuter girl in RE (especially Jill) and in the four SH games, you have various heroins (which in the first one you must fight).
Hmm RE series got that also kah ? ... I forgot already .... FYI i'm currently in this stage where i fight this weird monster that looks like a hypa ape + 2 headed monster in my apartment ... kinda weird lah the apartment, got all blood over the place...
Meaning to ask you ... are you using a walkthrough? You seems to be skipping through this games very fast.
Those dogs makes a weird noise something like a ROAR .. you know like a tiger ....
That's good, at least got early warning system. Not like RE where the dogs only make tick-tick sound when they walk and most of the time, you can miss it till they kiss you in the face. :kant:
Yup ... still yet to finish it ... some people finish it under 8 hours ...
What's the rush? Unless you doing this for a job and you have a Tyrant for a Boss.
Yup.. been there done there .... though Puzzles makes your brain think ... IMO the RE puzzles was horrible ....
Let's see what is the most horrible RE puzzles. The stupid V-Jolt in RE1, finding all the four plugs in RE2, and the music puzzle in RE3.
Oh OK ...... but still the radio keeps me alert for monsters .. especially when it is dark and foggy ....
Did anyone bothered to think that the noise will attract monsters to your hiding place rather than warn you? :stp: This thing is not like it is vibrating to show the enemy, it is bursting out like a war siren.
PS : I will be on leave for 3 days, from tomorrow to Friday. Just damn tired and don't feel too well. |
I don't blame them. A cuter girl in RE (especially Jill) and in the four SH games, you have various heroins (which in the first one you must fight).
Oh you like Jill eh ? .. :cak:
I think Heather is kinda dumb ...
Meaning to ask you ... are you using a walkthrough? You seems to be skipping through this games very fast.
There is not walkthrough yet for SH4 .. only tips for stuck in the situation thingy ...
That's good, at least got early warning system. Not like RE where the dogs only make tick-tick sound when they walk and most of the time, you can miss it till they kiss you in the face.
Yup i noticed that RE dogs quite quiet .... not to noisy and aggrisive ...
What's the rush? Unless you doing this for a job and you have a Tyrant for a Boss.
Not me lah ... :cak: its the dude from the Gamefaqs.com
Did anyone bothered to think that the noise will attract monsters to your hiding place rather than warn you? This thing is not like it is vibrating to show the enemy, it is bursting out like a war siren.
Well the radio suppose to be a guidance .....
PS : I will be on leave for 3 days, from tomorrow to Friday. Just damn tired and don't feel too well.
Ok.... Hope you get well soon ... :bgrin: |
by rhoyo
Oh you like Jill eh ? ..
I think Heather is kinda dumb ...
Jill has guts, something which I admire in any girls.
Maybe Heather is the dumb blondie type.
There is not walkthrough yet for SH4 .. only tips for stuck in the situation thingy ...
Like solution to puzzles and things like that? Good enough. Others could simply spoilt the fun.
Yup i noticed that RE dogs quite quiet .... not to noisy and aggrisive ...
Hmmm ... what other games has dogs in it? :hmm: Final Fantasy cannot count because the dogs are more toward waiting to charge rather than charging all the time.
Not me lah ... its the dude from the Gamefaqs.com
You competing with someone?
Well the radio suppose to be a guidance .....
That's the question? Guidance to what? Guide for you to avoid monsters or them to find you? :hmm:
Ok.... Hope you get well soon ...
I guess I got evil-eyes which was spoiling my PS consoles on me now.
Never mind, at least now, I could get some rest. Thinking of wanting to go to the Library one of this days to catch up on my reading. It has been over 7 months since I have visited a library. |
I think Heather is kinda dumb ...
Jill has guts, something which I admire in any girls.
Maybe Heather is the dumb blondie type.
What do you think about Veronica ? ..
Like solution to puzzles and things like that? Good enough. Others could simply spoilt the fun.
Well theres not much puzzles in SH4 .... less puzzles.... the only puzzles that i encounter is the Water Prison Puzzles...
Hmmm ... what other games has dogs in it? Final Fantasy cannot count because the dogs are more toward waiting to charge rather than charging all the time.
Hmm... dogs .... i think only the SH and RE got dogs ..... hmm others don't have dogs running and bite you ASAP ....
You competing with someone?
Nope ...
That's the question? Guidance to what? Guide for you to avoid monsters or them to find you?
I think it is for you to avoid monsters..... that is to keep you alert that there is monsters near by .... its kinda like a spidey sense ....
I guess I got evil-eyes which was spoiling my PS consoles on me now.
Never mind, at least now, I could get some rest. Thinking of wanting to go to the Library one of this days to catch up on my reading. It has been over 7 months since I have visited a library.
OK .. :bgrin: |
by rhoyo
What do you think about Veronica ? ..
She's average ... Jill was a better person considering that she was smarter, didn't need anyone's help (unlike RE1) and gutsy. A friend of mine stated that she is a rare game character breed, like Aya Brea in PS1 and Regina in Dino Crisis. My kind of girls. 
Well theres not much puzzles in SH4 .... less puzzles.... the only puzzles that i encounter is the Water Prison Puzzles...
Here's an idea ... Why don't you start a thread which features solution for various puzzles in the game? Make it a sticky so others could view it easily.
Hmm... dogs .... i think only the SH and RE got dogs ..... hmm others don't have dogs running and bite you ASAP ....
Dino Crisis have stupid Dinos which charge at you. :hmm:
I think it is for you to avoid monsters..... that is to keep you alert that there is monsters near by .... its kinda like a spidey sense ....
I rather like it if that thing shuts up and let me use my own sensors. It's ain't no spider sense, at least I will not scream everytime the radio burst out so suddenly. |
She's average ... Jill was a better person considering that she was smarter, didn't need anyone's help (unlike RE1) and gutsy. A friend of mine stated that she is a rare game character breed, like Aya Brea in PS1 and Regina in Dino Crisis. My kind of girls.
Oh i see... Haven't played Dino Crisis ..yet...
Here's an idea ... Why don't you start a thread which features solution for various puzzles in the game? Make it a sticky so others could view it easily.
Well i have to survey first ...
Dino Crisis have stupid Dinos which charge at you.
Oh i see...
I rather like it if that thing shuts up and let me use my own sensors. It's ain't no spider sense, at least I will not scream everytime the radio burst out so suddenly
Oh OK .... :bgrin:
Seph ... i need your opinions here... the Gaming Handheld topic .... should it be close or what ? .... :bgrin: |
by rhoyo
Oh i see... Haven't played Dino Crisis ..yet...
Dino Crisis 1 (PS1) was hard, Dino Crisis 2 is good and simple and very addictive. Unfortunately, they arrange Dino Crisis 3 was scheduled for Xbox.
Well i have to survey first ...
Yup, right it.
Seph ... i need your opinions here... the Gaming Handheld topic .... should it be close or what ? ....
Handheld game consoles? Like PSP?
I was watching X-Play yesterday and they featured E3 2004. They show me for the first time what PSP supposed look like.
My opinion ... while PSP will be good runner for MP3 and music viewing and listening device, like a next generation MP3 players, I doubt they do much for games. I mean, how many people want to play a game on the street with a small TV while they could do that in their homes? :hmm: |
Handheld game consoles? Like PSP?
I was watching X-Play yesterday and they featured E3 2004. They show me for the first time what PSP supposed look like.
My opinion ... while PSP will be good runner for MP3 and music viewing and listening device, like a next generation MP3 players, I doubt they do much for games. I mean, how many people want to play a game on the street with a small TV while they could do that in their homes?
well i was refering at the Cari Sub board for the gaming handheld ... it seems to be less visted by the gamers here... what do you think about this sub board ? ..... :bgrin:
Anyway .... i'm reaching in the final stages of the game of silent hill 4 ..... and to be honest this game lacks the "ummph" ... all the truth about walter sullivan are reveal in this game...
can't wait for spiderman 2 next week .... :pmuka: |
by rhoyo
well i was refering at the Cari Sub board for the gaming handheld ... it seems to be less visted by the gamers here... what do you think about this sub board ? .....
Maybe there's not many people who are using handheld gaming devices. Last time I use to see a few people playing those small Nintendo-like game console with games like donkey kong etc in the bus stops. Now I see most of this kids in Cyber Cafes.
Maybe you should add Handphone games as handheld devices as well. There are a growing number of companies producing games for Nokia and other handphones. :hmm:
Anyway .... i'm reaching in the final stages of the game of silent hill 4 ..... and to be honest this game lacks the "ummph" ... all the truth about walter sullivan are reveal in this game...
So what do you think? Which is the better? SH1? SH2? SH3 or this latest one?
can't wait for spiderman 2 next week ....
Dislike anything that has no concept of up and downs. Maybe this is why I don't like those Ace combat type of games also. :kant: |
Maybe there's not many people who are using handheld gaming devices. Last time I use to see a few people playing those small Nintendo-like game console with games like donkey kong etc in the bus stops. Now I see most of this kids in Cyber Cafes.
Maybe you should add Handphone games as handheld devices as well. There are a growing number of companies producing games for Nokia and other handphones.
Oh i see... :bgrin:
So what do you think? Which is the better? SH1? SH2? SH3 or this latest one?
For me.... it will be Silent Hill 2 ..... :pmuka:
Quite dissapointing lah the SH4 .. :cry:
I was hoping that this game will be the GAMe ... but it turns out to be a flop ...
Fatal Frame 2 still the best horror games for the PS2 ... :clap:
Dislike anything that has no concept of up and downs. Maybe this is why I don't like those Ace combat type of games also.
the movie not the game ... i'm kinda can't wait for spiderman 2 the movie ... have u seen the first spiderman 1 movie .... :cak:
p.s: hows Front Mission 4 ? good or sucks ... |
by rhoyo
For me.... it will be Silent Hill 2 .....
Quite dissapointing lah the SH4 ..
Hehehehe ... maybe you were expecting too many improvements.
What's the main difference or problems with SH4? :hmm:
I was hoping that this game will be the GAMe ... but it turns out to be a flop ...
Fatal Frame 2 still the best horror games for the PS2 ...
Yup ... Fatal Frame still the best because they don't expect players to believe in anything and simply put it according to the way they see it.
In most games, especially those designed for Western viewers, game developers attend to try and explain too many things, which is the cause of some problem as well.
the movie not the game ... i'm kinda can't wait for spiderman 2 the movie ... have u seen the first spiderman 1 movie ....
Oh ... yeah, seen it. Can't say it's a big deal. Maybe I'm the type who doesn't bother about details when comes to movies. 
p.s: hows Front Mission 4 ? good or sucks ...
Depends on your own views actually. Front Mission 4 usually set in town areas with buildings as your cover. You play as the pilot of large mechas and while you do not fight directly, you will fight with robots.
You need to buy upgrades and better weapons for your mecha (same as you will buy them for any other RPG characters) and you will fight in a turn-based way, just like in Final Fantasy Tactics, Saiyuki or Disgaea.
So far, that's all I know about the game till I actually sat down and play it and with current problem with PS2, I don't think I will be doing that in a short time. |
Hehehehe ... maybe you were expecting too many improvements.
What's the main difference or problems with SH4?
Ok here is it:
The problems ..
Inventory sucks, game saving sucks, lack pistol weapon thingy, and i hate that ghost flying thingy plus the rip off juon ghost in this Silent Hill 4 ...
FYI ... I've finished the game saturday ....
Fatal Frame 2 still the best horror games for the PS2 ...
Yup ... Fatal Frame still the best because they don't expect players to believe in anything and simply put it according to the way they see it.
In most games, especially those designed for Western viewers, game developers attend to try and explain too many things, which is the cause of some problem as well.
Maybe ....
I see that The developers especially Team Ninja(TECMO) are dedicated for their games... So big thumbs up for them ....
Depends on your own views actually. Front Mission 4 usually set in town areas with buildings as your cover. You play as the pilot of large mechas and while you do not fight directly, you will fight with robots.
You need to buy upgrades and better weapons for your mecha (same as you will buy them for any other RPG characters) and you will fight in a turn-based way, just like in Final Fantasy Tactics, Saiyuki or Disgaea.
So far, that's all I know about the game till I actually sat down and play it and with current problem with PS2, I don't think I will be doing that in a short time.
Oh Oh ... maybe i Skip ..... he he he :clap:
Anyway.... heres an update ....
---->Future XBOX 2 will have 64 MB Memory Cards 
----->Metal Gear Solid 3 will be released on November 2004
------> Gran turrismo 4 also on November 2004 ..... |
by rhoyo
The problems ..
Inventory sucks, game saving sucks, lack pistol weapon thingy, and i hate that ghost flying thingy plus the rip off juon ghost in this Silent Hill 4 ...
FYI ... I've finished the game saturday ....
:lol And here I thought you liked the game.
Well ... don't expect everything to your likings. This is Earth, not Heaven. Not everything is designed to a person's likings. :lol
And, congrulation upon finishing the game. What's next on your target list?
Maybe ....
I see that The developers especially Team Ninja(TECMO) are dedicated for their games... So big thumbs up for them ....
Tecmo came out of a few good games in the past - D can be said one of the best horror game they ever came out, something like a Fatal Frame for PS1 type of game. Truly beautiful game.
Can't remember many games from them on PS2 though, other than Soul Blade type of games.
Oh Oh ... maybe i Skip ..... he he he
Why? You don't like tactical games?
Pity if you don't. Tactical games shows you your inner self ... whether you are patient person, strategical-thinker, ruthless etc. |
And here I thought you liked the game.
Well ... don't expect everything to your likings. This is Earth, not Heaven. Not everything is designed to a person's likings.
And, congrulation upon finishing the game. What's next on your target list?
Gracias amigos... :bgrin:
Well i was thinking about getting the "Mother Ending" but it kinda hard cause Eileen moves very quick .... you will understand this if you finished the game ....
Maybe i will go out and search for a new game at the town ...
I'm thinking of buying Xenosaga 2 ... What do you think ? .. good kah this game ? ... :hmm:
I see that The developers especially Team Ninja(TECMO) are dedicated for their games... So big thumbs up for them ....
Tecmo came out of a few good games in the past - D can be said one of the best horror game they ever came out, something like a Fatal Frame for PS1 type of game. Truly beautiful game.
Yup the Fatal Frame game especially Fatal Frame 2 is the best ... cool graphic and so on ....
and also not to forget Dead or ALive game... The girl bounce and it so cool ... :pmuka:
Why? You don't like tactical games?
Pity if you don't. Tactical games shows you your inner self ... whether you are patient person, strategical-thinker, ruthless etc.
Well i like tactical games but this one i skip because the robots not so so .. maybe less interested ..
i like the not so heavy thingy ...
Have u seen the Metal Gear Solid 3 new pictures ? ...
Wah november is the heaviest month for games.... banyak betul game bagus... :pmuka::ketuk::bgrin: |
by rhoyo
Gracias amigos...
Well i was thinking about getting the "Mother Ending" but it kinda hard cause Eileen moves very quick .... you will understand this if you finished the game ....
I guess I will ... but I have too many games I have not finished yet. FFX-2 is one of them. I'm in Chapter 4 now and the story starting to becoming interesting at last.
Maybe i will go out and search for a new game at the town ...
I'm thinking of buying Xenosaga 2 ... What do you think ? .. good kah this game ? ...
Xenosaga 2? Still Japanese I believe. I'm waiting for English version.
Frankly speaking, I liked Xenogear better, but I can say Xenosaga is a OK game, not too complext and not too easy.
Yup the Fatal Frame game especially Fatal Frame 2 is the best ... cool graphic and so on ....
and also not to forget Dead or ALive game... The girl bounce and it so cool ...
Dead or Alive ... that game which is based on fighting your opponet in a 3rd person environment, right? :hmm: I don't think I play that one.
Well i like tactical games but this one i skip because the robots not so so .. maybe less interested ..
i like the not so heavy thingy ...
Hehehehe ... OK. You should try it once ... It kind of interesting.
Have u seen the Metal Gear Solid 3 new pictures ? ...
Nope, I rarely keep my hopes up. That's way, you will face any dissappointments with a smile. And frankly speaking, the dissappointment I had with MGS2 is still fresh.
Wah november is the heaviest month for games.... banyak betul game bagus...
They following the seasons in the West. November is Winter time, and X-Mas time where the shopping should be at the peak. |
I guess I will ... but I have too many games I have not finished yet. FFX-2 is one of them. I'm in Chapter 4 now and the story starting to becoming interesting at last.
Oh you got sh4 ...
Chapter 4 ? ... At the Hospital ? ...
Xenosaga 2? Still Japanese I believe. I'm waiting for English version.
Frankly speaking, I liked Xenogear better, but I can say Xenosaga is a OK game, not too complext and not too easy.
I haven't got any of Xenosaga games before... can you please tell me what is Xenogear all about ? ... :bgrin: .....
Dead or Alive ... that game which is based on fighting your opponet in a 3rd person environment, right? I don't think I play that one.
DOA is a famous game in XBOX rite now... you should check it out. Kasumi is one hot babe and she always get nude in Incubator....
Nope, I rarely keep my hopes up. That's way, you will face any dissappointments with a smile. And frankly speaking, the dissappointment I had with MGS2 is still fresh.
They following the seasons in the West. November is Winter time, and X-Mas time where the shopping should be at the peak.
Oh still dissapointed at MGS 2 erh ? ..
i think MGs3 won't dissapoint you ... i hope so .....
Well Kingdom hearts 2 will be on September 2005 ....
So i think november .. i will buy.. MGS3, DMC3, VJ2 and 1, FMA 2 ... and a lot of cool games..... |
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