Ibu balik kampung: Kanak kanak berusia 3 tahun di tinggalkan keseorangan.
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Edited by manjalara_01 at 12-1-2017 12:42 PM
i pun xleh nak recall sbb dh lame x tgk movie ni
tp yg i masih ingat bile mom die mati she allz baring atas kubur die kot...sedih..sayu..
that's why die pun sbg anak tetap sayang parents die..walaupun dineglect cause of drug abuse and alcohol
but that is still consider as a type of abuse...pd anak..
lame dh x tgk criminal minds. ape citer? ehehhe..
anak2 yg kena abuse or dgn cara neglect ni, kesannye sampai anak tu jadi dewasa..
i ade bc kisah sorg perempuan ni in her 20s, independent and baru2 ni dpt promoted to a bigger position
tp yg pelik tu, tiber2 die rasa seolah2 die x deserve it, rs hilang confidence and rasa mcm she is not worth it, insecure
die pun heran kenapa somebody like her bleh rasa mcm tu, cause she worked so hard for it. then bile gi jumpe pakar pscyho
all the insecurities yg die rasa tu was because masa die kecik dulu hari2 tgk mak & bapak die gaduh...
so as a child die pendam sorg2..was neglected takut, xde tempat nak ngadu...sedih..rasa bertanggungjawab
manjalara_01 replied at 12-1-2017 12:36 PM
i pun xleh nak recall sbb dh lame x tgk movie ni
tp yg i masih ingat bile mom die mati she all ...
I watch homeless to harvard to a few times kowt...criminal minds i dak tgk dah...n citer2 sebangsa dgnnya mcm suv...terbw ke mimpi2 gitu sbb tu stop..
padan muka, kena 10k..
mcm2 boleh buat dgn 10k |
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