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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:05 AM | Show all posts
si sugar ni tegar yaa.dahla main copy paste je kat sini..sejenis perangai meret mereng hhahahha

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Sr dari istana 1 lg tp baru skrg terasa nak muncul.

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:35 AM | Show all posts
yg pasti lagi ramai berkorban demi takhta dan harta dari cinta untuk manusia.. hihihihi.. dah byk dah pun contoh contoh dikeliling kita..

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Post time 28-1-2020 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fizamn replied at 28-1-2020 10:35 AM
yg pasti lagi ramai berkorban demi takhta dan harta dari cinta untuk manusia.. hihihihi.. dah byk da ...

Yang ni worth it.
Hahahah.. macam pernah dengar cerita ni.
Kalau first in line sanggup lepaskan takhta demi cinta memang hebat betul lah. Setakat harry yg no.6 tak heran pun.

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Post time 28-1-2020 12:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jauh sangat Diana dan Megan tu. Diana memang ada jadi mangsa keadaan sebab suami ada perempuan lain. Diana kawin pun umur muda, at least Diana cuba juga adapt to BRF life at the beginning. Dia innocent sebelum kahwin, mungkin susah control emosi.
Si Meg ni kahwin dah tua, dah ada pengalaman kawin and dumped the husband. Hidup pun social and wild,  bertukar partner. One more thing, sanggup buang family sendiri.
Nampak Meg ni very manipulative person, she manipulated Harry sebab Harry memang kurang stable emosi.
What Meg wants, she gets .
Bila tak dpt apa yg dia nak from BRF...plays the victim card

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Post time 28-1-2020 12:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meg is indeed an actress, even in real life

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Post time 28-1-2020 12:45 PM | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 24-1-2020 09:34 PM
I dont understand the hate toward thomas markle.

I wouldn't say hate, maybe dislike...

ramai yg boleh emphatize dgn uncle Thomas ni including myself, mmg boleh nampak he's hurting... but utk mereka yg celik hati dgn perangai2 Smeg, mmg boleh nampak clearly yg she is her father's daughter esp. perangai suka play-victim tu... lagi satu, it's appalling yg uncle TM dok kata she owes me, she owes me... you raised her sebab itu tanggungjawab you as her father, not becoz you doing her a favor etc... ramai je yg blame uncle TM for giving Smeg her huge (OTT) sense of entitlement...

Based on interviews wt uncle TM, Sam & Thomas Jr, ada yg anggap the Markles ni punyai trailer-park mentality/ attitude, I have no comment on this..

Uncle TM mengaku dlm his documentary yg dia bohong kat Piers Morgan before, he could be lying now as well, kan...

Lagi satu, hidup dia mcm shady, kenapa tinggal nun di Mexico sorang2 pulak tu, lari drpd law enforcement ke? Baca hints kat tweets DD ni..

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Post time 28-1-2020 12:56 PM | Show all posts
shaxa replied at 25-1-2020 08:23 AM
I notice that rambut mekgan dari dulu memang huru hara LOL. Despite all the money in the world, te ...

I rasa dia mmg nakkan the long, messy, out-of-bed hair tu jadi her signature style, maybe tu boleh buatkan dia rasa sexier kot...
for her super curly, super frizzy hair, I rasa her hairstylist did quite a decent job to tame her OG hair...
maybe now her scalp dah tak boleh terima on-going keratin treatments, tu psl now dia byk pakai extension...

Smeg tahu without that messy hairstyles, dia akan nampak unhinged cenggini, tu pasal dia maintain similar styles for decades

This is how you royally do & rock a messy bun...

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Special message utk sugars...


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Post time 28-1-2020 01:02 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 12:45 PM
I wouldn't say hate, maybe dislike...

ramai yg boleh emphatize dgn uncle Thomas ni including m ...

Part mana yang dia tipu tu eh?


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Post time 28-1-2020 01:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
vokay replied at 28-1-2020 12:39 PM
Jauh sangat Diana dan Megan tu. Diana memang ada jadi mangsa keadaan sebab suami ada perempuan lain. ...

Itu yg pemuja dia tak nampak. Org yg nampak meret ni sebaliknye dpd apa yg diorang percaya pulak dituduh jeles dan rayyycist

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:09 PM | Show all posts
DM ni hinting something ke or pure BS?

Link 1:  Meghan Markle started making secret plans for a US foundation eight days after announcing she was pregnant

Is DM indirectly saying yg Archie ni an IVF baby?
The inspiration for the word 'arche' is unclear.

The couple's son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, was born on May 6, 2019, so it is unlikely that Harry and Meghan would have known the sex of their unborn child in late October 2018.

Parents are usually only able to find out the gender of their baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Link 2:  Meghan Markle ‘really regretted giving up’ her professional career for a royal family role which ‘didn’t compare' to her life as a TV star, claims Queen's biographer

Just a typo ataupun 'lil Archie ni mmg dah 1 year old..
They are currently staying in a Vancouver Island bolthole with their one-year-old son Archie as they continue to pursue their charity projects.   
Apa2 pun, Happy Birthday Archie boo!

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:25 PM | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 28-1-2020 01:02 PM
Part mana yang dia tipu tu eh?

Dia mengaku dia bohong masa GMB interview in June 2018...

Link:  Thomas Markle Admits to Lying in Interview With Piers Morgan About Duchess Meghan
Thomas says he lied during his June 2018 Good Morning Britain interview with Piers Morgan, which went down after the royal wedding. “Actually, on the Piers show, I lied,” he explained, saying that Meghan and Harry never called him like he claimed. “I made their image appear better.”


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Post time 28-1-2020 01:34 PM | Show all posts
BRF pun dysfunctional... a good read!

Link:  An Open Letter to Harry and Meghan

Very seldom do members of the royal family heed the counsel of outsiders, unless it coincides with their own instincts.
It is hard to overstate the difficulties the Family experience in communicating with each other in good times, never mind bad.
The royal family does not receive sufficient income to keep its humbler members in the style to which, quite wrongly, they think themselves entitled.

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Huishhh.. Check-in.. Lambat sikit, mintak ampun hehe

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:41 PM | Show all posts
si ayah yg terlalu memanjakan, terlalu memuja & memilih kasih... dan sekrg dibiarkan berseorangan!
adakah uncle TM ni sedar sekrg yg anak kesayangan dia ni not a star at all, hanya a pay-for-play doll...

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:47 PM | Show all posts
adakah si butler? the pool boy? the chef? the manny? ataupun the nanny?

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:49 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 01:25 PM
Dia mengaku dia bohong masa GMB interview in June 2018...

Link:  Thomas Markle Admits to Lying  ...

Owh okay. Well, if we were to believe him, rasanya dia tipu demi nak jaga nama baik Meghan dan Harry.So kira macam niat dia untuk Meghan? Obviously derang tak pandang pun.

Bagi aku, apsal Meghan (dan Harry) buang terus Pak Markle ni? I mean, katakanlah Pak Markle ni trailer-parkish, there's better way to handle him kan. Daripada kau memang nampak sangat buang dia sedangkan dialah yang membesarkan kau dulu. I dont knowlah maybe orang Barat sesenang itu buang parent dan boleh bagi seribu satu alasan untuk biadap dan justify perbuatan macam tuh terhadap parent. Tapi bagi aku orang Timur, aku rasa sangat put off dengan benda-benda macam ni. Lainlah pak kau penjenayah/or just abusive yang bakal membahayakan atau invoke trauma dalam diri kau. Aku boleh paham. Tapi Pak Markle ni buat apa jah pun?

Yang twitter katak tu bagi aku dengar boleh, percaya susah. Sebab apsal susah sangat nak paint a bad picture terhadap T Markle ni kalau ada faktanya? Takdak sapa dulik pun dia ni. Belah Meg tak kesah, belah anti-Meg pun tak kisah. So bagi aku si katak ni kalau nak londehkan sangat kisah hitam Pak Markle boleh sesangat. So aku tunggu jelah pendedahan tentang Pak Markle ni. Apapun, si Meg ni memang ada rekod ghosting and turning her back on people kan. Not just Pak Markle.

Lagi satu, documentary tuh belum keluar aku belum mampu nak judge based simply on the snippets. Tapi Pak Markle ni kalau  dalam socmed pun asyik kena kutuk, lagi-lagi oleh brown people. Sedap depa made a mockery of his whiteness. Yelah tapi dalam zaman "woke" ni brown people sentiasa ada lesen untuk kutuk bangsa orang putih.

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Post time 28-1-2020 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Yayyyyyyy, Harry dah dapat keje!


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Post time 28-1-2020 01:59 PM | Show all posts
errrrr, pic ni creepy lah, sekali imbas, nampak mcm elongated skull

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