[tvN] Emergency Man and Woman ~ Song Ji Hyo, Choi Jin Hyuk
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YoonArang posted on 30-12-2013 02:25 PM 
suka poster ni
yupp...suka tengok oppa gituu..
semboiii |
cantleyi posted on 30-12-2013 02:21 PM
so bila akan ditayangkan cite nii?nak menggantikan the heirs kat asteruks 1hd kew?
Cite dekat korea under channel tvN so takde tayang dekat astro. |
YoonArang posted on 30-12-2013 02:25 PM 
suka poster ni
jeles @makdik2301 tgk ni
cantleyi posted on 30-12-2013 02:19 PM 
melanggar tu kurang dapat dipastikan
sebab peraturan pun asik selalu lupa...
ahaks...mmg sure kita tk sedarkan..
tp selagi kita tk dpt warning tu...maknanya..okay le kan..
tp kan...klu terlalu kerap nk tepek pic...sampai 1 page..tanpa ada apa2 komen..
rasanya stress gak....
inaniloquent posted on 30-12-2013 02:52 PM 
jeles @makdik2301 tgk ni
kekekeke.. jgn nangis makdik...  |

(Choi Jin hyuk Interview for #ErManAndWoman “This time I will be crushed a lot. I’m going to let
go of myself for a new act which a lot of people
would be surprised by. Starting from the first
episode, there will be many fun scenes and show
the unexpected side of my new image.
‘ERMW’ is the rom-com romance. The drama is
about couple who divorced 6 yrs ago and met again
as interns in the ER unit to start a relationship.
CJH said “As I was thinking about doing something
brighter for the next project, ‘ERMW’ caught my
attention among projects given to me. This drama
is the follow-up of the popular ‘Reply1994’ and
making of two successive homeruns could be a
burden but I feel good with this drama. Five
actors gathered to make a teaser. It seems we
are well casted and I like the script too.”
He talked about Oh Chang Min character of which,
“He is much more a normal person than Kim Won.”
“A bit looser, behaving somewhat frivolously (or
lightheartedly ) and superficially, with a short
temper. He is smart but has a not-likable (or
flaky) appearance about him. He is 180 degrees
different character from the ones I have been
played before. I feel there is a lot to show.” He
revealed his expectations about the drama. - cre booha |
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-12-2013 03:02 PM 
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww....sexy dan ganas ler...............
hehe.. kan.. tgk poste ni lagi excited nunggu cite ni...  |
YoonArang posted on 30-12-2013 03:12 PM 
hehe.. kan.. tgk poste ni lagi excited nunggu cite ni...
tu ler..mmg tk sabar nk tggu...
24 january katanya start.....
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-12-2013 03:11 PM 
(Choi Jin hyuk Interview for #ErManAndWoman “This time I will be crushed a lot. I’m going to l ...
couple cerai blk mcm paradise ranch.. jmpe blk.. hehe.. tp cite tu kite tgk awal2 ep je sbb x ckp feel cite tu..
mcm cite cant lose pon ade gak cite ni.. |
YoonArang posted on 30-12-2013 03:17 PM 
couple cerai blk mcm paradise ranch.. jmpe blk.. hehe.. tp cite tu kite tgk awal2 ep je sbb x ckp ...
ohh yoon tgk ek paradise ranch tu....
ermm....mungkin juga ada persamaan....bercerai pas tu jumpa balik..
sure nti ada scene yg buatkan memasing jeles.....
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-12-2013 03:22 PM 
ohh yoon tgk ek paradise ranch tu....
ermm....mungkin juga ada persamaan....bercerai pas tu jumpa ...
tu la mesti lawak2 je dorg nnti.. hehe |
inaniloquent posted on 30-12-2013 03:24 PM 
mau xmeraung kalo tgk pic tu
ahaha.. ni mana makdik ni.. tgh meraung lam slimut ke?
ramai org seru dia x wujud2 pon.. hehehe |
inaniloquent posted on 30-12-2013 03:28 PM 
asyik gambo madik je,,,,mane gambo song ji hyo
ermm..memasing dh jatuh cinta dan angau dgn jin hyuk jer..
jihyo mcm dh dilupakan...
YoonArang posted on 30-12-2013 03:33 PM 
tu la mesti lawak2 je dorg nnti.. hehe
klu ada scene2 begitu...mmg lawak ler yer...

ayushuhada04 posted on 30-12-2013 03:37 PM 
klu ada scene2 begitu...mmg lawak ler yer...
tgk poster pon da rasa mcm beshhh aje... |
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