[NEWS/Spoiler 140402] "Secret Love Affair" Kim Hee-ae is into Yoo Ah-in.
Kim Hee-ae's love for Yoo Ah-in has gotten deeper.
The sixth episode of the JTBC drama "Secret Love Affair" showed Oh Hye-won (Kim Hee-ae) strongly in love with Lee Seon-jae (Yoo Ah-in).
She tried to push him away but was jealous of his girlfriend Park Da-mi (Kyeong Soo-jin). She went to the salon to do her hair to make herself look younger but despaired at the years that have gone by.
Oh Hye-won called Lee Seon-jae late one night and asked if he could drive. He said he did.
She called him out saying she needed a driver.
They got into the car together and she told him to drive around for two hours without talking to her.
azie.dz posted on 3-4-2014 09:12 AM
nangis okeh tgk ep 6...sudahnya masuk part 3 saya terpejam...nanti2 la sambung
adess...kak ayu tgk td kat ofis...ermm..mmg tersengguk2 juga ler
nk tggu habis...then ingatkan part 4 tu..bila masuk keta ada le scene yg panas.
tp tkder juga...nampaknya next week kot..
limau posted on 3-4-2014 09:37 AM
tu aaa...laki dia cool ja...
limau pon nk tahu apa jadik ngan diorg pas jumpa tuu cehhh se ...
mmg pelik kan..nape dia leh cool..sbb klu tgk karektor laki dia..garang jer..
nak marah je klu cakap dgn wife....tp ni lain lak...
kita sama le limau..kak mmg ternanti2 kot ada scene best dlm keta..
ermm....sampai habis hampeh......last2 preview pun tkder..
ke nk bagi kita suspen lak yer..
ah in nya pasal aku hadap okehh...siap cpt kan bab main piano sesama
Sama r aku byk gak skip...bosan wehhh...
Nak2 part cakap ntah apa2 tu..
Aku tgok ada part ah in jer...
Harap pasni xde la bosan lagi wehhh..
Kata cite skandal...nak tgok skandal r..bukan ckp2 sambil main mahjung...