salam uols.... nak tanya... sy ada nintendo ds lite ... kalau kita nak reformat dia berapa eh standard price.. and screen yg atas pun dah flicker... agak2 boleh repair tak.... |
sphinx posted on 17-10-2013 07:31 AM
salam uols.... nak tanya... sy ada nintendo ds lite ... kalau kita nak reformat dia berapa eh standa ...
reformat 3ds lite? eh seriously? 1st time dengar ni - pasal reformat
screen atas tu sepatutnya boleh repair .. tapi tak tau aa ada kedai nak/boleh buat lagi ke tidak .. harga tu tak tau aa .. maybe dalam 100++ (refurbish [tukar casing body] je pun dah 80 kan? so agak2 aa jugak budget tu)
dJaRuLeZ posted on 14-10-2013 12:50 AM
bukan sumer game erp bleh guna cpadpro tuh?
pokemon bleh tk?
bukan semua game boleh guna cpadpro tu
yg aku tau - monster hunter 3 ultimate boleh
kalau nak tau game tu support ke tidak cpadpro tu - biasanya boleh check kat setting - akan ada option untuk cpadpro
game yg support circle pad pro :
cult county
samurai warriors : chronicles
kingdom hearts 3d : dream drop distance
dynasty warriors vs
kid icarus : uprising
metal gear solid : snake eater 3d
resident evil : revelations
monster hunter 3 ultimate
nano assault
ace combat : assault horizon legacy
picross e
naen posted on 18-10-2013 09:02 PM
reformat 3ds lite? eh seriously? 1st time dengar ni - pasal reformat
screen atas tu se ...
iols pun x tau nak guna term apa...hehe.. dah hantar kedai td.. and rupanya R4 yg problem...kena tukar yg tue je... and top screen tu kena rm150...top screen tue bkn setakat flicker je dah mmg blank terus...putih jek... iols takde lak gi round2 survey harga...cam malas lak... NDSL nie beli dah lama... since 2009 lagi... tp mmg jarang sangat main...last 2 years pun boleh kira berapa kali jek... tahun ni pun baru start nak main balik.... game apa eh yg sesuai utk beginner... mcm Harvest Moon tu iols pernah main dlm ps2... feel dia sama x kalau main dgn NDSL........... eh,lupa lak nak tanya... NDSL bleh join topik tak dgn 3DS nie
sphinx posted on 19-10-2013 07:44 PM
iols pun x tau nak guna term apa...hehe.. dah hantar kedai td.. and rupanya R4 yg problem...kena ...
ekceli ada thread khas untuk NDS/NDSL/NDSi kat page belakang2 board .. dah lama dah tak aktif, tapi takpe aa .. kot aa boleh racun awak join geng 3ds lak meh aa join 3ds - sbb kat 3ds pun boleh main game/catridge ds yg lama tu (juz takleh main R4 je aa lagi - sedih)
RM150 untuk screen kira ok aa tu .. so bila siap nds tu? harap boleh siap soon+join borak2 kat sini gak
awak suka game yg macamana? simulation? rpg? adventure? fps? racing? kalau game racing atau fps atau bola tu memang tak direkemen utk main kat ds sbb graphic memang hancur, control memang out .. tapi simulation agak ok .. +a few rpg+adventure .. nanti kabo aa game apa yg awak suka, boleh aa kami2 rekeman
harvest moon ok .. kalau nak harvest moon yg classic sikit boleh cari "harvest moon ds cute" - yg ni harvest moon versi character kita perempuan, boleh tukar2 kaler baju+rumah .. graphic+control memang macam classic harvest moon .. kalau yg lepas tu agak baru/lain sikit aa .. contoh macam "harvest moon sunshine island" - graphic out, control out .. yg latest (release 2011 kot? ke 2012) was "harvest moon tales of two towns" .. yg ni ok .. boleh pilih nak character male or female, pastu boleh pilih nak duduk town yg tumpukan pada poultry (ternak natey) yg berkonsepkan eropah, ataupun pilih nak duduk town yg tumpukan pada crop (berkebun) yg berkonsepkan eastern (chinese/japanese) .. good game actually - awak akan suka aa kot .. graphic ok, control pun okay
kalau minat harvest moon, tapi ada "twist" sikit - checkout "rune factory" series .. sama macam konsep harvest moon, tapi boleh lawan2 monster jugak .. so a bit macam simulation+rpg aa .. nice game .. rune factory 3 best .. yg paling baru rune factory 4 cuma keluar kat 3ds sahaja
ekceli macam dah takde kot game baru yg keluar kat ds? ntah ye ..
tapi kalau ada terfikir nak beli 3ds - memang recommended .. banyak game best .. graphic pun better than ds
sphinx posted on 20-10-2013 07:10 PM
mmg dah terberkenan dekat 3DS tue agak2 bleh trade in dak...hehe.. screen lagi besar kan ...
rasanya dah tak laku kot kalau nak trade in DS generation kat kedai .. dapat aa kot rm10-rm20 gitu
3DS sama size macam DS .. yg besar tu 3DS XL .. yg tu yg besar - jangan tersilap lak eh
harga .. disebabkan game pokemon baru keluar, so banyak kedai amek kesempatan naikkan harga .. 3DS sekarang ni cecah rm600 .. 3ds xl cecah rm800 .. awak girl ke boy? kalau boy - better amek yg XL .. sbb kalau main 3DS biasa tu (sama macam DS dulu2) - macam agak terkepit2 sikit aa kan? yg xL berat sikit aa .. tapi agak puas hati aa dapat tengok screen besar .. lebih selesa nak pegang ekceli - cuma berat sikit
3DS/3DSXL belum boleh main game rom lagi macam DS (guna R4) .. ekceli boleh - kalau awak tak update system .. tapi untuk gunakan nintendo eshop, memang kena update system .. +ada jugak apps yg memerlukan update system macam mii plaza, swapnote, eshop tu .. aaaaaa .. so kalau awak sanggup "berkorban" tak gunakan mii plaza/swapnote/eshop/etc tu - boleh aa gunakan R4 .. tapi rugi aa .. sbb eshop best jugak .. selain boleh beli game, boleh jugak download demo, tengok upcoming game .. +boleh beli game2 classic zaman nes/sega/gameboy/gameboycolor dulu
saya ada game harvest moon tu .. +saya jenis yg cepat bosan jugak buat benda yg sama berulang2 kali .. so untuk jenis yg cepat bosan - harvest moon memang tak berapa nak digalakkan aa .. good game - really .. cuma tak kena dgn jiwa saya
kalau adventure - saya cadangkan game "monster hunter 3 ultimate" .. cuba utube eh! game bunuh2 monster - upgrade equipment (armor/weapon), amek quest untuk bunuh/capture monster .. memang best! search aa eh!
kalau awak minat TBS (turn based strategy) ataupun juz strategy game pun banyak jugak kot? macam fire emblem tu .. ramai yg minat jugak ..
tu antara "big game" untuk tahun ni aa .. monster hunter 3 ultimate, fire emblem, shin megami tensei, pokemon xy, animal crossing, etc .. +a few mario/luigi series (dream team/luigi mansion) .. next year pulak ada banyak jugak "big game" nak keluar
Last edited by naen on 20-10-2013 07:26 PM
Notice about service for Nintendo 3DS software Swapnote
Thank you for your support.
Nintendo has learned that some consumers, including minors, have been exchanging their friend codes on Internet bulletin boards and then using Swapnote (known as Nintendo Letter Box in other regions) to exchange offensive material. Nintendo has been investigating ways of preventing this and determined it is best to stop the SpotPass feature of Swapnote because it allows direct exchange of photos and was actively misused.
Nintendo always wants to provide a positive experience for all consumers and limit the risk of any inappropriate activity or misuse of a service. We feel it is important on this occasion to take this action.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience to the many consumers who have been using this service responsibly; however this decision was made considering the point that many minors also use this feature of Swapnote. Thank you for your understanding.
Nintendo will continue to work to ensure more consumers are aware of our Parental Control features, which allow parents to manage their children’s experience on our systems.
Service stop date: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013, 7 p.m. PT
Service being stopped: Nintendo 3DS software Swapnote – Sending and receiving notes using SpotPass
Affected regions: All regions where the service was offered
Special Notes services are also stopped
dJaRuLeZ posted on 31-10-2013 12:06 AM
bnyak game yg dah drop rege kt eshop.
skrang tngah promosi halloween katanyer. : ...
ko shopping game apa dja? share aa nanti sini+review sekali
aku rasa nk beli la Nintendo 3DS, ni skang baper reger...aku nk main Legend of Zelda |
LordMuramasa posted on 19-11-2013 11:12 AM
aku rasa nk beli la Nintendo 3DS, ni skang baper reger...aku nk main Legend of Zelda
kalau waktu biasa (bukan cuti sekolah & takde "big game" keluar) - rege 3ds biasa dalam 500-600 .. rege 3ds xL dalam 650-750 (yg merah/biru) ..
rasanya sekarang ni maybe harga tgh tinggi lagi - sbb game pokemon baru release bulan lepas kan .. +zelda pun release .. +faktor cuti sekolah .. 3ds xL leh cecah 800-850 kot .. banyak kedai yg amek kesempatan
bulan 10 ritu camtu aa regenya .. 800-850 .. sekarang ni tak sure aa berapa .. dah lama tak gi kedai game
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