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Author: mogey

[Dunia] Abg tiri Kim Jong Un Supreme Leader mati dibunuh di KLIA

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:38 PM | Show all posts
kaki_palsu replied at 16-2-2017 03:23 AM
da mcm drama korea plak..

entah-entah memang si adik tiri ni yg suruh bunuh. takut abg dia ambik  ...

lagi setahun dua keluarlah cerita korea tentang ni..
South Korean yang produce..

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:41 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 17-2-2017 11:57 AM
nope ...tetapla tak sama.cuba ko tgk  definition antara step(tiri) ngan half siblings...tak sama.. ...

dalam bahasa melayu hanya ada konsep adik beradik tiri atau kandung jah, tiada konsep half brother bagai.dalam bahasa melayu as long as tak se ibu dan sebapa semua masuk dalam kategori tiri.
so half siblings tiada translasi yang jitu dalam bahasa melayu


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Post time 17-2-2017 01:42 PM | Show all posts
MarryPottet replied at 16-2-2017 06:58 AM
kena buat dna testlah kan utk pastikan yg simati betul betul jong nam
sebat takut sebenarnya ini se ...

aku setuju je dengan plot kau.
yela, siapa je yang tahu dia tu jong-nam?

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 17-2-2017 01:41 PM
dalam bahasa melayu hanya ada konsep adik beradik tiri atau kandung jah, tiada konsep half brother ...

dalam bahasa melayu ckp  jela adik beradik .walau lain salah satu mak ayah..kandung jugakla..sbb ada pertalian darah.cuma pertalian darah tu kurang sket la percentage nyer.ini yg half tu pegi ckp tiri buat apa?

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:52 PM | Show all posts
akusukaq replied at 17-2-2017 01:43 AM
apa pun mission perancang dah accomplish . cikki cikki bodoh vetnam indon jgk yg tak sempat dapat up ...

cekap gak polis Malaysia.
laju je dapat tangkap.

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:55 PM | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 17-2-2017 12:06 PM
ayok...  orang malaysia pun terlibat...  hehehe...

Rasanya tak terlibat kut...dia cuma di tahan untuk beri keterangan saja...dah dibebaskan pun.

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pak cik ni pun satu.. dah tahu ada order bunuh dia awat gigih nak berfacebook bagai pastu gigih upload kat FB.. opkos orang boleh trace mana ko pergi   wana rakyat marhein pun amat2 jarang nak upload kat FB

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Post time 17-2-2017 01:59 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 17-2-2017 01:44 PM
dalam bahasa melayu ckp  jela adik beradik .walau lain salah satu mak ayah..kandung jugakla..sbb a ...

oh no!!!! salah iya dalam bahasa melayu...
adik beradik itu refer to adik beradik kandung dalam bahasa melayu
akak check DBP kalau adik beradik seibu jah kena pangill sedara hanjeng jah. tak boleh panggil adik beradik.
sila jangan rogol bahasa melayu iya.

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Post time 17-2-2017 02:29 PM | Show all posts
PETALING JAYA: The second woman detained for allegedly murdering Kim Jong-nam, the estranged brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was apparently a divorced woman with a young son. She also had two different identities.

Malaysian authorities have identified her as Siti Aisyah, 25, from Serang, Indonesia, based on the passport she was holding when she was arrested.

According to Indonesian news portal Kumparan, based on identification records held by her village in Angke, Jakarta West, she had two separate entries, complete with different photos.

In the first one, her name is spelt as “Siti Aisyah,” with information saying she was born in Serang, Indonesia, on Feb 11, 1992. In the accompanying picture, her hair is tied in a ponytail.

In the second entry, her name was written as “Siti Aisah” and her date of birth is listed as Nov 1, 1989. In this picture, her hair is worn loose.

Kumparan reported that the ID (identification) numbers as well as her occupation on both entries differed.

As “Siti Aisyah,” she listed her occupation as entrepreneur; as “Siti Aisah,” she listed her occupation as housewife.

Kumparan quoted Angke village head Dwi Ariyono as saying that he did not know why Siti Aisyah had two separate IDs.

Siti Aisyah was also divorced, according to Indonesian news portal

Her mother-in-law Lian Kiong or Akiong, 56, told Indonesian Foreign Ministry officials on Friday that she and her family had no relationship with her since she divorced her husband Gunawan Hasyim.

A sealed handwritten letter dated Feb 1, 2012 was presented to the Foreign Ministry on Friday.

Signed by Siti Aisyah and Gunawan, with Lin Kiong as witness, the letter said that the couple had opted for a divorce as they no longer “possessed the compatibility and harmony of husband and wife.”

Lian Kiong said that following the divorce, Siti Aisyah hardly visited her in-laws in Tambora in West Jakarta, and only came around once a year to meet her seven-year-old son Rio.

“After the divorce, she never came around. The last time she came was on Jan 28.

“She came and stayed for the night. She spent the night with my grandson and left the next day,” quoted Lian Kiong as saying.

She added that Rio had previously even refused to meet his mother because he knew she would leave eventually.

Kumparan reported that Siti Aisyah’s involvement in Jong-nam’s murder began when she was approached by a mysterious man at the nightclub that she worked at in Kuala Lumpur.

The man reportedly offered her US$100 (RM445) to carry out the act, which she believed to be a prank.

She is said to have accepted the deal because “she needed the money,” despite not knowing who Jong-nam or her other accomplices were.

She previously worked as a domestic helper in Jakarta before moving to Malaysia in 2013 with her then-husband.

Siti Aisyah was arrested by Malaysian police at 2am on Thursday after she was identified based on CCTV footage from KL International Airport 2 (KLIA 2).

Jong-nam, 45, was killed by two women who splashed his face with a chemical at the KLIA2 departure hall at about 9am on Monday. He was about to leave for Macau.

The women later got into a taxi and fled.


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Post time 17-2-2017 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Patutlaa senang sgt tangkap yg 2 org perempuan ni. Not even a spy. Yg kena cari 4 org laki mastermind tu

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Post time 17-2-2017 02:38 PM | Show all posts
Fieza-mira replied at 17-2-2017 01:55 PM
Rasanya tak terlibat kut...dia cuma di tahan untuk beri keterangan saja...dah dibebaskan pun.

kalo dibebaskan ok la...  macam terkejut lak malaysian terlibat...  

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Post time 17-2-2017 02:41 PM | Show all posts
SitiRopeah replied at 17-2-2017 12:24 PM
eh, aku baca kat twitter memang betul..
ke guana?
account tu yang parody ke apa?

katanya parody account...

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Post time 17-2-2017 03:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 17-2-2017 03:50 PM
RP255 replied at 17-2-2017 11:51 AM
pembunuhan ini dapat dielakkan sekiranya pihak berkuasa negara kita mengambil langkah proaktif ber ...

Ye betul
Sebagai langkah2 proaktif, gomen patut besarkan lagi budget KDN supaya dapat menggajikan lebih ramai Polis dan menambah bilangan pembelian peralatan canggih utk menangkap penjenayah.

Cth, jika tony Blair melawat Msia incognito, pdrm perlu menahan dan memeriksa semua lelaki kulit putih utk memastikan keselamatan tony Blair. Jadi polis bole memantau dari jauh tony Blair yg sebenar. Di samping itu, di KLIA mesti pasang beribu cctv, x-ray dan alarm supaya dapat mengesan senjata berbahaya dari jauh. Selain dari itu, anjing2 mengesan penjenayah perlu menemani setiap  polis yg bertugas di KLIA.

Diharap dgn langkah2 yg di ambil, pembunoh upahan atau penjenayah tidak datang KL lagi kerana Dap tidak dapat melindungi mereka lagi kerana Dap sudah habis usaha utk menyalahkan gomen lagi

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Post time 17-2-2017 03:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RP255 replied at 17-2-2017 11:56 AM
yang dipertikaikan sekarang mengapa berlaku pembunuhan di airport

airport sepatutnya menjadi ka ...

Takde siapa pertikaikan pun
Dap and macai jer sebok

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Post time 17-2-2017 04:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by DeeHanania at 18-2-2017 12:11 AM
eyansss replied at 17-2-2017 12:09 PM
kalau ko rajin tengok dokumentari north korea ni, salah satu cara diorang jinakkan rakyat selain b ...

Yup @eyansss,ngok History Asia...
Tp kan,andai laa mayat mendiang KJN d bawak balik ke sana, abis dmalukan mayat mendiang Abang c KJU tu, seperti mana dperlakukan mayat mendiang pakcik diaorg sblm nie,selepas djatuhkan hukuman mati,sebahagian badan dcampak ke anjing2 yg kelaparan beberapa hari x makan, sedangkan makcik dia pun dracun sbb lantang bersuara jugak,mendiang Mak KJN nie pun masa idup dlu,kemurungan yang teramat sangat smpai dia mati...kalo ikutkan kalo dari sedamare yg dia dendam@trasa gugat,abis salah silah keturunan tu dhapuskan sama skali...betapa dendam kesumat yg amat.
Kalo ngokkan NK,da mcm zaman tun dan,zmn ke belakang... Ada tu, tv pun masih guna yg kaler itam putih lagi
Tp ngok mendiang KJN nie,aura berwibawa, x mcm adik yer c KJU,aura bengis nampak terserlah...

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Post time 17-2-2017 04:28 PM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 17-2-2017 02:29 PM
PETALING JAYA: The second woman detained for allegedly murdering Kim Jong-nam, the estranged brother ...

tapi indon punya passport sangat common iya mereka boleh tipu umur pelbagai...
tanya jah maid2 uols kat rumah
kat sana pprt gila kot konsep pembuatan passport

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Post time 17-2-2017 04:38 PM | Show all posts
DeeHanania replied at 17-2-2017 04:25 PM
Yup @eyansss,ngok History Asia...
Tp kan,andai laa mayat mendiang d bawak balik ke sana, abis d ...

ada satu artikel ni dah tunjuk semua keturunan terdekat yang dia rasa boleh gulingkan dia, dah dibunuh dengan jayanya...  no one left...  kalo ikutkan dia ni lagi horror dari bapak dia...  bapak dia takde la sekejam dia...

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Post time 17-2-2017 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by DeeHanania at 17-2-2017 04:51 PM
eyansss replied at 17-2-2017 04:38 PM
ada satu artikel ni dah tunjuk semua keturunan terdekat yang dia rasa boleh gulingkan dia, dah dib ...

Memang nampak c KJU nie jahat ssngat...
Ngok laa nnti bila anak2 dia da besau besok...atas KJU,ada sorang lagi abang kan,nmpk low profile... X mcm mendiang KJN nie liberal, lantang bersuara masa dia hidup

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Post time 17-2-2017 06:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mungkin jgk yang empat orang lelaki itu pun makan upah oleh ejen tertentu.dorang sikit bijak ambik upah tp  gunakan cikki cikki bodoh ni utk jalankan.ada kemungkin semua pun tak kenal siapa sebenarnya mangsa.bila melibatkan banyak pihak agak rumit jgk polis nak siasat.harap ujung ujung kes ni tak  tinggal misteri je


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Post time 17-2-2017 07:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bioessence replied at 17-2-2017 03:49 PM
Ye betul
Sebagai langkah2 proaktif, gomen patut besarkan lagi budget KDN supaya dapat menggajik ...

ujung ujung bila peruntukan utk kementerian yg lain terpaksa dijimatkan utk  tampung perbelanjaan KDM maka terpekik terlolong lah plk dapig dan cai cai sekelian salahkan kerajaan. begitu lah bila segala mak nenek dapig nak dipolitaikan.


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