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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 28-1-2020 05:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 04:03 PM
Priyanka has markled herself kat Grammys 2020

Aduhai acik pee cee ni perasan lawa kot oakai mcm tu

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Post time 28-1-2020 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Does Meghan think she is more important than Harry, and why does harry not stand up to Meghan, and Do Prince Harry and Meghan Markle think they are right to leave the Royal Family and the values and traditions of the country he was born to serve.


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Post time 28-1-2020 05:37 PM | Show all posts
khaly replied at 28-1-2020 05:04 PM
Aduhai acik pee cee ni perasan lawa kot oakai mcm tu

Dia perasan dia J-Lo

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Post time 28-1-2020 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 04:03 PM
Priyanka has markled herself kat Grammys 2020

Melayut.. ingat lawalah tu

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Post time 28-1-2020 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Thomas Markle Tells Prince Harry It's Time to "Man up" | Good Morning Britain


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Post time 28-1-2020 05:50 PM | Show all posts
emera replied at 28-1-2020 05:45 PM
Melayut.. ingat lawalah tu

kenapa her twins tu nampak pelik ekk, mcm terlalu melekap, tu yg nampak melayut kan

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Post time 28-1-2020 06:23 PM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 04:03 PM
Priyanka has markled herself kat Grammys 2020

buroknya mcm tek orang utan

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Post time 28-1-2020 07:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by NAT_11 at 28-1-2020 07:32 PM
kibodwatriuh replied at 28-1-2020 03:23 PM
Itu jelah prospeknya rasanya. Meghan punya impian nak jadi powerful celeb tu pun rasanya takkan ma ...

PR diaorang ckp brand Sussex Royal boleh menjana billions. Ya ke.....???
Berapa lama orang sanggup bayar untuk dengar Meghan bercakap atau makan dgn Meghan & Harry atau beli barang yg ada brand Sussex Royal........?
Tambah lagi, ada one doktor from Australia dah buat opposition halang mereka guna Sussex Royal as a brand.  Kalau opposition ni naik ke mahkamah, this will take at least one or two years untuk dapat keputusan. Belanja  guaman menentang opposition tu, bukan murah. Meanwhile, minat orang akan luntur sebab pesaing ada banyak. Kesian Harry - counting his chicken before they are hatched. Camna kalau telor tu semuanya tembelang......????

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Post time 28-1-2020 07:45 PM | Show all posts
NAT_11 replied at 28-1-2020 07:26 PM
PR diaorang ckp brand Sussex Royal boleh menjana billions. Ya ke.....???
Berapa lama orang sang ...

Sembangggggnya brand SR boleh jana billions. LOL macam mana dia kira?

Masalahnya masih nak berpaut nama royal dalam pada terhegeh nak jadi celebrity segala.

Gunalah nama sundri. Pesaipa nak exploit gelaran anugerah untuk cari keuntungan. Tak yakin dengan kemampuan sendiri?


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Post time 28-1-2020 07:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NAT_11 replied at 28-1-2020 07:26 PM
PR diaorang ckp brand Sussex Royal boleh menjana billions. Ya ke.....???
Berapa lama orang sang ...

Awal2 boleh ler kaut untung tapi long term boleh ke bertahan, takut nampak gah kat luar je tapi hutang keliling pinggang, tak masuk cukai lagi

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Post time 28-1-2020 08:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 04:09 PM

source - Thomas Markle: My Story

Abang i pernah cakap orang gigi jarang ni tak boleh simpan rahsia.

Tak pasti pulak sebab pengalaman dia sendiri ke apa.

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Post time 28-1-2020 08:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cemuih dah baca citer depa

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Post time 28-1-2020 09:04 PM | Show all posts
momopoko replied at 28-1-2020 09:43 AM
sis dani Meg ni pergi India Afrika ni atas kapasiti apa ye? ngalahkan Angelina pulak.

untuk PR dan utk mengaburi mata PH. kat tumblr dia org detect tarikh list aktiviti kebajikan Afrika dan India dimasukkan dlm wiki Mega bbrp minggu sebelum pengumuman pertunangan. kalau ada masa nanti ai cari

ai pun nak tepek jua artikel panjang berjela

Wait what? Seriously (this is my serious voice) please explain. Because this is what I have.

1 - trip to Rwanda

1 - to India about pads followed with an article (haven’t seen anything else)

1 - video for UN women

1 - long ass day involving one young world

1 - one event for dove

———– 5 - that’s 5 things, some of which were not just for helping women. I’m really confused, maybe I’m missing something. I don’t count her blog because it was filled with chocolate red wine, pink water trips, living beyond your means if you are middle class or lower, and volunteerism which is disgusting (look it up). Technically Meghan works the same amount of hours Harry does at his engagements, and her character isn’t in every episode. Oh and saying she with Harry that’s why she doesn’t do anything is no excuse, her track record is pretty damn shallow before he came along. So again I like details, receipts, and please enlighten me/prove me wrong. Also, who are you comparing her work with women to?

Oh, please, people, stop buying into the crap pr. You are better than that.
This is a fandom that knows charity work. This is a fandom that counts the Cambridge’s work days. This is a fandom that calls Kate out when she skips the EACH gala because we know the fundraising is important. This is a fandom that sees straight through the KP pr bs.
Are you really buying Meghan’s “charity” work? Seriously?
Well, don’t.
It turns out you can actually quantify how devoted and effective celebrities are at their charity work. Nifty, uh?
Look to the Stars is the IMDb of charities, or maybe charity Tinder would be more accurate, as they match causes and celebrities. If a charity wants to partner with a celebrity, they can look up the profile and see if this is someone who would potentially be interested in what they do, and also works hard for his/her causes.
[Caveat: This was the only site I could find with this kind of info. If anyone knows of a better resource, please let me know]
So we can actually check and see how Meghan’s “humanitarian” work stacks up.
Here’s Meghan’s Look to the Stars profile.

Meghan has two charities listed. TWO. No, Myna Mahila is not listed. She did that work for WorldVision, not the Indian group. Shoebox isn’t listed either, as she basically just wore a bracelet.
In addition, some of her “support” activities are not mentioned, like the UN speech or the period stigma essay. The site mostly lists donations and fundraiser appeals and appearances. Those are the things that bring money, which is what the charities really care about. The rest is just pr.
So, is that impressive? Can two charities and little substantive work qualify as “doing so much for women”?
Well, Look to the Stars actually ranks the celebs. That makes sense because they are trying to help charities figure out the celeb that would be the best match for their cause. This is useful because we can compare what Meghan has done to her peers.
One of Meghan’s categories is “Women.” Here are the top celebrities for that category.

So where does Meghan rank in the list of celebs connected to (that’s the site’s default ranking mode) the cause of “Women?” Well, I actually subscribed to the stupid site to get that data. Yep, I took one for the team.
She is the 772nd celeb most devoted to the cause. That’s out of 799 celebs listed.
She’s waaaaaay at the bottom.

Yep, as a women’s advocate, Meghan is ranked right below noted gender-equality supporters Albert of Monaco and Ronaldo.
Note that this is a US-centric list. We’re the only country in the world where no one knows who Ronaldo is. You have to be pretty near invisible in North America to be sandwiched between Ronaldo and Nandita Das.
Now, I didn’t expect her to outrank Oprah or Bono, but, dear heavens, this is a truly pathetic showing. The top of the list isn’t all heavy hitters, after all. Annie Lennox is there and Kathy Najimy and Bethenny Frankel…
Wait, Bethenny Frankel? That Bethenny Frankel.

She’s one of the top charity supporters for women?
Yes, she is. She does a ton. I was surprised too. She’s passionate about women starting careers and is a stalwart Dress for Success supporter.
She made them the official charity of her (short-lived) talk show and gave them $100k on the first episode.

Compare that to Meghan’s profile. Megs’ looks kind of skimpy, doesn’t it?
But what about the other categories? Maybe Meghan does better there?
Well, “gender equality” is supposedly her passion and she has been UN affiliated since 2015, so let’s check that one out. The category only has 86 celebs listed so it should be easy for her to rankin the top fifty right?
Nope. She’s 79.
But, hey, she beat Courtney Love. Kudos, and brownie points for even being on the same list as Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, who isn’t really a celeb but whatevs.

But guess who ranks higher than Megs on the “gender equality” list?
Lisa Vanderpump. Yes, that Lisa Vanderpump. She’s #59.

Turns out she’s quite active in the charity world, and she really is passionate about dogs. That wasn’t just a tagline. She has charity that works to eliminate dog torture.
She also champions gay rights. Like Bethenny she has made it a cornerstone of her show, Vanderpump Rules.

So, yeah. Lisa Vanderpump has done more for the cause of gender equality than Megs and, as she says in her RHOBH intro, Lisa doesn’t even like women. She likes gays and dogs.
Let’s give this one more try.
In “Health” Meghan is 2,501 out of 2,559 celebs. Guess who vastly outranks her in this category at 706 out of 2559 celebs?
Nene Leakes. Yes, that NeNe Leakes.
Nene loves soldiers and champions for heart care. She had a heart attack a couple of years ago and has apparently dedicated herself to the American Heart Association ever since. Who knew, right?
She had a freaking feud with Star Jones on Celebrity Apprentice regarding the charity.
BTW, NeNe also beats Meghan In the “children” category, where she is 2,088 our of 2643 (it’s not one of her primary interests). Meghan (who supposedly champions “women and girls”) is number 2465. Megs barely beats Christopher Reeve and Dick Van Dyke in that category, and those guys are both dead.
She cares more about children than the dead people. We can give her credit for that.
Notice that I’m not even bringing in JLO, who shares Meghan’s publicist and leaves everyone in the dust. JLO, like Eva Longoria, is an A-lister who really cares about Latino causes. I’m not comparing Megs to Emma Watson (#4 in Women) or Miley Cyrus (#2 in Children).
I’m just using marginal celebs for this comparison. Bethenny, Lisa, and Nene are part of the Real Housewives franchise, for Pete’s sake. They are well below Meghan in the Hollywood pecking order.
In case, you don’t know, this is what the Real Housewives shows are known for.
It’s a tacky reality show full of drunken women fighting over nothing. There’s a lot of box wine and fake tanning. These gals are not exactly the poster girls for philanthropy
And yet they destroy Meghan on the charity front. Even Nene Leakes who actually reneged on a $20k pledge to Detroit Public Schools.
I wish Look to the Stars offered the data without subscription. It’s really amazing what little known celebs are doing out there. People who aren’t household names are out there championing children and animals and other causes.
The opportunities Hollywood gives them are enormous.
What Meghan has done with those opportunities, however, is pathetic. Christina Grimmie, who was famous for being in a music competition and was tragically murdered last year, did more charity work in her brief time in the limelight than Meghan did in all her years in the industry.
Which is fine. Hey some celebs don’t work the charity circuit that hard. That’s okay. Not everyone is into giving back.
But they don’t have powerful pr firms spamming the world with fauxmanitarian and fauxlantropist press releases.
Yep, 772 out of 799 makes you a “civil rights crusader.” Right there with noted civil rights crusaders Prince Albert and Ronaldo.
That’s the truly offensive part. She’s doing eff-all for charity and is trying to sell herself as an “activist,” “humanitarian,” and “civil rights crusader.”
This is BS. Yes, Hollywood exaggerates. Yes, you’re allowed to toot your own own horn.
But, no, you don’t get a freaking Noble Prize for doing a photoshoot in India. Get real.
Meghan has so far spent ten days working on charity during 2017. She spent ten days working for charity in 2016. She spent ten days working on charity during 2015.
That’s not even a hobby. That’s a yearly vacay.
It’s thirty days TOTAL. In THREE Years.
That’s 30 days out of 1,095.
Those are the numbers, people, in black and white. And don’t tell me numbers don’t matter. We argue over the royals’ end of year stats every January.
No, Meghan, you don’t get to parlay your yearly volunteerism vacation into “humanitarian” status.
That’s BS.
And yet Sunshine Sachs is plastering the world with stupid “humanitarian” and “activist” headlines. You don’t see Lisa Vanderpump calling herself a gay rights “activist” and, dear lord, she was grand marshall of the Long Beach Pride Parade.
You don’t see Bethenny Frankel calling herself a women’s rights activist, but she launched a charity for women in crisis last December.
None of it is true. It’s all pr magic.
Here’s how her publicist spins it.
“Her last two breaks from shooting Suits” makes it sound like she spent months working for WV and the UN. She spent a week each year. Suits breaks for four months.
Or this little gem, where the publicist says Meghan was “honored” for her humanitarian work in Vanity Fair as if she’d been given an award. In reality the magazine just wrote an article on the conference.
Or, this one where the publicists says that Meghan has been “working with causes specifically focused on women and girls for the past five years.”
2 is the new 5 in Hollywood, y’all.
Sorry, toots, no one who has worked on a single cause for five years ranks 772 out of 799 in the Look to the Stars “Women” category. NO ONE.
And, yes, people are going to fall for it. There’s a reason why her publicist is sneaking all of those “breaks” and “five years” into her press. She wants people to assume that Meghan has been spending all her free time cleaning latrines in Rwanda.
She hasn’t. Instead, she’s been doing this.
When you look at the numbers, she’s done way less that reality show zelebs who guzzle pinot grigio and pull off weaves.
No, I’m not kidding about the pinot grigio. It’s a staple of the show.
Don’t buy the hype, people.
It’s not real, and it’s deeply offensive that they think we’re buying it.


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Post time 28-1-2020 09:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mana pic.dia.wif naomi Campbell?? Dat super model betu betul black  woman empowerment..  yg pasti close buddy wif nelson mandela.. time ni who meghan??? hahahah eat dat megxit..

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Post time 28-1-2020 09:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 28-1-2020 09:04 PM
untuk PR dan utk mengaburi mata PH. kat tumblr dia org detect tarikh list aktiviti kebajikan Afrik ...

Lima kilometer panjang artikel ni.. senak hakak tgk hahhaa

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:00 PM | Show all posts
emera replied at 28-1-2020 09:50 PM
Lima kilometer panjang artikel ni.. senak hakak tgk hahhaa

bila difikir balik... bg explanation pjg2 pun, sugar tetap tuduh rasis and jeles jugekk

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:01 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 28-1-2020 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 28-1-2020 10:00 PM
bila difikir balik... bg explanation pjg2 pun, sugar tetap tuduh rasis and jeles jugekk

Haihh. Delusional sugars.

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 28-1-2020 09:04 PM
untuk PR dan utk mengaburi mata PH. kat tumblr dia org detect tarikh list aktiviti kebajikan Afrik ...

nice one sisssss..good read indeed

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Post time 28-1-2020 10:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-1-2020 04:09 PM

source - Thomas Markle: My Story

Betul ke ni?

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