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Author: JoyahMengayah

[Dunia] All Eyes On Rafah!

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Post time 15-10-2023 04:37 PM | Show all posts
sebab tu la bagi bangkem, yang rancang serangan di sempadan gaza tu sebenarnya rusia, untuk alih tumpuan amerika dari ukraine, ke palestin

iran (proksi rusia) dikhabarkan memberi bantuan kepada hamas untuk serangan kali ini.. dalam masa yang sama, hezbollah (militan tajaan iran) menyerang dari belah utara yakni di sempadan lebanon

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Post time 15-10-2023 04:38 PM | Show all posts
sia2 jer hamas dituduh ejen zionis

hamas dan fatah dua2 nya pejaung islam, pejuang pembebasan palestin

tapi cara mereka berbeza, yakni fatah pro amareka, manakala hamas pro rusia

maksud "PRO" di sini bukannya jadi anjing amareka atau rusia, tapi dorang lebih mengikut cara rusia atau amerika dalam menangani satu2 hal

contohnya fatah lebih kepada kaedah diplomasi yang disarankan oleh amareka, manakala hamas lebih kepada militan seperti saranan rusia.. tapi bukannya bermakna hamas atau fatah ini kapir.. bukan camtu acik2

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Post time 15-10-2023 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 9-10-2023 11:10 AM
Kenapa kena tinggalkan pewaris? Saya bila baca dlm benang ni, lagi takut nak tinggalkan anak. Saya ...

Sebab islam memang nak umatnya membiak sisturr...pembiakan keturunan adam....setan2 dajjal kan benci bila keturunan adam diramaikan...dia kan cemburu dgn manusia

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Post time 15-10-2023 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 15-10-2023 04:37 PM
sebab tu la bagi bangkem, yang rancang serangan di sempadan gaza tu sebenarnya rusia, untuk alih tum ...

Iran bagi bantuan kat Hamas, Iran bulan lepas dapat duit Billion dollar whale dari siapa bangkem? Russia ke Amerika?

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Post time 15-10-2023 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 15-10-2023 05:21 PM


seperti IS&S dicipta ole Mussad

How and why Israel helped create Hamas?

Not many people are aware of the fact that it was Israelwhich had helped the creation of Hamas as a counter to PLO


Hamas is a Creation of Mossad

Thanks to the Mossad, Israel's "Institute forIntelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce itspresence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat's Fatah Movement forNational Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the mostbrutal form of repression and intimidation



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Post time 15-10-2023 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 15-10-2023 01:09 PM
Apa yang significant sangat yom kippur ini? Same question aku ask penting maulidur rasul begitu or ...

Yes. Israel dah dendiam, Hamas pi bomb. Biasanya gitulah. I pernah je baca diorang buat gitu sbb derma dan org dah xkisahkan mereka. Ada logicnya juga. Kalau tak, ok je diorang hidup mcm nadir tunjuk masa live. Pepandailah naiktaraf ituini, ilmu apa semua dah nak apa main minta derma je kan? Lawanlah Israel tu cara bijak. Bukan dengan hanya menghasilkan hafazan2 pastu rata2 cita2 nak mati syahid. Even anak Nadir yg sulung tu pun cita2 nak mati Syahid. Selain Gaza, ok je Palestine lain. Aqsa tu pun ok je sebenarnya under jagaan Jordan yg belah Islam.
Kail panjang sejengkal, nak pancing paus. Sarang tebuan jgn dijolok.
Btw, Cheplamshenk tak berhabis harta ke bantu tanah tumpah air dia?

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Post time 15-10-2023 05:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 15-10-2023 03:37 PM
sebab tu la bagi bangkem, yang rancang serangan di sempadan gaza tu sebenarnya rusia, untuk alih tum ...

Gitu.... lojik.

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Post time 15-10-2023 05:24 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 15-10-2023 05:03 PM
Iran bagi bantuan kat Hamas, Iran bulan lepas dapat duit Billion dollar whale dari siapa bangkem?  ...

Strategic question


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Post time 15-10-2023 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
edayildiz replied at 11-10-2023 06:03 PM
kalau china or north perang kita slmt ke sis?
nak lari mana? negara yg plg slmt?

tak pasti la kaka sama ada kita selamat atau tidak...ianya bergantung kepada hubungan kita dgn China ketika itu... sebab tu kot Hisapvape Mudin pnggil China 'abang besar' beberapa tahun yg lepas sebagai tanda penghormatan...nnt apa2 jadi bole claim Malaysia bukan musuh China huhuhu...

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Post time 15-10-2023 07:53 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 15-10-2023 05:03 PM
Iran bagi bantuan kat Hamas, Iran bulan lepas dapat duit Billion dollar whale dari siapa bangkem?  ... ... me-soon-2023-10-12/

TEL AVIV/WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - The United States said on Thursday that Iran would not gain access any time soon to $6 billion in Iranian funds parked in a Qatar bank last month as part of a prisoner exchange and that Washington retained the right to completely freeze the account.

The question of Iranian access to the funds has been in the spotlight since Iran-backed Palestinian Hamas militants attacked Israel on Saturday, killing more than 1,300 people and taking scores of hostages back to the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

"Iran will not be able to access the funds for the foreseeable future," a senior U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking at a news conference in Tel Aviv, said that Iran had neither accessed nor spent any of the $6 billion, adding: "We have strict oversight of the funds and we retain the right to freeze them."

Blinken said the U.S. Treasury oversees any disbursement to ensure it is used only for humanitarian purposes.

Several U.S. media outlets reported on Thursday that the United States and Qatar had agreed to stop Iran from accessing the money.

Iran has made no secret of its backing for Hamas, funding and arming the group, but Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday that Tehran was not involved in the Hamas attack on Israel.

Iran's U.N. mission said the U.S. government was "acutely aware that they cannot renege" on the deal reached over the money, which was transferred to Qatar from an account in South Korea to make it accessible for Iranian humanitarian needs.

The Iranian oil revenues had been frozen in Seoul after Washington, under former President Donald Trump, placed a total ban on Iran's oil exports and sanctioned its banks in 2019.

"The money rightfully belongs to the people of Iran, earmarked for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to facilitate the acquisition of all essential and non-sanctioned requisites for the Iranians," said Iran's mission to the United Nations in New York.

It did not respond to a request for comment on whether Iran had yet tried to access the funds.

Qatar's International Media Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The U.S. Treasury Department declined to comment.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby declined to speak about diplomatic conversations or "speculate ... about future transactions."

He said the money was intended to be disbursed "to approved vendors - that we approved - to go buy food, medicine and medical equipment, agricultural products, and ship it into Iran directly to the benefit of the Iranian people."

"Every single dime of that money is still sitting in the Qatari bank," Kirby told reporters, adding: "The regime was never going to see a dime of that money."


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Post time 15-10-2023 07:58 PM | Show all posts

ni US defense secretary cakap

kalo Hemes bukan rekyat Palestine..

adakah mcm IS@S jugak..

sebenarnya Mussad bertopengkan IS@S

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Post time 15-10-2023 08:01 PM | Show all posts

outcome perang kali ni

1) 2 state solution kat Palestin - Masjidil Aqsa dapat kat Islam Palestin

2) Netanyahu akan jatuh dari jawatan PM

ko bgtau plak, apa outcome perang ni


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Post time 15-10-2023 08:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 15-10-2023 02:47 PM


Next year kah ni brmula atau dah start 2023 ni?

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Post time 15-10-2023 08:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sang_kuriang replied at 14-10-2023 07:15 PM
Terkesan sgt dgn news Gaza ni, hari2 menangis tgk video & news, bilalah Allah nak turunkan bala sebe ...

Itulah.. Tpi mana briged Al Qassam yer..ada apa2 info?

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Post time 15-10-2023 08:26 PM | Show all posts
Farnor replied at 15-10-2023 08:17 PM
Next year kah ni brmula atau dah start 2023 ni?

Qatar sedang ugut US tu..

kalo Yisrael teruskan jugak attack Gaza (sbb US support)...

Qatar nak ganggu supply energy..


ini yg berlaku tahun 1973..

Arab Oil Embargo

Arab Saudi mmg stop supply minyak ke US dan beberapa negara Eropah yg sokong Yisreal..


kali ni aku rasa Yisreal x kan serang Gaza lebih2...

seluruh Arab + Parsi + China + Rusia + UN Security Council da bising

la ni yg nampak support cuma US & France

itu pun US da mula main tarik tali ngan Yisreal..


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Post time 15-10-2023 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by limesherbet at 15-10-2023 08:50 PM

Alhamdulillah tel aviv banjir now...terpaksa postpone ground military action

Wow oh wow..Allah the greatest

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Post time 15-10-2023 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Farnor replied at 15-10-2023 08:18 PM
Itulah.. Tpi mana briged Al Qassam yer..ada apa2 info?

yg heran...

mana pejuang Hemes...

nyorok plak..

biarkan 2 juta rekyat biasa kena attack ngan IDF

naper Hemes tak attack lagi IDF pakai roket...


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Post time 15-10-2023 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 15-10-2023 08:45 PM

@Kemaruk ... _the_door_to_hamas/


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Post time 15-10-2023 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 15-10-2023 08:39 PM
yg heran...

mana pejuang Hemes...

Itulah problemnya hamas the real hampeh. Ntah dr dulu lgi guwe ini curiga pasal hamas ni..semua nya propaganda jer. Cari2 info pun  mcm fake news pasal ni hmas. Yg Al Qassam pula selalu tak bnyk sngt info kluar.

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Post time 15-10-2023 08:48 PM | Show all posts


propaganda amareka, agar penduduk palestin di gaza ragu2 sokong hamas, termasuk orang yang berada beribu batu jauhnya di malaysia macam ko

senang betul ko kena tipu

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