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Author: xanderz

Edisi tak habis2 lagi : Rabecca dan Erma!

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Post time 4-12-2013 06:59 PM | Show all posts
ok betullah tu
Last edited by sweetfasha on 4-12-2013 07:06 PM


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:02 PM | Show all posts
sweetfasha posted on 4-12-2013 06:59 PM
by the way.. duit 5 sen laku tanpa had..  sila rujuk banknegara

Coins as Legal Tender to Make Payments in Malaysia


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True Story: One guy in Adelaide, Australia decided to teach the Adelaide City Council a lesson by paying his parking fine using nothing but glorious 5c and 10c coins, recording the experience as it happened. Needless to say, his payment was not accepted by the council, which in return sparked some confusion (and a heated discussion) among the Australian folks. “Coins are money too!”, said the good people of YouTube upon seeing the full video.

Indeed… coins are money, but do you know that there is actually a maximum limit for payments using coins? In the case of this video, the cashier was legally right in refusing his money and here’s why:
Based on Australia’s Currency Act 1965:

1. A tender of payment of money is a legal tender if it is made in coins that are made and issued under this Act and are of current weight:

(a) in the case of coins of the denomination of Five cents, Ten cents, Twenty cents or Fifty cents or coins of 2 or more of those denominations—for payment of an amount not exceeding $5 but for no greater amount.

This situation (and many more like it) got us thinking about the legal tender in our beloved country, Malaysia. Could you purchase a movie ticket, pay summons, or maybe buy a book with 1, 5, 10, 20 or 50 cents? Keep on reading to find out!

What is Legal Tender?

Simply put, legal tender are coins or banknotes that must be accepted if offered in payment of a debt. A more formal definition depicts legal tender as a medium of payment allowed by or recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial obligation.

Maximum Limit for Coins as Legal Tender in Malaysia

If you tried to purchase a RM14.00 movie ticket using only coins, can the cinema refuse the payment? Yes, indeed they can. According to the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958, there are limits to which you can use coins to make payments. Check out the table below :

DenominationLegal Tender Status
Coins exceeding RM1 (e.g. commemorative coins)
Any amount based on the face value of the coin

50 sen and RM1 coins
Up to RM10.00

Coins less than 50 sen
Up to RM2.00

However, there is no limit set when it comes to using banknotes to make payments. In theory, you could purchase a Lamborghini in Malaysia with cold, hard, cash. This is of course, just a theory! In reality, the car dealer would probably reject a payment of RM2,000,000 in RM1, RM5, or RM10 denominations.

What does this mean?

Basically, this means that legally, shops, banks, and other parties must accept your payment if it is within the legal tender limit. For example, a person who owes the bank RM10 can make payments using the RM0.50 coins, and the bank must accept the payment (possibly through gritted teeth).

However, enquiries to Bank Negara Malaysia and FOMCA suggest a different story: It turns out that while there are indeed guidelines as to what constitutes as legal tender and what does not, there isn’t really anything you can do should a shop or restaurant refuse your payment!


Paying RM14.00 for a cinema ticket in RM1 denominations (14 pieces of RM1…phew!). Legally, the cinema must accept the payment as it is within the legal tender limit (there’s no maximum legal tender for cash notes). Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do if the cinema rejects your payment. However, most grocery stores, mini marts and even coffee shops welcome coins with open arms, usually because they need the small change for other customers.

As such, if for some reason you wanted to test the boundaries of the guidelines above, it would usually be more enforceable when it comes to a formal setting (eg : paying summons, banks, repayment of debt).

Can I pay more than the legal tender amount?

You could try but as mentioned previously, it is up to the receiver to either accept or reject your payment!

What can I do about it?

If you have a ton of change (and aren’t planning a personal vendetta against anyone in particular), the best solution would be to change it at any Bank Negara Malaysia branch. Bank Negara Malaysia doesn’t charge you for the service and you can exchange as many coins as you want. You can visit Bank Negara Malaysia’s head office in Kuala Lumpur and its branches in Pulau Pinang, Kuala Terengganu, Johor Bahru, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

How about 1 sen and RM1 coins?RM0.01 IS Legal Tender

Fun Fact! Some coins like the 1 sen coin is still legal tender but has been withdrawn from circulation. This means that BNM has withdrawn this particular coin from the circulation, but you still can use it as a medium of payment. In Section 24, Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 allows 1 sen, 5 sen, 10 sen and 20 sen to be used as legal tender up to RM2.00.

Another Fun Fact! The introduction of the Rounding Mechanism to the nearest multiple of 5 sen for over-the-counter payments was implemented in Malaysia on the 1st April 2008. Ever since this implementation was introduced, any bill that ends in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sen will be rounded to the nearest 5 sen (Example : RM90.01 —> RM90.00 / RM90.89 —-> RM90.90). This explained why most people assume that the 1 sen coin is not legal tender in Malaysia!

RM1.00 Coin is NOT Legal Tender

In case you don’t know, the RM1.00 coin has ceased to be a legal tender since 7th December 2005. Basically, this means that you can’t use the RM1.00 coin as a method of payment. Your best solution would be to exchange it at Bank Negara Malaysia.

Maximum Limit for Coins as Legal Tender for Other Countries

Planning on visiting other countries? Here are some of the maximum limit for coins as legal tender in other well-known countries :

CountryDenominationLegal Tender Status
20p / 25p / 50p
For any Amount not exceeding £10

5p / 10p
for any amount not exceeding £5

1p / 2p
for any amount not exceeding 20p

1c / 2c
for any amount not exceeding 20c

5c / 10c / 20c / 50c
for any amount not exceeding $5

$1 / $2
for any amount not exceeding 10 times the face value of the coin

United States
United States coins and currency are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues

So folks, remember the maximum legal tender limit before you start an argument with the cashier! Have you ever tried to pull a stunt like the video above? Tell us some of your payment stories too, we’d love to read them!


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:07 PM | Show all posts
sweetfasha posted on 4-12-2013 06:59 PM
by the way.. duit 5 sen laku tanpa had..  sila rujuk banknegara

memang laku
tapi penjual atau org yg beri hutang berhak untuk tolak pembayaran.

dikenali sebagai wang sah (legal tender money)
(Legally valid currency that may be offered in payment of a debt and that a creditor must accept)

siling 1sen, 5 sen 10sen, 20 - terhad setakat 2ringgit saja
siling 50 sen... sah sehingga rm20
kalau duit kertas tak kira la berapa nilai pun, termasuk la rm1... peniaga atau pemiutang tak berhak untuk tolak bayaran wp byk mana pun jumlahnya.

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iscol_klang posted on 4-12-2013 12:21 PM
sebab erma kata ogy over acting..
ogy kata dia bukan over acting, benda tu ialah art of expressio ...

Haha...gitu upernyer...thnks ya bg pcerahan mcm fair n luvly..

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nayzu posted on 4-12-2013 03:42 PM
Aku rasa Becca nie pun bukan hadap sgt dgn duit 11k tu.
dia lebih kepada tak puas hati.
Sebab a ...

Skrg ni dia leh la pakai handbag mahal2 laki dia peguam... Tau2 je la peguam kan charge servis dia org mahal tp kalo bekah ni bercerai ms tu br terhegeh2 nak berlakon blk sape nak ambik... Setahu aku production house ni x akan ambik pelakon yg bermslh dgn mn2 production house coz dia org x nak kn benda yg ko skrg bekah bergembira la suami masih sayang esok lusa dia buang ko ms tu br tau langgit tu tinggi rendah Last edited by poyohabis on 4-12-2013 07:22 PM


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:22 PM | Show all posts
Mcm kanak2 ribena bergaduh...

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:22 PM | Show all posts
peminat confession of shopaholic ni

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bahahaaaahahaaaa gud gud

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Sokong erma ngehngehngeh *tetiba*

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Post time 4-12-2013 07:27 PM | Show all posts
Airis posted on 4-12-2013 06:16 PM
Good research Bayieng

Pengajaran buat Erma, get a good lawyer to draft your contract with th ...

Tu la bodo kontrak..

Ala baru 11 ribu ringgit
X-Factor US kena bayar Cheryl Cole 1.4 juta pound sebab langgar kontrak relaks aja, itu lagi la sesaat pun tak muncul, tetap kena bayar sebab dah dalam kontrak.


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:41 PM | Show all posts
rebekah ni tak guna kunun2 berlagak golongan socialite kelas atasan tapi pe'el pprt habis
kamu akan nampak lebih classy dr erma yg vindictive itu andainya kamu balas dgn ucapan terima kasih, dan berkata saya akan masukkan semua wang ini ke bank dan sumbangkan semuanya ke badan kebajikan dalam bentuk cek, siling 5 sen ini mungkin tiada nilai bagi kak erma, tapi jumlah terkumpul ini amat besar nilainya bagi mereka yg memerlukan...

erma yg malu sendiri kalau bekah bagi respon sebegitu
tapi bila bekah sentap sebegini, makna erma sudah berjaya, sbb mmg itu pun tujuannya
Last edited by hzln on 4-12-2013 07:49 PM


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:54 PM | Show all posts
sweetfasha posted on 4-12-2013 06:58 PM
bagi aku comel doh apa yg erma buat tu.. bekah tu nilai 5 sen je bg dia.. dan alquran sebagai signal ...

Siapa erma untok menilai orang taraf 5 sen je?? Kerana dia director yg di-hormati dia ada kuasa untok menilai orang?? Quran pulak di-gunakan. Untok ape?? Untok menghina orang?? Untok menyuroh Rebeca baca Quran?? Ape kah perbuatan yg Erma lakukan mengikut ajaran Quran???
Jgn suka2 gunakan Quran!!

Akak rasa bila Erma mengunakan Quran dalam issue ini.....ia menunjukan betapa rendah fikiran & pelajaran Erma.  Perbuatan nya saperti menepok air di-dulang je.....


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Post time 4-12-2013 07:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ai pon x respek ngan erma buat begitu malah erma tu imej skang dh alim n baik tp xseiring sejalan penampilan dan perwatakan... Bekahhh? Lg la ke laut.

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Erma nak memetir apa pulak kali ni. Kita tunggu

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:19 PM | Show all posts
hzln posted on 4-12-2013 12:47 AM
Tambah Rabecca, sekiranya Erma berbuat demikian kerana ingin menimbulkan kemarahannya, perkara itu t ...

cakap putaq la rebek-ka nih..
asal orang dah bayar dah la..
5 sen tuh pon duit jugak..
bongok punye rebek-ka


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Post time 4-12-2013 08:20 PM | Show all posts
padan muka si rebekah ni. menang kt dunia tuntut benda yg dia xcommit 100% pun. hehehe mmg taraf ko 5 sen je bekah, esah 50 sen pun lg tinggi nilai dari hang, 50 puluh sen tau.

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:31 PM | Show all posts
sapeka posted on 4-12-2013 08:19 PM
cakap putaq la rebek-ka nih..
asal orang dah bayar dah la..

apa yg dia kata dulu? dia saman bukan sebab wang? untuk hak dan keadilan?
pooooo dahhhhhhh
bila dia mintak erma bagi dgn cara lebih berhemah, nampak sangat mmg dia nak lahap duit tuh...ketara benar bimbonya, walhal bulih saja pegi tukar kat bank senyap2, pastu kau nak berjoli takdak sapa tau bila dia sentap gini, semua orang jadi tau

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
maxim posted on 4-12-2013 07:02 PM
Coins as Legal Tender to Make Payments in Malaysia


Hrp bekah heret erma ke court pasal coin ni...

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
maxim posted on 4-12-2013 12:56 AM
kann..ok la tu erma bg quran..bleh wat ngaji

kalau aku, aku bg kain kapan terus.

Klau aku, aku bg karpet masjid je senang. Bia bwk beringat. Haha

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Post time 4-12-2013 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cop. Nak tanya. si ermah potongkan scene bekah tu sesuka ati dia atau bekah yg ponteng shooting so erma buang dia yg nyebabjn bekah tk lyk dpt full payment?

Sorry klu dah ada yg terangkn sblm ni. Mak kurang phm sket. :lol

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