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Author: atira

[Jenayah] SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 06:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 4-7-2015 06:05 PM
kepada macai2, mungkin buat2 tak nampak je penafian ni:

akan ambik tindakan undang2...
harap segera la ye.. bukan gebang kosong semata

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:07 PM | Show all posts
cupin_cipin replied at 4-7-2015 06:02 PM
aku pantang org membuli kaum wanita

dahlah ko gagal balas hujah mereka dgn hujah

gagal membalas hujah????

sebab jawaban aku tak ikut skema jawaban ko, tak bermaksud aku tak membalas hujah, bhai

wooooiii, pembela kaum wanita dah datang woiiiii!!!!!!!!


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Post time 4-7-2015 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cupin_cipin replied at 4-7-2015 10:02 AM
aku pantang org membuli kaum wanita

dahlah ko gagal balas hujah mereka dgn hujah

Mahapkan dia.. Dia sejak dr lahiriah berkeadaan gitu.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Seronok baca posting porumer2 CI sesambil tunggu buka posa

Tazzabar tunggu episode Bijan saman WSJ....mintak2 jadi reality uols....

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:09 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 06:06 PM
akan ambik tindakan undang2...
harap segera la ye.. bukan gebang kosong semata

la, baru 2-3 hari isu ni panas

nak ambik tindakan bukannya sekejap

banyak prosedurnya

macam la ko tak tahu

kalau peon tu, aku percaya la dorang ingat kalau nak ambik tindakan mahkamah ni macam renew roadtax je

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:12 PM | Show all posts
belilies replied at 4-7-2015 06:07 PM
Mahapkan dia.. Dia sejak dr lahiriah berkeadaan gitu.

biasa la tu

bila dh tak mampu berhujah, tukar topik lain pulak

kengkunun dia teraniaya, play victim

jadi hero

padahal takde kaitan dengan isu pon kan

logical fallacy detected: argumentum ad passiones

jadi mana bank statement ka, screenshot akaun najib ka??

setakat isu sentap digelar pondan lorong letak tepi dulu ye

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 4-7-2015 10:12 AM
biasa la tu

bila dh tak mampu berhujah, tukar topik lain pulak

Tak aci betul.. Yg isu tampered emel pun tak abis lagi dah nak mintak skrinshot acc beng si najib.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 4-7-2015 06:07 PM
gagal membalas hujah????

sebab jawaban aku tak ikut skema jawaban ko, tak bermaksud aku tak mem ...

now tell me which part of the below statemnt of yours membalas hujah yg mereka lontarkan?

"macai macam @hzln dan @atira cuma reti bagi hujah tahap ambiguity fallacy je

tu je la level korang, serupa macam speku dan gosip artis je

main buat andaian dan interpretasi liar je

macam pondan lorong bergosip je"

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:18 PM | Show all posts
belilies replied at 4-7-2015 06:14 PM
Tak aci betul.. Yg isu tampered emel pun tak abis lagi dah nak mintak skrinshot acc beng si najib.


aku nak divert isu lain jugak la

sedangkan bidio lucah anwat, stopa ali dan ustak jeha derus pon korang boleh peraya ianya edited

takkan la screenshot murahan camtu tak leh kena edit

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:21 PM | Show all posts
cupin_cipin replied at 4-7-2015 06:18 PM
now tell me which part of the below statemnt of yours membalas hujah yg mereka lontarkan?

"maca ...

dow, macam aku katakan, susah nak counter tuduhan liar ni

contohnya kalau orang tuduh bini ko tak kongkek dengan lelaki lain, camne ko nak counter tuduhan tu??

kalau si penuduh cuma bagi modal air liur, so jawab dengan modal air liur pon cukup la kan??

sebab tu la aku minta at least bank statement ke, baru la tuduhan tu kuat sikit

serupa kalau aku tuduh bini ko curang, at least aku ada gambar dia tengah hisap totey lelaki lain ka

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 06:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 4-7-2015 06:12 PM
biasa la tu

bila dh tak mampu berhujah, tukar topik lain pulak

adakah AG dah tgk segala doc bank?

PETALING JAYA: Authorities have raided three companies implicated in the alleged channelling of funds into the Prime Minister’s personal accounts.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (pic) said a special taskforce had raided SRC International Sdn Bhd, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd on Friday.

“Documents were retrieved from the three premises,” he said in a statement.

Gani said the special taskforce comprised personnel from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the police and Bank Negara.

“I affirm that on July 3, the special taskforce had sent their probe teams to SRC, Mentari and Ihsan Perdana.

“The taskforce retrieved some documents, and handed them over to me for review.

“I confirm receiving documents related to 1MDB, including those associated with the alleged channelling of funds into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s accounts.

“I have scrutinised all the documents, and provided advice and guidance to the special taskforce for further action,” he said.

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report published reports claiming that funds amounting to US$700mil (RM2.7bil) had been channelled to what is believed to be Najib’s personal accounts.

“With participation of various agencies, I am confident of a professional and in-depth investigation.

“I hope all parties will extend their co-operation to enable the special taskforce to proceed with the investigation without issuing statements that confuse the public,” Gani said.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ini semuaaa poyoooo kata bijan nti..nk menjatuhkan saya..smlm tgk tv3suku bijan ckp dibwh pemerintahan die rakyat semua senang...aku satu family gelak guling2..weih bijan cptlah samannnn...x sabar ni nk baca wsj revealkn semua...

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:24 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 06:21 PM
adakah AG dah tgk segala doc bank?

setakat nak speku, masukkan dalam BOD gosip orang kenamaan dulu la bhai

aku pon boleh speku, AG sebenarnya dapat kesan duit tu sebenarnya masuk dalam akaun anwat


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Post time 4-7-2015 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Tapi macai  mana boleh terima hakikat  yg najib akan ambil tindakan. Kan awal awal lagi korang tuduh najib tak da telur. Sekarang korang tunjuk pulak telur korang dan saman najib buktikan semua tuduhan itu ada lah benar. Ada mampu

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 06:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 4-7-2015 06:24 PM
setakat nak speku, masukkan dalam BOD gosip orang kenamaan dulu la bhai

aku pon boleh speku, AG ...

bila masa aku speku?

“I confirm receiving documents related to 1MDB, including those associated with the alleged channelling of funds into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s accounts.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:29 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 06:27 PM
bila masa aku speku?

“I confirm receiving documents related to 1MDB, including those associate ...

ye, memang dia dah tengok

tapi aku tau ko nak speku duit tu memang ada masuk dalam akaun najib, kan??

sebab tu la aku pon nak speku jugak, duit tu ada masuk dalam akaun anwat

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:31 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 06:21 PM
adakah AG dah tgk segala doc bank?

Kan dah kata, investigators yg tahu pasal hal ni meluat tunggu action dari AG padahal report dah submit. Bila dah bocor ke SR dan WSJ baru la AG terhegeh -hegeh buat task force pergi serbu.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:37 PM | Show all posts
Sarawak Report pun ternanti-nanti saman Jibby, kes Justo hari tu pun tak buat apa lagi.. Sarawak Report yg hantar lawyer dulu nak siasat.

Our Lawyers' Questions To Protection Group International
29 JUN 2015
This weekend Sarawak Report’s London lawyers sent an urgent letter via email to the  “cyber intelligence” firm hired by the company PetroSaudi International (PSI) and quoted in the New Straits Times.

They asked for confirmation on the remarks attributed to them in two articles by the New Straits Times last week, in their ‘exclusive’ reporting on the arrest of Xavier Justo in Thailand.

The company has responded by saying they cannot say whether or not they made these statements to the New Straits Times without getting permission from their clients who are none other than PetroSaudi International, who are themselves under several investigations regarding the disappearance of millions of ringgit from 1MDB.

So, how is the government to rely on alleged statements from PGI, when the firm is not prepared to confirm whether or not they made them without permission from this interested party?

In short PGI are not prepared to publicly go on the record and confirm that any of its employees made these remarks to NSI.

We publish these communications below:

Letter from Reed Smith LLP, London

Dear Sirs

We act for Clare Rewcastle-Brown, who as you will be aware is an investigative journalist and the founder of the Sarawak Report.

We are writing to you with regard to two articles which appear in the New Straits Times Online and which can be accessed via the following links:

Thai police nab PetroSaudi ex-staff over attempted extortion

Who is Xavier Andre Justo:

The following passage appears in the first article:

An international cyber-security firm, Protection Group International (PGI), was subsequently hired to conduct an in-depth investigation into the source of the data published on the Internet, as well as verify its authenticity.

These investigations revealed clear evidence of the systematic theft of confidential company data by Justo prior to his departure from PetroSaudi. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that the data was tampered with after it was stolen from PetroSaudi.

It was believed that much of this tampered data subsequently appeared on Sarawak Report and served as the backbone of the blog’s claims of impropriety against 1MDB.

An expert from PGI said: “Our investigation is still ongoing, but it is clear that we are looking at a case of large-scale data theft, and our analysis substantiates that Justo is the source of the data published on Sarawak Report.

“For example, when we looked into a PowerPoint file that was on one of the Sarawak Report’s blogs, we found evidence in the metadata of that file that it had been handled by a certain “xavierj” in 2013; two years after Justo left PetroSaudi, and four years after the file had originally been created by a law firm that advised PetroSaudi.

“It is also clear that the stolen data sets are incomplete, and underwent an editing process after they were removed from PetroSaudi’s systems, and before they were published on the Internet. There are many inconsistencies between the published data and the data which still exists on files within PetroSaudi relating to that period of time. Simply put, it is incomplete data, creatively selected and edited to fit a desired narrative.

“These cases are all too familiar and we have unfortunately dealt with so many of them; where a greedy or malicious employee removes confidential data and threatens to publish it, or has it published, for personal gain – financial or otherwise. Published data then invariably goes through selective editing, and not infrequently plain forgery, in an attempt to up the ante and create the most damaging story possible.

“This case is an almost textbook match to that profile. PetroSaudi, like many companies, individuals or even governments that we have seen before them, and no doubt will continue to see after them, will suffer unfair scrutiny caused by a misinformed online onslaught. In this case, what started out as a simple story of personal gain by a former employee, became a story of politically-motivated allegations through the use of irresponsible online blogs.

“All of the investigations we have conducted thus far would lead me to say that, from both a forensic and expert perspective, the information [relating to this issue] published on the Internet should be considered unsafe and unreliable by those wishing to draw conclusions from it,” he said…

Meanwhile, PGI said it will hand over further evidence to the authorities as its inquiry continues into how PetroSaudi’s computer files were accessed and edited.

Similarly, the second article states that:

PGI has confirmed that documents on The Sarawak Report have been creatively altered.

Please confirm by return:

whether the quote highlighted in red above is a wholly accurate and unedited quotation given by a member of your staff; if it is not, please confirm the precise respects in which the quote is inaccurate and/or has been edited and provide full details of any omitted text;

the identity of the “expert from PGI” who gave the quote referred to if such a quote was given; and
whether you consider the wording set out above in blue to be a wholly accurate summary of your investigations; if it is not, please confirm the precise respects in which it is inaccurate.
Yours faithfully

Reed Smith LLP

Response from “Becky” at PGI

“Thank you for your enquiry, please be advised we take client confidentiality very seriously and do not reveal any details about the work we do for any client, without their agreement”.

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:41 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 4-7-2015 04:48 PM
Oleh kerana tuduhan ini adalah bersifat peribadi, maka adalah wajar bagi Dato' Seri Najib untuk me ...

kau xperasan ke..dah berapa kali aku kritik wak yidin ni??wak yidin tengah berpakat dengan tmj untuk jatuhkan ds najib..

sebab tu lah kalau kau perasan..kes ds najib berkenaan nothingtohide..diterangkan sendiri oleh ketua polis negara..tmj boleh kritik seolah-olah ds najib n ketua polis negara menipu..

sedangkan kes wak yidin dengan bestari net yang kerugian billion ringgit..wak yidin dengan software checker bernilai jutaan ringgit dan berbagai kerosakan n penyelewengan dilakukan wak yidin ke atas sistem pendidikan negara..tidak pun di kritik oleh tmj wakil bangsa johor tu..sebab sama-sama bangsa johor kaedahnya..

nampaknya ds najib dah termakan dengan hasutan untuk menyaman wsj seperti yang mereka kehendaki..lagi banyak lah bahan fitnah untuk ds najib lepas ni..

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Post time 4-7-2015 06:44 PM | Show all posts
AG confirms seeing documents on PM graft allegations

Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail has confirmed he has indeed viewed documents related to the alleged transfer of 1MDB funds into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's accounts.

In a statement today, Gani said they were among the documents collected by the special task force probing 1MDB.

"The task force has obtained a number of documents and had subsequently sent them to me for review.

"I confirm that I have received documents from the task force related to 1MDB, including documents related to the allegations of channelling funds to the prime minister's accounts," he said.

However, Gani did not reveal the nature of the documents or the details of his findings, except that he has studied and reviewed them and advised the task force accordingly on the follow-up action.

The AG also confirmed the task force also conducted a raid yesterday (July 3) on three companies - SRC International Sdn Bhd, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd, and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd - and have seized documents from their premises.

"Following a review and analysis made on the documents obtained from the raid, I have also advised and offered guidance to the task force on the follow-up," said Gani.

"The investigation will focus on every aspect that has been raised," he added.

'Don't confuse public'

The AG said while the investigation is in progress, he hoped all quarters would refrain from issuing statements that could "confuse the public".

The task force comprising members of the police force, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), and the AG's Chambers was announced by Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar on March 9.

Yesterday Wall Street Journal (WSJ) dropped a bombshell with a report alleging that Malaysian investigators' documents showed almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) of 1MDB's funds have been deposited into Najib's bank accounts.

While Najib has denied the allegations as a political conspiracy, his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin today called for the relevant authorities to investigate the claims raised against the PM.

document tu ada, bank-in slip tu ada, account2 tu ada...

macai2 felda pprt kampung boleh terus meratib justo, justo, justo...

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