filem La La Land sgt la best .... bagi yang minat musical lah .... lagu2 semua best .. chemistry leads sgt superb ...
ending agak sedih bagi aku ... bergenang jugak la airmata bila tgk....
moral of the story : in order to achieve your dreams, u have to give up certain things ... however painful it is ....
mmg layak menang Golden Globes for all the nominated categories ....
filem La La Land sgt la best .... bagi yang minat musical lah .... lagu2 s ...
yang tk minat musical pon should try to watch..aku pon bukan la big fan of musical..konsep music dalam filem ni exposure aku lebih kepada filem filem bollywood.
weh sedihh cite niii..
ending aku leh nanges sedu2..
pastu cmtu je end..mmg aku trus menangis..nasib tgk kt umah ngn anak..hahaa..
aku ingat masa ending dia berangan tu part betul dia..nak sgt diorang endup together..
last2 cuma angan2..weyy sedihhh..x penah cite ryan gosling ni buat aku x menangis..mmg nangis je..
best sgt cter nie...i like singing and movie tapi kdang2 kurang berkenan cter musical nie..cuma suka yng outstanding jer mcm grease , sound of music and so on ja..masa mula2 yng kat jalan raya tue mcm bosan jer tapi dh lama2 best plak..the songs, the ups and downs, chemistry between ryan and emma..the best scene of course the ending scene...i never thought that this musical had such a sad ending..nmpk mcm happy ending but ropanya..i was bawling at the end of the sad yet so!!!
actually sebastian yng impian dier nak bukak kelab jazz sndiri mainkan muzik yng dier suka..sbb tue masa dier masuk band john legend, mia marah dier sbb itu bukan apa yng dier nak..seb masa tue fikir cuma nak make mia and family proud by having a good job..mia nak seb capai impian dier untuk bukak kelab jazz
i think they decided to part for good sebab before this pun relationship diornag dh kucar kacir bila seb join tour band..and seb ader ckp yang dier nak mia focus on her career therefore the break up...sacrifing their love for their sad..
citer ni boring pun. iols memang suka musical, tapi citer ni storyline dia macam tak wow. lagi satu paling benci bila dalam satu movie, ada scene "after 5 years ....", "after 10 years....". too amatur sgt. macam dalam citer ni la. tiba2 5 tahun kemudian. mmg kena maki lahhh
Baru lps layan.... best! Lagu2 majority best... skali dengar je terus cari lps abis layan muvi nih... my favourite "City of Stars" & "Start A Fire"... catchy sgt. Film utk santai2... x de la penuh lagu all time mcm film musical Les Miserables. Ending mmg x syok, tp it's ok... x typical & kita x bleh nk predict. Ai x penah suka lagu irama jazz... tp film ni buatkan ai rasa jazz not bad at all...
Utk penggemar movie2 romantik, this movie is for you. Ai bagi 3.5 out of 5.