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Author: ariyamusafir

Can Asia unite?

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 12:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 18-5-2004 08:35:

:setuju: but i do hope someday ASIA will unite as one.... just like EU.... most likely US will fear the idea of united ASIA......! :bgrin:

That was why when Dr. M wanted a summit or don't quite remember the name liao, then US object and Japan and South Korea puled out, then Dr. M have to change to ASEAN + 3.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 12:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 18-5-2004 15:52:

You cannot compare Singapore with Japan. The Japanese have their own culture, civilization, language and work ethics to be proud of, even though it ...

:setuju: The thing is that Singapore is too much being westernised. Japan are proud of the Japanese way but Siingapore is always looking to the US. The Japanese have their own Kimono, language, etc but Singapore, instead of taking one of their rae language as national language, Mandarin, Tamil, Malay, up to them (but most probably mandarin as majority are Chinese), instead, they have English as their national language. They hav no identity of their own and their generations tend to follow th West. Look at Singaporeans now and before.

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Post time 19-5-2004 08:19 AM | Show all posts

Islam is a culture. Prayer is a culture. Fasting is a culture. Circumcision is a culture. Pilgrimage is a culture etc etc.  

Islam is a religion ... NOT a culture. If you cannot differentiate both then you're an idiot. ;)

Fasting? Fasting is an act ... in most HUMAN religion, it is an act of devotion, in your society, it just something Muhammad told you to do. Circumcision? I have NO idea what the hell is that supposed to be because there is NO other religion other than Jews and yourself who cut thier dicks short. ;)

Pilgrimage is not a culture, it is an act of purification ... it exists in MY society but then again, in my society, one doesn't get trambled to death every year. ;)

Praying to God in many forms and other practices were  a culture of the pre-Islamic Malays when they were Hindus.

Bullshit again ... practices in Hindusm have NOTHING to do with Islam or any other Abrahamic religions because THEY DO NOT WORSHIP THE SAME GOD AS YOU DO.  

We did worship God in many forms and continue to do so, each striving to reach a point in our own path. YOU have nothing to do with this since your God is not MINE. Your Practise ... or whatever you call it is not MINE. Your destination (assuming there is one) is not MINE.

Did I say that  the Culture and Heritage of the Malays is about the malays opening a history book and saying "Look, my great great great Grandfather crawled out of Yunnan in what is now China and  so I'm a Chinese"??? That was what exactly Red Cha Siew meant but not me.

Unfortunately Sephiroth like most of the people of your stock, you are specialised & very clever in twisting your tounge when you talk.  Is that a heritage or a culture?

Eating curry is also a culture that the Malays adopted from the Hindus from India. The Yunnanis are not curry eaters.

Nonsense ... you blame other people because they speak the truth. Malays have no culture and heritage, what they had before was borrowed from others and when Islam came, they forsaken it all to become an Arab-wannabees. ;)

I tell you some example.

1. Wedding and the practise of "Bersanding".

Did it came from Islam? No, it is practise by Hindus and Malays accepted before Islam come. Now that Islam came, you people begin to reject majlis bersanding with excuse such as it is too expensive, not-islamic and waste of money.

What you do? You get your male groom and have him repeat how much money he going to use to BUY the female species of your race, make small prayers to finish off the deal then lead the buyer into the room where he is shown the mechandise and he will enjoy it while the rest of your species eat and laugh outside.

Couple of days later, assuming he has satisfied with the merchandise, he can start looking for a new one to buy since it is permitted in your society to have as many as 4 females.

Or he could always say "Talak" and divorce her. The court hearing will take forever only to add suffering of your female (probably in attempt to scare them to be obedience to their male dominant ones) while the male continues to look for other potential females to add to his harem. ;)

2. Practise of Coronation by the Sultan and Agung.

Is that brought by Islam? No, it is a practise from Javanese where Keris is considered to be a symbolic weapon for the Kings and "golongan Bangsawan".

3. The importance of Yellow in Royal Family.

Did that brought by Islam? No, Yellow is mark with royalty since China gave it to Melaka's Princes/Kings in 14th Century, just before Islam come about and it is still used till now.

What Culture and heritage did Islam bring?

I can say One for sake of being fair - Jawi Language which was good because despite of having Sanskrit and Tamil language, written language in ancient time in Malaya is partially learnt by a certain group alone. With Jawi, everyone could learn it easily.

But did it last? NO ... matter a fact, about 10 years ago, there were a news that one of the last Jawi newspapers (forgot the name ... Mingguan Something) went OUT OF BUSINESS because modern Malays do not know Jawi!

So what is the use of Islam in promoting culture and heritage? None ... because it doesn't promote anything but misery to others.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 08:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-5-2004 08:19:

Islam is a culture. Prayer is a culture. Fasting is a culture. Circumcision is a culture. Pilgrimage is a culture etc etc.  

Islam is a religion ... NOT a culture. If you c ...

Culture, is a way of doing things. Like, when you get married, the culture you would be for you to get married inyour own fashion, be it by race or religion. Fasting too can be considered as a culture. Culture does not necessary be equated to race though it is oftenly used. However, many cultures in the US are called Budaya Kuning, that is Yellow culture, a term used for the culture which come from the west which is undesirable by the local people here, which is of No moral values.

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Post time 19-5-2004 08:41 AM | Show all posts
by ariyamusafir

Culture, is a way of doing things. Like, when you get married, the culture you would be for you to get married inyour own fashion, be it by race or religion. Fasting too can be considered as a culture. Culture does not necessary be equated to race though it is oftenly used. However, many cultures in the US are called Budaya Kuning, that is Yellow culture, a term used for the culture which come from the west which is undesirable by the local people here, which is of No moral values.

Yes ... Culture is the way you do things. What about Religion and Heritage? What defination you have for them?

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WinterNights at 18-5-2004 22:30:


True, while we cannot compare square for square the similiarities between S'pore and Japan, nevertheless such a comparison is still possible due to the medium by which the in ...

You can see lots of culture, especially chinese culture once in Singapore. However, as time goes by, as Singapore modernise, it is moving AWAY further, and further from its own culture especially the chinese culture. Look at Singapore now. Many young generations these days not even do not know how to right in Mandarin, but also DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SPEAK! Some rich one would go and learn French, German, but not their own. The reason, is want to win and compete in their daily lives and in jobs which is due to their KIASU (scared to lose) attitude and also, their thought that the Westerners such as the British, French, and US are the upper class, or higher class people whereas Chinese, Malay are the lower class people. Such is their perception generally. However, this doesn't apply to all Singaporeans as there are still many Singaporeans which have their good culture still in practise.

The movie "I not stupid", is a good view about Singapore. Though it is just a story, it reflects well on the Singapore society these days.

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-5-2004 08:41:
by ariyamusafir

Culture, is a way of doing things. Like, when you get married, the culture you would be for you to get married inyour own fashion, be it by race or religion. Fasting too can  ...

If for example, if one is a muslim, he has the fasting month and they fast, that can be considered a culture. If for example, in Buddhist temples where there is monks, the offering of Kathina robes to certain monks every year, the process or the ceremony, the way they do it too can be considered a culture.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 08:51 AM | Show all posts
i am looking at a petri dish at the moment... i think we can call what 's in it 'culture'.

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Post time 19-5-2004 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Correction for my own post earlier where I said Yes. Now, due to some research, I say "No" ... Culture is nothing to do with the way you do something. ... =1&word=culture

1. culture, civilization, civilisation -- (a particular society at a particular time and place; "early Mayan civilization")

Is Islam part of original Funan people? No.
Is Islam part of ASIAN culture or its people's way of doing things? No.

2. culture -- (the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group)

This maybe in favor of Islam since it does promote you to become an Arab wannabe.

In terms of clothing, manner of speaking, religious practise etc, does Muslims's culture follow that of an Asian people? No ... they do not, thus it is logical to say that Muslims are not part of Asia or its rich heritage.

3. acculturation, culture -- (all the knowledge and values shared by a society)

Knowledge and values? Overall, the knowledge and values which a Muslim follows is that of Middle-East values, NOT Asia's, thus they are not Asians.

4, 5 and 6 is not related to Religion, culture or heritage but you can read them in the link above.

7. culture -- (the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization; "the developing drug culture"; "the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the FBI culture")

Attitide of Muslim individually is more toward the suffering of their fellow species rather than that of the Asian society in general. Muslim government were promoted to help Muslims first and in many cases, ignore totally those who are not in same understanding as they are. So, Muslims are not Asians.

No. 8 is not about culture, heritage or religion but you can read from the link above.

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Post time 19-5-2004 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Well Seph,in case you dont know...Most Muslim people usually helps people from their own religion eventhough they are located somewhere further away in the geographical position such as in the Middle East and Africa but they totally ignored their own Asian brother and sisters who are in trouble...

For most Muslims....Religion comes first, then  their own race, and then only people from the same region...It's obvious..

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2004 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Thus, Asians must help each other and go to their felow Asians aid when there is need. Of course not helping them do crimes if it is so, but if Asians are united, you would not see the occupation of Iraq by these Bad invaders.

Asia must unite. It doesn't matter if Muslim go to the aid of their fellow brothers first or Christians the same or other religion the same, but so long as fellow Asians are in trouble be it economically or in times of war, Asians must help Asian, but not commit crimes, and NOT go invading others as a block but defend the soverign of one as a block.

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Post time 19-5-2004 09:07 AM | Show all posts
by Seraphim

Well Seph,in case you dont know...Most Muslim people usually helps people from their own religion eventhough they are located somewhere further away in the geographical position such as in the Middle East and Africa but they totally ignored their own Asian brother and sisters who are in trouble...

Which is WHY they are not my brothers or sisters. I'm an Asian (whether I'm a Hindu/India or Buddhism/Chinese fellow), as long as a person follows the Asian culture and heritage (even so it not all but a bit), then he or she is my brother and sister.

For most Muslims....Religion comes first, then  their own race, and then only people from the same region...It's obvious..  

Which is why we should return the favour. Don't buy anything from Muslim shops, don't friends with them, don't help them (unless you are a police. firemen or a doctor), and ignore their pleads.

They are busy helping their middle-east friends, let those people come and help them when they are in trouble ... assuming that the Arabs give a damn about this people in the first place. ;)

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Post time 19-5-2004 09:17 AM | Show all posts
by ariyamusafir

Thus, Asians must help each other and go to their felow Asians aid when there is need. Of course not helping them do crimes if it is so, but if Asians are united, you would not see the occupation of Iraq by these Bad invaders.

ASIAN must help each others ... Muslims are NOT Asian because they have NO (Culture, Heritage or Religious) VALUES which equalize them to Asians.

IF my Chinese Brother and Sister need my help, I will help whether he/she from China, Taiwan or Hong Kong.

IF my Indian Brother and Sister needs my help, I will help whether he/she is from India, Andaman or Sri Lanka.

If my Japanese brothers and Sisters need help, I will help whether he/she is from Japan or other parts of the world.

As long as they hold their culture and heritage values which marks them for Asian.

I WILL NOT HELP Muslims who are NOT ASIAN or hold any values which marks them to be Asian.

Asia must unite. It doesn't matter if Muslim go to the aid of their fellow brothers first or Christians the same or other religion the same, but so long as fellow Asians are in trouble be it economically or in times of war, Asians must help Asian, but not commit crimes, and NOT go invading others as a block but defend the soverign of one as a block.

That is just your stupid excuse in trying to get us involve in your wars. Cunningness is something you inherited from Muhammad. Because you know you will not get anywhere if you rely solely on your useless Muslims brothers and Sisters.

Why? Because your race stood and watch as the rest of the world went for aid for the starving people of Africa (mostly Muslims) in 1980s.

Because it is non-Muslims who aided Afghan during the US attacks.

Because it is non-Muslims who aided Kuwait during Saddam's war.

And it is non-Muslim who aiding Iraq now that Bush is attacking Iraq.

Muslims and their society proven, time after time to be useless. We, non-Muslims DO NOT NEED your help, it is YOU who need our help. For God is with Us, not You.

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Post time 19-5-2004 09:35 AM | Show all posts
>>For God is with Us, not You.<<<

god is not we us or anyone lah... stop dreaming.

god is waiting to smash humanity.

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Post time 19-5-2004 09:40 AM | Show all posts
by RedChaSiew

god is not we us or anyone lah... stop dreaming.

god is waiting to smash humanity.  

Wrong ... He will smash Animals who behave like Humans.

Doomsdays and Armageddon is accepted in ALL religions, only thing different between your religion and mine is, in Mine, God doesn't blow up the Earth but wipe all species which corrupt the world and leave the pure and unspoilt ones behind so they could continue to worship Him and live a better Life.

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Post time 19-5-2004 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 19-5-2004 09:07 AM:
Thus, Asians must help each other and go to their felow Asians aid when there is need. Of course not helping them do crimes if it is so, but if Asians are united, you would not see the occupation o ...

Let me give you an example...

"You helped someone you barely knew who shared the same hobby in distress but you dont help you neigbours"

Sounded kinda wrong rite??

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 10:21 AM | Show all posts
>>Doomsdays and Armageddon is accepted in ALL religion<<<

doomsday and armageddon will claim plenty of innocent lifes also...

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Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-505-2004 10:41:
by ariyamusafir

Culture, is a way of doing things. Like, when you get married, the culture you would be for you to get married inyour own fashion, be it by race or religion. Fasting too can  ...

Wat about the culture of cow and tahi lembu? :dia: Sephiroth

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-5-2004 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Can Asia Unite? This is a very interesting question and topic to be discussed. In order to form a strong United Asia first of all we have to have a strong support from every  individual who think that he has a strong asian blood in his body. We can achieve it if only someone like ME :ah: and :dia: YOU  unite together either WE are Malay, Chinese, Indian or Japanese and either WE are muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Shintos, whatever races and religions WE have in ASIA! WE need to live in peace and harmony to achieve the target. How can WE achieve the target if each and one of US fight :gado:  or kill   one another???

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Post time 19-5-2004 11:34 AM | Show all posts
by whitepig

doomsday and armageddon will claim plenty of innocent lifes also...

Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. If present trends continue one half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in 100 years.

The millions of Lives which you spoke of is just of your species. But for me, armageddon will wipe all and a small number of species will live and they will populate the world, just like Mammals and other smaller animals did after the Dinosaurs died out 65 Millions years ago.

In your religion, it seems that you think that God is just in charge of Man ONLY ... WRONG, when you become a reason for other creatures' death or even to the point that the World is in danger, it is you who will be wiped out.

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