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[Tempatan] Pakaian tidak patut dijadikan alasan isu gangguan seksual

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Post time 12-2-2018 12:30 PM | Show all posts
hishh.kj ni tak pernah pi kelantanistan dengar ceramah tin sardin zuhud bermerc s-class kesana sini ke..?

dah kalau pompuan seksi tu..rogollah..prrftthhhh....

"penerapan nilai-nilai isle" katanya

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Post time 12-2-2018 12:33 PM | Show all posts
cerita bab aurat je..lobai juga yang korang salahkan...deme nasihat benda yang baik...kurang² kan ler menyalak kalau orang buat benda baik...dah terang² kita sebagai orang islam..ikut laa cara islam....banyak betoi free thinker skang nie...

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Post time 12-2-2018 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Kalau lelaki berpakaian menjolok mata, lelaki dikatakan sex maniac, cubaan harass perempuan, etc

kalau pompuan yg begitu, can we say the same to those women? berapa ramai lelaki yg terseksa jiwa dan mata sbb ramai perempuan berpakaian menjolok mata?

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Post time 12-2-2018 12:57 PM | Show all posts
enhe.duanna replied at 9-2-2018 10:27 AM
Lobai @Defcon2  sekarang ni sudah berapa ramai perempuan tidak tutup aurat u tilik sudah berkurap ?

Isu gangguan seksual dan menjaga maruah atau kehormatan wanita adalah 2 isu berbeza. Kau jangan lah jadi si pening yang tak dapat membezakan antara keduanya.

Geng anti Islam dan penyokong pengganas Kristian memang ada masalah nak membezakan antara 2 perkara. Contoh @FOTHER-MUCKER yang tak dapat bezakan antara kes dadah dan kes keganasan. Maaf aku konar sikit.

Walau bagaimanapun aku cuba komen juga. Jujurnya aku tak faham sangat rencana ni. Kalau bukan isu pakaian, apa isunya? Adakah maknanya wanita bebas pakai apa saja dan lelaki tidak boleh melihat mereka? Jika lelaki melihat itu dikira gangguan seksual. Maka itu masih lagi ada kaitan dengan isu pakaian.

Di peringkat global pun negara-negara pengganas Kristian yang tidak menetapkan kod pakaian bagi wanita biasanya akan mencatatkan kes rogol dan keganasan tinggi terhadap wanita.

Contoh Gazettereview mencatatkan kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia adalah negara pengganas Kristian Akfrika Selatan. Manakala laporan terbaru UNDP mencatatkan kejadian keganasan terhadap wanita paling banyak berlaku di negara-negara pengganas Kristian di Latin Amerika dan Caribbean.

Kedua-dua sumber ini tidak pula melaporkan bilangan masalah yang tinggi di negara-negara Islam. Mungkin kod pakaian yang ditetapkan berjaya mengurangkan masalah sosial di negara-negara Islam ini.      


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 Author| Post time 12-2-2018 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Defcon2 replied at 11-2-2018 08:57 PM
Isu gangguan seksual dan menjaga maruah atau kehormatan wanita adalah 2 isu berbeza. Kau jangan la ...

Lobai con nak konar mana lagi?
Kamu sudah terbelit dengan sendirinya lah dol. nak konar dah tak boleh lagi!   UN pun ambil data dan research dari womanstats lah dol. lain kali cerdikan diri tu dulu kalau nak putar belit kat ci

Nampak tu negara mana kaki rogol? Kamu tengok yang warna merah dalam map tu!

THE HIGH RAPE-SCALE IN SAUDI ARABIA[size=1.2]January 16, 2013
Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most conservative countries in the world, especially in regard to the status of women. Saudi Arabia is an extreme Islamic country where its legal code is based on Shari’a Law. They therefore believe that there is no separation between church and state and the state’s laws are heavily based on Islamic teachings. Because of this strict Islamic culture, women in Saudi Arabia are treated and acknowledged very differently than the women who live in the west. For example, in Saudi Arabia, there are laws that require women to wear a hijab, a head scarf, as well as dress in loose, long garments that do not show the shape of the woman’s body. To do so would be shameful and secular. There are other laws such as this one that are meant to protect the virtue of women in Saudi Arabia.
Knowing this about Saudi Arabia, I had assumed that women there would be relatively safe since there are such strict laws regarding the protection of a woman’s virtue. I assumed incorrectly when I was studying a WomanStats map that displayed the rape scale of each country in the world. On a scale from one to five, Saudi Arabia had a ranking of a four. I was confused by this since, as briefly described above, Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most conservative countries in the world where women are highly secluded. I would have thought these practices and laws would have decreased the rape rate substantially.
The question I pose then is this, why does Saudi Arabia, one of the most conservative countries in the world have one of the highest rape scales in the world?
While there are many interconnecting reasons why rape occurs so often in Saudi Arabia, I have chosen four possible causes to narrow down the research for this project. The four causes I have chosen are one, a secular society, two, insufficient laws, three, taboos against reporting rape and four, an in


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Post time 12-2-2018 01:18 PM | Show all posts
dalam keadaan ini, proses menjaga kehormatan wanita tu perlu fokus.  bukan semata2 pakai tudung dan tutup muka.  

adakah kita nak eksploitasi terhadap badan manusia diteruskan demi keuntungan pihak2 tertentu.  tubuh badan manusia diperalatkan utk melariskan jualan. ini hina dan menjatuhkan maruah.  

sebab tu islam hadir utk menjaga perkara2 ini.  

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Post time 12-2-2018 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Betul sangat ni. Selalu sangat perogol and pengatal semua ni bagi alasan pakaian seksi.

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Post time 12-2-2018 02:57 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 12-2-2018 11:10 AM
Kamu tak boleh faham ka cara kehidupan dan tradisi manusia adalah berbeza? Kamu nak samakan tradis ...

Memanglah tradisi tak sama. Tapi tradisi mana yang lebih baik? Tradisi yang lebih menjaga maruah wanita (Arab) atau tradisi yang menjatuhkan maruah wanita (pengganas Kristian barat)?

Nah kau sendiri kata tradisi di Afrika pakai cawat (separuh bogel). Dan kau tahu Afrika Selatan diikuti oleh Bostwana mencatatkan kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia. Takkan kau nampak kaitannya.

Kenyataan kau arab sana gila rogol adalah tuduhan melulu dan tiada asas. Padahal statistik sendiri menunjukkan Afrika Selatan mempunyai kes rogol per kapita paling tinggi di dunia dan negara Latin Amerika serta Caribbean adalah tempat paling bahaya untuk wanita mengikut fakta UN.

Kau ni memang suka buat teori merepek sama macam teori amonra dulu, teori kes dadah sama dengan kes keganasan, teori tak boleh naik kuda tu dikira ganas. Teori merepek kau semakin menjadi-jadi.   


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Post time 12-2-2018 03:28 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 12-2-2018 01:01 PM
Lobai con nak konar mana lagi?
Kamu sudah terbelit dengan sendirinya lah dol. nak konar dah tak b ...

Jangan menipu. Mana ada UN amik dari womenstats ni. UN hanya vet (saring) data dari womenstats. Terang-terang kau menipu di situ.

Dah la maklumat lapuk. UN guna data dari agensi dia sendiri UNWomen dan UNDP la. Nak menipu pun berpada-pada lah. Berapa kali dah kau kantoi menipu ni?

Dan womenstats juga menunjukkan banyak negara-negara pengganas Kristian di Latin Amerika, Afrika dan Russia mempunyai ancaman yang tinggi terhadap wanita. Fakta ni kau cuba sembunyikan pulak.  



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 Author| Post time 12-2-2018 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 12-2-2018 01:25 AM
Defcon2 replied at 11-2-2018 11:28 PM
Jangan menipu. Mana ada UN amik dari womenstats ni. UN hanya vet (saring) data dari womenstats. Te ...

The database is meant to help fill a hole in the extant data on the situation of women around the world. WomanStats data and research has been vetted and/or used by the United Nations, the United States Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the World Bank. Their data and research were also used by the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in crafting the International Violence Against Women’s Act.[6]

Dasar lobai muka tembok kaki putar belit tak tau malu betul. Seriously saya tanya apasal jadi lobai mesti jadi kaki putar belit? Kamu orang memang tiada harga diri ke?

Lobai con nak konar mana lagi?
Kamu sudah terbelit dengan sendirinya lah dol. nak konar dah tak boleh lagi!   UN pun ambil data dan research dari womanstats lah dol. lain kali cerdikan diri tu dulu kalau nak putar belit kat ci

Nampak tu negara mana kaki rogol? Kamu tengok yang warna merah dalam map tu!

THE HIGH RAPE-SCALE IN SAUDI ARABIA[size=1.2]January 16, 2013
Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most conservative countries in the world, especially in regard to the status of women. Saudi Arabia is an extreme Islamic country where its legal code is based on Shari’a Law. They therefore believe that there is no separation between church and state and the state’s laws are heavily based on Islamic teachings. Because of this strict Islamic culture, women in Saudi Arabia are treated and acknowledged very differently than the women who live in the west. For example, in Saudi Arabia, there are laws that require women to wear a hijab, a head scarf, as well as dress in loose, long garments that do not show the shape of the woman’s body. To do so would be shameful and secular. There are other laws such as this one that are meant to protect the virtue of women in Saudi Arabia.
Knowing this about Saudi Arabia, I had assumed that women there would be relatively safe since there are such strict laws regarding the protection of a woman’s virtue. I assumed incorrectly when I was studying a WomanStats map that displayed the rape scale of each country in the world. On a scale from one to five, Saudi Arabia had a ranking of a four. I was confused by this since, as briefly described above, Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most conservative countries in the world where women are highly secluded. I would have thought these practices and laws would have decreased the rape rate substantially.
The question I pose then is this, why does Saudi Arabia, one of the most conservative countries in the world have one of the highest rape scales in the world?
While there are many interconnecting reasons why rape occurs so often in Saudi Arabia, I have chosen four possible causes to narrow down the research for this project. The four causes I have chosen are one, a secular society, two, insufficient laws, three, taboos against reporting rape and four, an in


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Post time 12-2-2018 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So boleh la prempuan berjalan bogel ke sana sni & cas gangguan seksual
Pd yg meraba??

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2018 05:56 PM | Show all posts
anony-mous replied at 12-2-2018 01:22 AM
So boleh la prempuan berjalan bogel ke sana sni & cas gangguan seksual
Pd yg meraba??

Kalau kamu sanggup berbogel apa salahnya. Lobai kaki putar belit defcon2 lagi suka.

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Post time 15-2-2018 02:25 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 12-2-2018 05:19 PM
The database is meant to help fill a hole in the extant data on the situation of women around the  ...

Tak payah seronok sangat. Aku refer dalam website womenstats sendiri. Takde pun dia kata UN guna data dia. Kau refer pada wikipedia kan. So sumber mana lagi ada kredibiliti?

Dan ia tetap tidak mengubah hakikat bahawa negara pengganas Kristian South Afrika mempunyai kes rogol per kapita, diulangi per kapita, penduduk paling tinggi di dunia. Dan UN sendiri melaporkan negara-negara pengganas Kristian di Latin Amerika dan Caribbean adalah paling bahaya untuk wanita. Ini semua dari sumber sahih dah terkini. Sayangnya maklumat kau dah lapuk.

Dan isu paling penting takde sorang pun geng anti Islam dapat tunjukkan bagaimana geng anti Islam menjaga maruah dan kehormatan wanita. Paling hampir pun hanya Dwdrum bangkitkan isu keadilan. Sebaliknya yang lain pusing sana pusing sini dan lari dari tajuk.     


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