Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof dan para duckies V4
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haha bukan ke dakies kebanyakkan tak layak lagi nak bayar tax?
auntie_girl replied at 28-3-2018 08:22 AM
Bff alia si shura punya hasben pun alia selamba jah peluk ketat2 |
Edited by Aurora90 at 28-3-2018 09:58 AM
Vivy tak pernah rasa susah tahap marhaen susah. Not in her life nor pregnancy i guess.
I nikah awal, time tarikh tunang, dua bulan sebelum my majlis kahwin both side sebab my dad passed away a month earlier which makes my mum in her edah and my mum nak I ada teman untuk pergi sini sana settlekan hal kenduri.
Little that I know I was pregnant immediately after nikah.....but I need to be strong
Kerja, then malam ada mba class, which I naik turun LRT ye takde driver....in between kejar sini sana settlekan hal kenduri.
Then after my side punya kenduri I miscarriage perhaps due to so much hardwork and travel KL-Kedah. Kenduri my husband side I still in my seminggu pantang.
But I was being strong tak layankan perasaan sebab I had to, I had no choice.
Vivy apa tahu? Dia bukan rasa benda ni semua thus I still consider her 3rd pregnancy is an easy one.
Okaylah sedikit jealous dia boleh travel sini sana while in her first trimester...I cannot afford to do that anymore in my next pregnancy...
Still I pray for your pregnancy and your baby's health V. Harap anak anak kau nanti ada empathy and EQ more than you woman. |
vivy tau ke buku merah? Tau ke kena tunggu 1-2 jam nak cek up. Dengan KK penuh manusia. Die ape tahu pasal kesusahan rakyat mehraen. |
Seriously vv has no empathy. Lahir2 atas diamond. Mana dia tau susah2 rakyat marhaen. Talk shit je tau. Segala2 dah disediakan. She has no idea apa term “susah” yg sebenarnya. Dia punya level of “susah” is different with our level of “susah” |
Aurora90 replied at 28-3-2018 09:54 AM
Vivy tak pernah rasa susah tahap marhaen susah. Not in her life nor pregnancy i guess.
I nikah aw ...
Huwaa kesiannya u. May Allah reward you with lots of reward. Aminn |
Angkuh sgt article tu .. menunjukkan kesombongan penulisnya. Dia tak diuji dgn apa2 kesusahan yg besar pun .. patutnya bersyukur dan simpati n tolak ansur la. Sib baik i x keje fv .. klau tak i dah argue kot ngn dia. |
Consumer product n website dia generally xde penthouse in mont kiara, xde maid, xde driver, xde personal photographer, xde mansion with pool ok. Vivy please take note when u start comparing your life with others |
faint_heart replied at 28-3-2018 10:41 AM
Consumer product n website dia generally xde penthouse in mont kiara, xde maid, xde driver, xde pers ...
Mood husnuzon, dia nk compare life dia ngn others women ceo kot. Muahhahahaha. |
Vivy being insensitive towards this pregnancy issue kan.. the article was fine, straightforward writing from her but serious lack of empathy.
Tapi mmg ada few women yg mcm ni, even not coming from golden egg mcm tinvy pon, ada jew yg eksen or what they called "a gift from Allah' for having normal and smooth sailing 9 months, siap kind of kutuk preggie mom yg having problems nie...
Btw, bkn lah breaking news pon pregnancy tinVy ni pd iols smpai nak kena msuk mainstream newspaper, enough of her ig to tell the whole world.
Tokti tu ye lah acceptable sbb long awaited baby...
miu84 replied at 28-3-2018 08:30 AM
I am guessing that TinVy is a fan of chick lit. Bila baca dia tulis, terasa vibe sophie kinsella tu
Berry pun minat chic lit tapi takdala nak terbawa2 sgt still can be realistiv. Vivy is juz bimbo but smart one. N tak pernah hidup susah. |
maybe that why iman stop being her PA and join Duck. sbb Iman kan da kawenSomehow i agree ur statement. Kalau da ada anak2 memang tak sesuai kerja Fv, sbb gaya kerja takde limit time.
cmf_premierleag replied at 28-3-2018 09:27 AM
Bff alia si shura punya hasben pun alia selamba jah peluk ketat2
They all ni modern jenis westernize
tak da pelik la setakat peluk bahu
pinggang gitu
acik2 bertudung labuh berlakikan
typical malay
tentu la nmpk awkward dgn
pemandangan gitu |
faint_heart replied at 28-3-2018 10:39 AM
Angkuh sgt article tu .. menunjukkan kesombongan penulisnya. Dia tak diuji dgn apa2 kesusahan yg bes ...
sepatutnya dia perempuan
lebih memahami perempuan |
cmf_Strawberry replied at 27-3-2018 05:33 PM
Referring back to preggy article berry always frel yang vivy ni sgt bimbo. Dengan the luxury yang di ...
Tinvy nih kalu dia kena macam kak si blogger tu baru dia tau. Kena bedrest, hospitalised segala. X semua preggy mom kuat masa ngandung. She had it easy sebab tu banyak cekadak, semua nak komplen.
Kalu ye pun kurang empathy pun janganla tunjuk kat orang, byat orang nyampah je. |
klutzyklutz replied at 28-3-2018 07:35 AM
Husband I yang tak ambil kisah pasal tinvy pun dah tau pasal her pregnancy. Dia pun pelik kenapa k ...
I rasa , lg senang nak explain to boss lelaki dari u ada boss perempuan . Nie pengalaman i dulu dulu la . |
I yang belum kahwin ni pun somehow rasa that article too cocky. One my my close friends tengah pregnant, morning sickness dia teruk. Makcik-makcik sekeliling, tak percaya, kata probably dia mengada-ngada sebab manja and etc. Dan start compare with their past pregnancies.
Most probably lack of empathy, buat dorang ni macam ni. Dorang tak pernah rasa, so dorang simply belittling experiences orang lain.
PS: I used to adore Vivy a lot especially masa awal-awal dia dons hijab. Now, I rasa dia cuma a very lucky spoilt brat. |
geng acik gugusan keropok x nak bagi #coldguava ke dkt tinvy? dah lama x nmpk penampakan geng keropok ni |
Dawn_Agatha replied at 28-3-2018 12:54 PM
I yang belum kahwin ni pun somehow rasa that article too cocky. One my my close friends tengah pregn ...
Sama dgn i .. i used to think highly of her masa mula2 dia start berhijab .. but now no more. She may hv become too big for her own good la .. serupa neelofa. I pelik sgt why she has to make life so difficult for her staff .. bukan ke klau kita permudahkn hidup org lain hidup kita pun akan dimudahkan. I have no respect for women mcmni |
Imagine if dia diduga dgn sakit tiba2 trimester kedua .. shes only 2 months preggers btw .. check ig story fadza.. still a looong way to go. Anything can happen. |
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