As'ad Motawh Bakal Mendunia Dilamar Boy Band 911?
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hmmm okayyyyyy.. jgn kuar agama je lah ye dek... |
dalam band ni aku paling minat sekali nyanyian gary barlow |
Gary Barlow band Take That bersamaan dengan Robbie Williams la cik oiiii
gary barlow 
asad montah WHOOO R YUSSS |
Spike tu muka cam pedo haha. Sbb tu brminat kot. Btw my fave song from 911 is Private Number. Best sgt lgu tu. My mum fave also. |
911!!! The Day We Find Love
err bkn asad dh bersara ke? |
I have always thought that he has a distinct head profile due to his thick eyebrows, thick, curly eyelashes, a visible line on his lower lip and the cleft chin. The combination of these strong and arresting visage features make his, a stunning look. The characteristics that I have always found whenever I see profile photos of the male models. Atypical and uniquely good-looking boy for Malay. Hope he packs himself with talent, knowledge, imaan and he will blossom into a fine man one day! Insya Allah. Good luck!  |
Sedap la jgk lagu depa ni tp aku suka nsync lg |
as'ad ni wujud sejak bila? |
meolz tak pasti nak respond apa.... terlalu errkkkk sangat berita ni  |
Dedulu layan sgt lagu Bodyshaking 911 ni.. tp zmn tu BSB lagi glemer.. |
iol tak tau sapa kump ini, tp one advise, please rethink. jgn tangkap muat jer, penyanyi hauk gak yg dicarinya walhal masih ramai lagi bakat2 di luar sana yg belum di gilap masih tersembunyi |
marketing strategy asal wat comeback mula cari pasaran asia sbb kt negara sendri pon sendu dh xde fans |
Asad motawh ni la artis bbnu paling bawah dalam Ranking i..err rasanya tak layak masuk senarai kot.. |
Lee.. tiberrr rindu boy bands 90's n 2000's |
lazim replied at 22-11-2018 02:01 PM
motip aku xknl band ni
samelah.. meols pon xkenal.. may be kecik lg kot wkt tu...or meols blum ckp urban lagi sebab x kenal boyband 911.. tp peristiwa yg 911 wtc kene serang tu meols tau la.. |
911..Oh noooo...teringat pulak menari dgn my crush dulu masa skolah diiringi lagu don't make me wait ittew. |
multinicky replied at 22-11-2018 08:13 PM
samelah.. meols pon xkenal.. may be kecik lg kot wkt tu...or meols blum ckp urban lagi sebab x ken ...
Aku knl westlife je  |
sarukhan replied at 22-11-2018 07:17 PM
Asad motawh ni la artis bbnu paling bawah dalam Ranking i..err rasanya tak layak masuk senarai kot.. ...
Truk sgt suara & pr bdk ni |
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