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Author: CARI-MAL

Pfizer Mungkin Kurang Berkesan Pada Individu Obes, Kena Tambah Dos

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Post time 3-3-2021 07:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Orkuitor at 3-3-2021 07:32 AM
rookiecake replied at 2-3-2021 10:41 PM
Semua Muslim doktor2 di seluruh dunia pun penjilat Amerika Yahudi jugak? Tak masuk akal langsung ...

Ko sokong sgt pfizer make sure ko ambil pfizer sajalah, kenapa mcm nak halang org ramai utk buat pilihan sendiri? Sebenarnya apabila saya baca berita amerika pergi bomb syria lagi menyakinkan saya tak nak ambil vaksin amerika. Tapi ko muslim? Amboi, penjilat yahudi, tak kenal siapakah yahudi

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Post time 3-3-2021 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orkuitor replied at 3-3-2021 07:26 AM
Ko sokong sgt pfizer make sure ko ambil pfizer sajalah, kenapa mcm nak halang org ramai utk buat ...

Kalau nak cakap apa2, cuba selidik dahulu, jangan main tembak. Aku da ambil pun Pfizer vaccine. Both shots. Kau pulak? Apa kene mengena serangan bomb dengan Pfizer? Omg. Ingatkan boleh berbuat bincang. Please don’t tell me you’re a lost cause. Because you seem like one.

Not only you have caused fitnah, you have also accused semua Muslim Doctors around the world pun penjilat Yahudi? You lack critical thinking. Keep up with the name calling. Jangan lupa di padang Masyar you have to ask forgiveness from me and all the Muslim doctors in the world.

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Post time 4-3-2021 01:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Orkuitor at 4-3-2021 01:04 AM
rookiecake replied at 3-3-2021 09:38 AM
Kalau nak cakap apa2, cuba selidik dahulu, jangan main tembak. Aku da ambil pun Pfizer vaccine. Bo ...

Apa yg aku fitnah? Berani ke ko menidakkan fakta pfizer ada kes kesan sampingan negatif? Berani ke ko nafikan amerika syarikat baru menyeranf Syria?

Kalau semua ni fakta, bukan ke ko yg fitnah aku sebenarnya?

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Post time 4-3-2021 07:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by rookiecake at 4-3-2021 07:50 AM
Orkuitor replied at 4-3-2021 01:03 AM
Apa yg aku fitnah? Berani ke ko menidakkan fakta pfizer ada kes kesan sampingan negatif? Berani  ...

Wow, you really are a lost cause.

1) accused Muslims in the world who support Pfizer vaccine “Penjilat Yahudi” = fitnah and what an absolutely DISGUSTING thing to say to your fellow Muslims. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe have a look at all my posts before spouting about something you know nothing about. Do your homework.

2) All vaccines have side effects and the majority of it are normal. The side effect I’ve experienced was sore arm after both shots. Bila masa pulak aku halang orang ramai untuk buat pilihan sendiri? Please QUOTE where I said that. I’ll wait. Do i have a gun pointing to random strangers? No.

Your point again? Kalau kau langsung tak ada background in science, you should do yourself and everyone else a favour to stick to something you’re actually good at. Lord knows what you’re good at. FACTS NOT FEAR. I have no problems presenting you with data that supports this vaccine. There’s nothing to hide. Again, if you have no knowledge reading a peer reviewed study, you have no business advising others about vaccines. None. Zilch.

3) You really need to stick to the topic at hand. Still on Syria? Pray, tell... what’s the link between Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and the strike that was approved by Biden? Seriously how did you even link these two to somehow back your constant ludicrous and immature attacks on others? It’s truly mind boggling. Since when did I deny about the attack by US on Iran-backed militias in Syria? I literally did not say that. Fitnah again. Just look at all your posts whether your comments are kind or otherwise. Muhasabah diri.

I absolutely do not support the strike by US but something you probably are not aware of is that the Iran(Shia / Shiite) backed group that was attacked by US perkosa wanita2 Sunni dan membunuh budak-budak lelaki Sunni hanya kerana nama2 mereka Umar dan Muawiyah. They also do a lot more heinous acts to the Sunnis in Syria.

Gambar2 terakhir menunjukkan seorang wanita Sunni menagis akibatkan dirogol oleh militan2 Shia. Make sure you read all of this. Every single word.

Like I said again, stick to the goalpost. You really lack understanding and nuance. Don’t just read what’s on the surface, faham?

Cukup-cukup la causing unrest and creating havoc to the public and fitnah orang. Maybe stop spending so much time on this forum and do something much more beneficial to yourself dan tak mendatangkan dosa. Sebenarnya before that, learn what’s ADAB which is the VERY thing you’re lacking.

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Post time 9-3-2021 12:56 PM | Show all posts
hmm...mau 3 kali cucuk tu

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Post time 16-12-2021 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak silap vaksin & virus both menyebanlan kegemukan. Lalu pathway yang sama, ACE2

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Post time 11-1-2022 09:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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