kenapa nak kena induce? ada complications apa2 ke? kalau takde, let it come naturally. kalau both if you jenis baka yg tinggi dan bukan small size, tak mustahil anak u pun besar. doc memang lah cakap kalau nak induce, dia leh bagi sebab tu semua duit bagi dorang... i pun dulu doc nak induce, bukan sebab baby besar tapi sebab air ketuban dah pecah dan blm ada tanda nak bersalin. but in the end, i bersalin cara normal. |
bertuahnya badan dapat merasa bersalin normal ye |
saya kena induce masa anak 1st dan 3rd. coz dah lepas due date. sakit kena induce lain dari sakit nak bersalin...anak ke2 dan ke4 sakit normal nak bersalin...masa 1st baby kena induce, 9 jam lepas tu..baru bersalin. hanya Allah saja yg tau...tenaga makin kurang, so...baby lambat keluar..bila dah nampak kepala baby, Dr vacum kepala baby...
pengalaman bersalin anak ke3 induce tak sampai 1 jam dah bersalin...induce ni...satu proses utk mempercepatkan kita bersalin... |
Originally posted by my-alja at 9-9-2005 03:42 PM
kalo ikut doc kat sini...depa takkan cakap berat baby dlm perut....sebabnyer tak pernah btol....
yup, betul tu..kang tak pasal merisaukan mother to be je.. |
Anak saya yg pertama lelaki 3.21kg dan yang kedua perempuan 2.7kg........... Kecik je..
Tapi saya dan adik2 yg lain di lahirkan oleh mak saya semuanya 4 kg ke atas...... Normal rasa2nya 3.8kg tu.. |
ur wife lebih kurang tinggi & berat macam epal masa pregnant dulu....doc estimate berat baby around 3.5 kg sekali kuar 3.65kg....masa tu boleh normal tapi epal yg mintak utk ceaser........:gado: siap bertekak lg dgn doktor sebab terpaksa buat emergency ceaser kul 1.00 pagi......Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat.... |
induce tu yang kena masuk air tu ker? cuba terangkan induce tu mcm mana? kena injet ke atau apa? maaf nyer...saya takde pengalaman lagi nih...saya pun tgh tunggu hari je nih.... |
Originally posted by cheapmon at 14-9-2005 01:53 PM
induce tu yang kena masuk air tu ker? cuba terangkan induce tu mcm mana? kena injet ke atau apa? maaf nyer...saya takde pengalaman lagi nih...saya pun tgh tunggu hari je nih....
doc akan injet cecair kat tangan, sakit contraction mungkin akan terasa selepas beberapa minit kena induce tu...cheapmon jangan risau, bila dah dekat tarikh bersalin jangn tension2 atau pk yg bukan2. tak semua org kena induce, tunggu due date. kalau belum terasa sakit nak bersalin lepas due date, seeloknya pergi jumpa doc... |
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dear anakin,
u and ur wife mintak doc induce ni, u guys dah tahu apa nak expect from induce tu ke?.. tahu ke effect dia, hormone pitocin , pro and cons and how to go through it?
is your wife aware that the pain for induced labor is worse than natural labor due to pitocin.. the contractions are not spaced , it will come one after another non-stop.. let's say natural labor peak contraction 5 mins, then rest 2 mins.. for induce, there is no rest period.. if ur are in labor for 4 hours, 4 hours la contraction keep coming.. not to scare u, but induce is not the easy way out...
if your wife doc confident that she'll able to deliver naturally, why not go for it?.. ada ramai lagi yg size diorg lagi kecik from your wife, able to deliver big babies.. |
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Originally posted by cheapmon at 14-9-2005 01:53 PM
induce tu yang kena masuk air tu ker? cuba terangkan induce tu mcm mana? kena injet ke atau apa? maaf nyer...saya takde pengalaman lagi nih...saya pun tgh tunggu hari je nih....
saya jawab boleh la ye.. sebab saya bersalin dulu kena induce.. sebab kena induce is air ketuban saya menitik , dia tak pecah.. so saya tak sedar langsung yg saya sepatutnya ke hospital.. saya ingatkan baru turun tanda.. bila gi check , mmg amniotic fluid da yg kuar.. since doc tanak ambik chances kot2 infection, dia induced..
caranya..in my case la.. doc akan prepare satu IV drip cucuk kat lengan kita.. dlm botol iv tu ada Pitocin hormone.. hormone ni ada naturally dlm badan kita.. tapi bila dia bagi thru' IV, this extra hormone will jump start your contraction...fist half an hour ok lagi... yg lepas2 tu dah blur sebab sakit contraction tak berenti... hehehehe.,. tak mo cakap pasal sakit..
but dear.. jgn risau2 sgt... insya allah semua ok.. ...bila tengok muka baby nanti, hilang segala sakit tu whether normal ke, induce ke, or c-sect ke.. yg penting baby tu keluar selamat |
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Originally posted by mias_2004 at 14-9-2005 03:12 PM
dear anakin,
u and ur wife mintak doc induce ni, u guys dah tahu apa nak expect from induce tu ke?.. tahu ke effect dia, hormone pitocin , pro and cons and how to go through it?
is your wife ...
:setuju: ya..betul tu...
better sakit normal contration drpd kena induced... |
hmmm.. aku rasa doktor pon seboleh2 akan suruh deliver normal kecuali kalau ada complication...
hospital swasta pon gitu juga ke? |
hmmm.. aku rasa doktor pon seboleh2 akan suruh deliver normal kecuali kalau ada complication...
hospital swasta pon gitu juga ke? |
Nak tanya sikit.. tak tau lah if this qs considered off topic..
Kalau EDD tu based on 40 weeks kan? If first baby ada kemungkinan
tak keluar awal dari EDD? E.g week ke-38 ke... I'm expecting first child and
tgh plan bila nak start amik maternity leave.. Now dlm my plan start cuti
a week before due date.. tapi ada kengkawan kata.. first child selalu keluar lebih awal..
Risau gak.. Plan nak bersalin di KL.. now duduk Melaka.. If baby terkeluar awal.. takut
plak kelam kabut... |
tak tau laa..selalunye mmg org kata first baby kuar awal..but not in my case..i nye baby kuar lambat 3 hari  |
whether it's first or 2nd or last...nobody could guess when the little majesty decided to come out... hehehehhe... bab bersalin ni mmg all guesswork... kalau u rasa dah tak larat, ambik la cuti..mine was only 3 days early.. tak make much difference ... |
annakin This user has been deleted
Reply #35 phoenix's post
just nak inform yg wife i dah selamat bersalin last week, wednesday. Baby girl 3.25kg and alhamdulillah setakat ni sihat walafiat emak dan anak. My wife punya air ketuban start pecah sikit jer on wee hours of tuesday morning. Went to pusrawi at 3.00 a.m dan doc confirm air dah start pecah so masuk ward. By tuesday evening my wife belum rasa contraction sgt, just a few minor one. Doc advised her to be induced takut infection sbb air dah kuar. By 11.30 p.m my wife masuk labour room and contraction started regularly after midnight. Around 3.30 a.m wednesday morning, bukaan dah 10cm. Doc started the delivery procedure. Kesian and sayang sgt tgk wife masa sakit contraction and meneran tu. After almost an hour tried pushing out, baby still tak moh gak kuar. Doc kata maybe baby's orientation tak okay sgt and she also didn't want to risk my baby and mum (my wife dah almost exhausted). Doc kata boleh vacuum tp risky sikit sbb kepala baby tak allign betul so we take the decision untuk caeserian. 5.45 a.m baby selamat kuar and doc confirmed that kedudukan baby mmg tak ngam utk normal delivery.
Thanks utk semua yg bagi views and i appreciate them. Being at your wife's side masa labour is really making the difference for her, emotionally and physically. |
congratulations annakin..bes kan ade baby ..mesti skrg agi tambah cayaang sgt kat ur wife n baby..alhamdulillah sume selamat. |
Originally posted by annakin at 23-9-2005 03:32 PM
just nak inform yg wife i dah selamat bersalin last week, wednesday. Baby girl 3.25kg and alhamdulillah setakat ni sihat walafiat emak dan anak. My wife punya air ketuban start ... ....congrats to annakin and your mrs!!...alhamdulillah semuanya dah slamat.... |
Originally posted by mias_2004 at 14-9-2005 03:12 PM
is your wife aware that the pain for induced labor is worse than natural labor due to pitocin...
...pain nie is actually subjective...the intensity of labor pain...the length of time labor lasts...and our individual response to the pain vary widely....and...the environment in which you give birth and the support you receive from your spouse will affect your reaction to pain and your ability to cope...
...labor pain nie...be it induced or it comes on naturally...is the same...sakitnya sama saja...cos as labor progresses contractions usually get closer together and last longer...either you are induced or not...your uterus will go thru the same process...causing the same pain...the difference is only that when u are induced...the dr merely hastened your delivery process...nie pon becos of some indications that warranted them to induce u...like when u are opened 5 cm but u still dont have any pain...or when your membrane has ruptured.... |
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