winzip This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-11-2003 10:37 AM:
i think it 's more to the latter- CIA and the conspiracy tengok Oliver stone JFK - kevin Costner and you could check the archive of that court proceeding kot in 2011.sbb kalau you tengok bebetul n ...
if the latter.. the soalan cepumas is WHY..?
again.. that history of JFK is subjective.. |
winzip This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 26-11-2003 09:24 AM:
faham benarlah saya . Mmglah kalau depa ni berpegang teguh mana kan ada perang pun dan paling jelas mereka akan MENTAUHIDKAN - Al - HAKIM - the all knower and the all seer kan kan kan..?tapi ..itul ...
to me.. perang salib was one of those 'clash of civilization'.. atau pertembungan peradaban.. |
winzip This user has been deleted
Originally posted by marquez at 24-11-2003 10:55 PM:
What is subjectivity to you?
something that is not objective.. still open to discussions..
Originally posted by marquez at 24-11-2003 10:55 PM:
What is history to you?
our intrepretations of the past.. |
Originally posted by winzip at 2003-11-27 01:12:
if the latter.. the soalan cepumas is WHY..?
again.. that history of JFK is subjective..
if you were to say that's pretty subjective then , you are NOT wrong in presuming so. Why? this is because you and I are reading about peoples' view of the past which were based on their interpretation of the resources they had.( hmm not sure about the authenticity though, dubious ker tak..)
so why is the latter..ini you must observe the world scenarion in politics lah the dawn of the cold war tu..the palestine issue - the NAM ..the Koreans - and i tak ingat masa Keneddy ker yg ade sikit hal dgn CUBA - Fidel Castro ka?and of course masa tu dlm US sendiri pun ade racial tension kan? look what happened to Malcom X and Martin Luther King ..the powers that be tu beranggapan bhw kalau US ambil stand neutral dlm these issues then tak untung lah depa..sbb Keneddy tak suka bebende tu semua. Kalau tak percaya kenapa Robert , adiknya dibunuh ..dan kalau tengok documentary pasal FBI - yg mana J EDGAR Hoover adalah pengasasnya, hoover tak suka robert.So ada yg kata org "dlm"yg berkepentingan mahu depa ni di" eliminated". So ini terserahlah..
so depa boleh juga buat yg JFK ni tak bagus ada a lot of scandals with Monroe ker aper ker...biasalah the media..
so ada banyak theories have been brought forward to explain his assasination.
sekarang ni cuma tingal Caroline jer sbb JFK Jr dah passed away in chopper crash kan kat Martha's Vineyard.
and i pun tak tahu as to what happened to his (JFK Jr ) magazines sbb dia jadi publisher magazines - GEORGE - tajuknya..
hmm reminded me of someone - that name...still fresh in my
memories...bless him..:2cool:
SO...SOALAN SAYA - pada pandangan AWAK kenapa IA subjective i.e pasal Keneddy lah....boleh saya tahu.
so kepada tuan rumah...apakah telah terjawab..persoalan forum anda?
kalu boleh ada tak org boleh sumbangkan idea ..sbb ..the more the merrier ...( sbbi 'll be on my long vacation soon...may be..hikhikhiccups)
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 27-11-2003 at 10:00 AM ] |
winzip This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 27-11-2003 09:56 AM:
if you were to say that's pretty subjective then , you are NOT wrong in presuming so. Why? this is because you and I are reading about peoples' view of the past which were based on their interpret ...
yes.. this is HISTORY..
that' was why dulu dr.mahathir mintak kita tulis semula sejarah negara kita.. sebab sejarah negara kita sekarang ditulis oleh orang barat.. based on their intrepretations.. which were obviously very biased.. |
so ..salam..
what's your take on JFK then..come on this should be interesting..the clock is ticking and tocking.. |
winzip This user has been deleted
the CIA did it.. oswald was not the killer.. he was the victim of a grand conspiracy..
they killed him to shut off everything.. |
that 's what i thought..
any theories ? |
winzip This user has been deleted
my wild guess.. jews adalah dalang di sebalik semua tu.. |
winzip This user has been deleted
tak tau link nih pernah dipostkan atau belum..
kalau dah, sorry..
tapi ada theory right-wing cuban, KGB (the Reader's Digest Theory),
teori mafia, kerajaan us sendiri, the zero game (pernah dengar?),
dan the anti-green.. happy reading.. |
Originally posted by winzip at 2003-11-28 07:44:
my wild guess.. jews adalah dalang di sebalik semua tu..
bukan jewslah depa ni ..alat jer tapi i believe it is what yg thread sebelum ni dah discuss..yg pasal government within the government ni..the influential fews. yg policy maker ni..haa tulah...but thanks pada info you.nanti i baca jugak ada org share the same interest. |
winzip This user has been deleted
dulu aku follow gak kes JFK nih..
tapi bila dah dengar banyak sangat teori.. hilang best lah.. rasa macam takde ending.. |
yg tahu hanyalah ALLAh kan?
dan org yg terlibat ..that's is the hard facts yg hard to endure but..kita trahu jugak nanti one "FINE" day - tatkala semua manusia dikumpulkan.. |
winzip This user has been deleted
dalam kes ni dulu ada sorang ex-menteri tu kata ada 'tangan' yang mengawal
senario politik antarabangsa nih.. antaranya adalah institusi bank antarabangsa apabende ntah aku dah tak ingat.. semuanya ada kaitan dengan polisi ekonomi dan politik seseorang pemimpin.. 'tangan' yang tak nampak nih berperanan macam 'puppet master'.. |
tulah tangan yg x-files cakap - the government within the government... |
winzip This user has been deleted
sort of.. but not really a governtment.. its an economic institution.. try to behave like a political empire.. |
may be
that's only a part of it MULDER? what do you reckon?
oh i think the "TUAN RUMAH" dah ..lariilah
kiat jauh menyimpang ni
tapi menarik ni
tilll then
keep on posting but i will be very busy next week.. |
I would suggest you move the discussion elsewhere... I think more people would reply if it was not here... |
Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Originally posted by marquez at 2003-12-1 11:37 PM:
I would suggest you move the discussion elsewhere... I think more people would reply if it was not here...
sorri,M dulu pernah try nak ubah, malah salah seorg mod pernah ubah thread saya ke board lain, tapi it resulted thread to hilang di kedua2 buah board..
pada pendpt saya, yg saya tgk dr sumber islam sendiri,
bila umar penakluki palestine, jadi sebuah negara islam pd 640 AD,khalifah tue, cuba menimposekan ajaran agama islam pd sistem pemerintahan di sana...
tapi malangnya, lama-kelamaan bila zaman khalifah abbasiyah, sumber islamik yg aku baca itue, mengatakan, org2 kristian telah mebuat aduan kepada Pope di rome, bahawa org islam yg menjadi majority telah menggugat hak2 mereka sebagai warganegara yg bebas:
sprt:, menganggu mereka drpd mengeerjakan haji (kat jeruslaem), merompak mereka, dan menganggu perempuan2 mereka (kristian)..
so, mereka buat aduan, kat Pope..
sebenarnya,..mcm kata Archilles, Pope Urban II yg menggesa diadakan HOLY WAR ke atas org islam...menmenbggesa pembebasan
*membebaskan jerusalem drpdf muslim
*membebaskan agama kristian drpd dianaktirikan oleh islam (authority)
*menyatukan dua buah gereja kristian (Barat eropah--Katholik di Rome), dan Timur eropah--Byzantine--orthodox d Constantinople)..sblm nie, gereja tue sering konflik, tapi mereka rasa dlm crusad, semua bangsa eroopah wajib bersatu..
ada lagi..
tapi pendpt aku,la...sebagai sebuah kerajaan yg dh established, oleh generasi islam terdahulu (Nabi s.a.w & khulafa'urrosyidun), kerajaan islam abbasiyah yg memerintah palestine sbg tanah naugannya, mengabaikan hak2 penduduk bukan islam di sana..itu pendpt aku,la...biasa,la..kalau negara maju, sikit..mulalupa... agama..
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