Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 10:41 AM
The purpose of zakat itself proves that islam can never be a divine religion.
The alms are only meant for poor muslims, not the poor in general.
zakat shows that no matter how rich you are,the money(your wealth) belongs to God Almighty. |
IN GOD's name
Originally posted by Mgsrulz at 2-10-2006 03:04 PM
zakat shows that no matter how rich you are,the money(your wealth) belongs to God Almighty.
or Allah's name, the swindle is done. |
Originally posted by 13Friday at 2-10-2006 03:50 PM
or Allah's name, the swindle is done.
so you're saying the wealth that one has belongs only to oneself,and not the Almighty Creator? |
Originally posted by LostSoul at 2-10-2006 01:32 PM
debmey, the logic is very simple, perhaps to you it maybe very complicated. zakat is an obligation to muslims, none whatsoever to non muslims. so, who supposed to get the benefits? of course the po ...
The tax paid by Chinese in Singapore goes to all races, unlike the zakat tax. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 05:28 PM
The tax paid by Chinese in Singapore goes to all races, unlike the zakat tax.
wrong choice of words..
the zakat goes to all races,as well.
only thing is,the muslims get it.
do you know that a muslim can be chinese/indian/malay?;)
and btw,do YOU pay zakat?
since you dont,you have no right to ask for anything |
Chinese are not muslims in singapore but the tax goes to all religions. Same concept. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 06:06 PM
Chinese are not muslims in singapore
have you asked every single chinese in singapore?;)
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 06:06 PM
Chinese are not muslims in singapore but the tax goes to all religions. Same concept.
everyone else pays taxes as well,you still dont get the point.
only Muslims pay Zakat. |
zakat is a form of tax. You used the same term yourselves.
Yes, only muslims pay zakat and it goes only to help muslims and only non muslims pay jizyah. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 09:43 PM
zakat is a form of tax. You used the same term yourselves.
Yes, only muslims pay zakat and it goes only to help muslims and only non muslims pay jizyah.
well,there you go..
only muslims pay zakat,so only muslims receive zakat. |
Thats why islam cannot be divine. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-10-2006 11:51 PM
Thats why islam cannot be divine.
why's that?
muslims pay,muslims receive.
you think your church gives money to non christians?
dont make me laugh.. |
Yes sir, we donate a lot of money to help poor non Christians.
God teaches us to help the poor, not only poor believers because God loves all.
Thats why we know that Islam cannot be divine.
Even an evil man like Osama knows how to be good to his friends and family. What makes muslims better than an evil man like Osama if yo9u will only take care of your own?
Matthew 5:46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?
[ Last edited by Debmey at 3-10-2006 12:04 AM ] |
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 12:00 AM
Yes sir, we donate a lot of money to help poor non Christians.
God teaches us to help the poor, not only poor believers because God loves all.
not exactly..
god as depicted in the bible has a very fickle mind..
first seemingly ignoring the non jews,then later changing his mind and helping them..
love all of mankind?
unless we beg him to love us,as this verse tells us:
Jesus was defeated by the woman's wisdom:
"A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, 'Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession. Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, 'Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.' He [Jesus] answered, 'I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.' The woman came and knelt before him. 'Lord, help me!' she said. He [Jesus] replied 'It is not right to take the children's [Jews] bread [blessings and miracles reserved for them] and toss it to their dogs [the Gentiles].' 'Yes, Lord' she said, 'but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.' Then Jesus answered, 'Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.' And her daughter was healed from that very hour. (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 15:22-28)"
you see?
first saying no,then changed his mind.
a very fickle minded god
oh,and btw,wanna ask you..
are you a lost sheep of israel?
as this verse says,jesus was only sent down to the lost sheep of israel..
truth 8 couldnt answer this,so im asking you... |
Didn't you see Jesus grant the woman's request and healed her daughter? doesn't that disprove your point that God loves all, unlike your allah? |
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 12:20 AM
Didn't you see Jesus grant the woman's request and healed her daughter? doesn't that disprove your point that God loves all, unlike your allah?
so you agree,then,that your god is fickle minded.
read the verse again.
he at first is reluctant to help,only after being BEGGED to help,does he do something...
that is what you call love,debmey?
oh,you didnt answer me...are you a lost sheep of israel? |
Jesus was clearly testing the faith of the woman, he wasn't fickle minded at all.
And he didn't minister only to his own people but Samaritans as well. Thats exactly the message that God wanst us to learn.
This is unlike Muslism who are just like Osama. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 01:04 AM
Jesus was clearly testing the faith of the woman, he wasn't fickle minded at all.
so he needed the women to beg like a dog before he helped her..
yes,very kind of him..
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 01:04 AM
And he didn't minister only to his own people but Samaritans as well. Thats exactly the message that God wanst us to learn.
the only message we can see from this verse is make people beg before you give them something.
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 01:04 AM
This is unlike Muslism who are just like Osama.
difference between you and me,you post opinions,i post facts-from your bible,no less :lol |
Originally posted by Mgsrulz at 3-10-2006 01:18 AM
so he needed the women to beg like a dog before he helped her..
yes,very kind of him..
How else could he test her faith and humility? He was kind to her, he healed her daughter, unlike you muslims who will only want to help your own.
This is unlike Muslism who are just like Osama.
difference between you and me,you post opinions,i post facts-from your bible,no less
Isn't it a fact that zakat is only for muslims?
A muslim boy trying to act blur again. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 01:34 AM
How else could he test her faith and humility? He was kind to her, he healed her daughter, unlike you muslims who will only want to help your own.
making people beg is a test on your faith and humility,eh?
heh...what a demanding god..;)
so if you dont beg,sorry..you get nothing.
unless ofcourse,you're a jew.. :lol
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-10-2006 01:34 AM
This is unlike Muslism who are just like Osama.
[quote]difference between you and me,you post opinions,i post facts-from your bible,no less
Isn't it a fact that zakat is only for muslims?
A muslim boy trying to act blur again.[/quote]
the bolded statement is debmey's,and the quote is my reply.
we can clearly see neither of us was talking about zakat,there,but on the topic of muslims being the same as osama bin laden.
hehe...isnt something new seeing debmey go completely out of context with his reply... :lol |
Originally posted by Mgsrulz at 3-10-2006 08:12 AM
making people beg is a test on your faith and humility,eh?
heh...what a demanding god..;)
Yep? How else would you know the heart of the woman?
so if you dont beg,sorry..you get nothing.
unless ofcourse,you're a jew.. :lol)
Yep, you need to have faith to touch God.
In the case of Islam, non muslims can't benefit from zakat even if they beg because islam does not allow it.
Thats bad.
BTW, didn't you read the passage you posted? Didn't teh passage say that the woman wasn't a Jew? Aren't you beginning to topple in debate already? ahahahahahaha...............
the bolded statement is debmey's,and the quote is my reply.
we can clearly see neither of us was talking about zakat,there,but on the topic of muslims being the same as osama bin laden.
Yes sir, I am bold because I know what I am talking about.
Osama can be nice to his own people, Muslims are no different from Osama. What is so divine about such behavior?
hehe...isnt something new seeing debmey go completely out of context with his reply...
It is absolutely in context. Zakat is only for Muslims, not for non muslims, even if they are the poorest. |
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