layan gambo2 lagi pasal kes ni

People are seen in a funeral procession, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006 in Georgetown, Pa., for the school girls slain in an Amish school shooting in the nearby community of Nickel Mines, Pa. Charles Carl Roberts IV stormed the Amish schoolhouse and shot 10 girls before turning the gun on himself.

An Amish family walk through Georgetown, near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, before a funeral procession for Naomi Rose Ebersole, October 5, 2006. The Amish community began to bury the young victims of Monday's Nickel Mines schoolhouse shooting on Thursday. |
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last gambo2 kes ni

Pennsylvania October 5, 2006. The Amish community began to bury the young victims of Monday's Nickel Mines schoolhouse shooting on Thursday.

Mourners gather in a cemetery for a graveside service on Thursday., Oct. 5, 2006, in Georgetown, Pa., for schoolgirls slain in an Amish school shooting in the nearby community of Nickel Mines, Pa, on Monday, Oct. 2, 2006. Charles Carl Roberts IV stormed the Amish schoolhouse and shot 10 girls before turning the gun on himself. The four girls to be buried Thursday are Naomi Rose Ebersol, 7; Marian Fisher, 13; Mary Liz Miller, 8; and her sister Lena Miller, 7. The funeral for a fifth girl, Anna Mae Stoltzfus, 12, is scheduled for Friday |
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Originally posted by deaf4ever at 15-10-2006 06:14 PM
Gohic tu takde kena mengena ngan Amish atau pun cara pakaian dorang...
nak kat sama tapi takde kena mengena langsung
Gothic tuh cara pakaian style pakaian zaman victoria kat britain... |
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Originally posted by HangPC2 at 16-10-2006 08:38 AM
Gothic tuh cara pakaian style pakaian zaman victoria kat britain...
oo i see, tapi yang skarang trend budak2 pakai ni betul2 sama atau sempena nama je? |
sekali imbas macam org jews...confuse cara berpakaian diorang...esp org lelaki.
sebab org yahudi pon ramai juga pakai topi hitam dengan berjanggut semua tu. |
Reply #24 HangPC2's post
Tapi gothic sekarang ni pinjam idea pakaian zaman Victoria dan Elizabeth (I). Dan konsep depa la ni lebih kepada gloomy and dark.Baju hitam seluar hitam eyeshadow hitam..hilite sket putih ke atau silver. In short macam Frankestein atau zombie! |
3sya This user has been deleted
Reply #25 deaf4ever's post
aku menyampah betul bila tengok group2 budak melayu pakai camni...
ala2 konon zaman victoria, then siap pakai lipstik hitam...!! |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 15-10-2006 06:15 PM
Gothic tu trend dan fashion sesetengah budak2 skarang suka pakai..
celak mata kasi hitam, tak banyak senyum, muka jiwa kaco
sikit lebih kurang gitu la....
basically crap la
Maaf, avatar Mr Def4ever tu aper style?
sumer mater bercelak itam...
paling cute panda baby tu...
:ting: |
Amish nie hidup nyer x maju
diorg gune style lama
dr segi kehidupan sampai ler pertanian
hidup diorg sederhana + merendah diri + berpegang kuat pd agama
tp asal usul org amish dr mane ek?
diorg berhijrah ke amerika ke? |
sapa nak paham golongan Amish ni kena tengok citer The Village baru paham.... |
Originally posted by sya_sugar_sugar at 14-10-2006 04:39 AM
yang obvious:
1. Depa paki baju hitam sahaja, putih, hitam-putih.
2. Yg laki pakai topi hitam potongan sebijik
macam kaum Yahudi lelaki punya dressing duk hantuk2 kepala kat Dinding Merat ...
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 16-10-2006 05:52 PM
sekali imbas macam org jews...confuse cara berpakaian diorang...esp org lelaki.
sebab org yahudi pon ramai juga pakai topi hitam dengan berjanggut semua tu.
yer la...sbab dorg ikut old testament la dorg jd camtu...
cam jehovah witness gk... |
bukan ke mrk ni keturunan yahudi gak ... |
rasanyer movie the village tu pun pasal orang amish ni kan.. |
Reply #35 bettyboops's post
filem the village tu psl elders diorang pretend n rahsiakan dr golongan muda psl hakikat sebenar diorang ekceli idup zaman moden. yg amish tu diorang (termasuk golongan muda) sedar yg diorang idup zaman moden, cuma diorang pilih untuk hidup mcm tu.
n then the village takde pon diorang pakai serba hitam ke apa. |
Originally posted by 3sya at 17-10-2006 12:29 PM
aku menyampah betul bila tengok group2 budak melayu pakai camni...
ala2 konon zaman victoria, then siap pakai lipstik hitam...!!
sorry ff:
tapi bila ingat2 balik gambo budak2 melayu style Gothic kat bod CI ( ada forumners tampal )
aku ketawa besar.. Omputeh pakai apa pun cantik, Melayu yo yo oh je la
Takpelah budak2 lagik... |
Originally posted by sya_sugar_sugar at 17-10-2006 07:42 PM
Maaf, avatar Mr Def4ever tu aper style?
sumer mater bercelak itam...
paling cute panda baby tu...
ff: sorry
Tu KISS la.. band rock KISS tu |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 17-10-2006 08:12 PM
Amish nie hidup nyer x maju
diorg gune style lama
dr segi kehidupan sampai ler pertanian
hidup diorg sederhana + merendah diri + berpegang kuat pd agama
tp asal usul org amish dr mane ek?
dior ... Amish
General Information
The Amish are a North American Protestant group of Mennonite origin. The Amish have maintained a distinctive and conservative agricultural way of life despite the influences of modern industrial society.
The name Amish is derived from Jakob Amman, a Swiss Mennonite bishop. He insisted that discipline within the church be maintained by excommunication. This entailed the avoidance, or shunning, by the faithful of those excommunicated. Conventional social relationships with the excommunicated, such as eating at the same table, buying and selling, and, in the case of a married person, marital relations, were forbidden. The Amish, subject to persecution in Europe, migrated in the 18th century to Pennsylvania, where their descendants are called Pennsylvania Dutch (the German deutsch, "German," was misunderstood as "Dutch"). They then spread into Ohio, other midwestern states, and Canada. A rural people, their skill in farming is exemplary.
The most conservative are known as Old Order Amish. They dress in a severely plain style, using hooks and eyes instead of buttons to fasten their clothes. They ride in horse-drawn buggies instead of automobiles, and the adult males wear beards. Religious services are held in homes; foot washing is practiced in connection with the Communion service; discipline is enforced by shunning; and marriage with outsiders is condemned. Other Amish groups, such as the Conservative Mennonite Conference and the Beachy Amish Mennonite Churches, are milder in discipline and less set apart from the world. All share the practice of believer's, or adult, baptism and often refuse to take part in civil affairs - to vote, serve in the military, and so forth. The Old Order Amish numbered about 80,800 in the early 1990s; the Beachy Amish about 7000.
The Amish have sometimes come into conflict with the larger society. In particular, they have resisted compulsory education requirements as a threat to their separate way of life. In the case of Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972), the state sought to require the children of an Amish family to attend school until the age of 16. The parents were willing to allow them to attend through the eighth grade but argued that high school education would make them unfit to carry on the Amish tradition. The Supreme Court of the United States agreed that their right to the free exercise of their religion is protected and that the state's concern for compulsory public education must yield to that consideration
Aku try cuba tulis cakap melayu eh, english aku bukannye betul pun.
Asal Usul -
Amish ni diambil nama sempena paderi Switzerland nama Jacob Amman.
Paderi ni buat sistem agama, dimana pengikut nye, tak bleh buat hubungan dengan mereka yang excommunication ( termasuk jual beli dan makan semeja ).
Excommunication ni ialah golongan yang dibuang agama kristian. Kira cam kristian murtad la kira.
Kurun 18th , dorang kena persecuted kat Eropah, mungkin kerana cara amalan kristian mereka berbeza...
dan mereka semua larikan diri pegi Amerika - Pensylvania.
Sebab tu sampai skarang, bahasa yang digunakan termasuk bahasa German. ( Deutsch )
Pakaian -
Yang old order ( kira ni yang pegang kuat pegangan agama )
baju berbutang pun tak pakai, baju dorang guna cangkuk je.
Naik kuda, tak bleh guna kenderaan jentera
Disiplin dijaga ngan shunning. Kira sapa buat salah, akan diboikot, jadi sapa yang nak kena boikot kan? jadi jaga disiplin la.
Kawin ngan orang luar, kena kondem.
Jumlah tahun 1990an golongan old order ni ialah - 80,800
Ada lain Amish yang lagi senang tolak ansur, satu nama dia ialah Beachy Amish jumlah 7000 orang.
Smua sama, tak mau join politiks,tak mau undi tak mau jadi anggota tentera. Ni kira macam Jehovah Witness jugak, haram dorang bawak senjata untuk perang.
Pelajaran -
Kat Amerika pun ada sistem semua pelajar kena pergi sekolah.
Tapi Amish ni tak mau... Amerika nak semua pelajar sekolah sampai umur 16 tahun tapi Amish cakap kalo anak2 dorang sekolah sampai High School, nanti dah tak bleh sambung tradisi Amish lagik.
Pasal Amerika ni kan ada rights,
jadi tuntutan Amish ni dihormati, untuk kaum Amish tak payah ada compulsory Education.
Amish tolak ansur anak2 dorang sekolah sampai 8 Grade je. Aku rasa 8 Grade ni 14 tahun je la.
[ Last edited by deaf4ever at 20-10-2006 12:07 PM ] |
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x penah ke kaum diorg nie terpk nak majukan kaum diorg sendiri?
xde ke diorg rasa nak blaja sampai kolej / universiti?
cam idup diorg statik jer x berubah .....
rasanyer diorg nie xde masalah sosial ......
yer la pegang kuat pd agama ....... |
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