baby oil tu sapu katne?kat surface jela eyh?
me dah 2 kali gi klinik bulan ni..x baik2 jugak.Dah give up sbb duit byk abis:cry:
kulit kat private area tu dah mcm melecet..gatalnye yg amat!Pastu kalo sentuh time nak basuh pun sakit mcm melecet..
Kulit kat that area pun mcm mnipis je..nape ek?
Me makan ubat yg masa pi jumpe doc sampai abis!but still x baik..bila ubat abis,that area jd makin teruk lak gatal die..
Keputihan pun byk luar..liquid yg kuar pun kaler kehijauan gitu..
Aduhh..please help..sape2 yg pakar..what else shud i do?Ape ubat yg sesuai?
Skg ubat dah abis makan,gatal tu dah merebak sampai ke bhagian private area blakang...
Ade mcm kudis2 kering kat sekeliling..
PLEASE HELP!!Dunno where else to seek help..
Thank you all.. |
Originally posted by ati1402 at 26-12-2006 08:56 PM
baby oil tu sapu katne?kat surface jela eyh?
me dah 2 kali gi klinik bulan ni..x baik2 jugak.Dah give up sbb duit byk abis:cry:
kulit kat private area tu dah mcm melecet..gatalnye yg amat!Pastu ...
your case is not UTI(or probably it started as UTI and then complicated with vulvovaginal candidiasis).
I think based on your current symptoms, it's most likely a vulvovaginal candidiosis(jangkitan fungal Candida).
U should apply Vaginal Clotrimazole(or any anti-fungal agent) suppository + oral antifungal(eg; Ketoconazole, itriconazole)
Use vaginal wash(eg; Lactacyd pH 3.5, Bliss, etc etc).
For the rashes on the surrounding skin/near your butt area, might as well u apply some light corticosteroid cream such as Hydrocortiosne or if it is bad enough, probably a combine cortosteroid and anti-bacterial cream is needed(eg, fobancort, fucidic cream). |
Originally posted by RedDevils at 27-12-2006 08:36 AM
your case is not UTI(or probably it started as UTI and then complicated with vulvovaginal candidiasis).
I think based on your current symptoms, it's most likely a vulvovaginal candidiosis(jang ...
:gila::gila:woww..thank you so much!
I gave up goin to clinic..they seem to don't know what's wrong with me..they don't even check 'there' so i'll go to the pharmacy and ask for the things you prescribed just now lah instead![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Thank you again.. |
Last time i went to the clinic(2nd time tu) ubat yg die kasi were Unasyn Sultamicillin and it didn't heal the itchiness or the flow of keputihan..and the doc said it'll be okay in 5days..but it got worst when i finished the pills![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Another liquid medicine yg die bg is Mixture Pottasium Citrate B.P 3.0M.Ni rasanya utk flush away the UTI.
1st time i went to the doc,he gave me Loratadine 10mg.Didn't work either...and another kind of pills yg die letak je lam plastik tu,so i can't find the name of it lah.And a cream..dunno the name coz couldn't find any..it just says 'poison'.
Ni utk sapu kat surface of vagina.. |
masalah ati cam masalah saya dedulu..
asyik kena discharge gatal je selalu..masa pregnant tak pregnant..
tapi i notice kalau panties pakai lama sangat atau i tak sihat terbaring je....esoknya startlah gatal2..what i do is always tukar panties 2-3 times a days
pas tu i makan bidadari...jamu mak dara..
baru ni i baca pasal kobis..mengalakkan lagi masalah tu..sekarang sesaja nak try stop makan kobis betul ke idak..
tiap kali jumpa doctor..bila cakap kat doctor dia tak check kat bawah tu..just cakap je discharge colour apa.pas tu dia bagi ubat pessaries..3 hari..for sure clear lah lepas 3 hari..
tapi masa kena seksanya..tak senang duduk,,basuh dgn air garam suam pon sekejap je ok..pas tu...
my sis pon kena . dia tanya kat gynae...benda ni tak boleh baik gitu je..kalau dah kena sekali mesti kena lagi..cuma jarak kena tu kurang kalau kita take extra precaution..sebab dia asyik kena je..doc bagi ubat untuk dia dan husband suruh makan..pessaries pon kena gak..
sejak makan bidadari lah dah dah 2 tahun adalah kena dalam 2 kali..kurang sungguh berbanding dulu..pas tu maybe juga makan pil perancang kot..dedulu tak amik.
ati kalau boleh jumpa gynae..dah dapat problem dia ..dia treat & baik sure pening kepala pon hilang.. |
lebey baik c the doc kalo mende2 mcm ni...takde ruginya if jumpa pon...ni tunggu baik pastu anggap takde apa bila dah ok...kalo kena lagik teruk later camne..?? rawat la semasa tunjuk simptom2 penyakit rather than baru nak rawat bila dah kritikal...:-) |
Originally posted by pilot at 27-12-2006 04:14 PM
lebey baik c the doc kalo mende2 mcm ni...takde ruginya if jumpa pon...ni tunggu baik pastu anggap takde apa bila dah ok...kalo kena lagik teruk later camne..?? rawat la semasa tunjuk simptom2 peny ...
yang..kalo jumpe dpt jd baik xpe..ini dah byk kali ulang-alik ke klinik x baik2 jugak![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
i decided to seek help here..give up dah jumpe2 doc ni..nak gi cari ubat yg mcm redevils prescribed tu..
hopefully ok la lepas ni..ni pon tgh sakit lg..gatal2 x hilang..pastu mcm luka2 plak...adoiiiii |
Reply #25 rzjs's post
rz..itulah,seksanya sakit ni..nak buat keja pon x selesa..
panties mmg wajib tuka everyday..kdg2 tu,yg terkena kobocoran ati just buang je..
takut cuci nnt x hilang abis die nye kuman tu..
JMD tu x mampu laa nak mengamalkannya..mahal sgt!huhuuu...:cry: |
Originally posted by ati1402 at 26-12-2006 08:56 PM
baby oil tu sapu katne?kat surface jela eyh?
me dah 2 kali gi klinik bulan ni..x baik2 jugak.Dah give up sbb duit byk abis:cry:
kulit kat private area tu dah mcm melecet..gatalnye yg amat!Pastu ...
sama la kite..melecet...sampai nk jln pun susah..sampai nangis2 kekdg...dh jumpe doc pn sama...last2 dh tak tahan,beli ubat sapu kt farmasi...xlama lps tu ok dh...legaa...skg amalkan cuci ngn air sireh...klu gatal lg,sapu cream tuh |
Originally posted by dddddd at 28-12-2006 03:41 PM
sama la kite..melecet...sampai nk jln pun susah..sampai nangis2 kekdg...dh jumpe doc pn sama...last2 dh tak tahan,beli ubat sapu kt farmasi...xlama lps tu ok dh...legaa...skg amalkan cuci ngn a ...
air sireh tu wat mcmana or amek ke,beli ke..err wat sndiri ke?How?
Cream ape ek u sapu?
:tq::tq: |
air sireh tu i pernah buat..antiseptik..tapi samalah tak jalan juga,,pas tu toilet bau sireh..rebus.suam2 sket ..basuh..bilas.
bagus amalkan sireh tu tapi i tak suka..
cuba bidadari la ati..first month minum everyday kecuali period . pas tu 3 times a week je..manalah tau boleh baik..JMD tu saya jarang makan...
saya mmg simpati kalau org kena camni..tuhan je yang tau seksanya...pilah gynae,,at least dia boleh ambik sampel dah examine sebab apa berulang2 kena infection..
dulu masa bujang doc ada prescribe nystatin cream...sapu terus baik.takdelah pesaries sebab anak dara lagi...sekarang takde pon bagi cream lagi..masuk pessaries terus baik bila complete ubat.. |
Originally posted by RedDevils at 27-12-2006 08:36 AM
For the rashes on the surrounding skin/near your butt area, might as well u apply some light corticosteroid cream such as Hydrocortiosne or if it is bad enough, probably a combine cortosteroid and anti-bacterial cream is needed(eg, fobancort, fucidic cream). ...
kenapa ye rashes kat area nie selalu berulang? kadang2 cam berkeping2 jdnya..like my bro. he used tournadem (betul ke spelling ni??) just for some time dia baik..then jadik lagi..dia kata bila gatal sangat tu, dia garu je..but then claim pedih la pulak..is it something to do with food also?
my bro. kata keping2 tu sometime sampai ke area nak buang air tu..suruh gi klinik tak nak..malu katanya.. |
Originally posted by rzjs at 31-12-2006 06:02 PM
air sireh tu i pernah buat..antiseptik..tapi samalah tak jalan juga,,pas tu toilet bau sireh..rebus.suam2 sket ..basuh..bilas.
bagus amalkan sireh tu tapi i tak suka..
cuba bidadari la ati..f ...
itulah..seksa btul..me x makan ape2 jamu pon..just coffee perl tu and red guara ke..
x ske jamu panas!!..
sensitif sgtla kat bhgian tu..ishk!Berulang-ulang dtg gatal2 dan keputihan..x ske!!Sedih je sepanjang hati...adoiii x tahu dah nak watpe..
skg tahan dah sket..letak cream..nnt mintak2la jgn naik lg..aduhh..mintak jauhh...serik dahh.. |
kesian pulak aku kat minah nih....ingatkan small problem...rupanya big problem.....well, let me know if u want me to take a look for u honey..... |
Originally posted by ati1402 at 28-12-2006 10:23 PM
air sireh tu wat mcmana or amek ke,beli ke..err wat sndiri ke?How?
Cream ape ek u sapu?
sireh tu beli kt kdai india...depan kuil .. :nerd: ...dh tak tau mane nak beli...smpai india tu siap bg diskaun sbb slalu beli...pastu ramas2 daun tuh,rendam air panas...(sbb takde dapur) :pmuka: cuci time suam2 tuh,...takdela rase pedih...cream tu lupela name ape...tp rasenye produk HOE ...eh...ntahla...nanti balik umah kite tgk ape name die ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #35 dddddd's post
Okeh..nnt update kek sini yeq..tenkiuuuu :tq: |
haaa...nama cream tuh condacort...cmtulla kot ejaannye...dpt kt forum ni gak laa..sbb ms tu ader sorg forumer tu suggest gne encocort tp bler kt farmasi,org farmasi tuh ckp,klu utk bwh tu,gne condacort tu sbb ph die kurang sket...try le tanye kt farmasi ek.. |
Originally posted by ati1402 at 26-12-2006 08:56 PM
baby oil tu sapu katne?kat surface jela eyh?
me dah 2 kali gi klinik bulan ni..x baik2 jugak.Dah give up sbb duit byk abis:cry:
kulit kat private area tu dah mcm melecet..gatalnye yg amat!Pas ...
kalu keputihan yg dah hijau tu mmg dah teruk kena jangkitan kuman..... |
guna pencuci feminin sireh emas tu... ok gak... setakat nina guna dah baper lama ekkk... lama gak la.. 2 botol.. sebotol tahan 4-5 bulan.... mmg dah xde gatal2 atau keputihan...:love: :love:
dulu selalu gak kena gatal2... |
Reply #36 ati1402's post
hai ati..kite nk share ape kite tau psl sakit ati tu..
well rite now i pun tgh menderita discharge yg gatal2 tu dah 4 bulan lebih..pi klinik 2 kali dah ~~ baik kejap je ..doc kasi pessary pastu next month gatal balik.. klu dah gatal tu tuhan je tau sampai luka2..nk kencing pun pedih..lately i search kat internet psl treament candidiasis ni..i jumpa something useful for us .. i would like to share it wit u..i dah try beli ubat2 ni kat farmasi so far ada lg gatal2 tu..but kurang dah skit..harap2 baik la lepas ni ek ~
Cause : Candida Albicans
Incubation Period : 1-2 weeks.
Clinical Features
1. Itchy whitish vaginal discharge.
2. Rash on penis/foreskin.
1. Gm stain
2. Culture on Sabouraud's medium
1. Clotrimazole Vaginal pessary
200 mg nocte for 3 nights.
2. Nystatin pessary nocte for 14 days.
1. Nystatin cream LA b.d for 2 weeks
2. Miconazole (Daktarin) cream b.d. for 2 weeks. |
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