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For aged parents who are poor and have like 5 kids who are still in school then how are they going to benefit from the fishing rod that you gave them since they are too old and feeble to be able to stand for a long time waiting for a fish to snap the lure ? Obviously one fish is not enough to feed seven people ... they might get kejang otot to wait for 7 fishes . So it's important for the authority to make sure the zakah fund are fairly and evenly distributed among the poor and the needy in this country , but what happen now is they just expect the poor and the needy to go to their offices located somewhere far far away from the homes of the poor people .. its absurd ! Why not the officers who are in charge of the zakah distribution turun padang to search for the poor in all areas throughout Malaysia so that none will be left behind or neglected .
In my opinion to nurture the poor and the needy by feeding them or by buying them the stuffs that they urgently need in their everyday life will make us more aware and concerned with their hardship and misery rather than we just give them money and then walk away unconcerned.... |
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Originally posted by Agul at 11-6-2007 03:49 PM
So touching...
It's like a flower bud in your heart, opening, blossoming, full bloom, in full magnificent glory...
valve of love opening, liquid love pouring into your being...
Thi ...
I'm at lost, reading Agul flowery words |
Originally posted by blastoff at 11-6-2007 07:56 PM
For aged parents who are poor and have like 5 kids who are still in school then how are they going to benefit from the fishing rod that you gave them since they are too old and feeble to be able ...
I do agree, n that is why in my earlier postings, I ty, is it shorterm or long term solution
that the author is looking after...no doubt...kejang otot will occur when the rod is given to an elderly person |
Reply #20 foundation's post
Originally posted by Agul at 12-6-2007 03:00 PM
Here it is...
poverty in the world is an artificial creation
thanks. very interesting discussions there. |
Originally posted by blastoff at 11-6-2007 07:56 PM
So it's important for the authority to make sure the zakah fund are fairly and evenly distributed among the poor and the needy in this country , but what happen now is they just expect the poor and the needy to go to their offices located somewhere far far away from the homes of the poor people .. its absurd ! Why not the officers who are in charge of the zakah distribution turun padang to search for the poor in all areas throughout Malaysia so that none will be left behind or neglected
We live in an imperfect world and in a lot of cases, the ideals you've mentioned is not taking place. But the question is what can we do...individuals that it....
Originally posted by blastoff at 11-6-2007 07:56 PM
In my opinion to nurture the poor and the needy by feeding them or by buying them the stuffs that they urgently need in their everyday life will make us more aware and concerned with their hardship and misery rather than we just give them money and then walk away unconcerned
I know of a group of people doing exactly this. Very impressive because they take actions.... and make a difference |
indah_1285 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by yusrin at 11-6-2007 03:09 PM
aku selalu ikut kata hati
bila terasa org tu betul2 susah aku aka beri....
bila terasa menipu...aku takkan bagi
pernah jugak menyesal bila balik sbb tak ulur....i
pernah lalui semua ni.... kesal tak sudah... |
izza_dude replied at 11-6-2007 04:45 PM
Tak salah memberi asalkan tau apa yang kita bagi tu berpadanan dgn orang itu atau tidak.
saya a ...
Sama macam saya |
Bagi aku, kalau memberi walaupun ada perasaan was-was takut ditipu peminta sedekah, niat 1,,, aku dah selesaikan bhgian sedekah aku, moga ada pahala utk aku, kalau dia tipu itu dia dgn Allah. \
Mcm kat Mekah mmg cmtu, kalau bagi sorang,, siapp laaaaaa... berduyun2 datang ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
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Buat sesuatu biarlah ikhlas.
bukan jumlah yang menjadi ukuran, sedikit atau banyak asalkan memberi manfaat kepada penerima. itu adalah lebih baik.
Bayangkan jika kita berada ditempat mereka, setiap sen itu sangatlah bermakna bila mana keadaan begitu mendesak. dulu aku pernah sekali nak lalu tol balik rumah, tak cukup 10 sen (wallet tertinggal). Aku pergi rumah makcik yang kebetulan area berdekatan. cakap terus terang nak duit sebab tak cukup nak lalu tol. Makcik aku bagi RM35. Kalaulah rumah makcik aku tak de area situ, cam mana lah nak balik. Takan nak minta kurangkan harga tol ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
paling kesian bila nampak kanak-kanak kat stesen minyak minta sedekah sambil jual barang. Bila tanya, datang dari jauh, dengan cikgu/ustaz. Malam-malam pun masih ada di stesen minyak.
orang tua pun kesian juga.
Tapi kalau orang yang pimpin orang tua tu sihat , aku tak bagi. Takut juga diperguna.
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Lebih suke memberi sesuatu dari menghulurkan wang. Sediakan sesuatu yg penerima tu memang gune dan perlukan mengikut kemampuan diri sendiri. Klu pi pasar malam mmg sedekah takat mne yg mampu sbb kite sdia maklum kt pasar mlm bkn 2-3 org je minta sedekah. Anggap je la pengemis tu mmg perlukan duet. Selebihnye aggap je la tu antara pengemis dan Allah.
Cume kurang senang segelintir yg dtg ketuk pintu rumah lepastu ckp die wakil dari persatuan, pertubuhan bla bla bla..minta derma mcm ckp rm10-15 dpt sebatang pen ntah ape2 secara percuma. Lain mcm je ase. Lagi satu seorang lelaki bangsa pakistan/india ke ape ntah datang promote beli ayat2 al quran tu. Bile kite ckp xnak beli pastu die pakse2. Bile kite nekad xnk beli gak mulalah kata bg je rm sekian2...bile kite ckp xmampu nk bg jumlah die mintak tu mulelah die mengata kite sbg islam xsokong die la ape laa... 2 cre ni mcm memaksa so mmg was2 sgt.
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mmg memberi lbh baik dr menerima.. ttp klu org yg meminta tu cukup sifat x de cacat anggota bdn @ kanak2... benda ini akan menyebabkan dorg makin sronok mencari duit dgn cara mudah x perlu berssh payah bekerja teruk bagai... tambahan pulak ada sindiket yg mgawal dorg... klu x de org memberi x blh hidup la sindiket2 ni... Spttnya pihak krajaan perlu memantau setiap pengemis takut2 dorg d eksploitasi... klu kanak2 d letakkan d bwh JKM... |
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pada saya paling penting nawaitu...kalau memang kita nampak orang tu dalam kesusahan apa salah nya kita tolong kan...kalau dia menipu itu antara dia dengan Allah swt , part kita dah selesai mbantu orang yg dalam kesusahan |
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Hmm taktau lah macam tak kena je |
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