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Post time 9-12-2007 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Last night I buat dinner for a Malaysian couple yang baru transfer about few weeks ago to Austin. The wife loves cheesecake, so I baked NY cheesecake. Before this I tak pernah transfer the WHOLE cheesecake to platter. So I google dalam internet of few tips of how bakery transfer their cheesecake to platter and still look nice. I malas nak buang duit beli 'removable pan', so I still guna my 'springform' but terbalikkan the bottom. It worked well, except my crust kurang butter, so berderai sikit. I want to hide the edge, so ada extra nilla wafer, and then selalunya I letak topping strawberry, or blueberry filling, but this time, I letak magic shell chocolate and caramel. First time do this way. But turned out really great. Here are the pictures.



Finished product

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Post time 9-12-2007 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Calim閞o at 8-12-2007 01:32 PM
Vietnamese Beef Noodle/Pho
Strawberry ...

Calimero...hang punay strawberry custard tu 'menyusuk jiwa' betul...the color pun buat ayaq liur menceceh...bagi resepi bole?

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Post time 10-12-2007 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hirokuyumi at 9-12-2007 11:17 PM

Calimero...hang punay strawberry custard tu 'menyusuk jiwa' betul...the color pun buat ayaq liur menceceh...bagi resepi bole?

Kalau nak tau inilah resipi orang malas..jelly beli yang dalam kotak (masak air panas tuang je jelly)..

Custard cream/creme patissi鑢e (ni resipi untuk 4 servings)
1/2 l susu
80 g gula halus
2 egg yolks
10 - 30 g tepung gandum/maizena - tambah lebih kalau nak pekat
Few drops of vanilla essence/ any flavour you nak

Panaskan susu sampai menggelegak sikit, campurkan telur kuning, gula dan maizena/tepung. Kacau bancuhan tadi (non stop) sampai pekat (api kena slow, kalau tak hangit nanti). Kalau tengok dah sampai kepekatan yang you nak tu just swotch off the fire dan transfer to another bowl. Let it cool.

In a serving bowl/tall glass, tuangkan jelly yang baru dimasak tadi. Let it cool kejap, belen jelly tu keep it warm aside. Tuangkan pulak cream once the jelly base tu dah keras sikit (nak cepat masukkan dalam fridge). Tunggu lagi until the cream set a bit. Susun strawberry lepas tu tuangkan lagi balance jelly tu. Masukkan dalam fridge..hiaskan dengan few slices of fresh strawberries and mint voila....bon appetit....

Your cheesecake pun menusuk kalbu..boleh share tak?



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Post time 10-12-2007 07:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #23 Calim閞o's post

Jelly tu berapa banyak cali? Brand apa yek?

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Post time 10-12-2007 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Cali, Cheesecake ni senang aje buat....I dapat resipi dari Kraftfoods. I changed a little bit the resipi after test and trial, such as original resipi guna only 1 cup honeymaid grahams, I found it too little to fit the springform. Also the sugar I tambah 1 3/4 instead of only 1 cup. Topping I ikut selera.

I bake guna water bath, not direct...I use 350 instead 325 of the oven temperature. Take it out exactly after 70 minutes. The middle still jinggle, but don't worry it will cook outside the oven. If you let it stay longer, it will crack! Also once you took it out from the oven, run a small knife along your springform carefully to loosen the cheesecake from the springform (so in the process of getting cooler, it won't cracked). Let it get totally cool in room temp. then put it the freezer. If you do this, you'll have the 'most craving cheesecake ever' and everyone will beg it from you again and again"

So, I feel more confortable using hot water bath (boil the water before put in the oven)...not cool water, but you can try their method. To cut your cheesecake, use sharp long knife, run under hot water, wipe clean, cut....repeat the process and you'll have amazingly cleancut cheesecake.



2 cup HONEY MAID Graham Cracker Crumbs

5 Tbsp. sugar

3 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted

5 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened

1 3/4 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. vanilla

1 cup BREAKSTONE'S or KNUDSEN Sour Cream

4 eggs

1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling or any topping that you like.

MIX crumbs, 3 Tbsp. sugar and butter; press firmly onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 325癋 for 10 minutes. (Bake at 300癋 for 10 minutes if using dark nonstick springform pan.)

MIX cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, flour and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add sour cream, mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Pour over crust.

BAKE at 325癋 for 1 hour 10 minutes or until center is almost set if using silver springform pan. (Bake at 300癋 for 1 hour 10 minutes or until center is almost set if using dark nonstick springform pan.) Run knife or metal spatula around rim of pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim of pan. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Top with pie filling before serving.

New York Lemon Cheesecake: Prepare as directed, omitting cherry pie filling and adding 2 Tbsp. lemon juice and 1-1/2 tsp. grated lemon peel to cream cheese batter before pouring over crust.

[ Last edited by  hirokuyumi at 10-12-2007 08:12 AM ]

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Post time 10-12-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Hiro, terima kasih ya...I'm craving to have a nice cheesecake..tapi rasanya tak boleh makan selalukan..nanti go down straight to the hip..dah lah my hip ni bosar...

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 02:05 AM | Show all posts
Nasi goreng kampung (kekononnya lah)


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Post time 11-12-2007 02:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 11-12-2007 02:05 AM
Nasi goreng kampung (kekononnya lah)

Dar...bila nak hulur ikan bilis sikit? heheh

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 03:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hirokuyumi at 12/10/07 10:16

Dar...bila nak hulur ikan bilis sikit? heheh

Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku!!

PM me your add ..Ya ampun aku lupa lah nak hantar barang2 utk you lah hiro --- (ketuk dahi sendiri)

Resepi cantonese tu sat lagi den bagi.

<--------- Darsita takut dgn hiro

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Cucur Durian / Kodok Durian [Darsita]

Bahan bahan
- isi durian yang masak (kalau boleh yang manis rasanya)
-  tepung gandum 3 sudu


- Aingkan isi dn biji durian ( mcm buat tempoyak)
- Gaul isi durian yang lembek dengan tepung gandum, sampai sebati ..kalau adunan tu lembik sangat tambah tepung sikit. Kalau keras sangat tambah air kosong sikit sikit.
- Kalau durian tu tak manis boleh tambah satu sudu gula
- Lepas tu goreng. Rasanya lain dari yang lain.

Lempeng durian [Darsita]
bahan2 :
isi durian masak
tepung gandum
Gaul isi durian yang lembek dengan tepung gandum, sampai sebati ..kalau adunan tu lembik sangat tambah tepung sikit. kemudian digoreng nipis dalam kuali dengan sedikit minyak.

Bubur durian [Darsita]

Isi durian yang belum masak (selalu kita terbeli yang jenis ini) di masukkan dalam air satu periuk dan di rebus. Campur gula sesedap rasa. Lepas tu pukul telur dalam mangkuk dan di tuangkan di dalam rebsan durian tadi. ... page%3D1&page=1

Gambar step by step oh baby! ()

Bahan bahan
Isi durian, gula, glove, tepung, air

Isi durian yang telah dihancurkan + sedikit gula putih

Adunan yang ready utk digoreng

Siaplah dah ~ jemput makan kawe kawe

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Post time 11-12-2007 06:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #30 DARSITA's post

nampak sedapppp kak dar....

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 Calim閞o's post

lama x buat beef noddle cali ni..harap2 resepinya ada tersimpan kat fnr archive..sedap la... raya haji nanti byk daging...buleh ler masak ni .

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #30 DARSITA's post

nampak cokodok ni.. terbau   durian sampai ke sini  menggoda betul..
masa goreng tu berbau x satu rumah? ke dar goreng kat luar?

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:24 PM | Show all posts
ni dari dapur long

Asam Laksa - pakai yg instant jer..

kay tiau kari

buah2an...persimon, nenas n angur

popiah sayur

last kopek..buah delima yg beli 4 bijik tu hari..maniiisssss!!!

ni kimbap x press(toi ke spelling)..tengok kat fnr..terimakasihla kat penyumbang resepi..(sorry lupa nick) ..anak bujang yg gulong..seronok dia dpt buat sendirik..

apam balik..resepi dr fnr juga..



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Post time 12-12-2007 12:34 PM | Show all posts
pandai sungguh orang dok obersi nun masak
amboi kak darr, durian pun boleh buat cucoq no?

kira kalau dok jejauh ni mesti mau kreatif la kan
yelah, my MIL pi visit my SIL kat UK tu pun buat masak lemak ikan dengan epal hijau masam tu gantikan belimbing buluh.. balik sini dia pun masak sekali lagi, sodappp yo!

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:36 PM | Show all posts
butter prawn - x silap resepi some1 kut...kredit 2 u..tq tq tq..tapi long failed ler buat egg flooss tu..anak bujang cakap..naper mummy letak kerak goreng pisang atas  shrimp ni...   kerak2 goreng pisang... licin jugok sepinggan! yg best tu dlm2 somi x suker udang pun...6 ekoq dia pulun ni hah gambar nyer..

lawan dengan tofu n vege...

soft tofu..deep fried dulu - susun dlm pinggan
bwang putih
1 sdk cornflour + sedikit air - nak pekatkan kuah ajer
oyster sauce

panaskan minyak..masukkan bawang putih dan halia yg cincang/tumbuk halus..masukkan oyster sauce..sayur..kendian boh air sket..tutup kuali..bila sayur dah masak..masukkan bancuhan cornflour..kasi pekat..then curah atas tofu..



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Post time 12-12-2007 12:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 tom_tombak's post

tom..long nyampuk no..

bukan pandai sangat...TERpaksa  sini ada restoren M'sia pun x halal ada khinzir.. idea baik nyer..buleh ler terai nanti buat masak lemak + epal hijau  nway sini belimbing buluh buleh indon suka tanam..

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Post time 12-12-2007 12:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #37 long's post

oh hidup pulak no?
agak ni boleh la bawak buah belimbing pi CO ni
orang Indon bab tanam menanam ni memang salute laa

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Post time 13-12-2007 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by long at 12-12-2007 12:36 PM
butter prawn - x silap resepi some1 kut...kredit 2 u..tq tq tq..tapi long failed ler buat egg flooss tu..anak bujang cakap..naper mummy letak kerak goreng pisang atas  shrimp ni...   kerak2 gor ...

memalam ni..opsss pepagi ni terliur la pulak tgk long nyer menu...

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Post time 13-12-2007 08:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 11-12-2007 01:56 AM

Gambar step by step oh baby! ()

Bahan bahan
Isi durian, gula, glove, tepung, air ...

bole tines join sekali... ?

mana dapat durian..?import m'sia ke..?sodap nya cucur durian..

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