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Author: misecretary

Perlukan Panduan & Pandangan

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Post time 6-9-2008 02:55 PM | Show all posts
tukar kerja jerrr habis citer

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Post time 6-9-2008 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Hehe... Kesian dgr kisah ko, tapi aku rasa benda camni mmg lumrah la jgk, lebih lebih lagi dalam company Cina. Cina kan memang bila bab keje, bermati-matian sungguh. Ada yang sakit pun masih datang keje. Mmg dah gitu gaknye culture dorg. Since dorg camtu, dorg pun expect orang lain macam tu. Takpe, bersabar jelah.

1.  Medical report tentulah confidential. Jangan kata medical report, even ko nye customer profile as a consumer pun boleh dikatakan confidential. Contohnya, kau ada amik postpaid mobile plan ngan Maxis, pastu ko tak bayar bills, dan credit management dept dorg call ko untuk suruh ko pay up. Nak dijadikan cite mak ko yg angkat fon, dahtu mak ko tanyalah ape masalahnya. Credit mgmt officer tu tentu takkan disclose ape2 information langsung. Ni contoh je. So ape yg aku nak kata, bukan je medical report confidential, tapi apa2 benda yang bersangkut-paut dengan diri ko as a consumer/customer pun confidential jgk. Jgn kata bos, ngan mak sendiri pun takkan diberitahu benda2 confidential ni.

2.  Memang tak patut la ko dilayan camtu. Ko bukannya buat2 sakit tapi mmg dah sah2 sakit. Siap kena masuk hospital sume, jadi apa yg nak diragukan oleh bos ko tu? Ingat senang2 ke doktor nak refer ko ke hospital. Dan kalo keadaan ko tak serious, takde maknanya ko nak kena bertapa kat hospital tu. Tapi apa boleh buat. Dalam dunia ni mmg ada manusia yang berperangai kolot dan cam binatang (bos ko tu). Aku suggest, ko seek humour by imagining muka bos ko tu cam b**i everytime ko tgk muka dia. Yelah, dah perangai dia pun cam b**i kan. Lagi satu, dalam hidup ni, kalo ko stressed up, hidup tetap diteruskan. Kalo ko tak stressed up pun, life still goes on, jadi lebih baik tak tension kan?

3.  Kau jangan takutlah bab-bab orang tabur pasir dalam nasi ke ape ni seme, pasal rezeki tu di tangan Tuhan. Kalo Tuhan nak bagi ko rezeki, takde ape yang boleh menghalang hatta bos kejam ko tu pun! Kalo da mmg takde rezeki, nak wat camno, redha jelah. Tapi rezeki tu ada kat mana-mana je. Kalo rezeki ko takde kat tmpt keje ko ni, ko carik je lah keje la. Tukar environment, tukar boss. Mana tahu rezeki ko lebih murah kat tempat lain?

4.  Please refer pada pembukaan reply aku tu. Mmg Cina macam gini, fullstop! It's just their culture la. Sedang adik-beradik pun sanggup berbunuh-bunuhan hanya disebabkan business, duit, keje. It's just in their culture, fullstop. Jadi biarkan la dorg tu.

And dah mmg org yg keje jadi bos/supervisor mmg camni. Dorg mmg tak suka subordinates amik MC sal susah nak carik replacement. Haha. Aku pun dulu pernah gak la pangkat ala2 bos jap... mmg meluat gak la bila staff call cakap amik MC, tapi takde la sampai aku nak tindas org ke, cakap buruk belakang dia ke ape ke. Skrg ni aku da tukar keje lain, bos kat tmpt keje aku pun sama bengong cam boss kau, jenis benci org amik MC dan sukacita aku memaklumkan, aku baru je gi doktor pagi tadi dan dapat MC DUAAA HARI! Haha! Lantak pii lah ngan bos tongong tu! Org da sakit nak watpe kan...

[ Last edited by  shiq at 6-9-2008 06:37 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 8-9-2008 09:03 AM | Show all posts
aku dpt info yg mmg blh sgt dipercayai... boss aku email kat GM HR aku, psl aku, konon2, aku hanya kena food poisong (bukan sakit perut), aku sedey sgt! klu kena food poison xsakit perut??? habis ape yg akan sakit??? Hari tu, aku punya laa lembik, sakit perut bagai nak meletup, dia leh sesuka hati, tabur fitnah n memburukan aku kat HR! then 1 lagi, aku dah antar MC ms aku keluar wad ritu, MC aku dari 05-11 Ogos, pada 11hb tu leh dia email lagi, ckp aku xupdate dia, mana aku!!! dia komplain kata, aku patutnya keje hari tu, n aku x inform dia apa2 (kira mcm aku ponteng!) padahal, dia dah sign MC aku fwd ke HR! klu ikutkan hati aku nie, nak jer aku gi soal dia! tapi maklumat nie RAHSIA aku, xleh show aku taw, yg sedeynya... org HR tu, pun xleh pikir ker???

Tah ler... aku betul2 rasa teraniaya! rasa mcm kena tindas tul... dan moga dibulan yg mulia nie... Allah maha mendengar n mengetahui! Ramai yg doakan dia merasakan sakit mcm yg aku rasa, yg pada dia, aku buat2!!!

Ya-Allah... ko tunjukkan kebenaran n lindungi hamba mu dari hasad dengki org2 kafir!!!

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:11 AM | Show all posts
mebi bos ko marah ngan stetment ameno buket bendera kot yg panggel cine kaum pendatang...:eek: :eek:

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:24 AM | Show all posts
mis awak report direct pi pejabat buruh tanya dulu pendapat orang yang keje kat sana.. pedulik kan bos awak tu...

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Post time 8-9-2008 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Kejamm nye. Apa punya manusia ni???

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Post time 8-9-2008 06:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #23 misecretary's post

Mis, if you still want to continue working there don't involve the Labour Dept (Pejabat Buruh).  It will make things worse for you.  Your company might just find reasons to kick you out.  With your mountain of MCs - they do have a valid reason to do just that.  Employers are not legally bound to accept the MCs - even though from government hospital / panel clinics.  

What you can do, is make sure you record everything - conversations & passing of documents (MCs, emails and such) between you & your boss.  HR will need this as prove that you have done nothing wrong on your part.

As for the promotion - has it been canceled or postponed?  You have to look at it from your boss' point of view.  All this while you've been really good.  And then suddenly just when you've been given a probationary promotion you became very ill.  He's re-considering whether you are suitable or not now with your medical problems.  Especially with the endoscopy - he might be thinking that you will continue to take more sick leaves, unpaid leaves etc - and this is disruptive to work.

I don't have a solution for you.  You have to earn back your boss trust that you are just as good as before if not better.  Don't worry sooner or later your boss will also have some sickness/illness.  That's when you & everyone in the same boat can have your revenge.  

Also, I suspect your HR dept is aware of your boss' attitude.  Just do your work to the best of your abilities and keep a look our for job openings out there.  8 years in the same company is too much.



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 Author| Post time 9-9-2008 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 AnitaSabrina's post

my promotion has been extend another 3 months... and im not working in the typical chinese company... im working in the one of the biggest GLS's in Malaysia   and company hv rules to follow thru abt staff benefits.

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