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Author: WonBin

Teknologi NAZI Yang Melangkaui Zaman :: UFO, Anti Graviti, Rocket, Silikon

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Post time 4-5-2009 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Aku ada terbaca kat mana tah. Katanya perang menyebab teknologi melonjak dengan segera. Apa yang mengambil masa 10 tahun untuk disempurnakan, hanya mengambil 5 tahun sahaja....

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Post time 4-5-2009 12:04 PM | Show all posts
bangsa jerman mmg terkenal dgn pencipta...tak dinafikan dari teknologi smpai la ideologi.. cth komunisme...dari org jerman gak... karl mark...(btoi kot eja camtu..ehehe)

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikepong08 at 4-5-2009 00:30
jerman memang power kepala hotak diorang.Ku yang hari-hari ngadap mesen,mesen made in germany kurang kerosakkan dan tiptop berbanding mesen dari US.Paling lowya mesen dari hongkong macam haram je ...

mesin dari taiwan camne? kaa sama je siyalnye.........

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WonBin at 4-5-2009 01:50 TEKNOLOGi NAZI: Antara Sejarah & MitosTerdapat bukti bahawa Adolf Hitler telah menghantar sekumpulan saintis Nazi pergi ekspedisi ke tempat2 yang misteri seperti mencari bahtera Nabi Nuh, per ...
oit........... dah cam crita hellboy lak.......

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Post time 4-5-2009 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by susano at 4-5-2009 12:04
bangsa jerman mmg terkenal dgn pencipta...tak dinafikan dari teknologi smpai la ideologi.. cth komunisme...dari org jerman gak... karl mark...(btoi kot eja camtu..ehehe)

karl marx kan?

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Post time 4-5-2009 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 25-5-2011 14:35

Dornier Do-24 (German Kamikaze Plane)

Do-24T at Speyer, Germany

The sub-type and Werk Nr. is unknown. There is only the front fuselage and the stubwings, which were recovered from lake Muritz near Mecklenburg in former East Germany in 1991. This aircraft was sunk there and was probably one of the four Do-24's that were to be used in a suicide attack on one of the Oder bridges in an all-out attempt to stop the Soviets in march 1945. Before the attack could be made all Do-24's were sunk. Three were destroyed by American fighters and the last one was being manouvred into a hidingplace when again American fighters attacked, the only one on board was the pilot so there was nobody to report the attakers and he went down with his aircraft. It was never the intention for the pilots to do it themselves, they were to fly the aircraft onto the river, get out and try to reach the riverbank in a dinghy whilst a volunteer steered the aircraft onto the bridges. The Do-24 was chosen for this task because it could carry a huge amount of cargo, in this case being explosives.
Coming from Rettung Zwischen den Fronten the following:
The Do-24 Werk Nr. 97 had been used in the so called " Aktion 24 ". During this operation, beginning April 1945, four Do-24 had been ordered to the "Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe in Rechlin" in which they were prepared for "Kamikaze" operation against four railway-bridge over the river Weichsel in Thorn, Warschau, Deblin and Dunjawec (east of Krakow) to stop the supply line of the Sowjets. The Do-24 had been chosen to do this job, because the flyingboat was able to carry such a big aoumt of explosives. Each Do-24 should had been flown by it normal pilot to a point not far away from its target. At this point the normal pilots are supposed to leave the flying boat in a small rubber dingy trying to reach the bank of the "Weichsel". There the SO-Pilots (Selbstopfer) pilots should steer the Do24 directly against of the bridge piers. The following explosion of the "explosive Do24-Kamikaze" should finally collapse the brigde. But before the so called " Aktion 24 " could start, an air raid of the B-24 on the area ot the airfields of Rechlin and it surroundings, destroyed three of the four " Sprengstoff Do-24 ". Unfortunately this action also caused one cassualtie. Feldwebel Heinz-Ottokar Hildebrandt tried to roll his Do-24 (RLM-Werk No.24) to a secret part on the Maitz-See near Roebel, when his fully prepared Do-24 had been hit by Mustangs of 354.Fighter Squadron. They discovered Hildebrands Do-24 on the water and after few moments the flying boad gone upin flames. In this action the former Sea-Air-rescue pilot died. The flying boat did not detonate, but finally started to sink near Roebel. At the beginning of the 90 parts of this Do24 were hoisted. His three remaining comrades finally reached with surviving Do-24, without any instruments the air base of Bug in R-en, home of the Seenotgruppe 81.

Sources :


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Post time 4-5-2009 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 25-5-2011 14:36

Haunebu I - IV (Nazi UFO)

According to Nazi mythology, the SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) which was a development unit of the SS occult '' Order of the Black Sun '' was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuels.

This group supposedly developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

Since 1935 the Thule Gesellschaft (Society) had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped testing ground for such a craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply referred to the new Thule disc as a war product- the -Ger  (Hauneburg Device).

The existence of such a device is disputed by both physicists and historians and is widely regarded as a myth.

Sources : ... ziUFOTechnology.htm


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Post time 4-5-2009 02:20 PM | Show all posts
SdKfz. 302 Goliath (E-Motor)


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Post time 4-5-2009 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Rainbow Project (Philadelphia Experiment) ... ield/uft_index.html


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Post time 4-5-2009 02:38 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-5-2009 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 4-5-2009 09:11
Jerman tumbang dulu sebab pihak Berikat dah setuju nak kasi KO Jerman sebelum Jepun. Dan pasal kenapa banyak teknologi canggih tak guna masa perang -

1. Terlalu banyak bereksperimen
2. Keadaan perang yang dah tak memihak Jerman semasa mereka menghasilkan wunderwaffe - takde bekalan bahan mentah

adakah benar pihak berikat berbuat begitu.. atas alasan ape??? hurmm.. maybe jugak betul kerana pihak berikat takutkan ideology 'fasisme' yang dibawa oleh hitler.. satu lagi masalahnya.. US, berfikiran jika dapat musnah pihak 'AXIS' yang dekat dahulu iaitu GERMAN, sedikit sebanyak akan dapat melemahkan JAPAN.. Paling bengang Italy.. awal2 dah tumbang.. sampai mussolini digantung dan diarak..

macam Russia, dia ada agenda sendiri mengapa join pihak 'allies'.. padahal ideology 'komunisme' juga ditakuti dan tidak dapat diterima oleh US.. kira US menggunakan RUSSIA sebagai sekutu atas sebab2 tertentu laa diantaranya ialah 'backup' kuat... masa tuhh US takut btol dengan 'komunisme'..

nombor 2 itu yang paling hamba bersetuju.. kerana mengikut sejarah.. German telah kehabisan sumber bahan mentah untuk membina senjata2 yang lebih canggih.. teorinya ada.. praktikalnya tergendala..

lagipun.. German kurang mahir bertempur semasa musim sejuk (salji)... itu jadi satu kelebihan bagi pihak RUSSIA mngusir GERMAN yang semakin menghampiri tengah RUSSIA.. iaitu staligrad... di situ lah detik GERMAN mula lemah dan merudum jatuh..

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Post time 4-5-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts
DKM Graf Zeppelin


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Post time 4-5-2009 03:11 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 4-5-2009 03:13 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-5-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Dalam Anime

The Cockpit [OVA]  (1993)


A disgraced German fighter pilot is assigned to escort a bomber carrying (KG200) his love and a fearsome secret cargo, but he failed and the bomber blew up

About a Luftwaffe pilot who must choose between his duty to his country: to guard a bomber loaded with Germany's final hope of victory...the world's first atomic bomb...or his duty to the world: to let it fall in flames to enemy Spitfires and be a footnote in history. Of course, things are complicated by the plane's other cargo...the woman he loves.


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Post time 4-5-2009 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Tak abis2 engkau dengan anime ye.....

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Post time 4-5-2009 04:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #31 edy137's post

Churchill ada kata, dia benci komunisme tapi dia lagi benci nazisme.

Itali pulak, angkatan tentera mereka sebenarnya berat hati nak berperang di pihak Jerman tapi sebab Mussolini nak jugak perang... dan walaupun Itali kalah pada Jun 1944, kerajaan Fasis masih berkuasa di utara Itali sebagai boneka Jerman dan Mussolini hanya dibunuh pada April 1945

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Post time 4-5-2009 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Oh satu lagi senjata kamikaze Jerman ialah roket Fi-103C atau V-1 dengan pemandu. Tapi peliknya, arahan kepada juruterbang ialah aim pesawat, tetapkan arah dan terjun keluar! Senjata ni tak beroperasi.

Satu lagi senjata desperado Jerman ialah Mistel yang menggabungkan pesawat pejuang Fw 190 atau Me 109 dengan airframe peswat pengebom Ju 88. Cockpit Ju 88 diisi dengan bahan letupan dan dicantumkan dengan pesawat pejuang tadi. Juruterbang akan memandu dari pesawat pejuang dan bila menghampiri sasaran, Ju 88 / bom terbang tersebut akan dilepaskan.


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Post time 4-5-2009 05:38 PM | Show all posts
beso giler Graf Zeppelin tu yob!!

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Post time 6-5-2009 12:47 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 25-5-2011 14:39
Originally posted by alphawolf at 4-5-2009 16:01
Tak abis2 engkau dengan anime ye.....

Focke-Wulf 190 / Ta 152 (Kurt Tank)

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 was a World War II Luftwaffe high-altitude interceptor fighter aircraft. The Ta 152 was a development of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 aircraft, but the prefix was changed from " Fw " to " Ta " to recognize the contributions of Kurt Tank who headed the design team. The number 152 was chosen in the German air ministry's list of numbers allocated to German aircraft companies, and was not related to the designer's previous projects or achievements. It was intended to be made in at least three versions  the Ta 152H Hienjier, the Ta 152C designed for slightly lower altitude operations and ground-attack using a different engine and smaller wing, and the Ta 152E fighter-reconnaissance aircraft with the engine of the H model and the wing of the C model. The first Ta 152H entered service with the Luftwaffe in January 1945 but only some 43 production aircraft were delivered until the end of the war. This was too late to allow the Ta 152 to have a significant impact on the war effort.


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