cam ner nak convince parents? pls pls help...
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Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 09:36 ![](http://eforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
cam ner nak convince parents bawa aku pi check up..
first of all..
i lied telling to you all yg aku ader autoimmune disorder..
sebab aku sundri pun tak tau..and aku malas nak explain. ...
then u pergi la specialist ...u tkde masalah kewangan kan? klau btul dh check semua and if u disahkn kene penyakit tu, usually doc akan issue letter kn..show to ur parents then..
sabar makcik...jgn mengamok2 di hari jumaat yg mulia ni...presyes tk berniat nk menyakitkan hati u...
i rase maksud die, u masih mude & masih bkesempatan kenal jejaka2 kah chak..bukan bmakne wat bende tk senonoh.. |
Ini kiranya SLE lah kan.
U dok mana yea? Maaf mmg x tahu mklmlah akak br lagi kat sini tp u mmg knowledgeable
My niece kena sakit ni masa kat U. Dia buat treatment kat HUKM
Last month, masa teman hubby check up terserempak dgn my cousin, mak my niece tu, dia kata my niece skrg dah ok tp masih bergantung pada ubat
Klu x silap dia ada menjalani operations tp akak x pasti berapa kali
Jadi thread yg psl "parent in denial" tu mmg psl u lah kan
Bykkan bersabar yea.
May be u blh pergi hospital besar negeri utk menjalani blood test then beritahu doc tu jgn tgk muka u tp buat thorough test, klu mak pak u x buat, blh x minta tlg dari kwn rapat atau saudara mara yg quite reliable |
Originally posted by MsQuerida at 22-5-2009 13:14 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
then u pergi la specialist ...u tkde masalah kewangan kan? klau btul dh check semua and if u disahkn kene penyakit tu, usually doc akan issue letter kn..show to ur parents then..
sabar makc ...
aku tak keje...so tak byk duit...
parents aku ni kira cam org berada..
but...i'm not that kind of person...jenis spoil2..mak bapak bagi duit...
aku just letih sangat...i can't walk too far...so aku memang bergantung sangat ngan mak bapa masa ni..
i feel such a loser...i'm 24...
dulu2 aku biasanya pegi sundri...but now...aku just tak terdaya lagi...
i can't stand it...i feel so useless...ashamed..and embarassed...
aku nyer brain...cam rasa kene draining...
it's hard for me to think..and aku cepat rasa depress...
dulu2..sblm aku amik supplement..aku just biarkan penyakit tu..take over..
sampai brain aku kene drain...and prolly shrink..
aku hallucinate...sampai parents aku cakap aku gila...
then aku start amik habbatus sauda..
aku start jadi normal balik..
tapi skrang...most of the supplements that i ate...dah makin...macam..tak berfungsi..
aku rasa....the inflammation maybe dah sampai naik2..ke brain..and turun2 ke peparu..
sebab aku ada start batuk2 pagi2..
biasanya klu kita cough bila baru bangun tu...it signifies..permanent lung damage..
the corner of my eyes...the pinkish thing..dah makin hilang...
my eyes...they're getting drier...
mom and dad...bagi aku upah Rm200 permonth..utk buat chores..
but...aku salu guna duit tu utk supplement...so aku simpan little money... |
Originally posted by sourplum at 22-5-2009 13:14 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Harap dapat guna bahasa elok2 sikit ya... ekekeke..
I akan edit post2 yg kat atas, tapi post yg kat bawah post I ni yg menggunakan bahasa yg I rasakan kurang wajar, I akan tolak -30 ...
org stress..it's a matter of life and death.....
sapa soh dier cari pasal tak baca betul2... |
Originally posted by wekwek1 at 22-5-2009 12:53 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kau neh nak mintak pendapat org..
tapi aku tguk ko mcm nak emo2 jer....
masalah kau pelik2...
this is actually a common problem...autoimmune disorder...90% pompuan salu terkene.. |
Originally posted by diana000 at 22-5-2009 12:57 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ko ni pelikla makcik mengamok...
haaa..ni yg aku nk mengamok nih..
tak bole ke gune bahasa elok skit..org tak tgk ko lg tp bile tgk ayat2 ko nih org da bole tau..
nt in future bile org k ...
sebab dier bodoh..
tak faham keadaan org..
baca pun setengah2...pastuh posting bulat2 sebarang..
tulah sapa soh main tembak posting..
aku pun main tembak..
masa ni pun aku tengah stress..
tambah2 lagi..kepala aku sakit...cam makin hilang air..
[ Last edited by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 15:00 ] |
saya jarang nak posting kat... saya suka membaca jer....
macam ni la tuan rumah.... u cakap u start sakit dari umur 17 and now 24... so it already 7 yearr.... and u ada cakap ur 1st cousin ada penyakit ni and ur auntie recommended for DNA test...
my suggestion... Y not u ajak ur auntie temankan u buat full medical check up and all the test to detect ur prob. I'm sure she can recommended u a good doctor or may be she can bring u to meet the same doctor. kan anak dia dalam treatment sekarang kan.... mintak la tlg dia... mesti dia lagi tau pasal penyakit ni. then ur auntie kan blh convince ur parents about this....
I dunno about SLE.... what i know the SLE will make u worst kalau tak buat treatment. U akan nampak pucat n mmg muka org sakit... 7 years with SLE supposed make u nampak worst.... so may be u nampak sihat that y ur parents buat tak tau...
So apa2 hal... mintak jer bantuan auntie u.... that the best... don't depends on ur parents... |
dekat diri dgn tuhan time2 mcm ni..
tak tau sgt pae jenis penyait nih..LUPUS kan..mmg badan akan rase letih.tak bole grak bnyk sgt. |
Originally posted by fatehana at 22-5-2009 14:33 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Ini kiranya SLE lah kan.
U dok mana yea? Maaf mmg x tahu mklmlah akak br lagi kat sini tp u mmg knowledgeable
My niece kena sakit ni masa kat U. Dia buat treatment kat HUKM
Last month, m ...
miri sarawak..
terok sangat klinik and hospital gomen...kat sini...
lepas aku solve problem ni..
aku tak sabar nak hentam2 pasal poliklinik kat miri...
salu nya hospital besar...tu..
kita mesti pi poliklinik dulu...then baru bley...
sebab kat blood test kadang2 salu tak nampak apa2..
pastuh they don't want to test further check for fullscreen autoimmune disorder.. check detail lagih.. |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 22-5-2009 14:58 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
masa ni pun aku tengah stres ...
Jangan stress sgt.... nanti org nak simpati pun rasa bengang.... hidup mesti sentiasa gembira n don't think so much abt ur prob... |
Balas #29 makcikmengamok\ catat
-edited-sorry thz is for my privacy
OmEga 3...fish oil...my doc suggest makan..
all the best...
[ Last edited by mizsela at 22-5-2009 16:33 ] |
Originally posted by jueana at 22-5-2009 15:06 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
saya jarang nak posting kat... saya suka membaca jer....
macam ni la tuan rumah.... u cakap u start sakit dari umur 17 and now 24... so it already 7 yearr.... and u ada cakap ur 1st cousin ada ...
i look pretty young for my age..
org salu dismissed terus...tak fikir aku sakit pun..
aku nyer skin memang fair...so klu pucat ke tak...there's no difference..
aku pernah bawa my closest aunt pi check up...the same aunt yg ada anak dier ya ada autoimmune disorder..
...tapi masa tu..i didn't suspect..autoimmune...
just fikir diabetes...sebab aku tak leh makan byk sangat sugar..or too low sugar..mesti balance..
but the test shows negative...i think..it was last year..back when i was 23..
i have to collect my own money for this...
my aunt cakap...the test cost...Rm400 ..she thinks la..
but..she's always bz...so i don't think she can bring me...
cos she began to think like my parents now...salu rationalized..and justified..and comparing myself to them...
i can't just soh dier sponsor 100%
becos dulu dier dah sponsor aku..
aku just hope that i'm right about this...
sebab simptom2 aku sama ngan Sjorgen's syndrome..and PCOS..
and then ada letih2...sangat...
i'm scared it might successfully drain my brain again..
and buatkan aku hallucinate..
masa tu aku dah memang tak online lagi.. |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 15:17 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
blood test biase ek?
okay act..i ade mslah autoimmune nie..but NOT SLE type..
i accidentally dapt tau penyakit nie mase buat medical check up b4 plkn...follow up then after plkn....tue pon ...
thank you..
thank you..
BIOPSY tu aper...cam ner dier nyer detail test..explain pls... |
Reply #33 makcikmengamok's post
Cuba bukak thread yang sama kat bod Medical Doctor & Pharmacist, mungkin anda akan mendapat jawapan yang lebih baik
Ape2 pon, jaga kesihatan anda ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Balas #33 makcikmengamok\ catat
.. -edited-
[ Last edited by mizsela at 22-5-2009 16:27 ] |
Balas #34 bacteria82\ catat
dah ade thread dah kt situ..![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Originally posted by mizsela at 22-5-2009 15:36 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
dia ade kaitan dengan buahpinggang sebab tue aku buat KIDNEY BIOPSY...sbb xde benda fizikal lain leh sahkan aku IGAN..urine test tue just show protein n blood.tp pakar dah leh predict after ultra ...
IGAN tu aper?
so mesti buat ULTRASOUND lagi kat buah pinggang..so ni mesti jumpa ngan pakar la kan..bukan doktor biasa?
dier amik tissue badan cam ner? dier amik kat mana? kat gusi ka apa? |
Balas #37 makcikmengamok\ catat
dah nangis2 lom?depan your parents...bukan nk wat doarang susah hati tp u have to show yang u btul2 sakit n nk buat test....
haritue adelah ternangis sikit depan my parents...then dorang cepat2 nk bwak i pegi alternative medicine...susah gak cmnie...I plak yg rase susah hati...sbb terpakse menyusahkan dorang![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Balas #38 makcikmengamok\ catat
okay...haah doctor pkar...sbb doctor biase refer i kt klinik nefro n sle...same klinik nephro n sle tue
amik tissue kt buah pinggang,tdo 2 malam kt hospital untuk buat test tue..
soklan untuk SLE plak...sle nie pon ade kaitan ngan aku dOc tanye jugalah..
ulcer ade ke?kerap ke?
ade merah kt muka ke?merah bentuk butterfly..?
ade sakit sendi x? |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan