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Author: ungu_violet191

Peti ais LG bermasalah

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Post time 27-7-2009 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Aku  dah ban brand LG semenjak peti ais aku ada problem tempat sejuk beku jadi macam igloo dlm masa 2 minggu lepas cuci.  Ni peti ais satu pintu beli dlm RM 600++. Masalah tu memang sejak beli lagik so kira macam extra featurelah.. hampehhh..

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Post time 28-7-2009 01:37 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik i terjumpa thread ni..

i pun tengah survey fridge baru, brand LG rasanya kena off list..

rata2 kat sini recommend brand apa yang terjamin tahan lama ye?

sebelum ni i pakai hitachi, tapi bukan di beli di malaysia..thought of switching to other brands and nak lagi besar cause previous fridge a bit small..

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Post time 31-7-2009 12:25 PM | Show all posts
LG expresscool ni berapa liter kapasiti nya?

saya pun tgh survey2 peti ais ni, dan angan2 nak beli LG yang 700 liter tu.

saya currently miliki samsung dua pintu (tak pasti brp liter), dah pun 10 tahun umur nya, still running good, excellent cooling system. cuma dok fikir nak ganti baru sebab yang ada ni kecik. tak lah kecik sangat tapi saya ni ada banyak barang nak simpan dalam fridge.

masuk website samsung, peti ais paling besar dia pun dalam 600++ liter je, itu yang saya cuba tengok LG pulak.

from my readings on other consumers' reviews, panasonic fridge is a no-no. mak saya guna toshiba pun, kurang sejuk. tapi tak lah rosak. my samsung alhamdulillah sejuk sangat.

washing machine samsung saya pun dah 10 tahun dah, top loading 5.5kg (masa tu belum popular lagi kapasiti besar), still running good. tak pernah ada problem yet.

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Post time 31-7-2009 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Sy baru belikan my Mum fridge baru. Brand Sharp. Salesman tu proposed Sharp better than Panasonic & Toshiba. Sy pun tak tau ok ke tak lagi sebab baru seminggu pakai.

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Post time 31-7-2009 12:54 PM | Show all posts
found this review online.. tak pasti bila review ni dibuat, tak jumpa tarikh..

LG GR-M652YLY Refrigerator
Item: LG GR-M652YLY Refrigerator
by Porcupine

Getting a bigger refrigerator has been on my mind for a long time as our current Mitsubishi fridge is way too small to store our food and cold soft drinks for a family of four. It will do fine provided that we clear all our meals daily and get new vegetables and meat every other days. But we only have time to do our groceries shopping once in a week and hence the need of a bigger fridge arises.

As my new TV is of LG brand which I find perform quite satisfactorily to my expectation, I am curious to check out what they have to offer for a fridge. Browsing through Jusco store, I find the gigantic looking GR-M652YLY. It is platinum silver in color. This choice of color won’t show stains or dirt easily and won’t look “old” as the years pass by. This fridge is indeed very spacious as it is more than double the size of my present fridge . Its label shows that is 640 litre in capacity and the height of the upper freezer compartment is just right for us as we are not very tall. It is being positioned far out of reach for my small 6-year old daughter. I think this panel positioning is an important consideration as the electronic red LED temperature control panel is located at the freezer door. I wouldn’t want her to mess up the temperature settings every now and then.

To my surprise, I find that vegetables and fruits stored in the lower box compartment do last longer and look fresher compared to my old fridge. I thought all fridges are the same. The GR-M652YLY really change my perception on fridge performance as some of the vegetables and fruits stored can even last up two weeks. Does this mean that now we can go groceries shopping once in a fortnight? Well, space won’t be ab issue anymore, in addition to the extended freshness of the items that are being stored. I shall mention, with the current economy condition, we can save on gasoline money in the long run by acquiring this fridge.

Another discovery that I made with the fridge is it will remove any traces of odors emitted by spoilt fruit in a few hours.This is something that is impossible to occur with my old fridge as the odors especially those emitted by the King of Fruit of Malaysia, the durian, will linger on for around a week before finally subside. I think they have some sort of filter deodrizer built-in to absorb the odors let out by the stuff that you put into the fridge. With this feature, we can rest assured that the other food that are being stored won’t be contaminated by the odors.

With the addition of another home appliance in my list of LG product, I am beginning to get more trustful to the LG brand. LG is innovative in its design yet it doesn’t cost you much to have those features. Soon, it will earn its place in my top rated brand which is Panasonic.

Rating: 9


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Post time 1-8-2009 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Saya dah pakai mesin basuh dan peti ais LG ni dah 8 tahun lebih. Tapi syukurlah sampai sekarg tak pernah timbulkan sbrg masalah.

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Post time 2-8-2009 11:53 PM | Show all posts
aku pun baru je kena masalah fridge LG tuh. aku pakai model vitamin tu gak.. called serv center 4 hari tak dtg2 technician, alih2 die kasik aku no, suruh aku call sendiri. binawe!!!  dah dpt fridge blk tapi semcm jer. atas sejuk tp bhgian bwh mcm ala kadar je sejuk die........... 270 aku kene bayar repair.!!!!

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Post time 3-8-2009 11:06 AM | Show all posts
teja dah 6 tahun pakai fridge LG..alhamdulillah setakat ni masih berfungsi dgn baik..cuma rak dia je patah tp tu salah sdr sbb x buang barang masa pindah hr tu..skrg tak tau mn nak beli rak baru

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Post time 3-8-2009 12:44 PM | Show all posts
LG beli tv pakai 2 bulan gambaq skrin jd line....rosak apa tah belakang tu technician depa mai tukaq seketui belekang tu ok dah le tp tak tau le sampai tahan lama lama

kemarin p survey barang2 lektrik peti ais LG tgk elok gak tp kena ban dah barangan dia..serik le cepat rosak

tgk hitachi elok...buatan thailand

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Post time 3-8-2009 04:19 PM | Show all posts
27# ainnymidie

ainny, kenapa kena bayar repair nya? dah tamat warranty ke? boleh tahu tak, yang ni model berapa liter? saya nak timbangkan ni nak beli ke tak LG.

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Post time 13-8-2009 09:49 PM | Show all posts
jaja dah pakai peti ais LG yg 1 pintu  sejak 8 tahun lepas. dah 3 kali pindah umah, tp alhamdulillah masih elok smpai sekarang, kekadang rasa nak tukar yg 2 pintu, tp since yg ni elok lagi, sayang pulak rasanya.

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Post time 17-8-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts
wah..risau gak ni br ari ni terbaca thread ni dan br je sab2 lepas beli aircond LG jenis art cool design 1.5hp ngan jenis neo plasma plus 1.0hp...beli psl nak kaler dan design depan dia...aduii moga2 x de prob. dikemudian ari...beli LG ni pun pasal skrg pakai LG aircond jenis biasa..dan ok dah 6 thn..3 kali pindah..dan bil letrik pun x tinggi...

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Post time 26-2-2010 11:46 PM | Show all posts
peti sejuk brand aper yang ok?,,kalau tv..rasanya sony...

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Post time 27-2-2010 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Mula-mula ingat nak beli peti air LG yang bunga-bunga tu... sebab pegi rumah kawan dan tgk macam ok. Tapi baru-baru ini kawan complaint kat pintu peti aisnya bila ditutup bunyi botol berlaga walaupun takada botol dalamnya. Terus terecat nak beli...

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Post time 1-3-2010 11:45 AM | Show all posts
huish aku beli tv lcd samsung.. ngam ngam setahun, wat hal.. le ni tak dak pic plak.... nak hantaq service aku rasa mau RM600-RM700 terbang kot
menyesal gak ....

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Post time 3-3-2010 05:14 PM | Show all posts
i punya peti ais pun brand LG modelnye terlupa pulak tapi rega masa beli tu dalam RM2k++ juga la yang ade teknologi nano and boleh adjust dia punya suhu kat luar pintu..beli kt harvey norman sale..peti ais tu i letak dekat rumah yang i balik weekend jer..satu hari tu bila i bukak jer pintu nak masuk rumah i terbau semacam ..ingatkan ade cicak mati tersepit ker...ataupun terlupa buang sampah ker...rupe2nye peti ais i yg gedabak tu dah x berfungsi habis makanan dalam tu berkulat dan berulat...u all bayangkan i nak kena buat operasi malam2 hari ingatkan sampai2 boleh terus tido sbb besok tu nak berangkat pegi bercuti luar kawasan....rupenye hubby dh ubar temp kpd 6 darjah celcius bila i tukar balik ke temp 0 darjah Celcius  baru ok sampai la ni....fuhhh lega kalau x susah gak...alhamdulillah..sebab sebelum ni i memang guna brand LG mesin basuh 2 biji dah lebih 10 tahun i guna okay...still idup sampai skang..

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Post time 4-3-2010 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Aku  dah ban brand LG semenjak peti ais aku ada problem tempat sejuk beku jadi macam igloo dlm masa 2 minggu lepas cuci.  Ni peti ais satu pintu beli dlm RM 600++. Masalah tu memang sejak beli lagik s ...
maximus_01 Post at 27-7-2009 09:22

ku rasa ni common problem bagi fridge satu pintu.
fridge aku pon cenggini jugak. brand SHARP. kalu seminggu tu tak defrost mmg ais dah mcm kat kutub utara nun. nak tutup tingkap dia pon kenkadang sangkut.

ku pakai dari tahun 2004 lagi. tak pernah rosak. except last week tetiba lampu dia terbakar.

tu yg berkobar2 nak carik hok 2 pintu lak ni

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Post time 6-3-2010 01:46 PM | Show all posts
tgh pk brand apa yang elok untuk barang umah ni.. bukan pe kang sayang je duit beli mahal2 tapi x tahan.. tapi rasanya ikut pada nasib dan juga cara penggunaan juga kot..

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Post time 8-3-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
Eija punya peti ais LG dah 7 tahun... ok lagik macam baru beli... kalo buat ais batu tak sampai sejam dah beku..pernah sekali tu.. tutup pintu tak rapat.. hampir 5 jam baru pasan.. tapi alhamdulillah.. ok jer .. sihat lagi..

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Post time 27-5-2010 12:40 PM | Show all posts
adik makketom ada pakai peti ais LG tp tak ingat apa modelnya tp yg ada teknologi NANO. masalah dia bila minum air yg di simpan dlm tu berbau semacam jer tak kira la air apapun, ingat berjangkit dr makanan yg disimpan, bila clear semua makanan still berbau. makketom sendiripn pakai frg LG model yg pintu 2 belah yg boleh adjust dia punye temp kat pintu, masalah lain takde cuma bila simpan makanan tak sampai 1 minggu dah berkulat tak tahu naper sama jugak dgn sayur seminggu dah layu. tp buat ais kejap jer beku.. sapa2 nk beli LG kena pk 2 3 kali

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