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Author: tobby

Fatwa Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi mengenai makanan yang dicampur dengan Red Wine.

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Post time 2-7-2010 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 00:40

Kita kena faham apa yang di sebut khamar/arak/alkohol menurut Al Quran dan Sunnah sebab kita sedang berbicara mengenai hukum Islam , so kena guna istilah yang diperjelaskan oleh Allah dan Nabi sendiri la ,dan kita tak boleh guna istilah yang di formulate oleh pendapat2 manusia melalui teori sains ......

Sebab tu ada hadis sahih jelas melarang tafsir Quran guna pendapat sendiri , tak kiralah pendapat sendiri tu based on teori sains sekalipun,  sebab kang senang-senang aje akan di qias itu ini tanpa merujuk makna sebenar menurut Quran dan Sunnah , lalu apa yang haram jadi halal , vice versa .

Hadis-hadis sahih bawah ni dah clear maksud arak, khamar atau alkohol adalah apa saja agen yang mengandungi unsur yang diproses secara apa pun laa hingga ia sampai ke peringkat memabukkan . Sedikit atau banyak tetap haram .

Jangan kau campur adukkan istilah cuka atau apa saja yang di perap yang tak sampai ke peringkat memabukkan pula dengan istilah arak/khamar/alkohol , sebab sebanyak mana kita makan cuka , budu atau kicap tidaklah memabukkan kita pun , cuma sakit perut aje la kot kalau telan banyak2 .

Apabila sesuatu tu melalui proses lengkap peringkat memabukkan, maka baru boleh di label arak / khamar/ alkohol, lalu setelah ia sampai peringkat itu maka nak makan/minumnya sedikit pun dah haram .

( Muslim) Book 023, Number 4964:

Ibn 'Umar, through another chain of transmitters; reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said this: Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden.

( Muslim ) Book 023, Number 4963:

Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter.

( Muslim ) Book 023, Number 4959:

Abu Musa reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) sent me and Mu'adh b. Jabal to Yemen. I said: Allah's Messenger, there is prepared in our land a wine out of barley which is known as Mizr (beer of our times) and a wine from honey which is known as Bit, (are these also forbidden? ), whereupon he said: Every intoxicant is forbidden.


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Post time 2-7-2010 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 2-7-2010 23:02
blast off: semua makanan yg diperam atau melalui proses penapaian akan mengandungi alkohol
itu prinsip asas dlm sains makanan
cth: anggur diperam=arak
       bilis diperam=budu
       soya diperam=kicap
       pulut diperam=tapai

ini kerana semasa peraman, yis akan menggunakan gula dr bahan makanan tersebut utk hidup dan menghasilkan bahan sampingan iaitu:
1)gas CO2
3) haba

tp dalam makan alkohol terlalu rendah = <5%(0.05w/w)
dan ia tidak memabukkan dan ia BUKAN ARAK
tontolounu Post at 2-7-2010 21:51

Lihat kekeliruan yang boleh timbul apabila kita cuba campur adukkan istilah teori sains dengan apa yang terkandung dalam Al Quran dan Sunnah :

Makanan yang di masak bersama secamca kecil wine tetap mengandungi alkohol kan walaupun sedikit  , tak lah memabukkan pun kalau dimakan makanan tu, oleh itu adakah ia sama statusnya dengan  roti, budu, kicap yang mengandungi "alkohol" tak memabukkan tu ?

Roti , kicap dan budu halal, adakah makanan yang di masak dengan secamca kecil wine jugak turut halal ? Sedangkan Nabi jelas sebut sedikit arak pun haram , tak kiralah arak tu di campur dalam apa pun ....

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Post time 2-7-2010 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 2-7-2010 23:22
ALKOHOL bukan minuman-ia adalah sebatian kimia hasil tindak balas mikroorganisma/penyulingan petroleum dan ia BUKAN NAJIS
tontolounu Post at 2-7-2010 22:03

Kek yang di campur dengan minuman beralkohol lalu di masak dalam oven ....proses nak bertukar dari adunan bancuhan jadi kek turut melalui berbagai tindakbalas dalam oven panas tu  ..... apabila siap jadi kek maka ia bukan minuman lagi dah waktu tu tapi sebiji kek .... adakah kek tu jadi halal untuk dimakan ?

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Post time 3-7-2010 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 00:37
memang kalo zat itu adalah minuman memabukkan(khamar) hukumnya ADLAH HARAM WALAU SETITIK...
tontolounu Post at 2-7-2010 22:03

Rasulullah tak hanya refer pada minuman beralkohol sebagai khamar, sebaliknya definasi khamar yang di perjelaskan Rasulullah dalam hadis sahih bawah ni memperlihatkan ia merangkumi apa saja benda yang memabukkan , tak kiralah ia dalam bentuk minuman, pil, serbuk, daun etc . ..... itu jelas termasuk sekali kokain , ecstacy, meth, heroin , daun ketum etc ... termasuk jugalah makanan yang dimasukkan arak sebagai bahan masakan .

Oleh itu kalau makan sebiji kek mula melelong mabuk, maka sepotong kecil kek tersebut adalah juga haram hukumnya untuk di makan . Tak kiralah dalam kek tu di masukkan kokain kaa atau arak , tetap haram .

    ( Muslim) Book 023, Number 4964:

Ibn 'Umar, through another chain of transmitters; reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said this: Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden.

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Post time 3-7-2010 05:35 AM | Show all posts
saudara blastoff, saya faham apa yg saudara maksudkan dan saya setuju 100% dengan semua hujah saudara serta nash yg saudara utarakan,,,
mmg apa yg saudara maksudkan ialah khamar(sesuatu yg memabukkan-intoxicant)

saya disni bukan nak kata kita boleh minum atau makan alkohol...cuma nak menjelaskan bahwa dalam makanan yg kita makan ada terapat yg mengandungi alkohol secara semula jadi tp bukan dicampur MINUMAN BERALKOHOL.
saya x kata roti itu dicampur alkohol, kalu ia dicampur wine mmgla ia haram
saya cuma cakap dr segi sains makanan ia mengandungi alkohol SEMULAJADI yg ramai org tidak tahu. hanya sedikit yg tahu(saintis makanan) dan ianya adalah halal kerana DARJATnya ialah makanan dan bukan MINUMAN..,
harap saudara faham apa yg saya maksudkan

org x tambah alkohol dlm budu atau kicap tapi ia wujud secara semulajadi dlm kuantiti yg amat sedikit dan alkohol itu bukan KHAMAR
jgn saudara samakan alkohol dalam kicap dgn MINUMAN BERALKOHOL

kalau sandara x percaya:

Alcohol as a substance is not mentioned in the Islamic sources, what is forbidden in Islam is that which intoxicates whether it is an alcohol or not.

Alcohols are a big group of chemicals and not all of them are intoxicating so therefore not all of them are forbidden, only those alcohols that intoxicate are forbidden.

Ethanol is the alcohol found in liquors, it is intoxicating so it is forbidden.

There are other alcohols found in food such as glycerin, lauryl, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lactitol but they are not intoxicating so they are not forbidden.

Is this halaal? Is soy sauce & wine vinegar halaal?

Is soy sauce & wine vinegar halaal? "Kikkoman Soy Sauce is a naturally brewed product. It is made from wheat, soybeans, salt and water. During the fermentation process, the wheat starches are broken down to sugars and part of the sugar is changed into alcohol. So Kikkoman Soy Sauce contains approximately 1.5 to 2% alcohol by volume. The alcohol is naturally occurring and adds to the aroma and overall flavor of our soy sauce." KIKKOMAN INTERNATIONAL INC. Consumer Services "Principally, if the alcohol is extracted from grapes or dates it is not permissible. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ?layhi Wasallam) said, 'Khamr (wine) is from these two trees, dates and grapes.' (Mishk?t p. 317). Furthermore, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ?layhi Wasallam) said, 'Alcohol itself is prohibited and intoxication in every other beverage.' (Hidaaya vol. 4 p. 497)."


If the alcohol in soy sauce is from wheat and soya beans, then it is permissible. Obviously, the condition of non-intoxication has to be considered.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai


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Post time 3-7-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
harap saudara faham apa yg saya maksudkan

tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 05:35

Saya faham apa yang kau maksudkan .

Islam tak mengharamkan vinegar , malah Nabi menyukainya sebagai bahan yang dapat melazatkan makanan .

( Muslim) Book 023, Number 5093:

Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) asked his family for condiment. They (the members of his household) said: We have nothing with us but vinegar. He asked for it, he began to eat it, and then said: Vinegar is a good condiment, vinegar is a good condiment.

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Post time 3-7-2010 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 09:56
Is this halaal? Is soy sauce & wine vinegar halaal? tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 05:35

Bolehkah kicap di samakan dengan wine vinegar ? Apakah taraf wine vinegar sama dengan vinegar biasa yang disebut oleh Nabi dalam hadis sahih atas ni ?

Fatwa di keluarkan oleh mufti selangor mengharamkan wine vinegar .....


Wine vinegar 'haram', says mufti

Wednesday, 12 May 2010 18:05

SHAH ALAM – Wine vinegar is haram and all quarters, especially food product manufacturers, should avoid using it for food sold to Muslims.

Mufti of Selangor Tamyes Abdul Wahid said although an edict on the matter had been issued about four years ago, many were still unaware or hardly understood the ban on the use of the substance in the manufacturing or processing of halal food products.

Almost untraceable

He said law enforcement on the illegal use of wine vinegar by food manufacturers and hotels was difficult because it was almost untraceable.

"Usually, the wine vinegar is used in the baking of cakes and cookies. It is probably aimed at making the food last longer or even tastier," he told reporters after opening a seminar on the edict on wine vinegar here today.

Hence, he said, self awareness was vital and food manufacturers should declare whether or not they used wine vinegar in their products or take the initiative to stop using the substance in their products.

Raising awareness

"That's why I said that the awareness is important. If they kept hiding this fact, the public will never know the truth unless the products were tested," said Tamyes.

He reiterated that since halal food products were also produced by non-Muslim manufacturers, their understanding on the ban on the use of wine vinegar should also be enhanced.

Tamyes said scientists in the country could find an alternative to wine vinegar in the making of halal food.

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Post time 3-7-2010 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 10:04

Jadi di sini boleh lah kita faham kalau wine vinegar yang di maksudkan tu adalah cuka biasa yang di campur dengan wine .... maka itu jelas haram.

Kalau ia sekadar cuka saja atau kicap saja tanpa dicampur wine , maka ia halal lah .

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Post time 3-7-2010 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 10:14
"Kikkoman Soy Sauce is a naturally brewed product. It is made from wheat, soybeans, salt and water. During the fermentation process, the wheat starches are broken down to sugars and part of the sugar is changed into alcohol. So Kikkoman Soy Sauce contains approximately 1.5 to 2% alcohol by volume. The alcohol is naturally occurring and adds to the aroma and overall flavor of our soy sauce." tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 05:35

So Kicap Kikkoman ni tidak dicampur liquor ...... jadi halal lah apabila ia sekadar kicap aje yang melalui proses pembuatan kicap seperti kebanyakan kicap2 lain  

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Post time 3-7-2010 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 12:19
Ethanol is the alcohol found in liquors, it is intoxicating so it is forbidden.

There are other alcohols found in food such as glycerin, lauryl, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lactitol but they are not intoxicating so they are not forbidden.tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 05:35

Atas reason apakah para saintis groupkan glycerin, lauryl , sorbitol etc sekali dengan ethanol menggunakan istilah alkohol ? Kenapa mereka tak cipta istilah baru aje untuk chemicals yang tak memabukkan tu ?

Saintis barat punya tendency untuk menggunakan istilah yang sama pada 2 perkara yang totally berbeza .Contoh : Mereka groupkan manusia dalam species beruk semata-mata kerana 99% genetik sama antara keduanya ...tapi mereka lupa 1 % tak sama tu ... mana boleh beza 1% di lupakan begitu saja kerana 1 % tu lah yang memberi impak cukup besar sekali di alam nyata yang membuatkan manusia dan beruk menjalani sistem gaya hidup berbeza sama sekali.

Begitu juga lah dengan chemicals tu , ethanol yang memabukkan impak nya terhadap minda memang dah jelas berbeza dari chemicals seperti glycerin etc yang tak memabukkan, tak kiralah berapa % sekalipun bezanya , yang pasti perbezaan tetap wujud jadi sepatutnya mereka tak boleh longgok semua sekali chemicals2 tu dalam istilah alkohol lah . Tak make sense langsung perbuatan mereka .

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Post time 3-7-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kucingblue at 2-7-2010 21:02
Atas reason apakah para saintis groupkan glycerin, lauryl , sorbitol etc sekali dengan ethanol menggunakan istilah alkohol ? Kenapa mereka tak cipta istilah baru aje untuk chemicals yang tak memabukkan tu ?
blastoff Post at 2-7-2010 19:56

ler, scientists bukan classify chemicals based on what is halal what is haram, or what is memabukkan what isn't. they classify based on the molecular properties of the chemicals.

sume jenis alcohol, (if I remember it correctly) share one thing in common: the OH.
jap, usha wiki....

ha, they all have this formula: Cn-H(2n+1)-OH  (C for Carbon atom, H for hydrogen, O for oxygen, and n is a variable)

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Post time 3-7-2010 01:01 PM | Show all posts
just so you all know, wine yg orang pakai utk masak tak semestinya wine yg cam orang togak. ade gak wine yang designed utk cooking jek, called Cooking Wine. That kind of wine memang bukan utk minum punya.

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Post time 3-7-2010 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 13:58
ler, scientists bukan classify chemicals based on what is halal what is haram, or what is memabukkan what isn't. they classify based on the molecular properties of the chemicals.

sume jenis alcohol, (if I remember it correctly) share one thing in common: the OH.
jap, usha wiki....kucingblue Post at 3-7-2010 12:57

Kalau chemicals tu memabukkan , mestilah wujud properti molekulnya tu yang berbeza dari properti molekul dalam chemicals yang tak memabukkan , kalau tidak mana macam mana nak wujud kesan memabukkan tu kalau tak berpunca dari properti molekulnya  ?

Share one thing in common , just one ? the OH only ? That's the problem, satu aspek saja yang sama lalu mereka dah nak lamsam dalam group yang sama kesemuanya based on that one aspek aje .  

Sa kata kita ada kakitangan takkan menyebabkan kita sama dengan monyet kot yang jugak ada kakitangan? Share one thing in common , tapi many other things are totally different .

They just dont make sense to me .

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Post time 3-7-2010 01:50 PM | Show all posts
just so you all know, wine yg orang pakai utk masak tak semestinya wine yg cam orang togak. ade gak  ...
kucingblue Post at 3-7-2010 13:01

Kalau di togak jugak jadi apa ? Adakah memabukkan ? Sakit perut ?

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Post time 3-7-2010 02:58 PM | Show all posts
saya setuju kucing blue...blastoff kene menuntut ilmu KIMIA ORGANIK dulu sebelum pandai2 nak persoal kumpulan alkohol....

alkohol adalah satu keluarga yg besar...dlamnya ada banyak jenis dan nama...ada yang membawa MANFAAT dan ada MEMUDHARAT(KHAMAR)...

ALLAH sendiri menyatakan dalam AL-QURAN ada kebaikan pada KHAMAR tetp keburukan nya lebih besar...maka jauhilah...

jangan terlalu rigid/jumud dalam pemikiran...
wallah 'Alam

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Post time 3-7-2010 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 15:32
saya setuju kucing blue...blastoff kene menuntut ilmu KIMIA ORGANIK dulu sebelum pandai2 nak persoal kumpulan alkohol....tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 14:58

Bukankah bab tu dipelajari waktu tingkatan 4 atau 5 kat kelas kimia , dah belajaq lama dah pun bab tuuuu. Saya suka menggunakan tanda soal dalam ayat , tak semestinya itu bermakna saya tak tahu. Tanda soal untuk mengajak kepada berfikir aje .

Saya tak nampak tindakan scientists tu sebagai make sense, so what .

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Post time 3-7-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
jangan terlalu rigid/jumud dalam pemikiran...tontolounu Post at 3-7-2010 14:58

Kalau kau nak terima aje apa yang scientists barat formulate kan, tak semestinya saya kena ikut kau kan .

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2010 03:40 PM | Show all posts
ada satu soklan tricky, apa dia bila minum sikit takpa, minum byk menjadi mabuk lagi khayal.  tapi benda tu confirm halal.

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Post time 3-7-2010 04:00 PM | Show all posts
ada satu soklan tricky, apa dia bila minum sikit takpa, minum byk menjadi mabuk lagi khayal.  tapi benda tu confirm halal.
tobby Post at 3-7-2010 15:40

nak soal jugak
korek idung itu bagus utk buang bijih,tp kalo korek idung guna ibu jari kaki sampai membes0rkan l0bang idung.
mcm mana tu?

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2010 04:10 PM | Show all posts
ubat selsema, kena ikut prescription doktor, klu terlebih amik melelong la jwbnya. sbb tu doktor warning jgn amik klu nak drive keta.

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