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Byk buku kat sini adalah 'How To'....bg aku...buku yg patut dibaca sbg motivasi adalah 'Rich Dad Poo ...
koken_7 Post at 20-7-2010 22:51
aku ada search pasal buku nie kat internet,
not a good review, antara point2 yg diberi ada rasionalnya.
aku dah bace pun buku free e-book. member cari jugak yg kasik. |
nak kena cari ni
ada beberapa buku yg tuna beli tapi tak faham2 gak.. nak kena baca byk kali kot... tapi bukan buku dalam senarai di sini la... |
My latest reading, books by Malcolm Gladwell. Yang dah baca, Blink and Outliers. Very good! Now reading `The Tipping Point' and `What the Dog Saw.' What the Dog Saw ni boring. |
Reply 21# meow_tompok
btul...byk jugak review yg bad...especially dr unit trust people...sbb die bang those guys...1 good point yg die tekankan adalah
aspek financial literacy....so..klu org ramai dh bijak dlm financial...those guys will be in bad situation...so..baik fcuk gila2 buku ni supaya org xde financial literacy... |
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 23-7-2010 08:51
minggu lepas baca buku2 nie..
by jeffry gan.... by azizi ali...
dua2 bagusssssssss...
aarie Post at 18-7-2010 13:11
............. |
Buku ni best .... sesuai utk yg baru nak business or nak kenali potensi diri ... ianya seakan cerita tp cerita yg membuatkan kita berfikir n relate kan produk yg ada dlm kisah ni dgn produk yg kita ada....x bosan baca buku ni....
produk nya simple iaitu roda tp dr roda tu ianya cover byk aspek of business
bawah ni review dr amazon :
Amazon.com ReviewJeff Cox has done it again. The coauthor of Zapp! and The Goal--bestselling business books that employ engaging fictional tales to advance a slew of practical suggestions--now teams with marketing specialist Howard Stevens to do for sales what his previous efforts did for motivation and productivity. In Selling the Wheel, he crafts a witty story around solid sales fundamentals that Stevens has gleaned from a quarter-century of research and analysis. Its hero is a fledgling old-time entrepreneur named Max who invents the wheel but can't get anybody to buy one. With marketing assistance from his wife ("In the olden days," Cox explains, "women almost always did the marketing"), and guidance from a cave-dwelling wise man, Max ultimately succeeds with help from four distinctly different types of salespeople, dubbed Closer, Wizard, Builder, and Captain. While this may sound silly when taken out of context, the story is entertaining and, more important, filled with sound tips that could help sales professionals and their managers deal with varying evolutionary phases of any product or service. Among its many nuggets: "Silence has been used for centuries as a closing technique. The game is simple. After asking a closing question, say nothing--because the person who speaks next loses." --Howard Rothman --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. |
'Rahsia Jutawan Senyap' - authornya Chef Li...
sy baca dh bertahun dh... ada few more buku dia... mmg menarik n senang
difahami... |
boleh x nak order buku trump dengan unit trust dalam bahasa malaysia...
dekat mana nak beli.. pm sy boleh.. |
baca ebook sudah.. download je kat internet |
betul tu, download kat 4shared.com, rapidshare atau baca google books, tapi google books limited page je leh baca |
buku nie pun not bad...
what to plan for yr insurance policy tu very helpful... |
THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne
membantu saya berfikir dengan positive. CUma last chapter tu sebagai Muslim kita perlu pandai tapis. |
ada satu buku yg baru aku abiskan baca.. sangat bagus utk membantu menambahkan motivasi dan semangat ...
sinar_inspirasi Post at 16-7-2010 15:00
ct pnh beli buku abe nar suggest dlm fb - bisnes cara rasulullah.. bagus bacaan dio |
baru habis baca buku nie semalam...
... by dr peter yee
bagus... pembuka mata...
harini star ...
aarie Post at 18-7-2010 12:48
peter yee punya dah baca........... inti cuma ada 70%....... jgn main terjun pas baca kalu takmo lingkup......
hidden kos byk yg tak disebut contoh kos penyelenggaraan...... tenants cabut tak bayar sewa.... etc..... |
ct pnh beli buku abe nar suggest dlm fb - bisnes cara rasulullah.. bagus bacaan dio
ctredzuan Post at 25-7-2011 01:12
Bisnes cara Rasulullah " berniaga itu menghiburkan manusia dgn memberi khidmat' |
Saya gemar baca buku Dr Rusly..
Jutawan Senyap
Biar kecil Asal berhasil
Petunjuk Jalan Kejayaan
Bagi saya buku-buku ini senang difahami dan realistik.. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi