Sambungan............Second Generation MBT
EE-T1 Osório(Brazil)



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Reply 25# ctaz
wah...gigihnyer menepek.... ...it's ok....good pic... |
Reply ctaz
wah...gigihnyer menepek.......it's ok....good pic...
rosemary70 Post at 25-11-2010 19:56 
aku memang minat ngan yg berkaitanketenteraan nih....
tu yg gigih menepek tu.....
hahahahahahaha |
nak tanya sikit.. .naper still guna nama USSR ek...??
kasi tepek North Korea punya la.. ada tak..? |
nak tanya sikit.. .naper still guna nama USSR ek...??
kasi tepek North Korea punya la.. ada tak.. ...
ryo_takahashi1 Post at 26-11-2010 16:23 
ada dua...kat tank genarasi ke 2......
tu pon rare picture la bro............
yg USSR tu....memang silap aku....hahahaha |
Reply 38# ctaz
maksud aku jet pejuang north korea.. ada tak..?? |
Post Last Edit by ctaz at 26-11-2010 16:36
Reply ctaz
maksud aku jet pejuang north korea.. ada tak..??
ryo_takahashi1 Post at 26-11-2010 16:30 
sori bro.....north korea tak pernah buat jet sendiri
tapi kebanyakan nyer....1st era jet & cold war jet
kebanyakan nyer dari china dan Russia...

ni jer la kot yg paling canggih.....MiG-29
It is very difficult to create a reasonable overview of the North Korea Air Force aircraft inventory. There is only very limited information coming out of North Korea, and there are only very few credible sources of information on this subject on the internet or in the open literature. Since these sources do not completely agree with each other, it is best to take notice of all of them, and to accept a rather large margin of error. |
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