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Author: cendawan_liar

Perlu Nasihat ~ 190k~

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Post time 4-4-2011 05:53 PM | Show all posts
yess... kalau aku berada di tempat ko, aku tak bayar hutang. aku akan gunakan duit ratus r ...
wanitajelita Post at 2-4-2011 21:14

yessss....aku sama dgn pemikiran ko....

kalau aku pon, 190k tue aku tak bayar hutang, but, aku invest.

u shud take the opportunity to duplicate money for more moneys. at the back of mind, u know u can settle off alllllll the debt with alll the money that u had....bukannye takde duit nak bayar, cuma tak buat early settlement ajek.

mcm buat aper kau nak bayar loan kereta 16k whereas rebet cuma dpt 780 ajek???

sedangkan kalau kau simpan asb 16k pon, dividend kau dapat RM1280 (8%) lagik byk dari rebet yg kau dpt 780 tue. dan lagik, early settlement of car loan doesnt give kau any benefit/value pon except that konon2 kau debt-free. but percayalah, u need to have liquidity of cash. kalau kau zero debt-free pon, tapi kau tadek CASH.....agak hampas jugak okeh? important to have cash/liquidity monet.

if aku:-

aku buat item 1 & 2........

nanti aku sambung buat calculations on how item 1 & 2 can benefit u more than just to settle off all the debt....

there's no sin pon tu have debt provided u know how to manage...

ok, calos!

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Post time 4-4-2011 05:59 PM | Show all posts
mcm my father, before dia pencen dia beli rumah price RMxyz, at the same time dkt tangan pon ada cash sama dgn harga rumah RMXYZ.

so, aku tanyer dia naper tak bayar habaes ajek beli rumah tue cash? my father ckp, RUGI.

duit yg dier patut boleh bayar rumah cash tue, dier simpan dlm asb dan invest sket dkt tempat lain, so he just makan duit dividend ajek utk bayar duit rumah tue bulan2.

skang, rumah pon dah habes bayar, duit RMxyz masih tetap ada dlm tangan, malah bertambah.

see, rumah dapat, cash pon tak berusik, beranak pinak lagik.......

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Ramai yg bagi cadangan setelkan hutang dulu.
Soalan : Perlu kata setelkan hutang kereta yang la ...
cendawan_liar Post at 2-4-2011 09:41



kalau 190k tue kau sumbat bulat2 ASB pon, kau akan dapat dividend say 8% sebanyak RM15,200.

utang kau 16k kan?? tengok, duit dividend ASB kau taon depan dah boleh setel SEMUA hutang kereta kau yg 16k minus rebet, dan duit 190k kau masih intact dalam simpanan.

ini, belum kau masok property investment lagik..beranak pinak duit kau ok?

ini basic saving and thinking and planning ajek........

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:14 PM | Show all posts
apabila pemikiran kita dipengaruhi dgn ketamakan...maka akan terlupalah makna sebenar financial freedom...

keputusan yg di buat berdasarkan perasaan tamak haloba atau emosi dan tanpa ilmu yg belum penuh di buah dada akan lebih bayk mengundang kerugian..percaya lah

fikirkan lah betul2 ya TT..duit 190K adalah duit anda..bukan kami..kami hanya menyumbang pendapat shj

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:18 PM | Show all posts
yer TT, kau kena buat calculation betul2....

kalau aku, aku akan pilih situation where duit aku tak berusik, dan hutang aku selesai.
financial freedom?? aper maksud financial freedom? tan sri syed mukhtar al bukhari pon loan dia bermilion2........muahahahahahaha

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:27 PM | Show all posts
hutang kereta dan personal loan tue boleh DIBAYAR tanpa usik duit 190k kau tue...percayalah...

eiii gelitis aku nak buat calculation dkt sini, tp aku kena masuk miting.

tata titi tutu!!

ini bukan ikot emosi atau tamak haloba, ini simple calculation and additional thinking is all u need....

duit 190k menten, hutang u like it, bebeh? to miting mitonggg

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:41 PM | Show all posts
abiskan utang dlu..takot2 jadi apa2 kemudian hari
pastu labur duit dlm asb dan public mutual...
bawak mak p mekah..itu saja

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:43 PM | Show all posts
yer TT, kau kena buat calculation betul2....

kalau aku, aku akan pilih situation where duit aku t ...
jentayujingga Post at 4-4-2011 18:18

    khennn?? orang kaya raya pon buat hutang. kalau nak beli semua benda secara cash, sampai 100 tahun kumpol pon tak dapat.

orang yg ada kompeni sendiri yg beli rumah juta-juta di damansara pon buat loan... inikan pulak org mcm kita.

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Post time 4-4-2011 06:48 PM | Show all posts
hutang kereta dan personal loan tue boleh DIBAYAR tanpa usik duit 190k kau tue...percayalah...

ei ...
jentayujingga Post at 4-4-2011 18:27

    sian ko dikata tamak haloba pulak kan. kalau ada yg tak berminat dgn pendapat kami pon takpe, janji kita buat cara kita sendiri. yg penting kita kena capai mission biakkan duit sebanyak yg mungkin. orang yg tak berminat, lantak pi la dia

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Post time 4-4-2011 07:36 PM | Show all posts
kalu ko tknak setelkan utang kete, setelkan la personal loan ko tu. i bet the interest is more than 8% kan.

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Bad Medicine by Azizi Ali

Be careful of who you take your advice from because there are far too many witch doctors out there dishing out some very bad medicine.

As an example, I recently read an advice given in a local publication. I did not know whether to laugh, cry or kick the guy in the groins because the advice was, to be perfectly honest, crap. (Please remember that I’m a Malaysian, so that means that I’m being very polite here. I cannot use the actual phrase and expect my mom to talk to me still.)

The writer was saying that the first thing one should do in managing one’s finances is to settle the debts. Ha, ha, ha! (I’m still being polite here!)

His argument was that the debt was burning the debtor alive and so should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Now, if you just look at it from this point of view of course the answer would be yes. Anyone, even yours truly, would jump up and agree. Bad debts are bad things and should be obliterated as quickly as possible. No question there.

However, let’s analyze things a little bit deeper. Based on this argument, that means that we must first use our money to pay off our debts. Since debt is a bad thing, we must deal it with it first and foremost. This means that if our debt repayment is more than our salary, we must still pay off the debt first. Even if we have no money left for small unimportant things like food and shelter, so be it. Use all our money and pay off the debts.

Now you see how flawed this argument is. Paying off debt. Anyone who suggests such as flawed strategy should have his brain examined as far as I am concerned.

After all is said and done, the better method is to pay yourself first. Put aside some money as your savings and then use the balance for other things, which include paying off your debts. The strategy may be old fashioned, it may be unoriginal and it may even be boring. But it is the first thing one should do to take control of one’s finances.

“Even if it means the debt will increase because of the higher interest?” some skeptics will insist on arguing.

“Yes, folks. You should still pay yourself first even if it increases your short term liabilities,” is my answer. And before the skeptics draw out the daggers, let me share that this is not my own thinking only. Even the law agrees with me. See, even a bankrupt is not obliged to use all his money to pay off his debt. The law realizes that a person – even a bankrupt – needs money to live on, so there is a provision that ensures that the person has sufficient money for food, shelter and clothing before addressing the debt issue. Now if the law provides a bankrupt such an allowance, what more for you and me? Certainly we should do the same. Pay yourself first, and use the balance for other things, which naturally includes paying off the debts.

More importantly, when you pay yourself first, you have now taken control of your finances. You are the one in charge, you are in control and you are the master. And once you have done this consistently, the rest will soon fall into place. In other words, in due time, you will be able to manage the debt. Yes, it may take a longer time and yes, it may cause you a little bit more money but you would gain something more valuable – your life.

Let me share with you a second and more recent example: I recently appeared on TV with a financial consultant. He said that we should keep a part of our money and invest it. So far so good. But then he added that if we get 10 to 15% return, we should do well. This is an example of a textbook answer that is out of synch with the real world.

Where in Malaysia can the average investor get a 10 to 15% return? (Koperasi Bank Rakyat or Koperasi Felda don’t count because these are not available to the average investor.) In the real world, the average investor in Malaysia would be lucky to get an annual 8% return.

I suppose the lesson this month is this: be very careful of who you take your advice from, particularly regarding money matters. Ideally, the people dishing out the advice should be properly qualified, neutral and most important of all, have done it themselves. And as both a private investor and a chartered financial consultant myself, I can tell you that there are not too many of them around. The harsh reality is that when it comes to money, there are far too many witch doctors who are more than happy to share with you their two cents worth. And that is all their advice is worth – two cents.

Still I must admit that sometimes, advice from self proclaimed financial advisors and trainers can be good and original. Tragically, the advice that is good is not original and the one that is original is not any good!



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Post time 4-4-2011 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Bad Medicine by Azizi Ali

Be careful of who you take your advice from because there are far too m ...
jentayujingga Post at 4-4-2011 21:45

    azizi ali himself not so good la jentayu..

then buy lah property yg harga dah radiculuos without knowing what is subprime la unit trust without knowing the beta and rhow ead candlestick chart it la emas without realize gold also subject to la buy la dgn harapan beranak pinakkan duit itu tanpa perlu settlekan debt..

end up jd cam azizi ali..jual air liur tp hutang lapuk tak settle..kan al bukhari also wat loan muahahahaha

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Post time 4-4-2011 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 4-4-2011 21:58

...Ideally, the people dishing out the advice should be properly qualified, neutral and most important of all, have done it themselves....

so ironis statement di atas..

perhaps org yg berhutang keliling pinggang is properly qualified

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:06 PM | Show all posts
sian ko dikata tamak haloba pulak kan. kalau ada yg tak berminat dgn pendapat kami pon tak ...
wanitajelita Post at 4-4-2011 18:48

nobody likes to owe money and most of us believe we should pay all our debts as quickly as possible. But is that always the smartest move???

as a reminder utk myself a lot of books (I mean a lot!) started with Robert Kiyosaki…Azizi Ali…Milan Doshi…Peter Yee… KCLau....penuhkan ilmu di dada, bukan ilmu di dalam buah dada ok? muahahahahaha

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Post time 4-4-2011 10:15 PM | Show all posts
azizi ali himself not so good la jentayu..

then buy lah property yg harga dah radi ...
amirul_nazri Post at 4-4-2011 21:54

aku tak amek taulah pasal beta chart stick haper sumer tue pasal not within my interest and too lazy for me to digest. nonethless,
to me, most importantly nak buy / invest aper pon kena buat homework, and one must have equip proper knowledge. do what u like and like what u do.

mcm kes TT nie, direct calculation ajek of not doing anything within a year duit tue kasik perap dlm asb ajek dah boleh settle off her car loan. so, why pay the settlement now?? bayar jeklah mcm biasa....cukup taon depan, reaping the benefits....

org yg pening nak bayar hutang salunyer pasal dier TAKDE duit nak bayar hutang. TT bukan tadek duit, ada...cuma nak choose smarter way in solving her debt and at the same time having her $$$ intact.

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Post time 5-4-2011 12:13 AM | Show all posts
mcm my father, before dia pencen dia beli rumah price RMxyz, at the same time dkt tangan pon ada cash sama dgn harga rumah RMXYZ.

so, aku tanyer dia naper tak bayar habaes ajek beli rumah tue cash? my father ckp, RUGI.
jentayujingga Post at 4-4-2011 17:59

bercakap pasal father nie.. aku pun teringat father kawan aku nie...

last year dia beli rumah jugak... dia beli cash... aku tanya dia.. kenapa uncle beli cash...
dia kata untung... beli cash org tu bagi 150k extra diskaun... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...

pastu dia pegi bank.. buat flexi loan.. mcm standby OD gitu guna rumah tu at market value....

bila MHB dgn PCHEM kuar last yr.. dia masuk.. guna duit standby tu...
bulan lepas jual PCHEM... sama dgn aku.. so aku tanya dia, rumah macam mana uncle?..
dia senyum panjang... rumah sudah dapat.. cash pun sudah recover... sekarang cari lain laaaaa...

lagi hebat ehhhhhhh... tak payah tunggu 20 tahun kannnnnnnnnnn....

tu laaaaa..... bapak2 nie sumer hebat2.....
kita anak2 nie jer yg lambat tangkap........
lembab sket gamak nyer........... asyik dok ikut org lain...........



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Post time 5-4-2011 06:51 AM | Show all posts
tak payah lah bertekak wei.. TT cuma nak mintak pendapat je. korang kasi pendapat je la, bukan nak pertahankan pendapat masing-masing sapa betol sapa salah.. merosakkan thread orang je

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Post time 5-4-2011 08:23 AM | Show all posts
Insyaallah dalam waktu yang terdekat ni saya akan dapat duit dalam 190k.
Saya nak tanya p ...
cendawan_liar Post at 31-3-2011 21:00

hebat jugak perancangan u

1- dari ASB i rasa lagi elok u sumbat suma ke tabung aji.
sekuang2nya faedah bersih (telah dizakatkan).

2- mmg harga flat around RM80k, try lelong punya... bawah RM50k pon bleh dpt.

3- YES! settle utang, lapang kepala.

4- emas? sorry, i pon still study bab nih. simpan je dlm gold account mana2 bank la kot?

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Post time 5-4-2011 09:00 AM | Show all posts
bercakap pasal father nie.. aku pun teringat father kawan aku nie...

last year dia beli rumah ...
aarie Post at 5-4-2011 00:13

wah! baru jual pchem?

i sold pchem firrrrrrrrrrrst day morning to jugak ...dapatlah duit jajan utk jalan2 ke ostolia....freeeeeee

skang aku gedik sgt nak jual drb-hicom...beli average dulu 1.20....skang dah Invest Malaysia 2011 next week.....najib nak announce on dilution of pos malaysia stake to.........

i heard, pcg soon......

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Post time 5-4-2011 11:14 AM | Show all posts
tak payah lah bertekak wei.. TT cuma nak mintak pendapat je. korang kasi pendapat je la, bukan nak p ...
wanitajelita Post at 5-4-2011 06:51

itue la..ada org sentap bila kita propose TT settle hutang dulu ..duit TT duit TT lah..kita bg cadangan jer serta logic reasonnya naper..

indah sungguh rasanya ketenangan hidup bila dah  financial freedom nie  ..nak jalan2, nak invest apa2 pun hati senang


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