9 makanan yang diperbuat Dari Bahan yg meloyakan tekak!
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pengalaman sundirik sebab mak kat kampung pun suka wat cencaluk jugak...
buka jer ...
HaMiZiE Post at 1-2-2012 17:24 
mcmcna org leh kata sedap ye |
mcmcna org leh kata sedap ye
cayunk Post at 1-2-2012 21:25 
yang kata sedap tu pasal lidah mereka lidah cencaluk..lidah budu...
yang kata tak sedap tu pulak sebab lidah mereka lidah mayonis... lidah cheese
Reply 1# mysweetisha
ish btol ke ni??cam geli lak..
tapi btol ke? |
pengalaman sundirik sebab mak kat kampung pun suka wat cencaluk jugak...
buka jer ...
HaMiZiE Post at 1-2-2012 05:24 PM [/quote
Lahai klu dah tgok camtu, sumpah x nak makan...... |
Reply mysweetisha
ish btol ke ni??cam geli lak..
tapi btol ke?
nabieha Post at 1-2-2012 10:05 PM 
X tau lak kesahihannya tu camner.... |
pasni pantang sume perkra di atas....
padahal, pantang jumpe...  |
Kenapa aku rasa benda ni mengarut... |
Reply 27# mysweetisha
eeeeiiii..tu yg dah taw,,,
yg xde gmba kt situ tah cm ne lak dowg buat...
Apa pun, aku nasihatkan, cek label dahulu sebelum beli apa-apa produk makanan..Geli siott~~
1. Sk ...
mysweetisha Post at 1-2-2012 00:29 
aku x percaya la......
mmg bahan yg digunakan tu sama, cth nye carmine tu, tp sumber nye drpd benda lain kot.
jgn la terlalu percaye, nnt was was plak kite. |
sdap pnye psal labi....bedal jelah weiii |
Post Last Edit by mr_base at 2-2-2012 21:02
McDonald’s confirms that it’s no longer using ‘pink slime’ chemical in hamburgers
By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow – 19 hrs ago

Ammonium hydroxide, image from KSDK TV
McDonald's announced last week that, as of last August, is has stopped using ammonium hydroxide in the production of its hamburgers. MSNBC reports that the chemical, used in fertilizers, household cleaners and even homemade explosives, was also used to prepare McDonalds' hamburger meat.
And while the announcement is making headlines, you may (or may not) want to know about some other unusual chemicals being used in the production of some of our most-popular foods:
The International Business Times lists some other questionable chemicals showing up in our foods:
Propylene glycol: This chemical is very similar to ethylene glycol, a dangerous anti-freeze. This less-toxic cousin prevents products from becoming too solid. Some ice creams have this ingredient; otherwise you'd be eating ice.
Carmine: Commonly found in red food coloring, this chemical comes from crushed cochineal, small red beetles that burrow into cacti. Husks of the beetle are ground up and forms the basis for red coloring found in foods ranging from cranberry juice to M&Ms.
Shellac: Yes, this chemical used to finish wood products also gives some candies their sheen. It comes from the female Lac beetle.
L-cycsteine: This common dough enhancer comes from hair, feathers, hooves and bristles.
Lanolin (gum base): Next time you chew on gum, remember this. The goopiness of gum comes from lanolin, oils from sheep's wool that is also used for vitamin D3 supplements.
Silicon dioxide: Nothing weird about eating sand, right? This anti-caking agent is found in many foods including shredded cheese and fast food chili.
So, what moved McDonald's to make the change in their hamburger production? In a statement posted on its website, McDonald's senior director of quality systems Todd Bacon wrote:
"At the beginning of 2011, we made a decision to discontinue the use of ammonia-treated beef in our hamburgers. This product has been out of our supply chain since August of last year. This decision was a result of our efforts to align our global standards for how we source beef around the world."
The U.S. Agriculture Department classifies the chemical as "generally recognized as safe." McDonald's says they stopped using the chemical months ago and deny the move came after a public campaign against ammonium hydroxide by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats, which allows McDonald's to use otherwise "inedible meat." On his show, Oliver said of the meat treatment: "Basically we're taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest form for dogs and making it 'fit' for humans."
Even more disturbing, St. Louis-based dietician Sarah Prochaska told NBC affiliate KSDK that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the "component in a production procedure" by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical is in their food.
"It's a process, from what I understand, called 'mechanically separated meat' or 'meat product,'" Prochaska said. "The only way to avoid it would be to choose fresher products, cook your meat at home, cook more meals at home."
You can watch video of Jamie Oliver showing the process of using ammonium hydroxide on meat here:
http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/mcdonald-confirms-no-longer-using-pink-slime-chemicals-171209662.html |
At the beginning of 2011, we made a decision to discontinue the use of ammonia-treated beef in our hamburgers. This product has been out of our supply chain since August of last year. This decision was a result of our efforts to align our global standards for how we source beef around the world."
habis tu ,selama berpuluh puluh tahun la mcd dok bubuh bahan kimia ni dlm burger diorang?..... dah berapa puluh tahun diorang dok racun pemakan burger diorang, baru nak berenti tu pun selepas jamie oliver buat kempen??.... cil*** kau mcd!!! |
Roti drpd rambut?
Sooooo impossible.
Kecuali kalau kita nampak dengan mata kepala sendiri, boleh la cakap.
Setakat nak sebarkan rumors camni, susah nak caya.
Huhu |
Reply 20# HaMiZiE
abe mijie org melaka ekh? |
Reply 36# wallflower
kalo abe mijie cakap mak kat kampung wat budu', sure wall akan tanya abe mijie org kelante or org ganu kah??
dok eh.. kpg abe mijie bukan kat melaka ar... kpg jauh nun ober the sea  |
Percaya leee............ |
bkn ke ada pokok yg blh hasilkan vanila ke?? |
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