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Author: Truth.8

Swear infront of an object but muslims always deny

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Post time 3-5-2013 12:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 12:32 PM
ya ker?? ada bukti???
yg ini kena liwat ....sampai ke masjid  pegan quran sampai  kaba depan obje ...

Refer pd link yang saudara gunblade beri tu..what say you mr.truth?benci benar kamu dengan islam..semuanya salah pada pandangan mata dan fikiran kamu

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 04:50 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 3-5-2013 12:37 PM

Buku  ...

Gb dont make yourself fool ok...what are they swearing??Bible ?

any proof they using God     words to swear???


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 04:51 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 3-5-2013 12:41 PM
I think you are misleading yourself. You are talking about a person action here and not religi ...

person action motivate by??? teachings of? using allah name to swear

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 04:53 PM | Show all posts
pedang22 posted on 3-5-2013 12:59 PM
Refer pd link yang saudara gunblade beri tu..what say you mr.truth?benci benar kamu dengan islam.. ...

that link provide nothing...just putting hand on unexplain book cannot be expalin

the Bible made very clear not swear

are you saying quran teaching muslims to swear??


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Post time 3-5-2013 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 04:51 PM
person action motivate by??? teachings of? using allah name to swear

person action motivate by??? teachings of? using allah name to swear

Since you were the one who said that it was an Islamic teaching, I say that you bring the evidence from Al-Quran or Hadith.


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 05:35 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 3-5-2013 05:24 PM
Since you were the one who said that it was an Islamic teaching, I say that you bring the evid ...

listen moron....i put a ?  can u understand or u afraid to answer?
can you show me any verses saying that swear is not allowed in islam???
in Bible it forbid...i am happy


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Post time 3-5-2013 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 05:35 PM
listen moron....i put a ?  can u understand or u afraid to answer?
can you show me any verses say ...

listen moron....i put a ?  can u understand or u afraid to answer?
can you show me any verses saying that swear is not allowed in islam???
in Bible it forbid...i am happy
Relax, don't get too excited and call me moron.

Again, all your questions have been answered by @pedang22 and @cmf_BeachBoys , my question is why you don't want to accept their answers and keep quoting Christianity teachings?

Christianity is not Islam and Islam is not Christianity. You have to learn to accept the differences between Islam and Christianity.


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 06:00 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 3-5-2013 05:50 PM
Relax, don't get too excited and call me moron.

Again, all your questions have been answered ...

now  that you point out the islam not christian or vice verses...I am happy to says that my GOD is very firm on the issue about swearing things...personally I found my GOD is a living GOD not some kind a religion which makes  too many swear here and there  because in their holy book is not  sure on this issue.

Praise the Lord

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Post time 3-5-2013 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 06:00 PM
now  that you point out the islam not christian or vice verses...I am happy to says that my GOD is ...

now  that you point out the islam not christian or vice verses...I am happy to says that my GOD is very firm on the issue about swearing things...personally I found my GOD is a living GOD not some kind a religion which makes  too many swear here and there  because in their holy book is not  sure on this issue.

Praise the Lord
I remember something when you mentioned Holy Book... To this day, not you and even @wkk5159 is capable of answering my simple question: Is Bible the words of God? Does Bible has the criteria as a book of God? Please refer to "FAIH AS WAY OF LIFE" thread:


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 06:14 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 3-5-2013 06:07 PM
I remember something when you mentioned Holy Book... To this day, not you and even @wkk5159 is c ...

even if  were to explain...i can tell you the truth...your heart is not sincere rather finding fault.....if you read the Bible with open heart....u view the Bible is surly from Living GOD verses....not some kind un explained spirit which promises houris and etc  

you were right....Islam and Chrisitan is different.....yes it is so much different base on fact and  truth....

at least in terms of  swearing....I always try not to swear becuase it will be kind condemnation ....or laknat....

Praise all to the LIVING GOD

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Post time 3-5-2013 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 09:53 AM
which one is hoax??
Untuk keterangan lanjut hubungi: INDAHKU PRODUCTION (Azahari B.A. 0129549456). Untuk lain-lain produk kami, layari:
Even the cow jumped over the moon...

Why shud he swears twice? worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you.

Surely he's not even a believer...


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Post time 4-5-2013 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 05:35 PM
listen moron....i put a ?  can u understand or u afraid to answer?
can you show me any verses saying that swear is not allowed in islam???
in Bible it forbid...i am happy

I hate to say this but you are an idiot. You make up issues and falsely pinpoint Islam. However when the same is pointed out on christianity, you say its tradition not religious.

You don't even understand your own video of reference. Saiful swore in the name of Allah in front of the kaabah (time stamp 1:16). He did not swear by the kaabah. I reproduce james5:12 from your post #1
But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation

James5:12 is clear , do not swear by an object / creation. The funny part you don't even know the difference of swearing by an object against swearing infront of an object. 'By' and 'infront' carries different meanings. The evidence of you not knowing such is in your post #1
by swearing in front of an object , does it make that obejct can accept your words is true and that object is more powerful????

Dey tambi , james5:12 states of swearing 'by' an object not 'infront' of an object. Such simple english yet you made a horrible blunder. You are actually arguing on an idiotic self made issue. No one in this world with the exception of you can make such horrible blunder.

Sunan Abu Dawud hadith 3245
Sa'id ibn Ubaydah said: Ibn Umar heard a man swearing: No, I swear by the Ka'bah. Ibn Umar said to him: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: He who swears by anyone but Allah is polytheist.

Can you stop being a moron? Yes ... ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 4-5-2013 12:29 AM


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2013 02:09 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 4-5-2013 12:26 AM
I hate to say this but you are an idiot. You make up issues and falsely pinpoint Islam. However wh ...

well ...not only you tootless ustaz but deaf ustaz....

have you listen to that video???

he mentioned  ' hadapan pintu kaba.....
di hadapan baitullah.....
yes using allah name

watch again ....indirectly facing an object and saying ' hadapan pintu kaba ...hadapan baitulah...
why not just says name of allah ....why need to  mentioned an object???

why need  to  swear 2 times  to proof that he is  right ???

now in my Bible if anyone makes swear consider condemnation or kind of  laknat ...

Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-5-2013 09:20 AM


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Post time 4-5-2013 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 4-5-2013 02:09 AM
well ...not only you tootless ustaz but deaf ustaz....

have you listen to that video???

he mentioned  ' hadapan pintu kaba.....
di hadapan baitullah.....
yes using allah name

watch again ....indirectly facing an object and saying ' hadapan pintu kaba ...hadapan baitulah...
why not just says name of allah ....why need to  mentioned an object???

why need  to  swear 2 times  to proof that he is  right ???

now in my Bible if anyone makes swear consider condemnation or kind of  laknat ...

Ha ha , are you addicted to being a moron? You need to seek professional help.

If you had listen to and understand your own video of reference , Saifool swore in the name of Allah (time stamp 1:16) infront of the kaabah which he admitted. James5:12 states not to swear by an object / creation. Swearing by an object / creation is very different from swearing infront of an object / creation. Oops , don't tell me , to you ; swearing by an object / creation = swearing infront of an object / creation. This is sheer stupidity. Ha ha , there is nothing in the bible (as far as I know) that prohibit swearing 'infront' of an object / creation.

I've noticed that almost all of your arguments stem from your inability to understand simple english. You should be ashamed of yourself. A person who is about half a century old but have comprehension problems. BTW , 'swearing' in this context means taking an oath. I hope you have the ability to understand this.

Your bible states that swearing in the name of or 'by' the biblical God is ok , per biblical Moses ; num30:1-2
1 Moses said to the heads of the tribes of Israel: “This is what the LORD commands:
2 When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.

Who says that the bible prohibit swearing or making an oath in the name or 'by' the biblical God? Ha ha , you need to understand your bible first before preaching to others. We don't want 'songsang' biblical teachings in our midst.

BTW , 'sumpah laknat' is 'lee an'. Do find out what is 'lee an' and the circumstances of taking such oath. It has got nothing to do with what Saifool did.

Last edited by sam1528 on 4-5-2013 10:40 AM


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2013 12:30 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 4-5-2013 10:33 AM
Ha ha , are you addicted to being a moron? You need to seek professional help.

If you had liste ...

tootless and deaf ustaz still difficult understanding the video and my statments....let me  educate you simple things:

can I go to wailing wall or jerusalem and stand right infront of temple of dome....
and says:

I now standing near door of temple of dome...I would like to swear in name of God??

when I use  the statment like standing near of door ...i m implant (niat )  indirectly to an object but  using God name....

I rather do not used the word standing near the door or near temple of dome but it will be wise to use : in name of god...

anyway, since my Bible says do not swear ...i would not lah...because u swear u are laknat already...itu safiooooll  not sure yet  will be laknat or not since he is not my faith

well I done with this topic than Arguing with an half century old men plus half blind and deaf plus tootless ustaz here

Last edited by Truth.8 on 4-5-2013 12:35 PM


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Post time 4-5-2013 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 4-5-2013 12:30 PM
tootless and deaf ustaz still difficult understanding the video and my statments....let me  educate you simple things:

can I go to wailing wall or jerusalem and stand right infront of temple of dome....
and says:

I now standing near door of temple of dome...I would like to swear in name of God??

when I use  the statment like standing near of door ...i m implant (niat )  indirectly to an object but  using God name....

I rather do not used the word standing near the door or near temple of dome but it will be wise to use : in name of god...

anyway, since my Bible says do not swear ...i would not lah...because u swear u are laknat already...itu safiooooll  not sure yet  will be laknat or not since he is not my faith

well I done with this topic than Arguing with an half century old men plus half blind and deaf plus tootless ustaz here

Ha ha , what a moron you are. Now you give the example of Jews at the wailing wall? Dey tambi , the wailing wall is where the Jews make pilgrimage to pray and worship. Its for Judaism , nothing to do with Islam nor Christianity. Moreover , no Jews swear or make an oath 'by' the wailing wall.

The question remains : Do you know the difference between swearing or making an oath 'by' an object / creation against swearing or making an oath 'infront' of an object / creation? Your argument is that both are the same and then you quote james5:12 of your bible which prohibit swearing / making oath 'by' an object / creation. Either you are a moron or / and dishonest / deceitful. Its a combination of the two I guess. Ha ha

Now you come up with this?
I now standing near door of temple of dome...I would like to swear in name of God??

when I use  the statment like standing near of door ...i m implant (niat )  indirectly to an object but  using God name....

This exposes your less than average intelligence. You stand 'infront' of the Temple of the Dome but swear or take an oath in the name of God or 'by' God. Therefore your 'niat' (intention) is to God and nothing to do with the door of the Temple of the Dome. Ha ha , how silly can you get in life.

What does 'swear' mean in context? Is it blabbering profanities or taking an oath. Num30:1-2 states that you can swear in the name of the biblical God or 'by' the biblical God.

Ha ha , I think you need to comprehend issues (and your bible) a lot better before exposing your weakness. Ha ha , I dunno , I think you are the oldest participant in this forum (~ 45 yrs old) yet your mentality is like a 19 yrs old kid. Ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 4-5-2013 02:46 PM


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2013 10:35 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 4-5-2013 02:44 PM
Ha ha , what a moron you are. Now you give the example of Jews at the wailing wall? Dey tambi , th ...

saya berdiri di pintu kaaba ...
saya berdiri di baitualmal
atas nama allah......

pintu kaba (object)

baitualmal ( object)

secondly comes allah name to swear or u called oat...


even in court in USA....I understand christian hold the Bible to swear...
do they says :

I am standing here in court??

oh boy....we have not only have tootless plus deaf ustaz but bliind too

I  am done...thread is closed offically by truth.8

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Post time 5-5-2013 12:39 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 4-5-2013 10:35 PM
saya berdiri di pintu kaaba ...
saya berdiri di baitualmal
atas nama allah......

pintu kaba (object)

baitualmal ( object)

secondly comes allah name to swear or u called oat...


even in court in USA....I understand christian hold the Bible to swear...
do they says :

I am standing here in court??

oh boy....we have not only have tootless plus deaf ustaz but bliind too

I  am done...thread is closed offically by truth.8

Ha ha , aku tak boleh paham. Pasal apa ko ni agak lemah daya pemikiran? Cuba ko baca perlahan lahan apa yg ko dok bebel :
saya berdiri di pintu kaaba ...
saya berdiri di baitualmal
atas nama allah......

Memang lah pintu kaabah adalah objek. Sumpah atas nama Allah atau atas objek , ie. pintu kaabah. Budak darjah 4 boleh paham yg sumpah tsb dibuat atas nama Allah atau ' in Allah name' atau 'making an oath (swear) - by Allah'.

Macamana yg ko boleh paham yg sumpah tsb dibuat atas objek? Umur ko aje lanjut , pemikiran macam budak belum baligh.

It doesn't matter if you are standing in court. In this case you are swearing on the bible not on 'standing in court'. The understanding is that with the bible , the person is swearing on supposedly the biblical God's words hence the person is swearing by the biblical God.

Ha ha  , you can try to run by you supposedly closing this thread (I don't know how you gonna do it). However it does not help you in any way as you have been exposed to either be of less than average intelligence and / or deceitful. I think its the combination of both. You don't even know simple english but try to lie your way thru. Ha ha , so simple to catch and expose you.

Last edited by sam1528 on 5-5-2013 12:42 AM


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Post time 6-5-2013 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 06:14 PM
even if  were to explain...i can tell you the truth...your heart is not sincere rather finding fau ...

Truth, ignore that pseudo-Japanese muslim's challenge, it is crystal clear that he is as mentally retarded as any other muslims in this thread as can be testified by his reply to my post if you all read it carefully.

If they still want to argue and prove the validity of their vile scripture, let them.....because and what false cannot be true even if one try his best to eulogise it.


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Post time 6-5-2013 05:49 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 6-5-2013 10:37 AM
Truth, ignore that pseudo-Japanese muslim's challenge, it is crystal clear that he is as mentally retarded as any other muslims in this thread as can be testified by his reply to my post if you all read it carefully.

If they still want to argue and prove the validity of their vile scripture, let them.....because and what false cannot be true even if one try his best to eulogise it.

Ha ha , 'wkk5159' , another loser like 'truth.8' who argues with deceit and lies.

Hmm , this is interesting :
prove the validity of their vile scripture, let them.....because and what false cannot be true

Mark 16 (niv bible)
The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.

It must be the truth then .... ha ha


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