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Author: amirailyana


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 Author| Post time 30-7-2013 12:33 AM | Show all posts
cruz2 posted on 29-7-2013 08:55 AM
Buleh share tak testi esp pengguna dari malaysia...yg by skrg ni dari overseas
Dh Ada ...

boleh...cruzz dah join the business ker? wat sapp saya nanti..012-6770588 yer


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Post time 30-7-2013 10:45 AM | Show all posts
share testi kt cni tak boleh ker?

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Post time 30-7-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
isms posted on 30-7-2013 10:45 AM
share testi kt cni tak boleh ker?

gud idea

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Post time 30-7-2013 01:59 PM | Show all posts
amirailyana posted on 30-7-2013 12:33 AM
boleh...cruzz dah join the business ker? wat sapp saya nanti..012-6770588 yer

oh tak pe..buat masa skrg belum berminat utk ber-bisness produk ni..pakai pon belum lagi cos alhamdulillah kulit tak ada masalah sister yg guna skincerity ni sbb perut sudah byk kali operate so nk kurangkan parut pembedahan tu..dia bukan beli kat malaysia so dh buleh agak harga lpas convert tu berapa rm

cuma nk mintak dari sis kalu ada testi esp.rakyat malaysia punya, share jer la kat sini yer..tq

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Post time 30-7-2013 04:34 PM | Show all posts
ambboii pendapatan MLM tu HALAL ke tak??...berkat ke???

tak ada unsur riba ke dalam mengaut keuntungan.....

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Post time 31-7-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
macam bagus je produk ni..
nanti nak tanya pakcik gogle jap

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Post time 31-7-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
MasPynocare posted on 31-7-2013 10:48 AM
macam bagus je produk ni..
nanti nak tanya pakcik gogle jap

dah tanya nanti up date kat sini ek...

kita tak sempat nak tanya pcik google tu...

~~~ bukan malas btol tak sempat aka byk keja sbb nak cuti raya..huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Post time 31-7-2013 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Saya dah cuba! bagus.
Al kisah, kulit saya tersangat laa sensitif dengan sabun dan minyak etc. Makan nasi pon tak boleh pakai tgn. apa jadi if pakai tangan? jari akan tersangat gatal. siap... ada biji2 mcm bubble DALAM kulit. Bukan pada surface kulit ye. Kulit still flat. Bubble tu embedded dalam kulit.

dah pakai mcm2 krim doctor bagi such as aqua cream and elomet lotion. still tak jalan. akhirnya saya cuba SKINCERITY. baru pakai 3 hari.

gmbr kat bwh sebelum pakai Skincerity.

gambar selepas pakai since hari ahad (28/07/2013) akan di share kemudian. bagi korang suspen.

haisshh...mmg produk bagus. mmg ia dtg dr MLM. tp nk buat lagu mana. pegi klinik swasta n krjn, still takle solve mslh saya.

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2013 10:30 PM | Show all posts
fazna08 posted on 31-7-2013 12:13 PM
Saya dah cuba! bagus.
Al kisah, kulit saya tersangat laa sensitif dengan sabun dan minyak etc. Mak ...

tq fazna...Mmg banyak fungsi skincerity ni...kesimpulan yg dapat saya buat disini..skincerity membuatkan kulit anda sihat n cantik sebenarnya. Nak tahu kena cuba..baru tau bagus ke tak...cer klick link nie...skincerity telah di vote sbagai skincare no 1 tau....
Adakah anda tahu bahawa top 10 syarikat DiDunia memasarkan,Produk kosmetik dan kecantikan

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2013 10:52 PM | Show all posts
cruz2 posted on 29-7-2013 08:55 AM
Buleh share tak testi esp pengguna dari malaysia...yg by skrg ni dari overseas
Dh Ada ...

cruz...boleh jer kalo cruzz nak gambar testimoni..go to my page...


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 Author| Post time 31-7-2013 11:03 PM | Show all posts
mat_jenin posted on 30-7-2013 04:34 PM
ambboii pendapatan MLM tu HALAL ke tak??...berkat ke???

tak ada unsur riba ke dalam mengaut keu ...

amboi mat jenin..ada bukti yg sahih ker? kalo ada bukti yg sahih boleh jer pi komplain kan senang..komplain kat sini tak dapat apa pun.....


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Post time 31-7-2013 11:32 PM | Show all posts
since ramai yang dah bagi positive review - so just nak share negative review pulak

After spending $85 on the product, I really dislike it. A few of the things that the website, ads, etc. tell you are true. It rolls on easily and neatly and the acetone smell/sting does go away after a few seconds. What they don't tell you is that it leaves a shiny, tight feeling, smelly film on your skin, that is really annoying to get off in the morning. I put it on my neck, back of my hands, and decolletage, and tried it two nights in a row.

Yes the acetone smell goes away, but the perfumey smell that lingers is not pleasant. (I am not overly sensitive to smells) To get it off you can either peel it (like sunburned skin) or rub cleanser or lotion on it. What you get are chunks of a white filmy skin, and its really gross and messy! I felt like I had to rub really hard to get it off, and that I was doing more damage to my skin than whatever good the product might do. (And yes I put on a thick moisturizer before I applied the roll-on, like they suggest you do for easy removal.)

I have done lots of web searches because I wanted more info. before applying this stuff to my face. What worries me is that most of the info I can find is either posted by Nucerity, or by someone who is selling the product. I'd like to read some information given by someone that isn't being paid by the company! Some of the things I was trying to find out were:

-does the company test on animals? I can not find a definite answer, and this is a big deal to me. I assume that means they do test on animals.
-what exactly are the ingredients? My friend told me the product was "all natural" but my searches on the individual ingredients came up with basically plastic and teflon, along with vitamin e, grapeseed oil, and acetone. One website even said that they do not include all ingredients on the label!!

Obviously lots of people love this product and I have read many glowing reviews about it. But for me, the smell, the annoying clean-up, the price, and the lack of information are a huge negative!
Didn't like this product at all! Didn't see any difference in my skin. It isn't actually difficult to remove the film the next day as some have stated. Wet wash cloth works. Didn't feel tight if you put moisturizer on first. While applying it, my throat and nose burned and sore throat and headache followed. After 2 nights of use, both of my eyes were swollen shut in the morning. I thought the swelling was unrelated. So I waited a few day for the swelling to go down. Sure enough, the swelling returned after the second attempt to use this product. I don't know if it was from the acetone or some other ingredient. I can't recommend anyone use it.
I am not crazy about this item. If anything, it made my pores bigger. I bought this item based on reviews and it did not meet my expectations.

Annoying to remove in the morning with alsolutely no change or improvement in skin other than the pinkish tone after rubbing to romove it from the face.
I did not like this product because of the strong acetone smell. I feel it is not wise to inhale that every time you use the product.

Ref : Customer review from Amazon
Last edited by cmf_Juju on 31-7-2013 11:33 PM


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Post time 1-8-2013 12:23 AM | Show all posts
fazna08 posted on 31-7-2013 12:13 PM
Saya dah cuba! bagus.
Al kisah, kulit saya tersangat laa sensitif dengan sabun dan minyak etc. Mak ...

Seriously sy pun ada mslh mcm u ne
Mcm2 krim spitsl, pharmacy, ubt tradisionl sy cuba, doesnt work
End up sy pntg mkn semua menda2 gtl mcm seafood
Budu, blcn semua x leh mkn, my feveret pekasam

Peh2 sebuln yg lepas mkn melilea
Tujuan utama nk kurus n buang toksin n mslh pelawasan
Tp suprisingly, problem tgn sy yg mcm u described n spt lm gmbr ne dh x der
Skg sy bebas mkn apa sj tnpa rs gtl
Klu dlu siang sotong n udang, besok kompom naik bintik2 berair yg sgt gtl

P/s: sy x jual melilea yer, hnya berkongsi cerita


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Post time 1-8-2013 11:40 AM | Show all posts
amirailyana posted on 31-7-2013 11:03 PM
amboi mat jenin..ada bukti yg sahih ker? kalo ada bukti yg sahih boleh jer pi komplain kan senang. ...
amboi mat jenin..ada bukti yg sahih ker? kalo ada bukti yg sahih boleh jer pi komplain kan senang..komplain kat sini tak dapat apa pun.....

eh  sini therad perbincangan dan aku nayatakan secara umum saja, ini porum kamu punyakah?? apa authority kamu??? boleh ko nyatakan kat sini berapa harga ahli ngan berapa harga runcit tak? ada melibatkan sistem piramid??

MLM ni satu sistem dimana aku lihat banyak yang menekan orang berhutang strategi kena beli banyak stok dan modal pun besar, harga berlipat ganda, orang bawah kerja untuk orang atas...if muslim yang mementingkan halal dan haram mesti prihatin kan

untuk info :

Last edited by mat_jenin on 1-8-2013 01:47 PM


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Post time 1-8-2013 11:43 AM | Show all posts
fazna08 posted on 31-7-2013 12:13 PM
Saya dah cuba! bagus.
Al kisah, kulit saya tersangat laa sensitif dengan sabun dan minyak etc. Mak ...

scabies ke?

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Post time 1-8-2013 11:55 AM | Show all posts
fazna08 posted on 31-7-2013 12:13 PM
Saya dah cuba! bagus.
Al kisah, kulit saya tersangat laa sensitif dengan sabun dan minyak etc. Mak ...

Aqua cream mmg tak bagus utk kulit...
kalau pakai selalu akan menipiskan kulit dan menjadikan kulit lebih sensitive.


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Post time 1-8-2013 11:57 AM | Show all posts
mengarut mcm le bagus good to be true...

biasalah nak menjual testi yang bagsu je..ada aku terbaca kata bagus sampai kanser kulit pun boleh hahhahaha...kalau mcm ni tutuplah klinik dan doktor semua jadi penganggurlah

aku ada ternampak ada seorang seller kat facebook letak pic testi tangan yang warna unggu dan aku tengok mcm gangrene?? aku tanya dia pun tak jawab.....seriusly if gangrene adakah boleh sembuh ngan produk ni...if  sakit kulit ada luka yang melibatkan jangkitan kuman dan memerlukan antibiotik so mcm mana.. produk ini boleh memulihkan??

dan  jgn ingat kalau ada masalah atau luka dikulit ia melibatkan kulit sahaja terutama yang ada kencing manis...kalau infection sudah masuk kat tulang mcm mana...yang biasa berlaku pada kaki orang kencing manis  sehingga gangrene?? mcm mana produk ni boleh cure infection sampai ke tulang...sedangkan kawan aku dulu tulang dah kena jangkitan kuman doktor nak rawat bagi antibiotik no satu tau ni hospital swasta ya......supaya tak gangrene dan nak selamatkan kaki dari dipotong...

Last edited by mat_jenin on 1-8-2013 11:59 AM


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Post time 1-8-2013 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Skincerity has been proven effective for so many skin conditions (beyond just the cosmetic benefits...). I have see first-hand, men, women, children, yes, even BABIES...whose quality of life have improved drastically because they are not itchy, in pain, teased, stressed, covering up, hiding away, on medication, you name it...! Skincerity has helped so many suffering from SIMPLE issues like dry skin and dull tone, COSMETIC issues like wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and saggy skin, to more SERIOUS issues like acne, burns, wounds, sores and even MEDICAL issues like eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris, rosacea, gangrene and more!


ok since kenyataan kat atas  dah kata gangrane  sesiapa nak jawab soalan aku bagaimana produk ini boleh merawat gangrene yang menyebabkan infection sampai ke tulang...mcm org kencing manis?? gangrene ni kulit dah warna unggu buah manggis tau tak.....kalau org kencing manis amatlah bahaya...boleh ke kalau nampak gangrene ko jual saja produk ini promote bagai.....sedangkan apa pengetahuan ko nak buat diagnosis bagai....nak buat x-ray bagai nak tengok infection dah sampai tulang ke tak?? so adakah ini tidak meletakkan keadaan seseoarang lagi bahaya..sedangakan untuk selamatkan kaki kencing manis dari infection atau jika ganrene masih diperingkat awal....doktor pakar orthopedic bagi antibiotik yang kuat...nak tentukan antibiotik bukan main2 cakap je sample kuman tu buat culture test lagi tak silap aku....

so mcm mana produk yang diclaim boleh digunakan untuk medical ni boleh berfungsi seperti rawatan dihospital tanpa pemantauan doktor pakar?? adakah seller-seller MLM mempunyai pengetahuan dan mempunyai kapasiti untuk buat diagnnosis bagai....?? Last edited by mat_jenin on 2-8-2013 09:40 AM


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Post time 1-8-2013 12:21 PM | Show all posts
what is gangrene?

Answer         4/1/2010 3:48:46 PM
Gangrene is a complication necrosis (cell death) characterized by the decay of body tissues, which become black (and/or green) and smelly. It is caused by infection or ischemia(reduced blood supply). It iis usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply and is often associated with diabetes and long-term smoking. This condition is most common in the lower extremities. The best treatment for gangrene is revascularization (i.e., restoration of blood flow) of the affected organ, which can reverse some of the effects of necrosis and allow healing. Other treatments include debridement and surgical amputation. The method of treatment is generally determined depending on location of affected tissue and extent of

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Post time 1-8-2013 12:28 PM | Show all posts

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