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Author: sam1528

If Jesus is God, what does this say about God?

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 12:14 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 26-10-2013 08:33 PM
Make no mistake, typical manifestation of a sore loser

Ha ha , the moaning and whining comes from you not me. You never answer any questions but continue to moan and whine. You are a sore loser in every sense. Yet you claim victory. Poor chap. You are having inferiority complex ... yes?

What can we say ??? Again and again you are exposing your own vulnerability and stupidity by boasting your own ignorance. Like i said, try posting it on Christian forum and the best part you can't even refute me even if i just use my medulla oblongata without even working my cerebral neuron, what ??? You don't know the function of medulla oblongata ?? Go and look it up in physiology textbook lah you ignoramus imbecile !

If you can answer , there will be lots of answers by now. 'Truth.8' your buddy in Christ is avoiding answering at any cost. You are just moaning and whining. You are trying your very best to change topics. We are not discussing about medulla oblongata , are we? Can you focus on the issue or you actually do not have any answers. Combination of both I suppose.

Why are you pimping for any christian site? Are you not confident enough to answer any questions?

Ahem ahem what ??? Your throat got clogged up from too much cunnilingus with hookers ??? Apparently it is !

Ha ha , appears that you are learning your bible from 'ahem ahem' .... yours truly. This is again so funny. A free thinker / Christian learning the bible from a lay muslim. This is what happen when you rely too much on 'answering Islam'.

Come on lah, you don't even understand simple english, now you want to talk about greek ???

Eek? Simple english ..... greek? Do tell us , the word 'logos' is english or greek or swahili. Ha ha , it again shows that you have no answer to the issue put forth. Your own bible scholars have admitted that 'logos' in joh1:1 does not in context mean that biblical Jesus is God. You paid no attention to your scholars but believe the BS by 'answering Islam'. That is why it is so easy to hit you .... left and right.

This retarded inbred ustazy sure never triumphant in any contest or win anything in his misery life before that he has to resort to self-comforting himself with self acclaimed victory......         

So , you are in agreement that either
(1) biblical Jesus is not God per the bible     ; or
(2) the bible contradicts itself in this issue

Ha ha , this means that you are in a lose - lose position. Sniff .... sniff .... you must be in tears by now .... poor you. Perhaps you should run back to mommy .... ha ha ....  
Last edited by sam1528 on 27-10-2013 12:17 AM


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-10-2013 10:27 PM
If no respond that doesn't mean Christians have no answer....
from what I have experience, Christians are peace living peoples...

my pastor ask me to avoid   arguing with muslims....simply because it only leads hatred and he ask us to pray for them as God will leads the the truth...

So, u  see...christians not war monger like u rather peace living peopels..
war mongers like u driven by satan to make the world unbalance...


Ha ha , the hatred only comes from you as you have been running away from the issues put forth by muslims.

Peace loving and having no answers are 2 different things.

Ooooh , I see , you pray to God. Which God? The Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit. Come to think of it , do you actually in any way pray to the Holy Spirit?

Hmm , what logic you have. You mean debating on religious issues means one is a war monger? You are describing yourself then. You have been arguing about Islam / Christianity longer than anyone in this forum. Can I call you an 'old war monger'? Ha ha


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Post time 27-10-2013 08:46 AM | Show all posts
This retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......      


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2013 06:45 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 27-10-2013 08:46 AM
This retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......

Ha ha , thats all you can respond? Its very poor. What say you?

You have trapped yourself
(1) There are no explicit verses that biblical Jesus , your man God stated that he is God
(2) if there are (which I doubt it) , taking into account of teh verses that states he is not God , the bible contradict itself

You lose .... ha ha


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Post time 28-10-2013 09:49 AM | Show all posts
This sore loser retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......

Jesus is God !

Mu-ham-mad is just a satan possesed vile criminal from 7th century !

Last edited by wkk5159 on 28-10-2013 09:55 AM


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Post time 28-10-2013 10:25 AM | Show all posts
SEPT13 posted on 26-10-2013 11:12 PM
Mahesh, seorang Kristian menanyakan soalan kpd Dr Zakir Naik benarkah Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa a.s) ti ...

Mengapa ambil contoh dari seorang Kristian jelata berdebat dengan Zakir Naik yang licik dan penuh dengan dusta ???

Zakir Naik bukan saja tidak berani menyahut cabaran Ali Sina, seorang bekas muslim dan free thinker terkenal, bahkan dia juga tidak berani menyahut cabaran dari minoriti Kristian dari India, negara kelahirannya !

"Internet debater Ali Sina's offer to Naik for a written debate has remained unanswered for over 3 years.[14]         
After numerous attempts to reach out to Naik, Sina has been instructed by Naik's assistants that Naik does not participate in written debate. Sina has instead been posed a counter challenge by Naik's supporters to arrange for a live audience of at least 10,000 people. Sina, in counter claim, says this demand is  not justified and cites the threat to his life from Islamic terrorists as well as the lack of time in a televised debate. He has instead offered to publish the written debate on his website. [15]"

Challenge to Dr. Zakir Naik from Indian ChristiansSakshi: an apologetics network in India has now challenged Dr. Zakir Naik to a debate.
We would like to let Dr. Zakir Naik know that Indian Christians though poor and few in number are now ready to debate with Dr. Zakir Naik on any topic that examines both the religions. We, at Sakshi, express our willingness if Dr. Zakir Naik wants an Indian Christian to debate whatever the cost might be. Please let us know if you have contact with Dr. Zakir Naik'
Can any Christian answer Dr. Zakir Naik? Yes-many !,_Views_and_Debates

Mengapa nak jadi muslim ah ???

Jawapan : Mereka yang terencat akal !


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Post time 28-10-2013 11:39 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 10:25 AM
Mengapa ambil contoh dari seorang Kristian jelata berdebat dengan Zakir Naik yang licik dan penuh  ...

Dr Zakir Naik pasti ada sebab yg tersendiri kenapa beliau enggan melayan mereka.

dulu2 jadi paderi dan pendeta kristen..skrg jadi pendakwah Islam.

Dr. Laurence Brown yg tidak percaya kewujudan Tuhan juga akhirnya memilih Islam setelah mengkaji semua agama.

yang pasti mereka bukan org bodoh tetapi mereka telah menemui Agama yg seBenar.

Al-Quran Itu Mukjizat, Cahaya,petunjuk dan peringatan kepada Manusia sejagat kerana ia datang dari Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW hanyalah penyampai Risalah ini melalui perantara Malaikat Jibril AS atas perintah Allah SWT.


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Post time 28-10-2013 12:25 PM | Show all posts
SEPT13 posted on 28-10-2013 11:39 AM
Dr Zakir Naik pasti ada sebab yg tersendiri kenapa beliau enggan melayan mereka.

Aiya...jangan ambil contoh siapa memeluk Islam untuk menyokong dakwaan kamu, tidak dinafikan banyak juga yang terencat akal.....

Jikalau kamu mahu juga ambil contoh orang-orang terkenal yang meninggalkan agama tertentu dam memeluk agama lain, macam mana dengan senarai panjang cendekiawan-cendekiawan bekas muslim yang murtad ni......    (this one censored by Malaysian government....why they so afraid aah ??? )


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 01:01 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 09:49 AM
This sore loser retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......

Jesus is God !

Mu-ham-mad is just a satan possesed vile criminal from 7th century !

Bla bla bla. Is that all? This again is evidence that you are not capable to answer to any issue put forth except for mindless diatribe.

You have trapped yourself
(1) There are no explicit verses that biblical Jesus , your man God stated that he is God
(2) if there are (which I doubt it) , taking into account of teh verses that states he is not God , the bible contradict itself

You lose .... ha ha

I would think Prophet Muhammad(saw) and us muslims are the ones acknowledged by the bible to be true followers of God or having the spirit from God. 1joh4:2-3 (NIV bible)
2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Note : Jesus
(1) the Christ (or messiah)
(2) from God

It is an article of faith for us muslims to believe that Prophet Jesus or Isa (as) is the Christ (or messiah) and him being a word from God. Quran3:45 (Sahih International)
[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ].

By the standards of 1joh4:2-3 , we muslims have been acknowledged to be having the spirit fromf God. Whereas Christians who believe Jesus is God , not from God , is the antichrist.

Ha ha , lets see your response ... is it a parable again?

Last edited by sam1528 on 28-10-2013 01:13 PM


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Post time 28-10-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-10-2013 01:01 PM
Bla bla bla. Is that all? This again is evidence that you are not capable to answer to any issue p ...

This sore loser retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......

Why quote verses from Bible 1joh4:2-3 to support your fallacy ??? Don't you muslims believe that New Testament Bible is all corrupted and cannot be trusted ??? Do you even know how to spell the word " STUPIDITY" ???
What ?? You want to become a Christian now ??? Judging from your moral standard, you have to forsake your evil belief and repent first before Jesus will accept you .

See, what does 1 John 4:2-3 really means ????
God is the Word."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,                         and the Word was God" (John 1:1).
Jesus is the Word."...the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." (John 1:14).

There is without shadow of a doubt who is Anti-Christ !


Last edited by wkk5159 on 28-10-2013 03:18 PM


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Post time 28-10-2013 03:03 PM | Show all posts
I would think Prophet Muhammad(saw) and us muslims are the ones acknowledged by the bible to be true followers of God or having the spirit from God. 1joh4:2-3 (NIV bible) retarded inbred ustazy sam1528      

2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Thank you for pointing out the Anti-Christ in 1 John 4:2-3, do you even understand what does these verses means ???
An antichrist is someone who does not acknowledge that Jesus is the God reincarnated that came in flesh ! John 10:30-33, John 8:58-59, Matt 14: 32-33, Matt 2:11 .....and many many more !

Anti-Christ perfectly describe all unrepent muslims !

The Muhammad infested necrotic mind like you will never see the light of truth in Bible as long as you are still a fervent adherent of that vile evil faith.

Christians read the Bible and see the glorious Trinitarian God BUT muslims who read and read the Bible can only see piles of paper....


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 06:37 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 02:29 PM
This sore loser retarded inbred ustazy still basking in his self acclaimed victory......

Why quote verses from Bible 1joh4:2-3 to support your fallacy ??? Don't you muslims believe that New Testament Bible is all corrupted and cannot be trusted ??? Do you even know how to spell the word " STUPIDITY" ???
What ?? You want to become a Christian now ??? Judging from your moral standard, you have to forsake your evil belief and repent first before Jesus will accept you .

See, what does 1 John 4:2-3 really means ????
God is the Word."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,                         and the Word was God" (John 1:1).
Jesus is the Word."...the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." (John 1:14).

There is without shadow of a doubt who is Anti-Christ !

Ha ha , you are a master of speculation. No muslim worth his salt will accept the New Testament as it is a book that biblical Jesus , your man God did not know anything about and did not command anybody to have faith in it. Not to mention the corruption of teh book. However christians like you take it to be the word of your God. Why? Nobody knows ...

You are arguing that biblical Jesus is God by appealing to joh1:1? This is about the worst argument there is. I already provided the link that the word 'logos' in the original language (koine Greek) does not in any remote sense mean God. Moreover there is no definate article in front of 'logos'. Only dimwitted trinitarians like you appeal to joh1:1 and .... aha ... to you biblical Jesus is God.

Of course the word became flesh (per joh1:14) as Prophet Jesus / Isa (as) was a messenger. In joh1:1 , we can understand that 'word' is the will or plan or purpose of God.  Therefore the messenger of God came in Prophet Jesus / Isa(as) conveying God's will or plan or purpose. Such is supported by his own admission in joh17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

In other words , there is only 1 God and Jesus was sent by God. Meaning he came from God not he is God.

1joh4:2-3 has thoroughly refuted you. It clearly states that a spirit from God believe that Jesus the Christ comes from God. Not Jesus the Christ is God. 2 different things lah tambi. In conclusion , you are not from God. Who says so? Your bible in 1joh4:2-3 stating that christians like you are are the anti christ. Ha ha ....

What a silly notion for God to become flesh (ie. a human). Biblical Jesus time and time again stated and admitted that he is not God. How much clearer can the man be?

Last edited by sam1528 on 28-10-2013 07:09 PM


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 07:02 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 03:03 PM
hank you for pointing out the Anti-Christ in 1 John 4:2-3, do you even understand what does these verses means ???
An antichrist is someone who does not acknowledge that Jesus is the God reincarnated that came in flesh ! John 10:30-33, John 8:58-59, Matt 14: 32-33, Matt 2:11 .....and many many more !

Anti-Christ perfectly describe all unrepent muslims !

The Muhammad infested necrotic mind like you will never see the light of truth in Bible as long as you are still a fervent adherent of that vile evil faith.

Christians read the Bible and see the glorious Trinitarian God BUT muslims who read and read the Bible can only see piles of paper....

Ha ha , lets look at the said verses
(1) joh10:30-33
Explained previously. If we read from verse 25 we will know that the context is one in purpose. More so ever , in verse 34 , biblical Jesus , your man God call them Gods. Is God acknowledging that there are other Gods beside himself? Ha ha

(2) joh8:58-59
I can proudly say , 'Before Abraham I am'. I can even go further than that 'Before Adam I am'. Of course it is true. We already exist in the foreknowledge of God. No way the phrase means that biblical Jesus is God. You are clutching at straws to stay afloat.

(3) mat14:32-33
Ooi tambi , it states 'son of God' not God. 'Son of God' has always been a title bestowed in the Jewish Culture. Pssst .... biblical Jesus is a Jew if you don't know. BTW , if biblical Moses was around at that time , biblical Jesus would not have had any problems. The waters would have been parted for him. Verse 23 stated that biblical Jesus prayed. Ha ha , this is illogical. A so called God prayed to another God?

(4) mat2:11
If you bothered to read verse 4 , the people already know that a messiah would be born and the magi etc were looking for him to 'worship' him. 'Worship' in this case is to pay homage or respect.

Aiyoyo .... your arguments are so naive. Told you not to get such from 'answering Islam'.

3 verses (1joh4:2-3 and joh17:3) have already refuted you and confirm people like you to be the antichrist. Mind you , the NT itself confirms that Prophet Muhammad(saw) and us muslims are the people from God. You .... ha ha ... you are the antichrist.

There is no such thing as Trinity or Triune God in the bible. Christians like you are forcing yourself to read between the lines and forcing yourself to understand that there is such. Poor you .... ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 28-10-2013 07:05 PM


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Post time 28-10-2013 08:58 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-10-2013 06:37 PM
Ha ha , you are a master of speculation. No muslim worth his salt will accept the New Testament as ...

Ha ha , you are a master of speculation. No muslim worth his salt will accept the New Testament as it is a book that biblical Jesus , your man God did not know anything about and did not command anybody to have faith in it. Not to mention the corruption of teh book. However christians like you take it to be the word of your God. Why? Nobody knows retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

You are a ultimate retard, aren't you ? You just used 1John 4:2-3 to support your fallacy and now you accusing the Book of being corrupted....any wonder why muslim countries are champion of corruption with UMNO corruptors in mind. Islam just synonymous with corruption and everything vile ! You are very comfortable with it, don't you ?

You are arguing that biblical Jesus is God by appealing to joh1:1? This is about the worst argument there is. I already provided the link that the word 'logos' in the original language (koine Greek) does not in any remote sense mean God. Moreover there is no definate article in front of 'logos'. Only dimwitted trinitarians like you appeal to joh1:1 and .... aha ... to you biblical Jesus is God..... by retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

Retarded charlatan, you've been caught again and again with misinterpretation of Bible and now still have the urge to embarrass yourself further ??? 99 % of Christian theologian interpret Logos as God;   
The Logos was used by the Greeks to denote the creative force, as well as logic and reason.
John used the Greek word Logos to express a Hebrew concept that was used in the Old Testament; it was a Hebraism.
A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus first used the term Logos around 600 B.C. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. This word was well suited to John's purpose in John 1.(from The Online Bible Thayer's Greek Lexicon and Brown Driver & Briggs Hebrew Lexicon.)
Who do you think you are to interpret the Bible ??? Zakir Naik wannabe ???

Of course the word became flesh (per joh1:14) as Prophet Jesus / Isa (as) was a messenger. In joh1:1 , we can understand that 'word' is the will or plan or purpose of God.  Therefore the messenger of God came in Prophet Jesus / Isa(as) conveying God's will or plan or purpose. Such is supported by his own admission in joh17:3 retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

Again, Zakir Naik wannabe, even a 3 years old from Sunday school understands Bible better than you !

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

What ?? Now you learn from famous cult Jehovah Witnesses ??? You simply have nothing against the biblical truth, don't you ? Now you have to appeal to Jehovah Witnesses ??? I am right when i call you a Islamic whore, am i ??

Hey retard ! Who are there in Trinity ??? Don't know ? Father, Son and Spirit ! Father send who to earth to accomplish the salvation ??? Son ! John 3:16 ! But like i said, Muhammad infested necrotic mind of you are totally illiterate to the truth !

There were all together 6 anti-Trinitarian arguments which had been smashed to smiththreen since ages ago, but just to entertain the retarded ustazy, i will simply slot in one refuted argument; The quickest way to see the mistake in the muslim's misinterpretation of John 17:3 is in Eph 4:4-6. ("there is one God and one Lord") If "One God" excludes Jesus from God, then "One Lord" excludes God from being Lord. Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. YHWH is not only called the Only true God (John 17:3), but the "Only Saviour" (Isa 43:11; 45:21; Hos 13:4; Jude 25) , "Only King" (Zech 14:9). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Conversely, Jesus is called the "Only Teacher, (Matt 23:8,10, Mt 10:24 and Jn 13:13), "Only Master" (Jude 4, 2 Peter 2:1), and "Only Lord" (Jude 4, Eph 4:4, 1 Cor 8:4,6, Mt 6:24). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then the Father is also excluded from being our Teacher, Master or Lord.

In other words , there is only 1 God and Jesus was sent by God. Meaning he came from God not he is God.....
by retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

Refer to the answer above if you can even read......

1joh4:2-3 has thoroughly refuted you. It clearly states that a spirit from God believe that Jesus the Christ comes from God. Not Jesus the Christ is God. 2 different things lah tambi. In conclusion , you are not from God. Who says so? Your bible in 1joh4:2-3 stating that christians like you are are the anti christ. Ha ha .....
by retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

You are in grave delusion, don't you retarded inbred ustazy ??? You have not refuted anything but refuted yourself !

What a silly notion for God to become flesh (ie. a human). Biblical Jesus time and time again stated and admitted that he is not God. How much clearer can the man be? retarded inbred ustazy sam1528

Ever wonder why you muslims are all mentally retarded and not even a single university from Islamic countries are in the top 100 ranking of the world's best university ??? I doubt there's any even in Top 200......

Of course your pagan god Allah won't come in flesh and save you lah you moronic retard....and the best part, your pseudo vile prophet is rotting in the Hades.That's the truth and nothing but the truth !

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Post time 28-10-2013 09:06 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-10-2013 07:02 PM
Ha ha , lets look at the said verses
(1) joh10:30-33
Explained previously. If we read from vers ...

Still want to misquote the Bible and further embarrassing yourself by flashing your putrid pussy here ??? You truly are a ISLAMIC WHORE, aren't you ?

Countless verses in the Bible refering Jesus as God !

                    The wise men say so, by coming to                 WORSHIP the Christ child (Matthew 2:2,11).  Isaiah 42:8 clearly                 states that God will not share His glory nor praises with another.               
                    Gabriel the Archangel says so in                 Matthew 1:23, calling Jesus "Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,                 God with us."
                    Mary, Jesus' mother, says so in Luke                 1:47... "And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."
                    A leper says so, by worshipping Jesus                 in Matthew 8:2.  Only God is to be worshipped (Exodus 20:4,5).
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Matthew                 9:2, when He forgave a man's sins, "Son...thy sins be forgiven thee."                  Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.  
                    A certain ruler says so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 9:18.
                    The Apostles say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 14:33.  
                    A Canaanite woman says so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Matthew 15:25.
                    A mother and her sons say so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Matthew 20:20.
                    The disciples say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 28:9.

                    A man afflicted by a demon says so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Mark 5:6.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Mark 2:5,                 when He forgave a man's sins, "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee."                  Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.  

                    John the Baptist says so, in John 1:15,                 by stating "He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he                 was before me." John said that Jesus came BEFORE him; but Luke                 1:24-27 tell us that Jesus was born several months AFTER John. John was                 clearly referring to Jesus as God incarnate.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Luke 5:20,                 when He forgave a man's sins, "Man, thy sins are forgiven thee."                  Luke 5:21 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.
                    The Apostles say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Luke 24:52.

                    John says so, in John 1:1... "In the                 beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was                 God."
                    John says so, by stating in John 1:3                 that Jesus is the Divine Creator of all things.  See Colossians                 1:16; 2nd Peter 3:5. Genesis 1:1 plainly states that GOD created the                 universe and all things in it.  
                    John says so, in John 1:10... "He                 was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him                 not."
                    John says so, in John 3:16, by calling                 Jesus God's "only begotten Son."  To be God's literal Son makes                 Jesus deity.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1,                 by asking those who believe in God to also believe on Him.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:24,                 "...for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your                 sins."  The pronoun "he" is in italics in the King                 James Bible, meaning it was added by the translators for clarity,                 and isn't in the Greek.  Thus, it literally says, "...for if ye                 believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins."  See                 Exodus 3:14.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:58,                 "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham                 was, I am." This is the I AM of Exodus 3:14. The people                 understood what Jesus was claiming, because they tried to kill him in                 John 8:59.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John                 10:30, "I and my Father are one."
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John                 10:33, "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee                 not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest                 thyself God."
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1,                 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also                 in me."  Clearly, Jesus was claiming equality with God the                 Father.  See Philippians 2:6 (King James Bible).

                    Peter says so, in Acts 4:10-12, by                 stating that salvation can ONLY be found in the name of JESUS.                  Isaiah 43:11,12 tell us that God is the ONLY Savior.  In John 14:6,                 Jesus claimed to be the ONLY way to Heaven.

and zillions more verses stating Jesus is God !

Can you even comprehend one verse here......


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 09:50 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 08:58 PM
You are a ultimate retard, aren't you ? You just used 1John 4:2-3 to support your fallacy and now you accusing the Book of being corrupted....any wonder why muslim countries are champion of corruption with UMNO corruptors in mind. Islam just synonymous with corruption and everything vile ! You are very comfortable with it, don't you ?

Ha ha , I just don't understand why you keep coming back for the mental torture I am dishing out to you. You must be a sticker for punishment. Aiyoyo tambi , using something does not mean you believe in it. I used 1joh4:2-3 is because you believe that it is the word of your biblical God. Nevertheless biblical Jesus , your man God did not even know about 1joh4:2-3. How now? Are you the antichrist per 1joh4:2-3? When cornered you try to change topics. What has UMNO got to do with the discussion? I know you are desperate to run.

Retarded charlatan, you've been caught again and again with misinterpretation of Bible and now still have the urge to embarrass yourself further ??? 99 % of Christian theologian interpret Logos as God;   
The Logos was used by the Greeks to denote the creative force, as well as logic and reason.
John used the Greek word Logos to express a Hebrew concept that was used in the Old Testament; it was a Hebraism.
A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus first used the term Logos around 600 B.C. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. This word was well suited to John's purpose in John 1.(from The Online Bible Thayer's Greek Lexicon and Brown Driver & Briggs Hebrew Lexicon.)
Who do you think you are to interpret the Bible ??? Zakir Naik wannabe ???

I quote bit part of what I stated in my post #32
In joh1:1 , we can understand that 'word' is the will or plan or purpose of God.  Therefore the messenger of God came in Prophet Jesus / Isa(as) conveying God's will or plan or purpose.

Your reference agree with me. Logos is just 'reason' or 'logic' or 'plan' or 'will' or 'purpose' or 'creative force' of God. Appears that I am at par with the Greek philosopher 'Heraclitus'. Nowhere it mentions that 'logos' denotes God. You appear to be arguing from your rear end. Now you are in agreement with me. TQ .... ha ha ... you just shot yourself in your foot. Trinitarians like you have mangled the greek of the NT in trying to justify biblical Jesus to be God. Too bad , you've effectively refuted yourself.

Again, Zakir Naik wannabe, even a 3 years old from Sunday school understands Bible better than you !

So far your reference support my argument and refuting yours. This is real funny .... , you've never been to sunday school have you? No wonder your shallow knowledge , oopps the 'answering Islam' knowledge ....

What ?? Now you learn from famous cult Jehovah Witnesses ??? You simply have nothing against the biblical truth, don't you ? Now you have to appeal to Jehovah Witnesses ??? I am right when i call you a Islamic whore, am i ??

Hey retard ! Who are there in Trinity ??? Don't know ? Father, Son and Spirit ! Father send who to earth to accomplish the salvation ??? Son ! John 3:16 ! But like i said, Muhammad infested necrotic mind of you are totally illiterate to the truth !

There were all together 6 anti-Trinitarian arguments which had been smashed to smiththreen since ages ago, but just to entertain the retarded ustazy, i will simply slot in one refuted argument; The quickest way to see the mistake in the muslim's misinterpretation of John 17:3 is in Eph 4:4-6. ("there is one God and one Lord") If "One God" excludes Jesus from God, then "One Lord" excludes God from being Lord. Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. YHWH is not only called the Only true God (John 17:3), but the "Only Saviour" (Isa 43:11; 45:21; Hos 13:4; Jude 25) , "Only King" (Zech 14:9). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Conversely, Jesus is called the "Only Teacher, (Matt 23:8,10, Mt 10:24 and Jn 13:13), "Only Master" (Jude 4, 2 Peter 2:1), and "Only Lord" (Jude 4, Eph 4:4, 1 Cor 8:4,6, Mt 6:24). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then the Father is also excluded from being our Teacher, Master or Lord.

Ha ha , read joh17:3 carefully
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

This verse is an admission by biblical Jesus. He is praying to the 'Father'. He is admitting that the 'Father' is the only one true God. Only one true God means that there is only one (1) God. BTW , in verse  4 , biblical Jesus confessed that his job is done or finish. Dying for your sins is not in his job scope nor job description. Ha ha .... got you once again

Eph4:4-6 agree with me. Verse 6
one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

See ... there is only one (1) God and the Father of all. Therefore the 'Father' is the only one (1) God. 'Teacher' , 'Master' and 'Lord' are just title bestowed. You again make the most naive of blunder in your understanding. 'Lord' in reference to biblical Jesus , is a title bestowed that is why it is spelled L / l - o - r - d. However 'lord' to mean God is all in capitals , ie. L - O - R -D. For example refer to ps84:8 (NIV bible)
Hear my prayer, LORD God Almighty ; listen to me, God of Jacob.

Ha ha , such a simple concept and you got it horribly wrong. That is why I said that trinitarians like you are a disease to christianity. You read the bible between the lines or don't read at all trying to justify that biblical Jesus is God. You are making a fool of yourself and advertising it.

Refer to the answer above if you can even read......

The answer above is in support of my position. Too bad for you.

You are in grave delusion, don't you retarded inbred ustazy ??? You have not refuted anything but refuted yourself !

Ha ha , it appears that the verses you provided support my argument and soundly refute yours. You cannot even make a distinction between 'lord' which is title bestowed and 'LORD' which is the title for God. Go some more lah to learn from 'answering Islam'. It make it a whole lot easier for me to whup you.

Ever wonder why you muslims are all mentally retarded and not even a single university from Islamic countries are in the top 100 ranking of the world's best university ??? I doubt there's any even in Top 200......

Of course your pagan god Allah won't come in flesh and save you lah you moronic retard....and the best part, your pseudo vile prophet is rotting in the Hades.That's the truth and nothing but the truth !

Hmm , as far as I know the top universities , the teaching staff are nearly all atheists. Where are the christian universities? Hmm , Allah the pagan God. Gasp .... that means the Christian arabs / east Malaysians / Indonesians are all pagans. TQ again , you have just run down your own religion by calling your 'buddies in Christ' pagans. You are doing such a good job hurting christianity. You sure you are not a muslim in disguise? Ha ha .... this is so funny ....

Last edited by sam1528 on 28-10-2013 10:40 PM


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2013 10:21 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 28-10-2013 09:06 PM
Still want to misquote the Bible and further embarrassing yourself by flashing your putrid pussy here ??? You truly are a ISLAMIC WHORE, aren't you ?

Countless verses in the Bible refering Jesus as God !

                    The wise men say so, by coming to                 WORSHIP the Christ child (Matthew 2:2,11).  Isaiah 42:8 clearly                 states that God will not share His glory nor praises with another.               
                    Gabriel the Archangel says so in                 Matthew 1:23, calling Jesus "Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,                 God with us."
                    Mary, Jesus' mother, says so in Luke                 1:47... "And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."
                    A leper says so, by worshipping Jesus                 in Matthew 8:2.  Only God is to be worshipped (Exodus 20:4,5).
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Matthew                 9:2, when He forgave a man's sins, "Son...thy sins be forgiven thee."                  Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.  
                    A certain ruler says so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 9:18.
                    The Apostles say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 14:33.  
                    A Canaanite woman says so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Matthew 15:25.
                    A mother and her sons say so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Matthew 20:20.
                    The disciples say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Matthew 28:9.

                    A man afflicted by a demon says so, by                 worshipping Jesus in Mark 5:6.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Mark 2:5,                 when He forgave a man's sins, "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee."                  Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.  

                    John the Baptist says so, in John 1:15,                 by stating "He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he                 was before me." John said that Jesus came BEFORE him; but Luke                 1:24-27 tell us that Jesus was born several months AFTER John. John was                 clearly referring to Jesus as God incarnate.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in Luke 5:20,                 when He forgave a man's sins, "Man, thy sins are forgiven thee."                  Luke 5:21 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.
                    The Apostles say so, by worshipping                 Jesus in Luke 24:52.

                    John says so, in John 1:1... "In the                 beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was                 God."
                    John says so, by stating in John 1:3                 that Jesus is the Divine Creator of all things.  See Colossians                 1:16; 2nd Peter 3:5. Genesis 1:1 plainly states that GOD created the                 universe and all things in it.  
                    John says so, in John 1:10... "He                 was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him                 not."
                    John says so, in John 3:16, by calling                 Jesus God's "only begotten Son."  To be God's literal Son makes                 Jesus deity.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1,                 by asking those who believe in God to also believe on Him.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:24,                 "...for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your                 sins."  The pronoun "he" is in italics in the King                 James Bible, meaning it was added by the translators for clarity,                 and isn't in the Greek.  Thus, it literally says, "...for if ye                 believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins."  See                 Exodus 3:14.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:58,                 "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham                 was, I am." This is the I AM of Exodus 3:14. The people                 understood what Jesus was claiming, because they tried to kill him in                 John 8:59.
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John                 10:30, "I and my Father are one."
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John                 10:33, "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee                 not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest                 thyself God."
                    Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1,                 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also                 in me."  Clearly, Jesus was claiming equality with God the                 Father.  See Philippians 2:6 (King James Bible).

                    Peter says so, in Acts 4:10-12, by                 stating that salvation can ONLY be found in the name of JESUS.                  Isaiah 43:11,12 tell us that God is the ONLY Savior.  In John 14:6,                 Jesus claimed to be the ONLY way to Heaven.

and zillions more verses stating Jesus is God !

Can you even comprehend one verse here......

Holy Moly ... what a hypermarket of verses. Too bad for you none attest that biblical Jesus is God. None has the admission of biblical Jesus that he is God.

(1) 'Worship' in context can mean paying respect or homage.

(2) Oooh I see , 'God with us'? 2cor5:19 gives the answer
that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.
God is in biblical Jesus not God is biblical Jesus

(3) Biblical Jesus can forgive sins as the authority was given to him meaning he has a boss that reports to

(4) John the Baptist never called biblical Jesus God , in fact he baptized biblical Jesus and testified that biblical Jesus is God's chosen one

(5) The greek word 'morphe' in philippians means outward appearance or form , phi2:6 states clearly - not equal to God

(6) In acts4 , Peter called biblical Jesus a man raised from the dead by God - therefore biblical Jesus is not God

This is just too easy .... ha ha

Try harder the next time ....

Watch out everyone , 'wkk5159' is going bezerk. He is half blinded with rage and will gouge anyone with his feral fangs .... ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 28-10-2013 10:30 PM


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Post time 28-10-2013 10:54 PM | Show all posts
God is a just judge. You cannot bribe him by insisting that he shouldn’t send you to Hell because he’s good. If he is good, then he will punish wrong-doing. He will punish blasphemers and murderers. He is so good that he will also punish thieves and adulterers and liars.

We cannot bribe him by saying that we have done good works to make up for our sins.

In our earthly legal system, if a man is convicted of murdering 10 people, he can’t say to the judge, ‘Judge, I believe you are a good person and will not lock me in a prison for the rest of my life. I also have done many good things since committing those murders. I have given to the poor, I have been kind and helpful to many people. In light of this, you should set me free.’

This scenario is ludicrous to us. If a judge set someone free for these reasons, we would assume the judge is either corrupt or incompetent.

God is neither corrupt nor incompetent. He will punish sin precisely because he is good. Justice must be served.

Luckily for us, Jesus paid the price for our crimes. He burst into the court room and told the judge that he will serve our sentence for us. Only Jesus could do this because he lived a sinless life and is the Son of God.

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Post time 29-10-2013 10:50 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-10-2013 09:50 PM
Ha ha , I just don't understand why you keep coming back for the mental torture I am dishing out t ...

Yawn..... ........

Is that what you are capable of smearing the Bible ??? You have to try harder to impress me, Islamic whore ...but i doubt you will.
why kept on splaying your leg to Christians when no God loving gentile is interested nor it is graceful.....

Hmm , as far as I know the top universities , the teaching staff are nearly all atheists. Where are the christian universities? Hmm , Allah the pagan God. Gasp .... that means the Christian arabs / east Malaysians / Indonesians are all pagans. TQ again , you have just run down your own religion by calling your 'buddies in Christ' pagans. You are doing such a good job hurting christianity. You sure you are not a muslim in disguise? Ha ha .... this is so funny ....Islamic whore sam1528

Bitter pills to swallow, isn't it ? my Islamic whore sam1528..... Where is the best university from Islamic country ??? let me see...Boğaziçi University of Turkey at 199 ! .  Of all top 100 universities in the world, 80% are from Christian majority countries and the rest from Buddhism and Shintoism countries. http://www.timeshighereducation. ... 13-14/world-ranking

Of course many professors in the top U are half atheist like me lah, stupid ! What do you expect ??? Retrograde religious ustazy like you ?

Have you ever attended any tertiary education before, i doubt you even finish your primary education, which madrash you graduated from ah ?? Pakistan ? Bangladesh ? or Afghanistan ???

Yes, half atheist like me have no moral restraint to accuse Catholic in Middle East, East Malaysia and Indonesia of being naive and oblivious to the truth and unlike you, mere mention of the name Allah will trigger the Pavlov's doggy reaction in you.....

Last edited by wkk5159 on 29-10-2013 10:55 AM


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Post time 29-10-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-10-2013 10:21 PM
Holy Moly ... what a hypermarket of verses. Too bad for you none attest that biblical Jesus is God ...

Hehehe.....Islamic whore sam1528 now comes equipped with feral fangs......Ooooo, that won't do any good in attracting your potential customers, you dumb slut !

Let's see....what have you farted this time around....YAWN ! let's randomly pick some;

(1) 'Worship' in context can mean paying respect or homage. by Islamic whore sam1528

Paying homage and respect to what ??? Oh i see, who can forget the tragic death of your prophet  in 7th century due to polygamy and now you have to be in constant condolence and pay your respect to your dead prophet.

(3) Biblical Jesus can forgive sins as the authority was given to him meaning he has a boss that reports to by Islamic whore sam1528

That's why a half atheist like me also 100% convinced that this paganic faith of Islamic whore sam1528 is not of Abrahamic origin....

Can your pseudo prophet Mu-ham-Mad forgive sins ???

This is so amusing and interesting, I'm debating a dumb Islamic whore who delusionally thought that he is a Bible Scholar....


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