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Author: sabbath_shalom

Fadhlullah dan Rahmat ke atas Bani Israel sehingga Kiamat

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Post time 15-2-2016 09:43 PM | Show all posts
Tuan @sabbath_salom

Sila hayati bebetul ayat-ayat quran kesemuanya pasal yahudi dan bani israel.

Dua entity tu.  Fahamkan bila Allah rujuk yahudi dan bila allah rujuk bani israel.


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2016 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ibnur posted on 15-2-2016 09:43 PM
Tuan @sabbath_salom

Sila hayati bebetul ayat-ayat quran kesemuanya pasal yahudi dan bani israel.

Yahudi tu lebih pada agama..Israel tu lebih pada bangsa.

Lebih kurang saja.

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Post time 16-2-2016 04:32 AM | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 15-2-2016 05:10 PM
Yahudi tu sempena nama kerajaan merujuk kepada Bani Israel....sama je Yahudi dan Bani Israel.
Yahudi tu sempena nama kerajaan merujuk kepada Bani Israel....sama je Yahudi dan Bani Israel.

Kita semua Bani Adam
Bkn semua Bani Israel
Bkn semua Yahudi Bani Israel
Bani Israel jalur patriarchy
Yahudi jalur matriarchy

Takda sorang pon nak tolong eksplen...hujung2 cakap Yahudi kene laknat.

Sesat sape cakap Yahudi dilaknat

Kalu ada perintah bunuh tu tak cukup laknat ke?

Orang Islam tak percaya ayat 64 Al-Baqarah ke?

Ayat yg ni ke?

Dan apabila Kami ambil perjanjian kamu
dan naikkan di atas kamu Gunung,
"Ambillah dengan kekuatan apa yang Kami berikan kamu,
dan ingatlah apa yang di dalamnya
supaya kamu bertakwa."

Kemudian kamu berpaling sesudah itu.
Jika tidak kerana pemberian dan
pengasihan Allah kepada kamu,
tentu kamu termasuk orang-orang yang rugi.

Dan sesungguhnya kamu tahu
orang-orang antara kamu yang mencabuli Sabat
dan Kami berkata kepada mereka,
"Jadilah kamu beruk,
menyelinap dengan melarat."

Dan Kami membuatnya hukuman
contoh bagi yang telah lepas
dan bagi yang terkemudian
dan satu teguran bagi orang-orang bertakwa.

Kan ada syarat dia...
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang percaya
dan orang-orang Yahudi, dan Kristian, dan Sabiin
sesiapa percaya kepada Allah dan Hari Akhir
dan buat kerja-kerja baik
maka upah mereka adalah di sisi Pemelihara mereka
dan tiadalah ketakutan pada mereka
dan tidaklah mereka bersedih.

Dajjal pun Yahudi
Isa Ibn Maryam a.s. pun Yahudi
- pilih lah sblm tiba kiamat

Yahudi tu lebih pada agama..Israel tu lebih pada bangsa.

Lebih kurang saja.

Nabi Ya'kub a.s. Islam
Nabi Ishak a.s. Islam
Nabi Ibrahim a.s. Islam

Mana ada lebih kurang

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Post time 16-2-2016 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 15-2-2016 08:44 PM
Orang Islam tak percaya ayat 64 Al-Baqarah ke?

Ler.... kan ke part tu, depa recover balik kezaliman merk pd diri sendiri? Mujur sempat bertaubat & Allah kesian tak hempuk gunung kat mereka. Tu, one incident, byk lg incidents kena laknat memanjang as recorded dlm al Quran. Siap nabi rasul kaum bani israel sendiri doakan kehancuran kaum yg dia gagal dakwah, apa kes?

Mana ada dlm Quran kisah Allah laknat umat Rasulullah yg beriman. Beza kan? Peristiwa2 semasa berlaku kiamat pun Allah block dari umat rasulullah yg beriman. Tinggal yg kafir2 je hadap.

Pi balik ayat 62, lagi kesian.... sebab ayat tu mansukh dan diterangkan dgn satu ayat ali imran.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
baulu posted on 16-2-2016 09:04 AM
Ler.... kan ke part tu, depa recover balik kezaliman merk pd diri sendiri? Mujur sempat bertaubat  ...

Awak tak paham ke...kan disebut sesudah kamu berpaling dari perjanjian itu...kmu diberi fadhlullah dan Rahmat....ko pergi la buka penerangan ulama tafsir jangan buat andaian sendiri.

Ayat 62 tu sendiri dah sebut Yahudi Nasarani dan Sabiin yang beriman akan dapat ganjaran baik dr Tuhan.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 09:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 16-2-2016 04:32 AM
Kita semua Bani Adam
Bkn semua Bani Israel
Bkn semua Yahudi Bani Israel

Pakcik...nabi2 yg awak sebut tu penganut agama Samawi bukan Islam....Islam ni agama yg dibawa Nabi Muhammad dengan kitabnye Al-Quran.

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Post time 16-2-2016 09:28 AM | Show all posts
im not against all jews. im against israel. theres still jews who against israel occupation. jews who defile the holy land, thats who im against

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Post time 16-2-2016 09:31 AM | Show all posts
i dont go against individuals, i go against culture. what makes a jew jewish?

lets try and answer this question, do u arrogantly admit that ur people killed the son of mary?

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Post time 16-2-2016 10:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 16-2-2016 09:19 AM
Pakcik...nabi2 yg awak sebut tu penganut agama Samawi bukan Islam....Islam ni agama yg dibawa Nabi ...

Klu awak bljr al Quran, awak akan faham  apa yg sy ckp & awak tahu status ayat 62.

Apparently awak baca al Quran secara zahir ayat utk mengelirukan org2 yg senang keliru.

See, it doen't take ssma ada kalimah Allah boleh letak dlm Bible ke tak. Dapat sorang mcm sabath shalom, sudah cukup utk menyesatkan org islam.

Did you know dlm Islam, klu org tu tak percaya tafsir & takwil Quran, Imam Abu Hanifah fatwa org tu kafir?

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Post time 16-2-2016 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 16-2-2016 09:19 AM
Pakcik...nabi2 yg awak sebut tu penganut agama Samawi bukan Islam....Islam ni agama yg dibawa Nabi ...

Shows you don't know at all about agama nabi Ibrahim. Dari keturunan nabi ibrahim keluarnya bani israel & kesemua rasul & nabi mereka bawa agama yg sama dgn nabi ibrahim.

Tu la.... baca ayat Quran macam buku cerita lagi.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
baulu posted on 16-2-2016 10:11 AM
Klu awak bljr al Quran, awak akan faham  apa yg sy ckp & awak tahu status ayat 62.

Apparently a ...

Awak buat terjemahan tu dari Tafsir ulama tafsir mana????

Ke sendiri2 buat...mentrrjemahksn sendiri utk sesatkan orang lain...mengubah ayat Alloh?

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
baulu posted on 16-2-2016 10:17 AM
Shows you don't know at all about agama nabi Ibrahim. Dari keturunan nabi ibrahim keluarnya bani i ...

So salah ke saya cakap nabi2 tu semua beragama Samawi bukannya Islam...Islam tu dibawa nabi Muhammad kannn.

Nabi Ibrahim beragama Hanif...Nabi Musa bawa agama Yahudi....sebelum Agama Yahudi muncul dah ada nabi2 srael macam Yusuf, Harun dll.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 11:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razzims posted on 16-2-2016 09:31 AM
i dont go against individuals, i go against culture. what makes a jew jewish?

lets try and answer ...

Yang salib tu adalah orang Rom juga...why blame on jews only....

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2016 12:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razzims posted on 16-2-2016 09:28 AM
im not against all jews. im against israel. theres still jews who against israel occupation. jews wh ...

Semasa kiblat ditukarkan Nabi Muhammad sendiri mengesahkan...Kubah As Sakra adalah milik Yahudi....dan semasa zaman beliau, Islam tidak menguasai kawasan itu dari Rom...sehinggalah Salahuddin Al Ayubi kuasai.

Dan Al-Aqsa yg dibina sekarang adalah di lokasi yg salah dimana tempatnya adalah tempat solat Saidina Umar bukan kawasan Solat nabi Muhammad ketika Mikraj.

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Post time 16-2-2016 05:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 16-2-2016 11:55 AM
So salah ke saya cakap nabi2 tu semua beragama Samawi bukannya Islam...Islam tu dibawa nabi Muhamm ...

Apa pulak islam bukan agama samawi? In fact the one and only agama samawi.

There's no such thing as "agama-agama" samawi.

Tak percaya, Ali Imran 83 yg merujuk pada agama Islam. Ali Imran 84 emphasizing agama Islam juga diturunkan pada nabi2 & rasul2 sebelum Nabi Muhamnad.

Ali Imran 85:

"Dan barang siapa mencari agama sekain Islam, dia tidak akan diterima, dan di akhirat dia termasuk orang2 yg rugi".

Ayat 85, dalam ilmu nasakh mansukh membatalkan ayat al Baqarah 62. Ayat ni adalah ayat utk mematikan hujah2 org yg percaya pluralism, "kaum" dia lah mendapat rahmat Allah zaman ni etc.

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Post time 16-2-2016 05:41 PM | Show all posts
are u proud rejecting son of mary? i think its in the jewish culture to reject isa ibn maryam. if theres an individual jew who do not reject son of mary then i have no problem with him. shifting the blame of crucifying son of mary to the greeks, how jewish.

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Post time 16-2-2016 05:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by razzims at 16-2-2016 08:42 PM

Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.


do u think u can commit anything including corruption in the holy land?
Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.And We gave Moses the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel that you not take other than Me as Disposer of affairs. O descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant.And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower.[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.[Then Allah said], "It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return [to sin], We will return [to punishment]. And We have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed."

translated version of Al Isra 1 - 8

the final purge is coming. you will get yours


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Post time 16-2-2016 09:29 PM | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 15-2-2016 10:16 PM
Yahudi tu lebih pada agama..Israel tu lebih pada bangsa.

Lebih kurang saja.

Patut la pun .....  banyak sangat prasangka

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Post time 17-2-2016 11:23 PM | Show all posts
dok pom prang pom prang haha

mai senaraikan kitab tafsir apa sebab tak pun nampak rujukan ?

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2016 12:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 17-2-2016 11:23 PM
dok pom prang pom prang haha

mai senaraikan kitab tafsir apa sebab tak pun nampak rujukan ?

Ada dlm google boleh google ulama tafsir utk ayat itu...mana ada dia propa macam korang...cuma dia tafsir benda tu pintu taubat kepada jews tapi nampak kontra bila dia cakap 1 kebaikan dibalas 3 kebaikan utk maksud FADH.

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