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Post time 19-3-2004 12:19 AM | Show all posts

KENNKID...If you don't want to debate... You should just give a link to article that you cut&paste...

Those who want to read the full article go to this website below...

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Post time 19-3-2004 07:48 AM | Show all posts
Hmph ... Banyaknya "Syaitan" berkeliaran di thread ini ... ;)

Kenkid tengah "puasa" ... dia pastikan akan layan kamu dan soalan kamu semua selepas selesai "puasa" dia nanti. Harap boleh bersabar sikit. :bgrin:

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Post time 19-3-2004 08:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 19-3-2004 07:48 AM:
Hmph ... Banyaknya "Syaitan" berkeliaran di thread ini ... ;)

Kenkid tengah "puasa" ... dia pastikan akan layan kamu dan soalan kamu semua selepas selesai "puasa" d ...

when you fast, do not blow your trumpet to whole world know. certain religion love doing that.

be a secret and let God reward us.

there is no syaitan here but we are defending our faith. I guess u must the satan with twisted tounge. one momenth u condemn islam and other time u back them.:stp::hmm:


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Post time 19-3-2004 08:12 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

when you fast, do not blow your trumpet to whole world know. certain religion love doing that.

be a secret and let God reward us.

He didn't blow the trumpet ... I did. He taking all this patiently ... maybe he will end up learning something about himself and his own strenght at the end of this ... thread.

there is no syaitan here but we are defending our faith. I guess u must the satan with twisted tounge. one momenth u condemn islam and other time u back them.  

That's simple to explain. While I don't favour Muhammad blindly like a Muslim could, I do love to read things about God and how He does His work. It's like watching a Master Checker player at work.

And Yes, you have to the right to defend your faith, and you could do it in another thread, right? I don't see why you should feel so threanten by this thread. ;)

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Post time 19-3-2004 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Dear Seph,

yu must appreciate the differnce between Christianity and Islam. Christianity is a religion of the heart while Islam is one of outward rituals. Both are very different.


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Post time 19-3-2004 09:11 AM | Show all posts
by Debmey

yu must appreciate the differnce between Christianity and Islam. Christianity is a religion of the heart while Islam is one of outward rituals. Both are very different.

Is Christianity is religion of the Heart ... then why must you hide till I have left to post? ;)

Speaking of hearts :

[qoute from your own post, Kenkid]

Meanwhile, one day, when Prophet Abraham was at home with Lady Sarah they were visited by strangers. It was not uncommon to find strangers visiting their home as each day Abraham would light a large bonfire on top of a nearby mountain to attract and welcome travelers.

Abraham抯 generous hospitality was well known, no one was ever turned away and as such he hardly ever ate alone. His guests were always well fed and during the course of a much welcomed meal Abraham would take the opportunity to tell his guests about Allah.

Abraham did what he thought was right to spread what he felt was the Truth. He didn't think highly whether he going to praise or not for his effect or whether he going to get monetary gains from his effects from God.

Question is ... why did you start this thread? To get praise from your fellow Muslims (who don't seems to be around)? To get some sort of "pahala" for your effects?

Kitab di Tangan,
Tapi Semangat tak cukup.
1,000 Pahala di cari,
1,000 Dosa menanti.

;) At least you have one reader waiting here.

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Question is ... why did you start this thread? To get praise from your fellow Muslims (who don't seems to be around)? To get some sort of "pahala" for your effects? [quote/Sephiroth]

Thank you for your question and comments, Seph.

I started this thread, not out of the intention of hoping to be showered with praises from my Muslim bretherens. I started this thread in defence of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad peace be upon him. In fact what triggered it was this comment from Debmey (something to this effect): "I bet you don't know about Mo's history".

It was very painful.

I started this thread not for Debmey, although he triggered it and not for anybody else, but for my Muslim brothers and sisters and for myself - to reflect on the history of our beloved prophet.

As for your comment:

"Kitab di Tangan,
Tapi Semangat tak cukup.
1,000 Pahala di cari,
1,000 Dosa menanti."

No, I'm not seeking for 'pahala' and since you started the talk about 'pahala' can you explain to me what 'pahala' is?

The basis of whatever I'm doing is "ilahi anta maqsudi waridhaka matlubi a'tini mahabbataka wama'rifatak".

Its in Arabic and it more or less means: "O Lord, It is only YOU that is my intention and it is only YOUR love and acceptance that I seek & it is the knowledge of YOU that my heart yearns for - nothing else".

If I wanted praise from Muslims, I would not be here, I would expose my identity in public, so that everybody knows me and I would be floating in air, basking in self glorification.

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Post time 19-3-2004 10:50 AM | Show all posts
I don't mean to hurt you Kennkid, but yu gotta open your mind and see the truth cos it concerns your salvation, even if it somehow hurts. No amt of cut and paste can change the truth about Mohamed.

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Post time 19-3-2004 10:59 AM | Show all posts

I started this thread, not out of the intention of hoping to be showered with praises from my Muslim bretherens. I started this thread in defence of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad peace be upon him. In fact what triggered it was this comment from Debmey (something to this effect): "I bet you don't know about Mo's history".

It was very painful.

I started this thread not for Debmey, although he triggered it and not for anybody else, but for my Muslim brothers and sisters and for myself - to reflect on the history of our beloved prophet.

Hmph ... Then you started it out of anger. Question now ... How are you going to finish it?

You going to give up half way because someone pasted the link here ... AS IF anyone reads such a long information without falling asleep. ;)

You started this as defence to your prophet ... finish it so it will be something others could read and learn and wipe your hand clean of your mistake. Remember ... you are accounted for every word you say and every action you take. That's ALL you need to remember.

No, I'm not seeking for 'pahala' and since you started the talk about 'pahala' can you explain to me what 'pahala' is?

Pahala is the candy your parents give to bribe you to go the shop for them.
Dosa is the "rotan" you get for being naughty.

The rest is between you and Him.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2004 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-3-2004 11:45 PM:
1st fact is Muhammad was not a prophet and never will be a prophet.

2nd fact Dut 18:18 apply to Jesus because Muhammad came after Jesus so how could Dut 18:18 fit Muhammad? So, it was Jesus that

3rd fact until now not even single evidence proof that Muhammad is a prophet according to Bible.

4th fact Jews and Christian totally rejected Muhammad.


I would like to reply your 3rd & 4th fact & let kenkid handles the rest.

The reason why the bible (new testament) didnt mention anything about the prophet Muhammad because your bible was corrupted & many have been changed in the bible. The bible is considered an old edition of a message from Allah to humanity from the history of Adam & Eve only up to your Jesus. meanwhile Quran is the compilation of Torah & Injil and it contents everything from the beginning till the end from the first prophet of Adam, including prophet Isa to the last prophet of Muhammad. Why Jews and Christian totally rejected Muhammad? It is because both Jews and Christians are misguided with corrupted bible & torah that no longer used by god for his word or message to humanity.

"follow the messenger, the prophet (gentile prophet) (Muhammed), whom they find written in their Torah and Gospel . . . " 7:157

"..........therefore you shall believe in God and His messenger, the prophet (gentile prophet), who believes in God and His words. Follow him, that you may be guided." 7:158

Why Muslims rejected Jesus as son of god? is because in quran verse, God sent his message :

Qur'an: [ 112:1-4]

"He is the One and only GOD. "The Absolute GOD."Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten."None equals Him."

Why Jews rejected Jesus as son of god and Muhammad as last prophet? Well i leave it to sonny to answer this question :bgrin:

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 11:17 AM | Show all posts
It is only from ALLAH that I seek salvation because it is only ALLAH  that gives salvation. My knowledge of ALLAH  is from His beloved final messenger -  Muhammad,  peace be upon him.



Lady Hagar had passed away before Prophet Abraham's next visit to Becca. When he reached the valley he made his way to Ishmael's home but when he found he was not at home he started to look for an object he left behind on a previous visit.

Soon after Ishmael's wife returned, she showed him no respect, neither did she welcome him, nor was she hospitable to her elderly visitor. Abraham asked her where her husband was whereupon she told him he was away hunting. He then inquired about their life and circumstances but rather than being grateful, she told him things were difficult and  proceeded to complain about everything in their life.

Ishmael's hunting expedition took longer than expected and so Abraham, who had been made unwelcome, decided it was time to leave. Before he left he asked Ishmael抯 wife to give her husband a message saying, "When your husband returns, convey my greetings of peace to him and tell him that he should change the threshold of his door."  A while after Abraham's departure Ishmael returned and sensed something unusual had happened during his absence, so he asked his wife if there had, in his absence, been any visitors.

She told him of the elderly man that had stopped by and how he had asked about his whereabouts and their welfare. Ishmael asked if the visitor had left a message whereupon she told him that he had sent him greetings of peace and told him to change the threshold of his door. Upon hearing this Ishmael told his wife that the elderly gentleman was none other than his father and that he had directed him to divorce her (metaphorically implied by the phrase 'changing the threshold of his door') .

So Ishmael divorced his wife, and, as was his nature, treated her fairly and caused her no harm, and she returned to her people. Ishmael was loved by the Jurhumites and when he decided to remarry from their tribe they were delighted.


After a period of time Prophet Abraham returned to visit his son but once again he did not find Ishmael at home. He asked his new wife where he was and she told him that he had gone out to search for provisions and prepared a meal her visitor.

As before, he asked Ishmael's wife about their circumstances but unlike the previous wife she praised Allah and told him they were comfortable. Abraham then inquired about their food whereupon she told him that they ate meat and drank water. Then, Prophet Abraham supplicated, "O Allah, bless their meat and water."

Before leaving, Abraham asked her to convey the greetings of peace to Ishmael but this time he left instructions to strengthen the threshold. Soon after Ishmael returned and once again sensed something unusual so he inquired if there had been any visitors during his absence. His wife told him of the elderly gentleman and spoke kindly about him. Ishmael asked if he had said anything to her, she told him that he had inquired about their well-being and that she had replied everything was well. She also told him that the elderly gentleman had asked her to convey his greetings of peace to him and said that he was to strengthen the threshold of his house.

Ishmael smiled, and told his wife that the elderly gentleman was none other than his father, Abraham, and that she was the "threshold" he had ordered him to keep. In the years that followed, Ishmael had twelve children, and it is from his son Kidar that many Arabs are descended.


Time passed, and the next time Prophet Abraham came to visit Ishmael he found him sitting under a large tree near the spring of Zamzam  repairing his arrows. As soon as he saw his father he stood up and they greeted each other affectionately with peace.

After the greetings, Abraham told his son that Allah had given him another command -- the command to rebuild the  Ka'ba , the Holy Mosque of Allah. When Abraham asked Ishmael if he would help him fulfil his task he felt highly honored and accepted whereupon Abraham pointed to a mound of large stones and to its surrounding area and told him that it was the place where Allah had commanded him to raise the foundations of the Holy Mosque.

Soon the rebuilding of Ka'ba got  underway.  Ishmael picked up the large stones, handed them to Abraham, who then positioned them to form a roofless cubic house with its corners pointing to the north, south, east and west. During its rebuilding, an angel came to them bearing a black stone that had lain on Abu Kubays , a nearby hill, ever since it had been brought from Paradise many, many centuries before. And so it was that Prophet Abraham positioned the Black Stone  at the eastern corner of the Ka'ba. Many centuries later, their descendant, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him  told his companions that when the stone was brought from Paradise it was whiter than milk, but, on account of the many sins committed by the children of Adam, it had changed color.

[ Last edited by KENNKID on 19-3-2004 at 11:26 AM ]

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-3-19 11:12 AM:

I would like to reply your 3rd & 4th fact & let kenkid handles the rest.

The reason why the bible (new testament) didnt mention anything about the prophet Muhammad because your bible ...

There is no obligation for me to answer them, Wicked. It will never end. Let us look and reflect upon and refresh ourselves on what God has given us.


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Post time 19-3-2004 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Got gave yu a brain, but it seeems yu have not been refelcting much.


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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2004 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Well If sonny doesnt provide us with the answer, lemme give the explaination.  The Jews had a reason why they rejected Muhammad as last prophet because the Jews arrogantly claimed themselves as "god chosen people" and  they were very proud that most prophets before Muhammad were all Jews and they just couldnt accept the fact that Muhammad from arab decendent was chosen by god as the last prophet.

:hmm: wonder why those Jews didnt proud of Jesus being the son of god ?What was the reason they killed Jesus? after all...  wasnt Jesus from Jews decendant?

Over to you, brother  Kennkid :nyorok: with Salam!

[ Last edited by WICKED on 19-3-2004 at 12:41 PM ]

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Once the Ka'ba had been rebuilt, Abraham and Ishmael supplicated, "O our Lord, accept this from us. You are the Hearer, the Knower. Our Lord, make us both submissive (Muslims) to You, and of our descendants a submissive nation to You. Show us our (pilgrimage) rites, and accept (repentance from) us. You are the Receiver (of repentance), the Merciful. Our Lord, send among them (the inhabitants of this House) a Messenger from them (Allah answered the supplication by sending Prophet Muhammad) who shall recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book (Al Qur'an) and wisdom (Prophetic sayings), and purify them. You are the Mighty, the Wise." (Qur'an Chapter 2 verses 127 -129)  

Prophets Abraham and Ishmael asked for the acceptance of repentance on behalf of their descendants as they, like all prophets, were protected from sin.


Following the supplication, Allah took a covenant from Abraham and Ishmael to purify His House for those who would make their pilgrimage to it and for those who would worship Him there. Allah accepted the supplication of Prophets Abraham and Ishmael and soon pilgrims from all over Arabia and beyond made their way to Mecca where they learned about Allah and worshipped Him alone and were also instructed how to offer their pilgrimage.

Among those who offered their pilgrimage was Ishmael's younger, beloved half-brother, Prophet Isaac. Centuries later their descendants, prophets Solomon, David, John and Jesus made their pilgrimage to the Holy Mosque, Ka'ba, where they too worshiped Allah.

It was not always possible for pilgrims to offer their pilgrimage during its special season. Those unable to offer what is known as the 揋reater Pilgrimage

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 03:51 PM | Show all posts

After the death of Prophet Ishmael, his eldest son, Nabit, became the custodian of the Ka'ba, and after his death the custodianship had been entrusted to his maternal grand-father, Madad, and so it was in this way that the custodianship passed from the direct descendants of Ishmael to the tribe of Jurhum. The Jurhumites governed Mecca for many, many years but throughout this period terrible wars ignited and finally they were driven out of the city.


Before the Jurhumites left Mecca, they buried the well of Zamzam  and hid many of the treasures stored in the Ka'ba inside the well. The new governors of Mecca were distant descendants of Prophet Ishmael from the tribe of Khuza'ah in Yemen. They failed to find the blessed well that had been given to Lady Hagar and Prophet Ishmael; although its miraculous story was still told and continued to be handed down from one generation to the next.


The coming of the new governors did not mean that the idols were to be barred from the Ka'ba. On the contrary, some of the Khuza'ah  were inclined towards idolatry. Once, when one of their chieftains was returning from an expedition that had taken him through the region we know today as Syria, he came across the idol worshipping Moabites. Their idols made a great impression upon him so he asked if he might have an idol named Hubal  to take back with him to Mecca. The Moabites agreed and upon his return he placed it inside the Ka'ba itself and for many centuries after, up until the opening of Mecca, Hubal became the chief idol of Mecca.


Idolatry was commonplace in Arabia, as it was now claimed that Allah had become too remote for them to worship alone and only fragments of the teachings of Prophets Abraham and Ishmael remained.

Pagan temples had been erected in many locations and distant second to Ka'ba, the most visited temples were those in the Hijaz dedicated to the idols of Al Lat, Al Uzza, and Manat whom their worshipers claimed were the trinity, daughters of Allah, capable of interceding on their behalf with Him!

To the people of Yathrib, the most prestigious temple of Manat was in Kdayd by the Red Sea. As for the Quraysh  of Mecca, their second choice was the main temple of Al Uzza, a short journey south of Mecca in the valley called the 揟ree

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 04:16 PM | Show all posts

Pilgrims flocked to Mecca each year to offer their pilgrimage, and among them were many needy pilgrims. As custodian of the Ka'ba it was Ksay's responsibility to ensure that the needs of the pilgrims were met and that they should neither suffer nor thirst. His own wealth was insufficient to cope with the needs of the ever increasing number of pilgrims so he called for a meeting to raise funds in which he asked the people of Mecca to pledge a modest annual contribution on their flocks.

The Meccans were agreeable and by the time the pilgrims arrived for the Greater Pilgrimage there was sufficient food and water to accommodate the pilgrim抯 needs. Ksay, anxious to do the best he could for the pilgrims also commissioned an additional leather trough of water to those already provided in Mecca at Mina. Mina lies several miles away on the route to Mecca across the arid and dusty desert, so the trough provided much welcomed relief not only for the pilgrims but for travelers. The income raised through the pledge was more than enough to meet the pilgrims' needs and so it was through this excess that the first covering was made for the Ka'ba from cloth woven in Yemen.


Abdu Manaf was one of Ksay's four sons, and had shown great signs of leadership beyond those of his brothers, who were themselves very capable. However, when the matter of succession arose Ksay's eldest son, Abd Ad-Dharr was Ksay's choice. Just before Ksay died he called for Abd Ad-Dharr and gave him the House of Assembly. He told him that he was going to equalize the matter of rank by decreeing, amongst other matters, that none should be allowed to enter Ka'ba unless he, Abd Ad-Dharr, opened it for them; that no pilgrim be allowed to draw water in Mecca unless he permitted them to do so and that pilgrims were to eat unless he provided for them.


When death came to Ksay, his son Abdu Manaf, complied with his father's wishes and accepted his brother as the new governor and matters ran smoothly.


It was however, the next generation of Quraysh -- including the descendants of Ksay's brother Zuhra and his Uncle Taym -- that dissatisfaction was expressed regarding the way in which matters were being administered.

They felt that Hashim, a son of Abdu Manaf, who had already succeeded in distinguishing himself in many honorable ways, was more capable and should have the rights transferred to him. Soon, there was a division among the Quraysh that left only the Makhzum and some distant relatives as well as Abd Ad-Dharr's near relatives in support of Abd Ad-Dharr.


Hashim and his supporters met together in the precincts of the Ka'ba where the daughters of Abdu Manaf prepared a bowl of expensive perfume and placed it before the Ka'ba. Each of Hashim's supporters dipped their hands into the bowl and as they did took a solemn oath never to abandon one another. To seal their solemn pact, each supporter rubbed his perfumed hands over the stones of Ka'ba and from that time onward they were referred to as the "Perfumed Ones".


Those who supported Abd Ad-Dharr likewise swore an oath of allegiance, and became known as the "Confederates".


Soon there was an ice-cold atmosphere between the two parties. Matters deteriorated to the extent that the two factions reached the brink of fighting to the death to resolve the matter. However, the Ka'ba and its surrounding area -- the perimeters of which extend for several miles -- had always been held sacred and fighting within this area had been strictly forbidden since the time of Prophets Abraham and Ishmael.

However, before things reached the point of no return a compromise was proposed which proved acceptable to both parties. The compromise was that Abd Ad-Dharr should retain the keys to Ka'ba together with its rights and also keep his home -- the House of Assembly. On the other hand, Hashim should from now onward receive the right to collect the pledged contributions for the welfare of the pilgrims.

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 04:39 PM | Show all posts


Before the pilgrimage each year, Hashim would invite the leaders of the tribes to attend a meeting in the House of Assembly  to discuss the preparations for the pilgrimage. He would remind them that they had been blessed by being the neighbors of the House of Allah, and that the pilgrims were visitors to His House.

He told them that because the pilgrims were the guests of Allah they had more rights upon their generosity than ordinary guests and after having drawn their attention to this right he would ask them to give their pledged contribution. Like his grandfather, he told them that if his own wealth had been sufficient, he would have accommodated the expense himself and not asked them for their contribution to the fund. All complied with Hashim's request and the contribution pledge was collected.


The life of a caravaner was perilous, but for many it brought prosperity. A caravaner could expect to face many hazards other than the extreme heat of the desert followed by the intense cold of the night during certain times of the year.

But, perhaps the greatest hazard of all was the fear of being attacked by marauding tribes. All too often caravans were attacked resulting in the loss of both lives and merchandise. Hashim knew well the burden of the caravaner so he decided to visit with the tribal chieftains along the trade routes traveled by the Quraysh and used his powers of friendly persuasion and fairness to secure a safe passage. One by one the tribes agreed and soon the trade routes became less hazardous.

Hashim's sense of fairness and compassion toward his fellow beings was demonstrated yet again during a year in which there was extreme drought followed by famine. Upon hearing of a neighboring tribe's suffering he arranged for a supply of food and water to be distributed among the stricken tribe. This upright act, and others like it, led to the strengthening of bonds between the Quraysh and other tribes.

Hashim's just character and ability to organize were known not only by his fellow Arabs but to the great powers of the day, namely the Emperor of Rome  and the King of Abyssinia, ruler of Yemen. It was through their admiration of Hashim that he succeeded to negotiate peaceful, lasting treaties, which in turn exempted the Quraysh from the payment of previously enforced trading taxes.

Hashim's popularity was such that whenever Quraysh traders reach Angoria -- now Ankara, the Emperor himself would go out to welcome them and show great hospitality and inquire about Hashim. The two great trade routes were now secure, so during the winter when the heat of the desert had died down, caravans would set off on their journey to Yemen, then as summer advanced caravans would set off in the opposite direction on their long trail to the north-west reaching as far away as Palestine or Syria which was at that time part of the Roman Empire.


On the route northwards caravans would make their way to a desert oasis called Yathrib -- now called Medina -- to trade and replenish supplies before setting off again on their long trip.

The inhabitants of Yathrib were both Arab and Jew. At first, the Arabs were known as the children of Kaylah but as time passed they had divided into two tribes, the tribes of Aws  and the tribe of Khazraj, both of whom were the sons of Kaylah.

In those days its was common for a man to have many wives, some as many as forty. Hashim was already married when he met, in Yathrib, a noble, influential lady named Salma, the daughter of Amr from the tribe of Najjar, a branch of Khazraj. Hashim proposed to her and she accepted on condition that she remained in control of her own affairs and that when she gave birth to a son, the boy would remain with her in Yathrib until he reached the age of puberty. Hashim accepted her conditions and the two were married.

It was a happy, successful arrangement and Hashim made frequent trips to Yathrib to stay with Salma. On several occasions Hashim continued on from Yathrib to Syria, however, on one such journey he was taken ill in the city of Gaza, Palestine. His illness proved to be serious and he did not recover. Salma was expecting a baby and later gave birth to a son whom she named Shayba. As Shayba grew up he loved to listen to the heart warming stories about his generous father, and it was through the example of his father抯 noble sense of fairness and peaceful character that Shayba modeled his own life.

[ Last edited by KENNKID on 19-3-2004 at 05:07 PM ]

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2004 04:40 PM | Show all posts

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2004 04:57 PM | Show all posts

Hashim had two blood brothers named Abdu Shams and Muttalib, and a half-brother named Nawfal . Both Abdu Shams and Nawfal were traders, Abdu Shams' trade route lay between Mecca, Yemen and Syria, whereas, Nawfal's trade route, for the most part, took him to distant Iraq. On account of their commerce, the brothers were away from Mecca for long periods of time resulting in Muttalib, their younger brother, assuming the responsibility of the rights to collect the pilgrimage contribution pledge.


As time passed, Muttalib pondered over who should be his successor. His deceased elder brother Hashim had married four wives and from them he had three sons. Shayba, the son of Salma, although younger than his half-brothers, displayed signs of leadership at an early age. Traders passing through Yathrib would relate reports about him to Muttalib, and the more he heard about his nephew the more impressed he became as his character appeared to be developing to be much like that of his father.

Wishing to know more about Shayba he decided to go to Yathrib to see for himself and visit  his extended family. Muttalib was not disappointed, the reports he received were correct, so he asked his mother to entrust Shayba to his guardianship. At first Salma was reluctant to let her son go with him, and Shayba, out of love and respect for his mother, refused to leave without her consent. Muttalib explained to Salma that Mecca had more to offer her son than Yathrib. He reminded her of the nobility of the Quraysh tribe and that it was they who had been entrusted with the prestigious custodianship of the House of Allah.

He told her that he was of the opinion that her son stood an excellent chance of receiving the office his father had once held and thereby become one of the chieftains of the Quraysh tribe. Muttalib stressed the point however, that in order for her son to be considered as a candidate for such honors it was imperative for the people of Mecca to know him in person, otherwise he would simply be overlooked.

Salma, was convinced by Muttalib's reasoning and knew the proposal was in her son's best interest, so she agreed to let his uncle take him to Mecca. She consoled herself with the knowledge that she could visit him fairly regularly as the journey to Mecca was relatively short, taking ten to eleven days of travel.


Muttalib, with Shayba riding behind him on the camel set out for Mecca. As they entered the City, the people saw Muttalib and thought the youth riding behind him was his new servant and commented: "Look, the servant of Muttalib -- Abd Al Muttalib!" Muttalib was amused and replied, "Be off with you, he is the son of my brother Hashim!" The mistake was a source of amusement and news of his arrival spread throughout Mecca, but the name stuck, so Shayba became affectionately known as Abd al Muttalib.


It wasn't long after Shayba's arrival when Nawfal disputed the young man's right over his father's estate. Muttalib stood by his nephew, and pressure was also brought to bear from Yathrib and Shayba, now known as Abd Al Muttalib, received his rights.


As time passed, Abd Al Muttalib's character continued to grew in both integrity and honor; the people of Mecca loved him and without doubt he lived up to and surpassed the expectations of his uncle. From an early age he had displayed strong capabilities of just leadership. His uncle had taught him the importance of administering the rights of the pilgrims and he diligently assisted his uncle in its preparation.

Several years after his arrival in Mecca, Abd Al Muttalib's uncle passed away. No one in Mecca disputed his nephew's qualifications to succeed him. In fact many Meccans were of the opinion that Abd Al Muttalib surpassed both his father and uncle in fulfiling the duties of Custodian of the House of Allah  with all its weighty responsibilities.

[ Last edited by KENNKID on 19-3-2004 at 04:59 PM ]

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