Firma tukang emas Lubnan saman Rosmah RM60 juta
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Post time 11-7-2018 09:23 PM
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Why The Government’s Case Against Najib Has Hit The Wall
By MT Webmaster On Jul 11, 2018
First of all, when Amar Singh confiscated those so-called RM1 billion cash and assets, were Najib and/or Rosmah home? Did the police list down the details of the cash and valuables they were going to confiscate and make Najib and/or Rosmah sign the receipt? If not, then how can they prove those cash and valuables belong to Najib and/or Rosmah? Najib and/or Rosmah did not sign any list.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
First of all, a person is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in an open trial in a court of law. Najib Tun Razak has not yet been tried and/or proven guilty in an open trial in a court of law. So, Najib is as innocent as Lim Guan Eng is, who Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad found innocent enough to be appointed to Malaysia’s second most important cabinet post, that of Finance Minister.
Malaysia’s new non-Malay-speaking Attorney-General, Tommy Thomas, the advocate for the Communist Party of Malaysia or CPM, told the court the action against Najib was based on media and blog reports regarding 1MDB. Yes, they arrested and charged Najib based on media and internet ‘chatter’. So, is there any ‘smoking gun’ after all?
Three years ago, they said they do have a smoking gun and that was why the then Attorney-General, Abdul Gani Patail, drafted the charge sheet against Najib. However, before he could arrest Najib, he was removed from his post, said Gani.
Why did Gani issue a charge sheet back in 2015 if the case against Najib was still under investigation?
If that is true, why are they still investigating and gathering evidence against Najib?
One point that they raised all along is that Switzerland is also investigating this case and Switzerland has the smoking gun. At least that was what Sarawak Report and the United States newspapers are saying. But then Switzerland’s Attorney-General said yesterday that Najib is not a target of that investigation. So, does that mean Najib is not involved in any wrongdoing regarding 1MDB in the event there were wrongdoings?
Singapore has taken action against those alleged to have been involved in wrongdoings involving 1MDB and they are also trying to arrest Jho Low to bring him back to Singapore to face trial. But Singapore is not trying to also arrest Najib. And since Najib is ‘stuck’ in Malaysia it would not be difficult to arrest Najib and bring him to Singapore to face trial.
Was Najib and/or Rosmah home when they confiscated these items from the condo and did they sign for them?
Why has Singapore not nabbed Najib and charged him in court? Is that because Singapore has not found any evidence to implicate Najib in a crime involving 1MDB? If Najib is guilty then Singapore would not let him go just like they did not spare the MCA President, Tan Koon Swan.
And Koon Swan was Mahathir’s and Daim Zainuddin’s business ‘kaki’ and yet Singapore jailed him. Do you think Singapore would let Najib go if he is guilty?
Now, that Bengali from PDRM confiscated, kononnya, RM1 billion of Najib’s and Rosmah Mansor’s cash and valuables. So that is ‘proof’ that Najib, and maybe even Rosmah as well, are guilty of stealing 1MDB’s money.
Singapore arrested and jailed Mahathir’s and Daim’s ‘kaki’, Koon Swan, but did not do the same to Najib
First of all, when Amar Singh confiscated those so-called RM1 billion cash and assets, were Najib and/or Rosmah home? Did the police list down the details of the cash and valuables they were going to confiscate and make Najib and/or Rosmah sign the receipt? If not, then how can they prove those cash and valuables belong to Najib and/or Rosmah? Najib and/or Rosmah did not sign any list.
When they raided my house to confiscate my computer (about five or six times over 2001 to 2008) I was made to sign the receipt that listed down the full details of the computer (plus documents, videos, tapes, etc). If not, when they charge me in court, I will claim I have never seen that computer in the entire life and do not know where that computer came from. Then the case against me will be thrown out of court because the ‘evidence’ was rejected.
So, since Najib and/or Rosmah were not home and never signed any receipt for the RM1 billion cash and valuables the police confiscated, how can they prove this ‘evidence’ came from Najib’s/Rosmah’s house?
Secondly, even if they can prove the RM1 billion cash and valuables came from Najib’s/Rosmah’s house, how can they prove they belong to Najib and/or Rosmah?
For example, when the police confiscated a computer from my house, I just kept quiet and did not tell them that the computer actually did not belong to me. They then tried to find the evidence in that computer but failed.
The prosecution told the court they could not find any evidence against me in the computer and requested to do a second forensic test and I still did not open my mouth. I was playing cat-and-mouse with the police so that eventually, when I take the stand to testify, I will just tell the court the computer is not mine and blow the entire case and make the police look like idiots.
Now, Umno is taking legal action against PDRM to claim the RM116.7 million cash.
A Lebanese jewellery firm is suing Rosmah for RM60 million and is claiming that part of the jewellery PDRM confiscated belongs to them and not to Rosmah.
Can you see the case against Najib crumbling to dust?
And a very important point to note is, extradition is not automatic, as what the Malaysian government wants you to believe. You must go to court and prove that the person you want extradited has committed a crime in the country you want to extradite him to. If not, you cannot simply arrest someone and bring him home.
Jamal ‘Red Shirt’ was arrested and brought home from Indonesia because he had already been charged in court and was a fugitive from the law. Jho Low has not yet been arrested and charged in court. So, he is not really a fugitive from the law.
At the very least there should be a warrant of arrest but Jho Low can always go to court to challenge that arrest warrant and the Malaysian government will need to show evidence to prove Jho Low had broken the law.
I, too, had been charged in court and was facing trial so I, too, was a fugitive from the law. But even that was not enough to get me extradited. The Malaysian government had to first prove dual-criminality and when they failed to do that the British government would not arrest me and send me back to Malaysia.
For example, say Jho Low had committed sodomy in a gay sex act. In Malaysia that is a crime but in the UK it is not. So, the UK government will not extradite Jho Low back to Malaysia to face trial. In short, the UK will not arrest Jho Low and send him back to Malaysia just because Malaysia says so. And is this not what is also happening in Australia regarding Sirul Azhar Umar?
Edited by blastoff at 11-7-2018 10:16 PM
peguam rosmah sendiri dah mengaku 44 brg kemas tu berada dlm simpanan rosmah , cuma tak mengaku sebagai hakmiliknya je sebaliknya memberi alasan berbulan disimpan utk viewing semata2 yg memang alasan kelaut kelongkang ler tak logiknya ....tapi dari pengakuan tu dah ada bukti yg rosmah acknowledge le brg kemas 44 tu memang dia simpan pun .... sebab tu ler kerajaan cepat jer buat pertuduhan kata brg kemas tu di beli hasil duit curi dari 1mdb .
Alasan pihak mana lebih kuat munasabahnya dari segi legal akan ditentukan di mahkamah ler nanti....
tapi silap banyak la peguam rosmah pi dok mengaku 44 brg kemas tu memang rosmah terima, jadi nak mengaku tak tau atau tak pernah tengok dah tak boleh dah ditambah plak dgn ada surat pengakuan terima brg dari rosmah yg di buat lepas brg di rampas plak tu lagi ler jelas sgt .....saja cari penyakit ler utk diheret ke mahkamah.
Kalau aku jadi pm aku heret semua pemimpin atau vip yg rasuah atau rompak duit kerajaan masuk mahkamah.duit dgn aset aku rampas bagi kemudahan kat rakyat. Ajar cukup cukup biar pemimpin yg baru ni insaf. |
blastoff replied at 11-7-2018 09:59 PM
peguam rosmah sendiri dah mengaku 44 brg kemas tu berada dlm simpanan rosmah , cuma tak mengaku seba ...
Lepas ni boleh cari rekod urus niaga kakmah dgn company lubnan. Berapa banyak dah kakmah berbelanja. Jadi loyal customer dah bertahun2 kan. Guna duit dari sumber mana? Siapa pihak ke-3 yg bayar? Jangan pulak tiba2 rekod "hilang"  |
eleh ko nak dengki rosmah kunun ... cer klu kome kat position dia .. ntah lebih teruk lagi perangai |
hari tu Guan Eng kata nak jual semua barang2 tu kan?? tapi sampai hari ni Guan Eng tak berani nak lelong semua barang2 tu ... sbb guan eng tahu bukan semua milik rosmah.. 
Edited by blastoff at 12-7-2018 07:43 AM
Waktu di bawa masuk dulu kat pemeriksaan kastam ada di ikrarkan ke idak brg2 kemas tu , cukai eksais di bayar ke idak dan gst ?
So pastinya akan ada rekod detail setiap brg2 kemas yg dibawa masuk tersebut dgn pihak kastam dan juga dgn pembeli ,
dua2 pihak nih kena boleh tunjukkan setiap data rekod yg selari la ...
kalau tak ada rekod pepe pun dari mana2 pihak nih bermakna brg2 kemas tu di seludup le jadinya maka akan di rampas le jugak kan.
salah tu...itu duit mdb ma...bukan barang pinjam punya...mesti salah info ni...
Edited by blastoff at 12-7-2018 08:46 AM
Najib sendiri dah acknowledge segala brg yg dirampas tu , dia tak mengaku dia beli le tapi dia juga tak nafikan kata dia tak tau atau tak pernah tengok , sebaliknya dia kata semua tu ada yg di beri sebagai gifts, ada yg dimiliki relatives dan pihak ketiga, etc etc.
Persoalannya yg perlu di fikirkan adalah....
Utk apa pihak ketiga atau relatives tu nak bagi dia plak simpan brg2 yg bernilai jutaan ringgit tu ?
Awat depa tu tak boleh nak simpan sendiri ka utk depa sendiri pakai dah kata depa punya?
Mana ada org yg nak brg berjutaan ringgit miliknya diberi pada org lain tak kiralah adik atau abg sendiripun plak utk disimpannnn je ,sebab kalau hilang kang jenuhh ...alasan yg tak munasabah langsung dok pi mengaku dia simpan brg milik relatives atau pihak ketiga.
Sebagai gifts dari pembesar negara luar plak ,
waktu gift tu di beri ada di buat press conference dak ?
Ada hebahan kepada umum di buat dak dari pemberi dan dari penerima gift tu ?
Pembesar negara mana yg bagi gift kok bawah meja je senyap2 ? Yg diberi gitu cuma rasuah je hihi
Hattakan anugerah mcm pingat tu pun yg tak boleh di jual balik di buat upacara majlis gah segala utk tunjukkan ke seramai mungkin pemberian di buat....
..inikan plak gift bernilai berjutaan ringgit, lagi laa sepatutnya terpampang di dada akhbar kalau boleh satu dunia nak di hebahkan betapa bernilai tingginya gift ittteww.....makcik umno bagi gelang beli kedai tepi jalan pun kalut masuk akhbar segala hehe.
Gift jutaan ringgit nih menunjukkan yg memberi tu betul2 menghargai dan memandang tinggi org yg dia nak bagi gift tu ler,
maka penerima gift tu plak tentunya nak hebahkan pada dunia utk memperlihatkan penghargaan yg dah di beri jadi mustahil tiada press conference dan majlis rasmi di buat utk acara pemberian gift itteww, satu dunia patutnya tau.... politician mana pun lagu tu la perangai kalau terima gift dari pembesar negara lain mesti dia nak hebahkan lala tu jugak.
Malah najib patutnya dah tersenarai dalam guinness book sebagai penerima gifts paling bernilai tinggi di dunia ler kalah Queen Elizabeth....tup tup sapa org luar pun tak tau sehinggalah di rampas baru satu dunia sedar 'gifts' itu ini menunjukkan ia sebenarnya bukan gifts ler tu .
Sapa pun boleh cakap itu gifts ini gifts bila kena rampas brg tapi hakikatnya ketika brg tu mula diterima sapa org luar pun tak tau sebab di sorok serapatnya , kalau mende halal tak langgar undang2 nak sorok buat pa waktu menerima tu dulu kan kan .
“Some of the items seized belong to relatives and various third parties.
“We dispute the quantity and the valuation given in the press conference by the police since such valuation is subjective and is subject to when the gifts were given,” Najib said in a statement on Thursday (June 28).
As most of the items were gifts accumulated over decades, the family is not aware of how much was paid by those who had gifted these items, he added.
“Any valuation based on retail price and at current prices would be unrealistic, likely to be grossly inflated and will give a very distorted picture as these items were received as gifts over a period that spans decades,” he said.
For example, Najib said the police had stated in their press conference that the most expensive watch was a Rolex Daytona which they say is valued at RM3.4mil.
“This item referred by the police appears to be a recent gift along with several other valuables given by an Interior Minister, who is also a prince of a middle eastern country, who visited Malaysia in March this year.
“The police should also have stated that this item, along with several others, were contained in a box with the royal crest of a foreign country,” Najib said, adding that such facts should not have been omitted.
Many of the items seized were stored in boxes properly labelled by staff members with the item description, photographs, date of gift and the identity of the persons who gave the gift, the Pekan MP added.
“Should the police call our family for questioning over this matter, we will provide our full cooperation. To the best of our ability, we shall help the police identify those who have given the gifts over the decades.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... 3hiuFP6XxBbao13J.99
najib dan rosmah dah mengaku ke hulu ke hilir brg2 rampasan memang berada dlm simpanan depa sendiri ....tak reti tutup mulut ....maka senang la bukti dah ada dari pengakuan depa sendiri utk di heret ke mahkamah . |
It takes more than money to buy GR jewellery
[size=1em]PETALING JAYA: Global Royalty Trading SAL, which has labelled Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor as a “long-standing customer”, is a jewellery firm so exclusive that not just anyone would be able to easily engage them – even if they have the money. [size=1em]The Lebanon-based firm is an international jewellery supplier with exclusive clientele that includes royal families, celebrities and politicians.
[size=1em]A check shows that among its clients are award-winning actress Angelina Jolie, supermodel and actress Naomi Campbell, American media mogul Oprah Winfrey, Saudi Arabia royalty and other extremely rich Middle Easterners. [size=1em]A source said the firm dealt at levels where clients need not go to them but they would instead meet the customers. [size=1em]“That is the process of how the really wealthy buy their bling. Jewellery are sent to them; they choose what they want and pay for just that. [size=1em]“The people they deal with are well-known and some are in the same circle of VIPs, most of whom are already regular customers and have a good track record of paying,” said the source. [size=1em]The source added that it would be no problem for jewellers of that magnitude to deliver consignments to clients for the customers to “take their own sweet time” to choose. [size=1em]The source said it was usually a matter of waiting for a “couple of months” for “millions of dollars” in sales. [size=1em]It is not known if, besides Rosmah, Global Royalty has any other Malaysian customers. [size=1em]Global Royalty, in a RM60mil lawsuit against Rosmah, alleged that it would deliver jewellery to the former prime minister’s wife on a consignment basis at her request for her to evaluate, which she would thereafter purchase. [size=1em]It also said that in some instances, Rosmah would borrow some jewellery, which would then be returned to Global Royalty.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... qDscyjSeY5JD1Qo4.99
Edited by blastoff at 12-7-2018 10:39 AM
dlm artikel ni sebut the source said this the source said that ....semua infonya dari 'the source' yg ntah sape ye sebenarnya ....sampai tak sanggup nak perkenalkan siapa the source tu kenapanya.... sorok lagikkk ye..... mende sorok2 camni disangsikan kesahihannya .
harap2 ada la wartawan atau paparazi yg pi bertanya kat oprah dan angelina jolie betul ke depa pelanggan tetap firma lubnan ni .....baru boleh tahu dgn pasti kesahihannya.
hermes pun international dan exclusive gak tapi mampu utk buat advertisement di internet segala....firma lubnan ni mcm dok kat gua batu lah plak satu advertisement pun tak dak kat alam cyber utk hebahkan produk2 nya ke merata dunia . Jadi mcm mana dia cari pelanggan dan macam mana pelanggan nak tau prestij kewujudannya tu kalau tak dak advertisement mengenai firmanya dan produk2nya di memana pun ? Itu soalan cepumas nya tu .
Takkan rumah2 pembesar negara , raja2 dan celebriti terkenal boleh pi ketuk pintu bawa produk tunjuk je kot , tak terkenal produk tu dek kerana tak dak advertisement besar2an kat memana pun camna golongan 'high class' tu semua nak mau beli plak .
banyak mende pelik yg tak munasabah disebut oleh najib, peguam rosmah, the source etc etc .... lagi di teliti media statement depa lagi boleh di lihat jelas apa yg depa cuba buat adalah memberi alasan demi alasan utk berlepas diri dari undang2 semata.... tu je, alasan yg di buat secara terburu2 dan tidak berfikir panjang terlebih dulu .. |
tobby replied at 11-7-2018 11:31 AM
sebab tu kena saman.... barang2 kemas yg banyak2 tu bukan rosmah punya. padan muka rosmah, namp ...
Padan muka rosmah kena saman, padan muka cacai kena kutip derma kena gadai rantai emas. Kahkahkah |
tobby replied at 11-7-2018 12:14 PM
buat andaian mesti nak beli... andaian lagi..
mesti mahacai tak tahu 'andaian' tak laku di m ...
Andaian apa nya kedai tu dah cakap kakmah adalah pelanggan utama. Kau ni asal reply je kan? Mmg bangang otak letak dekat jubo. |
jcopy replied at 11-7-2018 12:38 PM
yang mana satu betul ni?
sekor pertama kompiden dgn fakta scammer, syarikat tak wujud.
sekor ke ...
Hai lababi fail math kupon marry brown expired  |
adelea replied at 11-7-2018 11:23 PM
eleh ko nak dengki rosmah kunun ... cer klu kome kat position dia .. ntah lebih teruk lagi perangai
Ntah2 je lah kau mampu cakap. Setakat andaian gitu jah. |
Edited by blastoff at 12-7-2018 11:05 AM
sekarang ni hanya firma tu buat claim kata rosmah pelanggan tetap depa yg bermakna rosmah dah pernah beli banyak kali le jutaan ringgit barang kemas... tapi rosmah dan najib tak pernah mengaku membeli satu pun dari brg2 yg di rampas tu ...
Kalau terbukti memang rosmah beli nanti maka cukai tak bayar le tu dan di beli dgn duit yg di ragukan le source nya sebab tu tak nak ngaku serta nak sorok pembelian tu seboleh mungkin . Jenuh la banyak lagi pertuduhan berentetan jadinya nanti yg boleh di buat ke atas depa dua ni once terbukti pembelian di buat . |
tu lah pasal. aku bukan nak support najib tapi sebagai anak orang bangsawan yg makan guna sudu emas dari kecil takkan takder harta langsung. takkan semua duit emdibi?
sbb tu aku tak mau bersorak awal bila polis raid rumah dia dan rampas semua apa yg ada. tunggu keputusan mahkamah baru aku nak kutuk najibun dan kak mah kaw2 punya.
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