Isu Agama Syiah serta persoalan Akidah dan Feqah ... [split topik]
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Reply #380 robotech's post
Yusuf Qardhawi pun dah kena kelentong sama Syiah jugak. Taqiyyah memainkan peranan penting. |
Shi`ites & Sunnis: Time for Unity - E FATWA ISLAMONLINE.NET
| Scholars of Islam, as-Salamu `alaykum. Is Shi`ah part of Islam? Are Shi`i people Muslims? Please shed light on this sect. Jazkum Allah khayran. - Zahid, UK |
| [table=98%][tr][td]Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Brother, first of all, we抎 like to say that we are impressed by your question, which emanates from a thoughtful heart. May Allah Almighty help us all adhere to the principles of this true religion, Islam, and enable us to be among the dwellers ofParadise in the Hereafter, Ameen.
Here, we抎 like to stress the fact that at a time when the enemy of Islam encroaches the Muslim Ummah, elements of enhancing unity should dominate and creedal disputes between different Muslim groups and sects are to be avoided. We do admit that there are shortcomings in some sects, but do you think that the time is ripe to discuss such shortcomings now?
Hence, Muslims should beware of all routes and channels that may lead to divisions, differences and conflicts among them. They should abide by the Qur抋n and Sunnah, which are the assured means of salvation. Almighty Allah says: (And hold fast, all of you together, by the covenant of Allah and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.) (Aal `Imran 3: 103)
In our day and age, it is more important to stress points of agreement rather than points of disagreement and to try to bring a bridge between the Sunnah and the Shi`ah without compromising any Islamic values, because what unites Muslims is much greater than what disunites them.
With the enemies of Islam trying hard to sow the seeds of discord among us, we should try our best to render their attempts futile.
Also, it should be clear that not everything that goes under the name of Shi`ah is considered Islamic, just as not everything that goes under the name of Fiqh (jurisprudence) can be considered as authentic or proper Fiqh.
In order to judge something as Islamic, it must be judged and weighed by the well-established criteria and standards of Shari`ah as enshrined in the Qur抋n and the Sunnah.
Thus if a certain Shi`i practice or custom is opposed to the prescribed criteria of the Shari`ah as enshrined in the Qur抋n and the Sunnah, it shall be judged as un-Islamic; if, however, it agrees with these criteria it shall be judged as perfectly Islamic.
Elaborating more on the point whether or not Shi`i people are Muslims, the eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi points out:
We have seen all over the world how all the religious groups and sects try to reconcile their differences; the Jews are trying to have common ground with the Christians, so they claim innocence to what the history records of the Jews
Yusuf Qardhawi pun dah kena kelentong sama Syiah jugak. Taqiyyah memainkan peranan penting.
Kalau gitu, Sheikh Atiyyah Saqr, Sheikh Al-Hanooti pun kena kelentong jugak?
Kira bengong la ulamak2 muktabar Sunnah kena kelentong yer? Yg jahil cam kita ni pengikut Sunnah mmg lbh terer drp pd ulamak2 Sunnah yg kena kelentong tu eh?
Fuyyyyooooo! Aku pun leh jd ulamak! |
Reply #384 robotech's post
hek eleh... tak paham kuhnun.
Takleh terima sebab sy spendapat yg Syiah tu mazhab, bukan agama? Sebab sy kata Syiah tu Islam?
Sbb sy setuju ngan fatwa Qaradawi yg dh byk berjasa & Berdakwah lbh lima puluh tahun berbanding awak yg mungkin tak sampai tahap & jasa Ulama muktabar pun? |
Sunnis & Shiites: Overlooking Differences - E Fatwa, Islamonline.net
| Respected scholars of Islam, as-salamu `alaykum. We all know that there are differences between the Shiites and Sunnis. However, to what extent do they differ in opinion? Can such differences be overlooked? What should they give priority to? - Husain, Iraq
Wa `alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear questioner! Thank you for your question and the confidence you place in our service. We pray to Allah to enable us render this service purely for His Sake.
Islam calls for unity and solidarity. Both Sunnis and Shiites are required to work together and try to overcome their points of difference or forget about them, simply because the Ummah is facing a plight and both parties are targeted by one enemy.
Here, we抎 like to stress the fact that at a time when the enemy of Islam encroaches the Muslim Ummah, elements of enhancing unity should dominate and disputes between different Muslim groups and sects are to be avoided.
Hence, Muslims should beware of all routes and channels that may lead to divisions, differences and conflicts among them. They should abide by the Qur抋n and Sunnah, which are the assured means of salvation. Almighty Allah says: (And hold fast, all of you together, by the covenant of Allah and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided. ) (Aal `Imraan 3: 103)
In our day and age, it is more important to stress points of agreement rather than points of disagreement and to try to bring a bridge between the Sunnah and the Shi`ah without compromising any Islamic values, because what unites Muslims is much greater than what disunites them.
In this regard, the eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states:
It is important for the Sunnis to concentrate on the points of agreement, not difference, when having dialogues with the Shiites, especially that the points of agreement are on the fundamental issues of religion, while the points of difference have to do with the minor ones.
Points of Agreement
1. They believe in Almighty Allah, the Day of Judgment, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as the Seal of Prophets who was sent by Almighty Allah (to mankind and jinn) to complete the Heavenly Messages sent before him. Believing in all that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was sent with is part of having faith in all the Heavenly Books and all Allah's Messengers (peace and blessings be upon them). Allah Almighty says: (The Messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers梬e make no distinction between any of His messengers梐nd they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us)Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying) (Al-Baqarah 2: 285). These are the pillars of faith on which both groups agree on.
2. They believe in the Glorious Qur'an as Allah's illuminating Book that guides to the right path. Allah Almighty says: (We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)) (Al-Hijr 15: 9). [Message in this verse refers to the Glorious Qur'an.] There is no difference between the Sunnis and Shiites concerning the Qur'an being Almighty Allah's word. It is on this Book that religious scholars depend in holding comparative dialogues with people of other religions, concluding juristic opinions, guidance, etc. Allah Almighty says: (So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce thee from some part of that which Allah hath revealed unto thee. And if they turn away, then know that Allah's Will is to smite them for some sin of theirs. Lo! And truly most men are rebellious. Is it a judgment of the time of (pagan) ignorance that they are seeking? Who is better than Allah for judgment to a people who have certainty (in their belief)?) (Al-Ma'idah 5: 49-50)
According to this verse, Allah Almighty warned the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) against succumbing to the desires of the People of the Book or other misled people when it came to judging between them, lest they might cause him to deviate from some part of what Allah revealed to him. This indicates that all that Allah has revealed should be followed by Muslims.
3. Both groups also agree that Muslims are to abide by the Five Pillars of Islam, i.e., to testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His Messenger, to perform the specified prayers, to give zakah, to observe fast in the month Ramadan, and to perform pilgrimage. The difference in opinion between the two groups regarding some rulings pertaining to these pillars is something that is quite normal. It is like the scholarly difference in opinion among the Sunni schools themselves, such as the Hanbali, Hanifi, and Maliki schools.
Relevant books on the different juristic points of view, like Nail Al-Awtar by Imam Ash-Shawakani (may Allah have mercy upon him), refer to eminent scholars of jurisprudence from among the Sunnis and Shiites on equal footing. Reading one of these books, one does not feel that there is a crucial difference between the Shiite schools and the Sunni ones. This does not apply only to the acts of worship, it includes also transactions.
It is true that the Shiites do not recognize the Sunni reference books on the Prophetic hadiths, such as Al-Muwatta' by Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad's Musnad, Sahih Al-Bukhari, SahihMuslim, Sunnan Abu Dawud, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunnan Ad-Daramy. However, most of the authentic hadiths referred to in these books were also regarded as authentic by the Shiites through one of two ways: regarding them as Prophetic hadiths reported by other chains of reporters agreed upon among them as trustworthy, or regarding them as points of view (not Prophetic hadiths) peculiar to their Shiite imams.
Anyway, the most important point to be taken into account is that there is a great deal of agreement between the Sunni jurisprudence and the Shiite one. This is because both depend on the same sources, the Qur抋n and the Sunnah, and also because their aims in conducting research on religion are similar, that is, establishing Allah's justice and mercy among people.
Furthermore, if we are to make serious researches on the Sunni opinions, we will find that some Shiite views that seem eccentric to us have been also adopted by some Sunni scholars.
Ulema Counselor:
Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is the head of the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), and the president of the International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS).
[ Last edited by robotech at 12-10-2008 12:26 PM ] |
Heheh..nampaknya perjuangan untuk penyatuan umat juga perlu ada pergaduhan sesama sendiri dahulu. |
Reply #372 ziwasi's post
Senang ceritanya...memang betullah Syiah ada tambah LAFAZ Syahadah....
Ana mao buat konklusi untuk pertuduhan partama....
Setuju? |
Reply #389 Marja'ie's post
[ Last edited by sirri_khafi at 13-10-2008 08:08 AM ] |
Reply #379 Triple_8's post
Dulu kamu juga ada kata, orang yang tidak bersaksi dengan syahadah yang ketiga itu adalah tidak sempurna Islamnya, sekarang, Khadijah, para Sahabat dan Imam kamu sendirilah yang tidak sempurna Islamnya kerana mereka hanya mengucap dua kalimah syahadah sahaja, tidak lebih, tidak kurang, bak kata kamu cukup-cukup makan saja, bak kata jishang nak tengok cerita doraemon tu boleh la...
Mu ni berat sungguh, kawe bagi Qias tahap budok beringus pon mu tok bole pehe. Macamano mu percayo Qias sumber hukom kalu mu tok reti main Qias.
Mu ni tahu ke gapodia shahadah hok mu dok sebut tu? tambahang hok guano mu maksudkang?
Biar kawe royak ke mu. Shahadah tu pengakue (Aku naik saksi). Pengakue untuk jadi Islam ialah 2 kalimah shahadah (1. Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah 2. Muhammad Pesuruh Allah). Sunni dan Syiah percaya sama sajo. Jadi hadis2 Sunni dan Syiah hok mu bawa tu menjadi saksi bahawa Sunni dan Syiah percayo serupo.
Ini bermaksud kalu mu pergi intip ore hok masuk Islam melalui Syiah, 2 kalimah tu ja yg digunakan. Mana shahadah ketigo?
Lagi, kalu mu pegi intip ore Syiah hok nak mati pon, 2 kalimah tu jugo yg disuruh ucapkang, mano shahadah ketigo?
Kalu mu berhujoh dgn mengatokan syiah tamboh shahadah ketigo (Ali wali Allah) dalam mengucap shahadah nok masuk Islam, mu saloh. kalu mu kato ore syiah tamboh shahadah bilo nok mati, mu saloh. Jadi hujoh dan pemahamang mu ttg shahadoh ketigo tu tok betul.
Kesiang mu bawo mari banyak hadis tapi satu pon tok boleh pakai utk support hujoh mu. Kalu nabi suruh ucap 2 kalimah sahahadah, Khadijah ucap, sahabat ucap, imam ucap, habih tu bak pe mu nok pakso syiah suruh tamboh shahadah ketigo?
Masalah tambahang shahadah ketigo cuma boleh nampok dlm Azan, sebab tu Ziwasi & Nahzaluz dok sebut faktor terkejut tu. Ore doh naik ke bule, mu masih dlm tempurung. Syiah kato boleh tamboh dlm azan tapi mesti niat bukang tambahang 2 kalimah shahadah atau sebahagie dari azan. kalau niat gitu, azan batal. Sunni pon tamboh juga dalam azan Suboh.
Itu punca isu tambahang shahadah ni, bukang hok mu dok mengarut ni, shahadah masuk islam dan Shahadah ore nok mampus tu.
Mu pehe?
[ Last edited by JieShiang at 13-10-2008 11:32 AM ] |
Reply #391 JieShiang's post
Syiah sendiri dah mengaku syahadah terhadap ahlulbait adalah syahadah yang ketiga. Buat apa lagi aku nak dengar orang tak mengaku dirinya Syiah tapi terhegeh-hegeh nak mendakwa syahadah terhadap ahlulbait itu bukan syahadah yang ketiga? |
Reply #376 Triple_8's post
Kalau kamu puak Syiah tetap berdegil juga nak kata itu adalah bukti Nabi tambah syahadah, cuba sebutkan seorang saja ulama ahli sunnah yang kata benda yang Nabi tambah dalam riwayat-riwayat tersebut adalah syahadah yang ketiga, seperti mana kamu kata ia adalah syahadah yang ketiga. Carilah dalam syarah-syarah hadis sunni kalau kamu rasa ada.
Hok ni hujoh yae kawe boleh gelok berguling-guling.
Kalu ada ulamo Sunni yae percayo gitu (tambahan shahadah), mmg buke Sunni. Dio doh jadi ahli kumpulang lain. Nok cari dlm Sunni guano? Hok tu semuo ore tahu. Itu buke hujoh. Itu cumo kenyatae ore hok tok mengaji ilmu hujoh. Kenyatae tu tok boleh support hujoh.
Syiah tunjuk hadith Sunni tu sbb dio nak bagitahu benda tu ujud dlm hadis Sunni. Perbandinge yae diberi tu apple-to-apple. Lagipulo syiah tok tudoh pon Sunni tamboh shahadoh cuma nok tunjuk benda tu ujud dlm hadis Sunni dan Sunni telah saloh pehe tentang tambahang shahadah dlm Syiah. Itu ja.
Pehe? |
Syiah tunjuk hadith Sunni tu sbb dio nak bagitahu benda tu ujud dlmhadis Sunni. Perbandinge yae diberi tu apple-to-apple. Lagipulo syiahtok tudoh pon Sunni tamboh shahadoh cuma nok tunjuk benda tu ujud dlmhadis Sunni dan Sunni telah saloh pehe tentang tambahang shahadah dlmSyiah. Itu ja.
Masalahnya Syiah kata 'benda tu' adalah syahadah yang ketiga, sunni kata bukan...
Pehe? |
Reply #392 Triple_8's post
Syiah sendiri dah mengaku syahadah terhadap ahlulbait adalah syahadah yang ketiga. Buat apa lagi aku nak dengar orang tak mengaku dirinya Syiah tapi terhegeh-hegeh nak mendakwa syahadah terhadap ahlulbait itu bukan syahadah yang ketiga?
Kenyataang ore yae hampir2 nok kaloh. Biar kawe asak-asak mu lagie. Lagipulo Tok Ketuo Sunni pon dah ngaku Shia tu bukan Agama cumo mazhab.
fatwa syeikhul alzhar shaltut
[ Last edited by JieShiang at 13-10-2008 11:38 AM ] |
Reply #394 Triple_8's post
Masalahnya Syiah kata 'benda tu' adalah syahadah yang ketiga, sunni kata bukan...
Masalohnyo mu tok pehe maksud shahadoh tu. Ia cuma pengakue sbb sungguh2 percayo berlaine denge 2 kalimah shahadah. Isu yae berbezo.
Kalu takdok pengakue shahadoh ketigo, tok nampok bezo Syiah dengan Sunni dari segi fahamang walaupun doh masuk Islam.
Kawe pon boleh tambah shahadoh keempat: Aku naik saksi bahawa Atromen selalu menang bilo melawe raksase. |
Kawe asak-asak lagi..
fatwa salim
kawe asak-asak lagi...
fatwa abdul halim
Reply #398 JieShiang's post
Boooo...! |
Last sekali kawe asak denge fatwa hok ni...
fatwa muhammad fahham
| |