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Author: daria

Perkahwinan budak umur 14 tahun cetus perdebatan

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Post time 8-12-2010 03:55 PM | Show all posts
tgk zaman lah beb...zaman skrg nih bdk2 umor 14thn nak dikahwinkan...mestilah ada saspisyes agenda gitu...

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Post time 8-12-2010 03:57 PM | Show all posts
tgk zaman lah beb...zaman skrg nih bdk2 umor 14thn nak dikahwinkan...mestilah ada saspisyes agenda g ...
pressor Post at 8-12-2010 15:55

Agama tuh tak berseiringan dgn peredaran zaman kot?

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Post time 8-12-2010 03:59 PM | Show all posts
dah ada org tepek ka?

Marriage is not about legalising sex

Worldwide society is moving towards banning child marriages altogether. A child bride is utterly dependent on her husband, being less educated and unable to earn her own income.

WHEN a mainstream newspaper puts a front-page photo of a 14-year-old bride with no comment at all, then there is something seriously sick with our society.

Despite signing on to the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) we are still allowing child marriages to happen with the pretext that religion allows it.

What has child marriage got to do with discrimination against women? When child marriages occur, it is almost always girls who are the ones married off, rarely ever boys.

And in almost all cases, they are married to much older men, sometimes old enough to be their grandfathers. Child marriage is therefore never one of equality because how can a child ever be an equal partner to her adult husband?

One might argue about the presumption of equality in marriage; that wives should be, by default, inferior to their husbands. Even if this is a valid belief (and it is not), doesn’t a girl child have even more odds stacked against her than an adult wife?

A child bride is even more dependent on her husband than most adult wives, being less educated and unable to earn her own income. Her entire future is in his hands, to be decided as he wills.

I have to ask, what sort of parents match-make their underage daughter to an older man, albeit one who is a family friend? Do they have so little ambition for their child?

I know how parents, especially mothers, fall “in love” with young men they think would be ideal for their daughters, but is it so important to grab a man as a husband for such a young daughter instead of waiting for her to grow up and, who knows, find a better one herself later?

Or is the idea to control your child’s life to such a degree that you dictate her future before she can even acquire the means to decide on her own?

It is entirely sick that there are religious officials who view child marriage as the answer to “social problems”. What problems are they talking about? Is sex outside marriage the greatest evil there is? Is not child marriage with its virtual enslavement of girls, its proven physical damage to girls’ bodies and the utter lack of preparedness for a life of responsibility not a bigger social evil?

Every day in the papers we see endless horrifying results of irresponsibility in marriage; abandoned wives and children, domestic violence, child abuse. Aren’t those greater issues?

Has anyone even noticed that in cases of child abuse, the parent perpetrators are invariably young and saddled with several young children who they obviously view as a hindrance to their enjoyment of life?

Go visit an orphanage and see the many children there who are not orphans but have been either discarded by their parents or have been placed there by the courts because of abuse by their own parents.

Is marriage only about legalising sex? And therefore if anyone is in “danger” of having illegal sex they should be married off regardless of age?

Indeed, when we think of child marriages as a way of fending off “social evils”, who do we think is the would-be perpetrator of that evil? Is it not the groom? So, if he does legally what in all other cases would be called rape, he is all right?

In other countries, society is moving towards banning child marriages altogether. Even in super-conservative Saudi Arabia, a member of the Senior Council of Ulema said that the Prophet Mohammed’s marriage to a nine-year-old girl some 14 centuries ago cannot be used to justify child marriages today.

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Manie said that circumstances today are different from the days when the Prophet married Aisha. (Other scholars have also argued that Aisha was not nine but 19, which seems to indicate some defensiveness about this issue.)

In Indonesia, a Muslim cleric who married a 12-year-old girl was jailed four years for sexual abuse of a minor.

He said he was not going to sleep with her until she reached puberty, but few in the predominantly Muslim nation of 237 million were mollified, especially when he went on to say he also intended to marry two other girls, aged seven and nine.

Paedophilia is paedophilia no matter what the garb.

But of course we in Malaysia have to be different. Once upon a time we talked about how our grandmothers married very young but we also dismissed this as an old-fashioned practice.

In the 21st century when we’re trying to become a modern nation, why are we not ashamed that we find excuses to allow child marriages?

It is now time to just ban this outright and become civilised.

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Agama tuh tak berseiringan dgn peredaran zaman kot?
crankshaft Post at 8-12-2010 15:57

    aku tak sangkal pun bab2 agama....aku tak cakap pun dia tak boleh kawen...

aku cakap saspisyes jer....tuh pun nak jadi modal nak ke??

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:02 PM | Show all posts
lambat tumbuhnya?
crankshaft Post at 8-12-2010 03:48 PM

saya memotong kulit yg menutupi hasyafah ketika saya berumur 8thn tiada isu disini untuk bertanya lambat tumbuh atau cepat tumbuh...karena ramai sahaja kanak2 lelaki memotong kulit yg menutupi hasyafah mereka sewaktu berumur 9thn...10thn...11thn...12thn dan seterusnya

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:08 PM | Show all posts
memang ikut peredaran zaman pun...selari dengan agama...hukuman tuhan juga bersesuaian dengan zaman..kalau dulu hukuman pancung sampai mati..sekarang hukuman gantung sampai mati..tembak sampai mati..takkan nak pakai pedang juga...matinya tetap sama..

begitu juga perkahwinan..tengokla..keadaan zaman yang tak sesuai dengan keadaan kanak2 baru menginjak dewasa..apa dia tahu masa depannya..kalau ibu bapa pentingkan pendidikan..tentu dia jua akan mengikut,...tetapi dah ibu bapa menekankan perkahwinan..dia kena patuh dan hormat...

bukan nak menidakkan ketetatan tuhan..tetapi dalam islam tidak pula memaksa asal anak itu akil baligh maka kena kahwin..wajib berkahwin..jangan libatkan agama dalam perihal sebegini..jika sesuatu yang buruk berlaku maka patutkah agama kita salahkan..padahal kita sendiri yang mencorakkan kehidupan kita...jangan bila sesuatu yang buruk berlaku kita menyalahkan takdir

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Cikgu tu miang sangat, kang takut pancut kat tempat tak halal lak! ahaks!

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:08 PM | Show all posts
saya memotong kulit yg menutupi hasyafah ketika saya berumur 8thn  tiada isu disini untuk bert ...
C.K Post at 8-12-2010 16:02

Hokkay....... different people ...different growth rate.....noted.......

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Adoillaaaaaaaa C.K..

Yang menakjobkan, aku baru sedar pasal thread ni bila dengar isu ni di radio pagi tadi...takpe..pelan pelan kayuh aku baca thread ni...

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:10 PM | Show all posts
memang ikut peredaran zaman pun...selari dengan agama...hukuman tuhan juga bersesuaian dengan zaman. ...
noor2 Post at 8-12-2010 16:08

On the contrary..zaman sekarang lah kalau kawen muda lagi make sense..ilmu itu.... a mouse click away je kan?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Mengapa agaknya TUHAN itu tidak menetapkan kadar umur yang selayaknya bagi kaum hawa ini untuk b ...
crankshaft Post at 8-12-2010 15:39

    most lelakl kalau bercakap tentang hal kahwin ni, perghh segala mcm hadis, segala mcm surah, segala mcm ayat dari setiap penjuru agama akan dibawa ketengah nak tunjukkan betapa suci murninya niat nak meratah daging muda ni is not wrong dlm Islam, konon2 kehidupan dia tu 1000% dijalani mengikut tuntutan Islam..apa orang kata niat tak menghalalkan cara

find in my post kat mana shin kata Tuhan mengharamkan? ada had umur, tapi sebagai manusia yg selari dgn perkembangan dunia dari zaman batu hugahuga sampai zaman IT ni, dan dimohon ada sedikit peningkatan dlm upaya memikir, untuk kita tahu baik dan buruknya to outwed those teenagers to a marriage, kalau Islam tu semudah dipraktikan tanpa usul periksa, tak perlu lar mak bapa budak tu bawa ke peringkat mahkamah Syariah untuk mendapat kebenaran membiarkan anak dia digauli secara HALAL, pada umur yg belum matang

kan dah kata, dah kata dah kata, secara biologi dia dah bersedia? apa hari ni otak tak mampu nak berfikir, tak mampu nak mencerna this simple post ker? perlu sangat ker nak spin all these turning it into something that fits your needs? there is a reason for a stiff sentence agains child PORNOGRAPHY, child PAEDO, tugas kita untuk melindungi mereka, bukan melacurkan mereka dibawah konteks dah halal dinikahkan

ada faham?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Adoillaaaaaaaa C.K..

Yang menakjobkan, aku baru sedar pasal thread ni bila dengar isu ni di r ...
RedDevils Post at 8-12-2010 16:09

Ah Doc...alang alang nko dah ada kat sini......antara yang umur 14 tahun dgn yang dah berkarat..kalau melahirkan..mana yang lebih ada risiko?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
most lelakl kalau bercakap tentang hal kahwin ni, perghh segala mcm hadis, segala mcm sura ...
OsHiN_hOnEy Post at 8-12-2010 16:10

Non muslim tertarik dgn ISLAM bukan kerana ketebalan AL QURAN nya kan OSHIN?..tapi lebih pada aspect simplicity and yet realisticnya? Agama itu mudah tapi pada masa yang sama begitu menyeluruh sekali...agree? NO?


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Post time 8-12-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Hokkay....... different people ...different growth rate.....noted.......
crankshaft Post at 8-12-2010 04:08 PM

jika kamu berminat untuk berbicara perihal diusia berapa bapa kamu menghantar kamu ke pusat khitan kulit yg menutupi hasyafah (kepala zakar) kamu...mohon kamu bincangkan disini berkhitan kulit kepala zakar ...adapun kamu yang menyentuh perihal perkara2 didalam kain ummah...selayaknya kamu bincangkan  di tempat yg bersesuaian dengan topik yg didebatkan supaya kamu tidak kelihatan seseorg yg suka berbicara perihal kemaluan sulit kamu lebih cepat membesar dari kemaluan sulit orang lain

mohon maklum

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 298# crankshaft

zaman sekarang  berapa ramai budak2 muda berilmu dalam kepimpinan rumahtangga?..berapa ramai yang betul2 menjalankan tanggungjawab..adakah kawin hanya dengan tidur sebantal..buat anak..tanggung makan pakai?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:15 PM | Show all posts
jika kamu berminat untuk berbicara perihal diusia berapa bapa kamu menghantar kamu ke pusat khit ...
C.K Post at 8-12-2010 16:14


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Post time 8-12-2010 04:16 PM | Show all posts
most lelakl kalau bercakap tentang hal kahwin ni, perghh segala mcm hadis, segala mcm sura ...
OsHiN_hOnEy Post at 8-12-2010 16:10

shin, umur 16/18 minimum kalau lower kena ngadap mahkamah ok tak?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply  crankshaft

zaman sekarang  berapa ramai budak2 muda berilmu dalam kepimpinan rumahtangga? ...
noor2 Post at 8-12-2010 16:15

Yang dah berkarat pun...suami main pompuan lain....kat the same time makan pakai tempat teduh anak bini semua cukup...ok je aku tengok........naper?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:18 PM | Show all posts
shin, umur 16/18 minimum kalau lower kena ngadap mahkamah ok tak?
petola Post at 8-12-2010 16:16



Nko bukan puak syiah kan PET?

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Post time 8-12-2010 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply  crankshaft

zaman sekarang  berapa ramai budak2 muda berilmu dalam kepimpinan rumahtangga? ...
noor2 Post at 8-12-2010 16:15

noor, umur 16/18 minimum kalau bawah dari itu kena ngadap mahkamah ok tak?

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