Balas #310 kenari7117\ catat
ala sian ...zoey ni dah besar ke? selalu yg senang kitten la nak kasik pill..cekop jek tulang pp dorang..tekan skit sampai mulut tebukak...mase dia nganga tu campak pill dlm2..tutup mulut ...geli2 kat tekak..sesambel tu tiup anje2 kat idong dia...usha tengkolok dia cam menelan ...setel...
[ Last edited by hatemetoday at 6-4-2009 17:19 ] |
Reply #315 hatemetoday's post
first trial ngan [email protected] kasi masuk..keluar balik..second time pun kuar balik..maybe tak masukkan betul2..3rd time jariku digigitnye...sejak tu rasa fobia nak kasi ubat pil.. ..kalau bagi ubat air senang je..balut badan sekali ngan kakitgn..buat cam bedung baby..ha takde can nak menggelupur..
zoey baru 3 bulan...ooo cam tu ek..nanti nak try buat camtu la....tq frens.. |
Cats can get AIDS
Cats that stay indoors have less risk of getting FIV. | A simple blood test can put your mind at ease, writes ZUHAILA SEDEK.
 | Dr Nor-Alimah and her team treating their “patient” at Universiti Putra Malaysia’s veterinary hospital. |  | Jumaah (right) and her daughter Nur Juita Taib with their cat, Figo. | DOGS are regarded as our best companions. They never complain or give you a headache. They love you unconditionally. But cats can be man’s best friend too. It would really upset pet owners if something bad happens to their cats.
One of the diseases which threaten felines is Cats’ AIDS, or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
The virus was only detected in 1986 and is considered a new disease by many veterinarians.
According to Universiti Putra Malaysia’s head of veterinary officers Dr Nor-Alimah Rahman, FIV is similar to HIV because both diseases affect the immune system.
“Yet, the viruses are different and we shouldn’t worry as humans can’t get infected with FIV,” said Dr Nor-Alimah.
While humans transmit HIV via sexual activity, it is unlikely cats are infected with FIV in the same way.
The disease is largely transmitted through biting, mother-kitten bonding and fighting as the virus is found in high concentration in cat saliva, which also contains infected leukocytes (white blood cells).
“Though transmission through sexual activity is not common, the semen of infected cats contains the infectious virus. Therefore, it is still possible for cats to be infected with the disease through sex, though the probability is low.”
FIV, common especially among stray cats, is of the retrovirus family, indicating that a retroviral test should be done for early detection.
“The best way to detect the disease is to send your cat to the nearest veterinary clinic for a blood test.”
The test costs about RM45. The results can be obtained in 10 minutes.
“A negative result doesn’t mean that the cat is not infected. FIV poses a life-long infection, but detection of antibodies in peripheral blood has been judged sufficient for routine diagnostic screening (if the cat has not been previously vaccinated against FIV),” said Dr Nor-Alimah, adding that FIV-infected felines can live up to five years.
There is no cure for the disease and vaccinations should be administered to kittens as young as eight weeks as a preventive measure. The test, however, should be carried out before vaccination.
“If your cat is already infected by FIV, it is too late to vaccinate it.”
Veterinary surgeon Dr Goh Kim Siang from a clinic in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur said some signs to watch for are transient acute fever, swollen nodal lymphs, loss of appetite, and gum and skin infections.
“Besides sending your infected cat to the veterinary, emotional support is important, too. When your cat has good support, it is easier for it to get better,” Dr Goh said.
Though there is no cure, doctors will usually give their patients interferon to enhance their antibodies.
“The vaccine for FIV is pricey and is not easily available in Malaysia but FIV-infected cats can live many years with proper care, a balanced diet with vitamins, good husbandry and a healthy lifestyle.”
A balanced feline diet requires a lot of proteins. Avoid raw meat and dairy products because the risk of food-borne bacterial and parasitic diseases is much greater in immune-suppressed conditions.
The infected cat should be confined indoors to prevent the spread of the disease to other felines.
Jumaah Nairuddin acquired her pet cat, Figo, years ago.
“I never knew about the disease, but there was a time when Figo suddenly fell sick and it was frightening for my family because we love it so much,” said Jumaah. “He was lethargic all the time and didn’t eat properly. We sent him to the vet and the doctor said he might be having FIV.”
Figo was hospitalised for two weeks so that he could get the right care and treatment. It was a move that Jumaah and her family would never regret.
Figo is now healthy and happy though he was known to be a fighter among cats in the neighbourhood. Nowadays, he spends his time indoors and enjoys the company of Jumaah’s three-year-old daughter. |
dulu p vet die ni tapi mahal lah .... tapi doc ni memang baik.... dia handle pon gentle je...
boleh beborak, tapi 2 lah.... mahal... kalau sekor 2 ok lah |
Reply #319 sagiman91's post
Yus pernah buat camtu sagiman. InsyaAllah takde apa2. Selalunya Yus sapukan iodin tu, pastu Yus pegang dia kejap, pastu Yus lap kesan2 iodin tu. Just nak bagi iodin tu sikit ajer kat tempat luka. Sebagai langkah berjaga jaga.
Tapi esok kalo boleh bawak la pi klinik. Bole doktor cuci kan luka tu. Cukur bulu2 kat situ. Lagi cepat kering luka tu.2-3 hari dah kering. Good luck |
Reply #317 boocik04's post
kucing aku kena penyakit nih..
dah sebulan lebih gak lah..
dulu slalu merayau, skang asyik duk rumah je..tido..
bdn mmg kurus..tp kuat mkn..
tiap2 hari wajib mkn ikan rebus.. |
nak tanya...kalo kucing selalu bersin2 tuh napa ek..kengkadang smp termuntah sekali |
Reply #323 kacang^soya's post
rasanya selesema tu kacangsoya. Pi bawak pi klinik, amik anti-histamine dengan antibiotik. Kalo selesema,kucing ni takde selera nak makan atau minum. Most probably badan akan dehydrate jugak. Dapatkan sekali multivitamin dari klinik tersebut dan kalau perlu, masukkan air dalam badan kitty tu. Rasanya laaa....  |
kimi n da gang terkena flu
ye la tu kot. baik bawak pegi vet cepat. anak2 kat umah ni ade jugak yg tengah kene flu.sabar je la jaga diorang.Tak tahula dapat dari mana.nak kata outdoor cat, duduk dalam umah. nangis Mummy dia nengok...  |
Reply #325 zahraannur's post
kalo musim hujan, meman cenggitu la zahra. Kucing Yus pun ada yg kena flu. Cuaca sejuk. Padahal semua indoor. |
Balas #323 kacang^soya\ catat
bawak depa p vet lah kacang ... kalau lambat nanti lagi teruk...
sian die... |
Balas #325 zahraannur\ catat
biasa lah zahra ... skarang banyak beno virus... jangan kan kucing kite sendiri pon senang kene..
bile dah nampak simtom2 (betuk ke ejaan ni ) yang tidak sehat, cepat2 lah p bawak vet...
lagi ditangguh lagi teruk lah jadi nye... |
kucing sakit.
can i give them diluted paracetamol? initial concentration 250mg/ml..
plz reply.. my cat are sick, but we dont have vet at my place..(kucing kampung)
[ Last edited by Ajie_Shinoda at 22-4-2009 12:01 ] |
Originally posted by Ajie_Shinoda at 22-4-2009 11:59 
kucing sakit.
can i give them diluted paracetamol? initial concentration 250mg/ml..
plz reply.. my cat are sick, but we dont have vet at my place..(kucing kampung)
Location kat mane? |
Reply #331 Ajie_Shinoda's post
antar gi jbtn haiwan.. ada ubat utk kucing demam..
kalau terdesak.. pernah jugek cuba kasi kucing demam makan cortal kanak2.. suku jek.. sbb ubat manusia mmg tak sesuai utk haiwan.. |
Reply #331 Ajie_Shinoda's post
kalau nak bagi ubat manusia kat kucing, better make sure beza berat manusia dgn kucing tu.
so kalau bagi panadol, kalau manusia makan sebiji, kucing mungkin bole ambil 0.1 pil tu je sbb berat diorang 10 kali ganda kurang dari manusia...
better buat mcm zehra tu, bagi 1/4 pil utk kanak2 tu jer...
[ Last edited by boocik04 at 24-4-2009 22:26 ] |
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