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Author: mogey

[Dunia] Abg tiri Kim Jong Un Supreme Leader mati dibunuh di KLIA

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tak logik kalo mereka innocently ingat prank. sbb boleh balik ke hotel rilek je muka biasa mcm x risau pun org tu jatuh mati.  

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:23 AM | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 17-2-2017 04:38 PM
ada satu artikel ni dah tunjuk semua keturunan terdekat yang dia rasa boleh gulingkan dia, dah dib ...

Orang NK masih tidor membuta
sampai tidak sedar dia sudah menjadi dictator
tidak lama lagi akan makhotakan diri jadi emperor keberangkalian
kalau saudara mara terdekat pun dia sembelih dgn jayanya
apalah sangat nasib rakyat
kelemahan komunisme. The top ranks live like kings and emperors
while the bottom lots toils for eternity

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tapi..adake byr usd100 je? murah sgt!

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 18-2-2017 10:17 AM
akak syak both cikkis tahu jah apa yang mereka lakukan dan tujuan nya.
both buat cerita pasal kon ...

Gantung mmg gantung sis coz dah kes bunuhkan. Cuma its either bunuh dgn niat or tanpa niat je la. If cerita pasal theyols ditipu utk buat prank dikira valid kita consider as bunuh tanpa niat la kan? Coz dorang tatau pun yg prank sampai membunuh gitu. Kalau bunuh tanpa niat penjara seumur hidup gitu la.

Nak kata theyols tau pasal mmg nak bunuh kim jong iols agak musykil sikit sbb masalah bahasa. Viet Lol tu pun english sheols tergagap2 gitu. Yg si indon pulak langsung tak boleh bertutur english. So for them both utk merangka cerita yg sama pasal prank tu agakla diragui.

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:30 AM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 18-2-2017 10:25 AM
Gantung mmg gantung sis coz dah kes bunuhkan. Cuma its either bunuh dgn niat or tanpa niat je  ...

namun begitu akak tetap nak syak at least vietkong aware jah apa dan tujuan perlakuan sheols..
indon itu mungkin kena dupe. betul ke indon itu tak reti cakap english??
ada baharu baca artikel cerita dari family sheols di indon...sheols sembang kat kawan sheols dapat offer berlakon di north korea gitu.
dan mak sheols bilang, sheols boleh cakap english.
namun begitu akak syak aishah tingtong ini bimbo sheols ingat north korea itu sama macam kpop,,,tu yang menggeletis bila dpt offer dari ummah north korean ... north-korean-movie/

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:33 AM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-2-2017 10:23 AM
tak logik kalo mereka innocently ingat prank. sbb boleh balik ke hotel rilek je muka biasa mcm x ris ...

itu salah satu reason nya.
lepas tu si vietkong itu sanggup potong rambut sendiri a day earlier dari hari pembunuhan itu pelbagai.
nampak sangat sheols dah sangat well prepared iya, dan lepas balik pun terus nak check wifi helok ke idok,,,senang nak follow news ler tuh
sheols segera check out bila wifi hotel hotel sheols check in pun sheols check dulu wifi hotel hauk ke idok baharu check in.
so selepas kejadian itu, hubungan internet begitu sangat penting bagi sheols

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Changa replied at 18-2-2017 10:30 AM
namun begitu akak tetap nak syak at least vietkong aware jah apa dan tujuan perlakuan sheols..
in ...

ummah bimbo malaya pun ingat korea semua sama je   kpop

apalagi ummah indon ulu

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 18-2-2017 10:30 AM
namun begitu akak tetap nak syak at least vietkong aware jah apa dan tujuan perlakuan sheols..
in ...

Yg i tgk semalam video dari pak mertua indo yg menggelakkan reporter yg bg tau menantu sheols spy. Keji sgt menggelakkan menantu sendiri. Pak mertua dia yg bg tau menantu tak pandai english. keje menjahit dkt rumah je. Pastu pi msia jd pembantu kedai


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Post time 18-2-2017 10:42 AM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-2-2017 10:36 AM
ummah bimbo malaya pun ingat korea semua sama je   kpop

apalagi ummah indon ulu

*mode pakar spy terulung*

kenapa eh mastermind tak arrange flight out of KLIA within a few hours after kejadian jah untuk kesemua mereka?
motif perlu berada di tanah air selepas kejadian??
agak2 sis....sempat ke polis nak identify semua pelaku kalau mereka naik flight keluar tanah air within a few hours after kejadian,
kalau mereka terus keluar dari tanah air akak syak kesemua mereka boleh lepas jah.

pukul berapa expectation pembunuhan itu dan pukul berpa flight ke macau mesti dah ada dlm itinerary kans??
so beli jah siap2 tiket flight keluar yg jadual at least 2 jam after jadual pembunuhan ke apa.

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:44 AM | Show all posts

NK dah put pressure to msia gov


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Post time 18-2-2017 10:46 AM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 18-2-2017 10:36 AM
Yg i tgk semalam video dari pak mertua indo yg menggelakkan reporter yg bg tau menantu sheols  ...

pak mertua sheols mesti otak macam acik2 kepam yang dalam otak mereka spy harus la ala2 dalam cerita james bond bagai
terlebih tengok cerita hollywood kekdahnya

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Post time 18-2-2017 10:54 AM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 18-2-2017 10:44 AM
NK dah put pressure to msia gov

takat NK pressure, M'sia bley tahan. Kalau PRC atau USA pressure, M'sia ikut jer la...

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Changa replied at 18-2-2017 10:30 AM
namun begitu akak tetap nak syak at least vietkong aware jah apa dan tujuan perlakuan sheols..
in ...

Kalo laa Siti Aishah tau khidupan kat NK,x seindah yang dsangka,seperti di SK,pesat membangun  bagai...menangis x berlagu dia,mereput laa kat NK nun...

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Changa replied at 18-2-2017 10:42 AM
*mode pakar spy terulung*

kenapa eh mastermind tak arrange flight out of KLIA within a few hour ...

entah2 semuanya kena game ja..

yg atas tipu yang bawah yg bawah tipu lg bawah pastu ada plot twist sikit sabotaj

ce sis siasat since sis free je ni...

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by juliez at 18-2-2017 11:12 AM

Jong-nam murder: Neighbours describe Siti Aisyah as 'quiet and innocent'

JAKARTA: For those who have met Siti Aisyah, the notion that the 25-year-old woman from Serang, Banten, might have been capable of allegedly taking part in a vicious plot to murder a high-profile figure in a foreign country is hard to swallow.

Siti, who is believed to have been arrested in Malaysia for her alleged role in the murder of Kim Jong-nam, the estranged brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has been described by her neighbours and relatives as a “quiet and innocent” girl.

Siti once lived in a house located in a small alley in the densely populated quarters of Tambora district, West Jakarta. There she resided with her former husband Gunawan Hasyim and former father-in-law Liang Kiong, known as Akiong.

To her neighbours, Siti is just one of millions of Indonesians looking for job opportunities in neighbouring Malaysia.

“She rarely mingled with others. [But] I’m sure that it is her. I recognise her from the picture and I had seen her often back then,” said one of the neighbours named Anisa Fitri as quoted by Antara news agency. “She is a quiet and innocent person from the region,” she added.

Halimah, another neighbor who has lived in Tambora since 1969, was stunned by the news, saying that “[Siti] is poor; it’s a pity that she has been dragged into the case. She once lived next door to me before she moved [to her then father-in-law’s house],” she said.

The last time Akiong, who runs a home-based clothing business, saw Siti was on Jan 28 during Chinese New Year, when she stopped by from Serang before she went to Malaysia.

“It is impossible [for her to be involved in the murder case]. I know her; she holds Javanese traditional values and was a nice daughter-in-law and wife,” Akiong said.

According to Akiong, Siti is just a junior high school graduate who speaks poor English and once worked in Batam as a clothing vendor. Akiong could not recall when his son married Siti, although he remembered when the two divorced in 2012 following a request from Siti, who, according to Akiong, considered his son to not be a good husband.

Meanwhile, Indonesian authorities have been struggling to attain more information about Siti, including on whether she is really the woman arrested by Malaysian authorities along with a Vietnamese woman and a Malaysian man, who is said to be Siti’s boyfriend.

As of Friday afternoon, the Directorate General of Immigration was still waiting for formal validation of Siti’s passport by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, immigration spokesperson Agung Sampurno told The Jakarta Post. Although formal validation is pending, the passport shows her last exit from Indonesia was to Johor Baru through Batam, on the morning of Feb 2.

The National Police, through their representative at the embassy in Kuala Lumpur, have also been trying to meet with Siti.

“We want to confirm identification because it is still possible that she is not Indonesian. If she is indeed Indonesian, we need to know her movements in Jakarta,” National Police spokesman Martinus Sitompul said.

Officials in Jakarta have said Indonesia will not meddle with Malaysia’s investigation into Siti, but Deputy Foreign Minister AM Fachir ensures Siti “is getting legal assistance from the embassy”.

Fachir claimed he had yet to receive information that Siti was a North Korean spy.

The Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) said Siti’s name was not on the list of Indonesian migrant workers living in Malaysia, however many Indonesians work in Malaysia illegally.

It is unclear whether Siti is a foreign agent, but many Indonesians, including Vice President Jusuf Kalla, seem to believe that, like many Indonesian migrant workers, she has been framed and therefore is a victim in the case. - The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network


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Post time 18-2-2017 11:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Siti told me she was in a North Korean movie’


A man walks past a house (red color) where Indonesian woman Siti Aishah, a suspect in the murder of Kim Jong Nam, used to live in Tambora district in Jakarta, Indonesia. - AFP
PETALING JAYA: A divorcee who has been arrested as one of the suspects in the high-profile murder of North Korean exile Kim Jong-nam was able to speak Korean and had always wanted to go to North Korea.

From the slums of Jakarta, the 25-year-old Siti Aisyah moved to the bright lights of Kuala Lumpur and has now become embroiled in a high-profile murder that gripped the world’s attention.

She had told her friends and family in Indonesia that she had been invited to act in a movie.

“She said the shooting would take place in North Korea,” a friend of Siti Aisyah told, an Indonesian portal.

However, she did not give family and friends the details.

“I don’t know the details, she just said it was for a DPR office (North Korea). We ordinary people just listened to what she was saying,” said the friend, identified only as AZ.

Siti Aisyah is one of the two women who allegedly attacked Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, with a deadly chemical.

Siti Aisyah worked as a guest relations officer (GRO) at a spa in Ampang although she told folks in Indonesia that she had a job “selling tickets”.

Her nightlife job was hidden from her family in Indonesia, where she has a seven-year-old son named Rio. Rio lives with her former in-laws.

But one thing that Siti Aisyah’s mother Benah did know was that her daughter could speak English and Korean.

“I never knew she worked in Malaysia,” said Benah, 50, who thought her daughter was selling clothes at a market in Batam after divorcing her husband, Gunawan Hasyin alias Ajun.

She said that the last time Siti Aisyah went back to her village in Serang, near Jakarta, was on Jan 21. Aisyah had been sending money to Benah.

“Usually it’s 500,000 rupiah (RM170). But not every month,” Benah told the news portal.

Siti Aisyah’s mother-in-law Lian Kiong or Akiong, 56, told Indonesian Foreign Ministry officials yesterday that she and her family had no relationship with her since she divorced her husband Gunawan Hasyim.

A sealed handwritten letter of the divorce note dated Feb 1, 2012 was presented to the Foreign Ministry yesterday.

Signed by Siti Aisyah and Gunawan, with her then employer Lian Kiong as witness, the letter said the couple had opted for a divorce as they no longer “had the compatibility and harmony of husband and wife”.

Lian Kiong said that following the divorce, Siti Aisyah hardly visited her in-laws in Tambora in West Jakarta, and only came around once a year to meet Rio.

“After the divorce, she never came around. The last time she came was on Jan 28.

“She came and stayed for the night. She spent the night with my grandson and left the next day,” Lian Kiong was quoted as saying.

She added that Siti Aisyah’s son had previously even refused to meet his mother because he knew she would leave eventually.

According to another Indonesian news portal Kumparan, based on identification records held by her village of birth in Angke, west Jakarta, she had two separate entries, complete with different photos.

In the first one, her name is spelt as “Siti Aisyah” with information saying she was born in Serang, Indonesia, on Feb 11, 1992. In the accompanying picture, her hair is tied in a ponytail.

In the second entry, her name was written as “Siti Aisah” and her date of birth is listed as Nov 1, 1989. In this picture, her hair is worn loose.

The ID (identification) numbers as well as her occupation on both entries differed.

As “Siti Aisyah”, she listed her occupation as entrepreneur; as “Siti Aisah”, she listed her occupation as housewife.

Kumparan quoted Angke village head Dwi Ariyono as saying he did not know why Siti Aisyah had two separate IDs.

Siti Aisyah was arrested at a hotel in Ampang on Thursday after she was identified on CCTV footage from KL International Airport 2 (KLIA2).

Among the items seized by police in the room included three US$100 notes.

She was the second suspect detained for allegedly murdering Jong-nam. The first suspect was a woman who held a Vietnamese passport, identifying her as Doan Thi Huong, 28.

Siti Aisyah’s boyfriend, Muham

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@Changa i wonder how fluent she is speaking korean. Ker setakat basic convo hasil menonton kdrama

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Changa at 18-2-2017 11:19 AM
juliez replied at 18-2-2017 11:15 AM
@Changa i wonder how fluent she is speaking korean. Ker setakat basic convo hasil menonton kdrama

basic words jah lah.
perlu ingat siapa yang bagi statement itu jua..
sama macam acik2 di desa yang kalau anak2 boleh cakap "hello!! how are you" pun dah berbuig molot anak dah fasih cakap english kekdahnya gitu.

lagipun indon kalau dah lama kerja sini dan jenis yang kerja kat kedai yang banyak jumpa orang ramai, biasa mereka boleh jah faham sikit2 english.
sheols ini katanya kerja GRO kat spa di flamingo kan??

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fourth person arrested in Jong-nam murder probe


- Reuters pic
KUALA LUMPUR: One of the four men sought by police over the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's half-brother Kim Jong-nam has been detained.

It is learnt that the suspect was arrested after police raided a condominium in Jalan Kuchai Lama at about 11pm on Friday.

The 47-year-old suspect was found to be holding a North Korean passport at the time of arrest.

Three more men are being hunted by police in the investigation into Jong-nam's murder.

On Thursday, Indonesian Siti Aisyah was arrested at a hotel in Ampang at 2am.

Police said she was identified based on CCTV footage at the airport and was alone at the time of arrest.

Her boyfriend was also picked up by police to assist with investigations

On Wednesday, the first suspect, who holds a Vietnamese passport bearing the name Doan Thi Huong, was arrested at KL International Airport 2 as she was preparing to board a flight to Vietnam. She had taken a taxi from a hotel in Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi to the airport that day.

Jong-nam, 45, was killed by two women who splashed his face with a chemical at the KLIA 2 departure hall at about 9am on Monday. He was about to leave for Macau.

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Post time 18-2-2017 11:20 AM | Show all posts
juliez replied at 18-2-2017 11:15 AM
@Changa i wonder how fluent she is speaking korean. Ker setakat basic convo hasil menonton kdrama

akak boleh bayang kan sheols menggeletis bila nak dapat pergi north korea dan dok imagine kpop bagai.
you know la kan cikki2 indon dan tanah air sangat hadap kpop iya, ada kpop/north korean approach mereka pun terus terkemut2 menggeletis sebab ingat sama jah,,,,korean jua katanya walaupun hakiki??? dua dunia berbeda

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