Originally posted by hear2heart at 30-5-2008 01:41 PM
mr wong, boleh sy tahu awak practise aikido kat mana ? sbb sy pun berminat dgn aikido.......cuma tak tahu nak join kat mana.
Saya boleh recommend yang best sekali, dari Balakong pergi sebaris kedai di sebelah kiri dari The Mines. Lepas itu, you boleh jumpa "Aikido Yoshinkan Shudokan Martial Arts Center". |
Hmm apa beza aiki do, aiki jujitsu dan jujitsu ekk??? |
Reply #402 tdpp2006's post
kena blaja bahasa jepun nih |
Reply #402 tdpp2006's post
kena blaja bahasa jepun nih |
Originally posted by tdpp2006 at 3-6-2008 09:31 AM
Hmm apa beza aiki do, aiki jujitsu dan jujitsu ekk???
Sama seperti Judo, Aikido memang berasal dari Jujutsu. Nama asal Aiki Jujutsu atau Aiki Jutsu adalah Daito Ryu Jujutsu, hanyalah selepas Sokaku Takeda nama Daito Ryu Jujutsu telah menjadi Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu. Dan Tokimune Takeda (anak Sokaku Takeda) pula, beliau mendakwa bahawa belidiri sendiri adalah Daito Ryu Aiki Budo
Jujutsu itu memang termasuk Aikido dan Judo sekali, tapi secara menyeluruh teknik Jujutsu lebih daripada Aikido dan Judo. Kadang-kadang, kita tidak berpeluang untuk melihat sesetengah pergerakan Jujutsu seperti disembahkan di Aikido dan Judo. |
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Reply #401 Wong Onn Yong's post
yg dekat2 dgn shah alam takde ker ? |
Reply #405 Wong Onn Yong's post
maksud Daito Ryo ialah presiden kan?
ada laaa ku blajar sikit2 bahasa jepun nih |
Reply #408 Wong Onn Yong's post
oh ada maksud lain upanyer
buat masa ni tiada aktiviti persembahan atau demo kah?
dah lama tidak tonton persembahan martial arts ni |
Originally posted by ReuK at 5-6-2008 09:57 AM
oh ada maksud lain upanyer
buat masa ni tiada aktiviti persembahan atau demo kah?
dah lama tidak tonton persembahan martial arts ni
Buat masa ini tak ada lagi, Ramlan Sensei akan mengiringi Joe Thambu Sensei ke Europe untuk seminar |
Reply #408 Wong Onn Yong's post
hari apa dan berapa fee untuk join ? |
Bruce Lee said "consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance
to mankind."
And although Brucey needed to cut it out with all that
chop-sockey crap he did in the movies, he was absolutely right
on the money with that statement.
Self-consciousness is another word for self-doubt, which is a
form of fear.
And fear is your enemy's greatest weapon against you. It's also
the greatest obstacle between you and anything you desire.
The way to get rid of fear, permanently, is to train your mind
to give up your emotional attachment to the outcome.
What I mean by that is - have you ever noticed the guy who has
all the hot women acts as if he couldn't care less? But the guy
who is desperate couldn't get a date to save his life. You could
say the guy with all the girls has lots of money, but that is
rarely the case.
Have you ever noticed that someone with money tends to make more
money? But the guy who's broke tends to constantly be broke and
struggling to get by?
The desperate guy in both situations is emotionally attached to
the outcome. He "needs it too badly." Thus, he is sending out an
energy that is actually pushing away what he wants.
The one who has all the money, the hot chick, etc, is putting
off a different type of energy that attracts rather than repels.
Does that make sense?
And although when reading the above situations one wouldn't
think of fear, in fact they are both fear-based situations. The
desperate guy unknowingly is afraid of not having the money, or
the pretty girl, or getting attacked, etc. So afraid in fact
that he is attracting that which he fears.
And thus the wisdom of Bruce Lee's words "consciousness of self
is the greatest hindrance to mankind." It applies to every area
of life.
So you may be thinking "how do I start if I don't have what I
want to begin with?"
Simple! Train your mind to let go of your emotional attachment
to the outcome, and Be as Bold as a Lion.
A Lion isn't afraid of you. He isn't afraid of losing. He
doesn't even think about it.
He just attacks, instinctively. Go for what you want in that
way. Kick the ball out ahead of you and chase it, and stop
thinking so much.
I'm not saying to be careless and foolhardy. I'm saying develop
the Lion's Intuitive Instinct and replace your self-doubt with
If you look deep enough, you'll find self-doubt affecting
everything you do. But as of right now, it doesn't have to be
that way any longer. You've now got the solution.
Close Combat Training (www.CloseCombatTraining.com/cctraining)
is much more than just a bunch of self-defense "moves".
It's the surefire way to instantly "hardwire" that Lion's
Instinct into your daily life.
Think about it...
Just like the lion, if there is no doubt in your mind that you
could protect yourself (and your family) from ANY sort of
physical engagement or attack...you cease to over analyze and
just "be".
Apply it once and forevermore it will become as natural as
Think about how that could change your life. |
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Cuci mata
all time favourite |
Originally posted by hear2heart at 8-6-2008 12:44 AM
hari apa dan berapa fee untuk join ?
Minta ampun, saya tak pasti dengan Seksyen 7 itu |
Waaa..Baguslah macam tuh,ko dah ada pengalaman dengan situasi sebenar even though it hurts a bit.Next time,bila the same situation datang,aku rasa ko dah ready.
Apa yang ko alami tuh adalah effect apa yang dipanggil sebagai adrenalin rush.Apabila ko dalam situasi macam tuh,badan ko akan merembeskan hormon adrenalin.Bila adrenalin nih keluar dengan banyak,ia boleh menyebabkan ko jadi gementar dan secara tak langsung ko akan kaku.Seluruh motor badan ko akan 'stuck'. Inilah yang aku takut kalau berlaku kat aku in the real world.Berlatih banyak mana pun,kalau at the critical time ko tak dapat nak kawal gementar, segala training kita akan goes down the drain.
Apabila ko dah kena hayun sekali,badan ko terasa sakit,dan kesakitan tulah yang merangsang pemikiran ko supaya bertindak.Pemikiran ko dah 'on' kan survival mode dan arahan tuh di hantar ke seluruh badan ko untuk bertindak.Tuh yang ko jadi berani dan lupa pada perasaan nervous tadi.
So macam mana dengan mamat tuh bro? Ko lunyaikan dia ke? |
Reply #417 adwim79's post
haha mamat tu ialah ketua komuniti
haji dah haaa
aku ni ngn kaki politik kena ikut main politik gak
dia dah pukul aku tapi aku x pukul balik
sbb pastu dia cuak aku wat repot polis :@
aku pun sayang keter aku kut dia anta balaci dia kasi hantam ka
so bab adrenalin nih susah nak kontrol kalau berlaku secara tiba2
yg aku perasan kalau kita selawat (bagi muslim) mmg leh tenang sikit laa
pendapatan aku... |
salam... aku baru join sini... dulu ada gak blaja martial art ni.. pastu sejak pindah KL ni sibuk sgt ngan keje... aku tinggal kat ampang.. kat mana bleh aku blaja martial art... kalau bleh yg dekat-dekat ampang ler... lama tak keluar peluh... nak berlatih kat umah, asyik tersepak dinding je... maklumlah umah kecik.. |
Originally posted by xtro at 11-6-2008 06:08 PM
salam... aku baru join sini... dulu ada gak blaja martial art ni.. pastu sejak pindah KL ni sibuk sgt ngan keje... aku tinggal kat ampang.. kat mana bleh aku blaja martial art... kalau bleh yg de ...
Ampang mana? Baguslah kalau berhampiran Ulu Klang, tapi kalau kawasan Pandan saya berpendapat baik pergi ke Cheras yang mana berhampiran dengan Leisure. BTW, cadangan saya adalah Aikido.
Kalau tak ada keberatan, you boleh beralih kepada kickboxing.
http://www.tntkickboxing.com/ |
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