fuh....kene gk si aizen tu... ingatkn kot power lg mcm tu pn bleh elak.. ichigo pn baru nk masuk... |
tekejot berok aizen... |
ntah2..gin dtg tolong...kikiki |
ye2 je tu aizen...
tah2 tu kapten yama.....
mane tau kn |
kekeke...ke dia tukar ngan Gin...kekeke...sebab dah xde sape dia nak gunakan lagik... |
kalo gin mmg syum je la dy..... |
394# ibuKA
Ichigo = Stoberi |
adoi...xsbar tunggu minggu dpn..aper lagila teknik aizen..tp ichigo xpernah tgk shikai dia kan..jd xla terkena hipnosis aizen tu |
walopon xpenah tgk lagi shikai aizen..
reaitsu ngan skill aizen masih jauh mendahului ichigo.. |
@ xiemen
tul kata budingyun tuh...Aizen nie pakar Kido and otak pon geliga...Ichigo nie kire jenis lurus bendul gaks..cam sengal2 pon ader...masalah skang nie...adakah dia leh wat vizard mode ganas tu lagik ke tak tanpa cederakan org len (member sendrik...)
Ntah2...Vasto Lorde yang Aizen carik sebenarnya adalah Ichigo?!? |
sue_cinta - vasto lorde?? mini kurang memahami |
vasto lord adalah hollow level tertinggi..
reaitsu vasto lord jauh lebih tinggi dr mana2 kapten..termasuk aizen..
@ sue_cinta
ada kemungkinan.. |
oooo cm tu..tulah macam penah dengar vasto lorde tu...so buat masa ni aizen lom jumpa lagi vastolorde kan..espada tu bukan vasto lorde right? |
Post Last Edit by budingyun at 12-3-2010 18:37
Gillian --> Adjuchas --> Vasto Lorde (kira mcm naik level)
espada sbnrnya arrancar... |
Vasto Lorde (最上大虚 (ヴァストローデ), vasuto rōde; Japanese for "Highest Great Hollow") are the most powerful class of Menos, and the final stage in the Menos evolutionary line. The silhouette of one shown seemed to be very small and humanoid. They are said to surpass an average Captain-Class Shinigami in battle abilities.
Vasto Lorde are the least common form of Menos, but the exact population is unknown. Tōshirō stated that only a few are known to exist, and are believed to reside within the very deepest parts of Hueco Mundo. Apart from the need to cannibalize even more Hollows, any special requirements for the creation of a Vasto Lorde are unknown.
Tōshirō claims that at least ten of them, under Sōsuke Aizen's control, would be enough to defeat all of Soul Society. This is no small coincidence, as Aizen himself states to Gin Ichimaru that he needs to gather enough Vasto Lordes to complete his ten-member Espada. It seems that Aizen has important plans with them, but the only details revealed about those plans are the mere wish to gather all of them together.
Arrancar is a Hollow that has removed its mask, thus gaining Shinigami-like powers. The word Arrancar comes from the Spanish verb meaning "to remove" or "to rip off". |
411# ibuKA
Dan juga bole jadik ichi=1 dan go=5. == 15. Tu sebab orang Jepun suka bermain perkataan, terutamanya Pun.
Contoh Pun ialah :
1. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends. (Benz)
2. I decided that becoming a vegetarian was a missed steak. (Mistake)
3. A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired. (Two Tyre)
Get the idea? |
411# ibuKA
Dan juga bole jadik ichi=1 dan go=5. == 15. Tu sebab orang Jepun suka bermain perkataan, terutamanya Pun.
Contoh Pun ialah :
1. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found ...
cmf_cluesan Post at 14-3-2010 10:09
ooo..kiranya cam ada 2 maksud la gituuu?...mmm...arigato cluesan! |
418# ibuKA
Yup, org Jepun mmg suka main perkataan2 mcm ni. Klu yg expert tu, diorang main perkataan Kanji. |
knape hari mcm lambat jer berlalu..bila la chapter baru nk kuar neh.. |
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