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[GAME] Bersembang Tentang Nombor V2
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19 is the eighth prime number, a number that can only be divided by one and itself. |
Talk “19 to the dozen” means to talk very quickly, without stopping. The idea is that a fast speaker gets in 19 words whereas the average speaker would utter 12. |
19 is the atomic number for the element potassium.
There are 18 holes on a golf course |
An 18-sided shape is called an octadecagon or an octakaidecagon.
SPNB bina 68,803 unit Rumah Mesra Rakyat sejak 2002. |
Huawei perkenal telefon boleh lipat 3, berharga RM12,000. |
KUALA LUMPUR: Solar District Cooling Group Bhd yang bakal disenaraikan di Pasaran ACE hari ini mengumumkan bahawa 21.19 juta saham baharu yang ditawarkan kepada pelabur awam Malaysia terlebih langgan sebanyak 144.08 kali. |
KUALA LUMPUR: AIA Public Takaful Bhd mengumumkan lebihan pengagihan sebanyak RM70.7 juta bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2023, membabitkan kira-kira 467,000 pemegang sijil. |
Pada jam 8 pagi, mata wang tempatan meningkat kepada 4.3330/3460 berbanding dolar AS daripada 4.3400/3445 ketika ditutup semalam. |
2 Italian and 2 South Korean climbers are found dead close to Mont Blanc's summit |
South African farmers are accused of killing 2 women and feeding them to pigs |
The death toll from Typhoon Yagi and its aftermath rises to 141 in Vietnam, with dozens still missing. |
Weight-loss drug Saxenda effective for kids as young as 6, study shows |
Colombia deadliest country for environmentalists in 2023, rights group says |
The High Court has awarded about RM2 million in damages for medical negligence to the widow of Vinayak Pradhan, a senior lawyer and former director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre.
Justice Akhtar Tahir ordered the government to pay Jayshree LC Doshi RM800,000 for pain and suffering, RM700,000 in special damages, and another RM500,000 in aggravated damages. |
A lawyer suffered losses of RM1.75 million in a love scam after becoming acquainted with a foreign man through the WhatsApp application in July.
Perak police chief Datuk Azizi Mat Aris said the 58-year-old woman lodged a police report yesterday after realising she had been deceived. |
Harga minyak sawit mentah dijangka sekitar RM4,000 satu tan akhir 2024. |
Taufan Yagi ragut 141 nyawa, 59 hilang di wilayah utara Vietnam |
SERDANG: Pameran Pertanian, Hortikultur dan Agropelancongan Malaysia (MAHA) 2024 yang membuka tirai hari ini menyaksikan sebanyak 13 memorandum persefahaman (MoU) berjaya dimeterai dengan nilai mencecah RM21.3 juta. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara