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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 29-1-2020 10:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 24-1-2020 09:17 AM
cemana rasanya duduk kat negara yg org dah mula rengsa dgn ko? omg toxic environment all over agai ...

Pindah kutub utara je senang. Hikss

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Post time 29-1-2020 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 29-1-2020 10:11 PM
Pindah kutub utara je senang. Hikss

Tapi kalau meret n heret pindah pegi kutub utara...kesian plak kat polar bear kena hadap perangai x semenggah dua ketul tu...

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2020 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Guyssss! Idk if link ni dah ada ke belum.. but apparently Harry and MadMegs were stripped off their Commonwealth Youth Ambassador positions!

Nah I paste link:


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Post time 30-1-2020 04:55 AM | Show all posts
On January 29, 2020, The Duchess of Cambridge visited Stockwell Gardens Nursery and Pre-School in London.


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Post time 30-1-2020 06:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
guys is it britain leave europe for real?! so whats next for RF.

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2020 07:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by mysr01 at 30-1-2020 07:07 AM
sungailui replied at 30-1-2020 06:40 AM
guys is it britain leave europe for real?! so whats next for RF.

The Royal Family wouldn't get affected as much. Brexit ni jadi since the days I was a student there. Dia more of a political thing that stupid David Cameron started. Sigh. It's a nightmare, really. Masa tahun 2016 lah it all began. I remember after the Memorandum, the Brits were divided between the Leave and Remain camp. And the Leave camp's racism became very prevalent. My friends pernah kena baling telur, I pernah kena tengking "GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, YOU MUSLIM CUNT!". It was a sad period of time.

But the BRF takkan affected. This is merely a political and economical move. To control immigration of the UK.

But it's a jolly good thing that it's finally happening. Dari dulu delay delay. Dari asalnya nak exit by 2018, ditunda to 2019. Last last 2020. I sebenarnya lagi suka Remain, but the Tories won and BoJo is the head. They're racists, but they won and exiting the EU. Hence, i hope it is for the best walaupun sedih.

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Post time 30-1-2020 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mysr01 replied at 30-1-2020 01:06 AM
Guyssss! Idk if link ni dah ada ke belum.. but apparently Harry and MadMegs were stripped off their  ...

Oh my my. Yg ni pun sama ke. Letak jawatan. Nak kaver reputation punye pasaiii

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Post time 30-1-2020 09:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mysr01 replied at 30-1-2020 07:04 AM
The Royal Family wouldn't get affected as much. Brexit ni jadi since the days I was a student th ...

My friend yg european belah2 france suke kutuk brit nak keluar europe. Aku dgr je lah. Bukan negara aku kan. Tapi sentap tu lain maciammm

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Post time 30-1-2020 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
qistiena replied at 29-1-2020 11:14 PM
Tapi kalau meret n heret pindah pegi kutub utara...kesian plak kat polar bear kena hadap perangai  ...

Tak sempat hadap dah kena ngap ghasenye...

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Post time 30-1-2020 09:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
'It is a slap in the face': Samantha Markle slams estranged sister Meghan and Prince Harry's decision to quit the royal family and claims she's just looking for attention .

Akak Sam pun bunyik lagi. Agreed with us. Sue-sexyall nak perhatian. Dari dulu hingga kini. Yelah without any big issue. Di whoreayusss kan jer. Haruslah STEP UP THE GAME..
Link ade bawah. Sorry tak reti tepek gambaq.


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Post time 30-1-2020 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mysr01 replied at 30-1-2020 07:04 AM
The Royal Family wouldn't get affected as much. Brexit ni jadi since the days I was a student th ...

oh not effected..more to political and economical issue je..ic. sian uols kena halau cm tu je ya. itu racist u..not like megot play racist card je.

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Post time 30-1-2020 09:53 AM | Show all posts

Is Meghan Markle a nice person?

Remember the Australia Tour?

On the left, we have the lovely Lady Cosgrove, Prince Harry, Governor-General of Australia H.E. Peter Cosgrove, all the way to the right, standing out, Meghan.

Before I continue, I have permission to post this info from someone very close to one member of the staff at Australia House. The staff member witnessed many incidents/accidents that happened during Meghan’s stay at the Australia House.

During their stay in Sydney, Meghan made a big deal about being given only one wing at the Admiralty House, the official home of the Governor General. She expressed “loudly” that they should have the whole house to themselves.

While Harry and Meghan stayed at this beautiful house above, she was only nice to the good-looking staff. The staff was afraid of her and they said she constantly used vulgar language: F words. On one of their events, it was reported that Meghan brought her famous banana bread. The staff member stated that the banana bread was made by them. Meghan had sent them late at night to get the ingredients and she made them do several batches. She yelled constantly at the kitchen staff until they made the ones that she liked or, as they said, “tasted right.”

Same staff member said there was a lot of fighting between Harry and Meghan, he was upset that they announced the pregnancy so early. They slept on different bedrooms. After one of their fights, a staff member brought her some tea, Meghan said the tea did not taste right and THREW it at the staff member. This person complained to Lady Cosgrove, pictured above, who went to Meghan to tell her this behavior is not tolerated. Meghan’s response: (verbatim from staff member) F;#& off, don’t you know who I am? The abused staff member threatened to sue and, because of her love and consideration for Lady Cosgrove, he/she decided not to sue and was rewarded financially by the RF.
During that time, October 2018, a lady came on Social media and posted this:

This correlates with the events already stated. Another poster, also claiming to work at the Australia House, wrote that Meghan refused to wear the Akubra hats gifted to them by the governor. She made a big fuzz because the hat was made of rabbit pelts while wearing calf leather shoes herself. Harry also refused to wear the hat even though he had worn it many times before.

The staff member stated that Samantha Cohen, Meghan’s Royal advisor at that time, was so upset that she wanted to leave the Tour immediately. He/she said that Meghan and Jessica Mulroney referred to the tour as “Tour Crap.”
Let’s take under consideration that during this time, Meghan was still adored by the media. She was considered a “breath of fresh air” and an asset to the monarchy. This is before her staff started quitting en masse. If you google October 2018, you will get positive magazine covers and articles about Meghan:

Based on everything written, decide for yourself whether Meghan is a nice person or not.

komen tambahan:
I asked the person yesterday if there was any particular reason why she threw the tea, the staff member words: “pretty much because she is a b@&$h and she didn’t like it.”

Graham Short
Sun · 79 upvotes including Agueda Sanchez
She used the same vile and abusive language more than once to Camilla while in the Palace. It was all downhill for Meghan Markle from then on.

I once had a friend that a waited a table for Meghan Markle.

She said she was one of the rudest people she ever waited on, and that the encounter made her nearly cry.

Even though I had no idea who she was until the Royal Wedding ( Im not much of a Royal fan ), my Canadian friend ( well, former friend ) was pretty excited when Meghan showed up at the table she waited, since she watched a show she was in, and was a decent fan ( though I forget the name of the show ). So Molly goes up to her all exited to meet Meghan, then leaves nearly in tears because of how she was treated. I dont remember many details, but I think Meghan raised her voice at her, and demanded she talk to her in a certain way, though I dont know exactly what happened.

Even though I no longer talk to my former friend, I do remember during the Royal Wedding her texting me telling me how much she hated this chick because of how she treated her, and that she refused to watch the wedding because of it.

Its sad. I guess being pretty isnt everything.

My cousin has worked in the production crew of Suits with Arron Korsh, the writer of the programme. He gave many instances where Meghan Markle could not be described as a nice person. He said she was controlling.


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Post time 30-1-2020 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 30-1-2020 10:02 AM

lalat sayang meghan mulut jahat dan busuk CAASSHH


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Post time 30-1-2020 10:03 AM | Show all posts
ai terbaca komen kat tumblr, lalat tu jelmaan Diana

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:30 AM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 29-1-2020 01:47 PM
Adakah Kate's stans sama gila mcm Smeg's stans, obsess & over protective tak bertempat

Mana mana side pun kalau karatz theyolls mmg selalu over ya. Acik mulroney pun itulah bff lagi dgn meggot, kena sekali sudahnya

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:35 AM | Show all posts
mysr01 replied at 30-1-2020 01:06 AM
Guyssss! Idk if link ni dah ada ke belum.. but apparently Harry and MadMegs were stripped off their  ...

I saw this one too!

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:44 AM | Show all posts
they kena stripe everything koz i believe the RF family dah agak mereka nie penunggang title RF tapi x nak buat charity...

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:48 AM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 30-1-2020 10:30 AM
Mana mana side pun kalau karatz theyolls mmg selalu over ya. Acik mulroney pun itulah bff lagi dgn ...

biarlah sekali sekala kena setepek. gila bertemu dgn gila tp sugars masih pegang rekod paling sewel la, sbb berangan pelbagai cara dlm socmed mcm mana the Cambridges termasuk anak2 mereka menemui ajal. asalkan bongok dan boat-ho dpt jd king of england & queen consort

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:50 AM | Show all posts
fizamn replied at 30-1-2020 10:44 AM
they kena stripe everything koz i believe the RF family dah agak mereka nie penunggang title RF tapi ...

susah sket sbb BRF mcm masih mengharapkan kepulangan PH.

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Post time 30-1-2020 10:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by NAT_11 at 30-1-2020 11:01 AM

Macam mana Harry boleh tahan, mulut si Meghan asik maki siang malam -  sebut fucking you none stop......?????
This just show, macam mana dia dibesarkan dan latar belakang ghetto. BR patut bersyukur dia keluar. Imagine, dia tersasol fucking you time beri speech kat majlis-majlis.  Sunghuh memalukan.

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