Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 04:06 PM
who is this Asma? are you promoting her books here? If you have any points then bring 'em on.
asma ul Husna is explaining about good names of Allah. sO, surf the internet to find out about them...:pray: |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 04:02 PM
Tricking people to do the things that the arbians wanted is NOT GOOD.
reward in judgement day is only a meme.. an idea.. not a shread of evident is available for the claim of Judgement Day. ...
What about 'dosa tanggung' that Christians are practicing?. You also not very sure about it and you can only see the truth about it on The Judgement Day. In fact, 'dosa tanggung' not teaching people to become better. Because u already felt that you are holy like an angel... |
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 03:20 PM
if u want sincerity, why did u ask for salary in the end of month after u work everyday?
For simple reason.. its in the employment contract. ni pun tak tau ker?
if they don't pay, you can sue them.
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 03:20 PM
that's the norms of all human..
they did things with hope that they also get what they give...
yeah.. we hope and have faith in people around us
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 03:20 PM
pahala is not only given in judgement day.
sometimes God give it in this world
for example, if we like to donate our money for the one in needs, God will help us to get more 'rezeki'
you are contradicting your fellow muslim eastrun there ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
anyway when we do good to others, sometimes people return back our favour.. nothing to do with Allah.
sometimes coincidence occur.. someone gives sedekah to some poor guy and then you buy a lotery ticket and you win the lotery.. some might claim God gave him reseki because he helped the poor.. to me thats full of crap.
Originally posted by eastrun at 8-7-2006 04:12 PM
What about 'dosa tanggung' that Christians are practicing?. You also not very sure about it and you can only see the truth about it on The Judgement Day. In fact, 'dosa tanggung' not teaching ...
i don't believe in dosa-tanggung" ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Originally posted by eastrun at 8-7-2006 04:09 PM
asma ul Husna is explaining about good names of Allah. sO, surf the internet to find out about them...:pray:
all the beautiful names belong to me too.. so what.
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 04:30 PM
all the beautiful names belong to me too.. so what.
so what?
so u don't know anything about it and 'confidently' said whether that's anybody's name.. lol:lol
shame on u.. |
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 04:35 PM
so what?
so u don't know anything about it and 'confidently' said whether that's anybody's name.. lol:lol
shame on u..
what are you talking boy?
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 05:41 PM
what are you talking boy?
u talk about asma ul husna like that's somebody name..
u don't know what's asma ul husna is isn't it? |
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 05:43 PM
u talk about asma ul husna like that's somebody name..
u don't know what's asma ul husna is isn't it?
my point is crap about "All the beautiful names belong to Allah."
and also Asma is a female's name thats why i made fun of it.. faham.
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 05:54 PM
my point is crap about "All the beautiful names belong to Allah."
and also Asma is a female's name thats why i made fun of it.. faham.
MADE FUN of urself? lol:lol |
Originally posted by juwaini at 8-7-2006 06:03 PM
MADE FUN of urself? lol:lol
but made fun of muslim's claim "that all beautiful name belong to Allah"
redemption point ?
agaknya camnih lar si bingung dan si atheist memahamkan konsep sebenar pahala dan dosa..
bagus lar...
dedua dolmat lol
siapa yg dapat mengukur dosa membunuh manusia ataupun mencuri ??
siapa yg dapat mengukur pahala menolong orang ataupun berpuasa ??
siapa yg dapat beritahu berapa "besar/kecil" sesuatu kebaikan/kejahatan ?
berapa kecil sesuatu dosa..??
dan berapa besar sesuatu pahala ??
untuk makluman...
konsep pahala/dosa dalam Islam hanyalah satu PERBANDINGAN..
Islam "mengajarkan" konsep begini biler hendak menerangkan sesuatu yg tidak dapat digambarkan atau difikirkan oleh pemikiran terbatas manusia..
kalau boleh aku ambil contoh ...
ayat si Atheist kat post # 411...
takde satu Muslim pun yg boleh tau/nilai/ukur/kira berapa banyak 10 pahala tuh
so, konsep pahala dan dosa nih diajarkan supaya manusia berhati2 dengan tindakan/pekerjaan/kelakuan masing2..
suka berbuat kebaikan...takut berbuat kejahatan..
camanapun aku sokong bab "keikhlasan" dalam berbuat kebaikan tuh.. |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 04:30 PM
all the beautiful names belong to me too.. so what.
what are u talking about ?? :lol
enlighten me please :pray: |
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 8-7-2006 06:23 PM
but made fun of muslim's claim "that all beautiful name belong to Allah"
Have you read about Asma ul Husna....:lebai: |
He (Faithhealer) misunderstood the phrase, that should read:
"..all beautiful name THAT belong to Allah.." (The other beautiful 'names' of Allah)
In Islam we called it Asmaul Husna and they are 99 names and all are beautiful and reflect Allah's attributes/power.
- Ar-Rahmaan (The compassionate)
- Al-Malik (The sovereign)
- Al-Khlaik (The creator)
- Al-Haq (The Truth)
- Al-Qayyoom (The Self-Sustaining)
and so on.
So it doesn't mean that all 'beautiful names of human' belong to Allah.
Such as Richard is a beautiful name, but it isn't Asmaul Husna. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 9-7-2006 09:25 AM
Have you read about Asma ul Husna....:lebai:
Yeap read "her" long ago. So what? I can claim all the best names are mine.. it makes no difference.
99.. short of one immportant attributes.. The Imaginary Deity.
Thats the only attribute that i think of Allah. Not only me lah but millions of people think Allah is only imaginary deity.
Originally posted by kid at 9-7-2006 02:16 PM
He (Faithhealer) misunderstood the phrase, that should read:
"..all beautiful name THAT belong to Allah.." (The other beautiful 'names' of Allah)
In Islam we called it Asmaul Husna ...
I don't think so..
"The most beautiful names belong to Allah (God): so call on Him by them;..." (Quran 7:180)
Originally posted by karengkang at 8-7-2006 07:13 PM
so, konsep pahala dan dosa nih diajarkan supaya manusia berhati2 dengan tindakan/pekerjaan/kelakuan masing2..
suka berbuat kebaikan...takut berbuat kejahatan..
Agaknya concept pahala dan dosa dari agama arab kamu tu tak-laku lah..
Walaupun dari kecil dah didik mengenai pahala dan dosa.. tapi
tengok aje siapa jadi peragut, penaggih dadah, perompak, perogol dll.. kebayakanya org muslim lah. sebab there is no sincerity dlm hati mereka.
Buat jahat lepas tu buat baik dapat pahala.. boleh clear dosa.. otak cow-dung punya org.
Lebih baik ajar MORAL daripada ajar Agama yg tak guna tu kat murid2 di sekolah.
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 9-7-2006 05:14 PM
Agaknya concept pahala dan dosa dari agama arab kamu tu tak-laku lah..
Walaupun dari kecil dah didik mengenai pahala dan dosa.. tapi
tengok aje siapa jadi peragut, penaggih dadah, perompak, perogol dll.. kebayakanya org muslim lah. sebab there is no sincerity dlm hati mereka.
Buat jahat lepas tu buat baik dapat pahala.. boleh clear dosa.. otak cow-dung punya org.
Lebih baik ajar MORAL daripada ajar Agama yg tak guna tu kat murid2 di sekolah.
wahh...banyak pandai lar ini incik Atheist.. :clap::clap:
agaknya "peragut, penaggih dadah, perompak, perogol dll" yg ko cakap kat atas tu SAMA PEMIKIRAN dengan ko...
alaa...yg konon2nya mengaku Islam tu lar..
siapa ajar ko camtuh ? :stp:
rompak takpe...isap dadah takpe...rogol orang takpe...
esok2 berenti lar..
esok2 biler dah buat kebaikan clear ah nantik tuh...
esok2 bila nak mati bertaubat lar..
camtu eh agaknya konsep yg korang faham pasal dosa/pahala nih..
buku teks sungguh ko nih.. lol
dude...pernah tak ko dengar ayat:
"sesenang-senang berbuat dosa - sesusah-susah mendapatkan pahala"
membuat kebaikan tu memang lar senang...
berbuat baik pada orang/menolong, berpuasa,solat dan sebagainya..
tapi adakah semua kebaikan yg kita buat tu SAH dapat pahala ?
niat manusia ni bermacam2..
ada yg suka dipuji orang..
ada yg suka dilihat orang..
ada yg malu kalau tak buat...
ada yg takut kalau buat..
so niat,perbuatan dengan hati yg ikhlas kena sejalan beb...
bukan senang nak sampai ke tahap tuh..
sebabnya biler dah sejalan... maka sekecil2 kebaikan adalah sebesar2 pahala disisi-Nya...
erkk yea ah..
ko maner tau semua tuh...ko maner ader Tuhan :lol
lagek satu dude..
biler agama kata jangan,jauhkan,hindarkan,tinggalkan..
kalau manusia takmo ikut..
kalau manusia degil..
kalau manusia tu liat nak ikut/tinggalkan..
salah agama ke ?
akai lu maner ?? :lol
kalau agama yg suruh buat,patuh,ikut..
boleh lar lu seret pakai borong ke...pakai pukal ke...
ada Islam kata suruh buat ?
akai ada ka ? :nerd:
sepandai-pandai ko - sebodoh-bodoh aku :nerd:
[ Last edited by karengkang at 9-7-2006 06:07 PM ] |
Originally posted by karengkang at 9-7-2006 06:06 PM
agaknya "peragut, penaggih dadah, perompak, perogol dll" yg ko cakap kat atas tu SAMA PEMIKIRAN dengan ko...
Lagi2 Salah..
Org islam yg jadi peragut, penaggih dadah, perompak, perogol, pengedar dadah, pagawai polis yg mintak rasuah dll ade lah dari golongan seperti kamu yg percaya hadis2 yg bodoh tu yg kata "pahala boleh hapuskan dosa".
Org seperti saya, basically try to follow the Golden Rule.. bukan cari pahala atau dosa.
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