Reply #440 Wong Onn Yong's post
rajin betul awak ni belajar macam2 yer? escrima tu mana mai pulak? |
Originally posted by cloud_hardcore at 24-11-2006 06:35 PM
myb kot....
tp klu leh nk wat thread ni utk bg pendapat ttg falsafah seni beladiri....
la stakat untuk pendapat dia kaaa ekekke |
Originally posted by windof at 30-6-2008 10:48 PM
hang belajaq jkd pulak ka?
Dulu dekat Kensankai saya hanya belajar Aikikai Aikido |
Originally posted by windof at 30-6-2008 10:48 PM
hang belajaq jkd pulak ka?
Dulu dekat Kensankai saya hanya belajar Aikikai Aikido |
Reply #444 Wong Onn Yong's post
so awak dah cuba kedua2 aikikai dan yoshinkan, mana yg awak lebih suka dan kenapa? |
Originally posted by windof at 6-7-2008 02:37 AM
so awak dah cuba kedua2 aikikai dan yoshinkan, mana yg awak lebih suka dan kenapa?
Saya lebih suka Yoshinkan, sebab secara personaliti saya sudah dapat jawapan yang logik. Aikikai juga tak ada masalah bagi diri saya, masalahnya cumalah pemikiran seseorang Aikidoka sendiri. Pemikiran terbuka barulah dapat majukan diri, tak kira Aikikai atau Yoshinkan. |
Satu hari saya mengunjung sebuah Jujutsu dojo, itu dikenali sebagai Kano Jujutsu atau Kokusai Jujutsu. Jujutsu itu termasuk juga teknik Aikido dan Judo, tapi kadang-kadang sesetengah langkah Jujutsu tak boleh dilihat di Aikido dan Judo. Jujutsu itu complete grappling art, ia memang ada ground fighting juga seperti BJJ. Tapi BJJ itu terlalu menumpukan dengan ground fighting, oleh itu mungkin ada masalah semasa menemui lebih daripada satu lawan.
Oleh kerana kos pengangkutan tak ideal sangat, sebab itu saya masih belum lagi kembali ke akar Jujutsu yang asal. |
Reply #446 Wong Onn Yong's post
saya setuju ngan awak, ia memerlukan disiplin diri sendiri utk maju. awak kelihatan spt seorang yg rajin menuntut ilmu bela diri di mana ada peluang, tahniah saya ucapkan. teruskan usaha anda, mana tahu anda akan menjadi sensei seni gabungan semua art yg anda belajar suatu hari nanti. |
Wolf howling at your door
Hi Panzer,
The other day I wrote to you about being a "sheep".
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a West Point psychology professor, Professor of Military Science, and
author "On Combat", explains that there are three kinds of people in this world...
First are the sheep who live in ignorance and only want to enjoy life's pleasures.
Then there are the wolves; those who prey on the sheep (criminals, terrorists, bullies, etc.)
Finally there are the sheep dogs. That is, the people who protect the sheep from the wolves
(You, me, police officers, soldiers, etc.).
The big problem is that the sheep generally don't much like us sheep dogs unless we are saving
their lives at that very moment. Therefore many sheep in society tragically see no difference
between dogs and wolves.
In order to better protect my loved ones and those whom would depend on me in a time of
crisis, I do my best to keep up an active sheep dog lifestyle. I train my mind and forge my body
into a living weapon.
Needless to say the sheep around me don't understand it, and some have even called me
things like "killer" and "savage." They say how they could never take the life of another human
being and how it is morally wrong, even in self defense.
I just listen to their ignorant rantings and let them talk themselves into a hole. Once they are
finish telling me the latest crap about how violence only begets more violence, I remind them
about how bad the wolves can really be.
And after I relate the recent tragic tale of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian down in
Tennessee, the bull# stops and my life choice doesn't seem so wrong. Here's what I'm talking
The idea of a young couple being murdered by a group of killers who seem more like monsters then
men is something out of a horror movie.
On Saturday, January 6, 2007 Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, and Channon Gail Christian, 21, were out
on a date enjoying themselves. They went to eat at a local restaurant and were supposed to head
to a friends house to watch movies, but they never made it.
The night from hell would begin when the young couple was carjacked, bound and blindfolded, then
taken back to suspect Lemaricus Devall "Slim" Davidson's rented house.
Perhaps the young couple only thought they were being dumped someplace else and were only going
to lose their SUV and a few personal items.
They were dead wrong.
Once at the home, the couple was brutally gang-raped by the four men and one woman. Each
was made to watch the other raped and they were both beaten to within an inch of their lives.
Christopher was then the first to be murdered. They cut off his penis while he was still alive,
and poured gasoline down his throat and all over his body. They shot him three times and choked
him for fun before dumping his body and setting it on fire.
Channon's suffering continued for at least two more agonizing days. During those days, she was
raped by all the male suspects at least twenty times (a conservative estimate) while her teeth were pulled
out because she kept biting her attackers.
They cut off her breasts, poured bleach inside her (trying to destroy DNA evidence), then poured drain
cleaner down her throat in hopes of covering their crime.
All of this was done while she was alive.
They finished her off by choking her unconscious and then dismembering her body.
Right now Eric Boyd, George Geovonni Thomas, Lemaricus Devall Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and
Vanessa Coleman, who range in age from 18 to 34, are sitting in jail in Knoxville awaiting trial...
Hopefully they will be put to death as no one in their right mind could possibly think that these animals
could be "rehabilitated".
Those wolves need to be put down permanently.
I use this shocking story to remind others that wolves still walk among good people, and that
there will always be a need for sheep dogs. As always, the problem really lay in that us sheep
dogs can't always be around when self preservation comes into play. Sheep need to be
constantly reminded NEVER to give in to criminal and terrorist demands. NEVER believe what they
say, and NEVER comply or go along with them in hopes of avoiding violence, rape, or even death.
You have to fight for your life the instant you are threatened. And ONLY proven, legitimate, and
documented self defense training will help you survive. (NOT the crap they teach down on the
street corner, or the UFC junk you see on TV) I can only feel sorry for Channon and Christopher,
and I see what happened to them as another example of why I have to keep teaching REAL self
We need more sheep dogs...Woof. |
Semalam saja saya tonton acara Judo Olympic Lelaki 66kg, manalah orang tahu Masato Uchishiba menewaskan lawan dalam masa singkat! |
mr. wong,
nak tanya sikit, dalam aikido ni yoshinkan dan aikikai ni ada beza ker ? |
mr. wong,
apa beza yoshinkan dan aikikai ? |
Reply #450 Wong Onn Yong's post
mr. wong,
apa beza yoshinkan dan aikikai dlm aikido ? |
mana pergi aku nyer posting |
mana pergi aku nyer posting |
dalam byk2 jenis martial arts saya suka kung fu.walaupun nmpk x rasional tp best bila tgk fighting scenes |
testing..............testing |
mana posting aku....rasanya dah bnyk kali aku htr post |
Aikikai dan Yoshinkan memang berbeza, perbezaan pula bermacam-macam. Aikikai ini dibawah kawalan keluarga Ueshiba, dan Yoshinkan didedikasikan oleh FRU Jepun selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Andaian kata ikkyo, nikyo dan sebagainya, Yoshinkan pula ikkajo, nikajo dll seperti mesra dengan Daito Ryu.
Pada masa muda O Sensei memang sangat keras, tapi usia tua pula menjadi lembut. Gozo Shioda masih mengekalkan style keras O Sensei dan juga sistem latihan yang serius, oleh itu munculnya Yoshinkan Aikido. Yoshinkan menekankan disiplin yang keras manakala Aikikai lebih menekankan filosofi.
Setakat ini saja buat sementara! |
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pendek kata aikikai lebih lembut, yoshinkan lebih keras kaedahnya... |
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