me try nk stream hehe kat opis line clear kot kaka~
kul bape inkigayo?
haah dorg jerit ikut umo hoho~
epu eksu lachata!!
arini me asik duk replay lagu lachata je..
part rap amber me dah bley follow tp blom bley hapal lagi.. kot ikut lirik laju je me ikut.. siap iku gaya rap lagi.. bangga tetibe haha~
Kia........y TP iteww mmg canteek sgt dlm wmp.....:pompom:
nicrye Post at 6-9-2009 10:14 AM
kwenchana... aku pun mmg x aspect yg boleh tgk TP tu guna wmp... hahahaha ~~ aku pun suka tgk file TP ni sbb video mmg clear babas giler!! :pompom::pompom::pompom:
file tp tu mmg ler clear babas...tgk la dimension tu bape....
me tgk je dimension mmg dah tau....*dah besa tgk nomor dimesion tu kat umah shabang2*
sbs inki kol 3 waktu mesia....
mu OT ke ari nih.....hwaiting!
nape me rasa mu sengaja nak OT sbb nak wat keja sedut....kekekek guro je...hwaiting madus!
part akak amber sbb engrish ptt kejap je hafal kekekeke
tp lagu ni sebijik2 je lirik hoho....
nak2 lagu shinee sunbaenim dorg lagi laju nak kejo
jadual unnies
SBS Inkigayo [09.06],
KBS Super Junior Kiss the Radio [09.07],
Armed Forces Broadcasting Ent. [09.08],
LIVE POWER Music [09.11],
KBS Music Bank [09.11],
KBS 2TV - Saturday Invicible [Victoria][09.12],
MBC Music Core [09.12],
SBS Inkigayo [09.13],
LIVE POWER Music [09.19]
cr: affxtion
show akak ledo tu mmg show yg pagi sabtu kol 3.30am pagi lerrr
hoho....tunggu sahur korg leh layan ler nih....
tp kbsw lambat sket aaa....2 minggu kmdn?
nampaknye byk ler link sedut sbb dorg asyik kuar tb je kekekeke
mung mmg memahami haha sambl menyelam minum air tp me pose x pelah haha~
sambil2 wat keje me menyedut ngan berporem kaka~
lgpung me bley OT weken je.. weekdays me blk awal.. mls nk balik lmbt..
sbb tuh me slalu dtg ari cuti je..
cuti x de org nk kaco me bley sedut sepuas2nye muahaha~ best!!
lagi2 akak math dah debut.. byk keje sdut nk kna wat nih.. seb bek sunbae dorg cam dh x byk aktiviti skang nih ^_^
kan kan.. sng je nk hapal..
kot sunbae shinee tuh mmg laju gle..
semput nk nyanyi.. amber len, rap ngan kelembutan wakakaka~
ok la yorobun, nk out dulu... kpd sesaper yg dpt tgk streaming tu, kawal2 la diri anda ek...
ptg ni aku x dpt nk join tgk streaming sbb berbuka di luar... kla, hv fun!!
Girlsshowing lots of support for their hoobae group, cant wait to see theirinteractions. At Music Core SeoSooRi stood up and shouted Hwaiting!when f(x) went on stage. Sones there also helped a lot with f(x) cheer.Sooyoung's eyes were fixed on the monitoring screen watching f(x), andJessica was talking in English to Amber about something, the girls areprobably giving them many pointers on performing.
It seems likeSica is a daddy's little girl? Fans witnessed Sica doing some aegyo toher dad at Mucore. Reportedly Sica's parents moved to the sameneighborhood as the girls dorm from outside Seoul to support the girlsbetter now that Sica has more work and Krystal debuted. There was aninternational fan from ssf or soompi at Mucore and Incheon concert,maybe she'll post a fan account.
nae me pung rasa camtuh gak.. mebi sbb dia nk bg sampai gak dia wat sore len sket kaka~
amber rap mmg jjang.. sbijik cam dlm mp3.. walopon dah joget2 sore x semput.. bangga2 ^_^
clip fanmeet tuh.. klaka ble time amber je fans jerit kuat gle..
me denga gak fanboy jerit nama sulli kuat gle~
paling x bley blah.. amber kajimaaa~
kakakaka me gelak gle
그리고 저희 신인 ‘f(x)’ 가 나왔다죠!
라차타(LA chA TA) 는 현재 저의 휴대폰 벨소리와
통화 연결음을 차지 하고 있답니다.
Also, our new group 'f(x)' has debut too!
Lachata (LA chA TA) is my current handphone ringtone
As well as voice call ringing tone
SHINee도 후배가 생겼다구요!ㅋㅋㅋ 얏호-!
SHINee has juniors too Yaho-!
많이 사랑해주세요!
Please give lots of love!
물론 SHINee도 많이 사랑해 주시는 것도 잊지 마시구요..^0^
저는 이만 가보겠습니다~! ♡
At the same time, do not forget to give SHINee lots of love too.. ^0^
For now, I'll go (off)~!♡